LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 292 Assassin Association

Chapter 292 Assassin Association
Time flies, and one month has passed.

Located in Noxus, the capital city.

A secret palace is shrouded in silence. The internal structure of the palace is complex and there are many passages.

And there is a tunnel leading to the underground main hall.

In the main hall, the light was dim, and weak flames flickered, vaguely illuminating the huge space and the figures appearing everywhere in the space.

On the first floor, the second floor, and even the third floor, there were many cold looks coming from every corner. Looking around, they were all a group of people dressed in black, or wearing cloaks, or wearing masks to cover their faces.

And here is the main base of the Assassin's Association that many Noxians are afraid of and avoid.

"Who told you to come here?"

In the darkness, a voice sounded, sparking discussion.

"I don't know, I received a call from the leader."

"I just received an order and received a summons."

"Me too."

"The leader has been missing for many months, how come he suddenly issued a call?"

"Where has the chief gone these past few months?"

Various voices of discussion continued, and the assassins were all doubtful about the sudden summons.

Up to now, the assassin leader Duke Kao has been missing for more than half a year. During this period, the Assassin Association has been leaderless.

Although it still maintains normal operation, without the leader, it looks chaotic after all.

"I will give you the answer to what happens next."

At this moment, a tall and slender figure walked out slowly, with red hair, a delicate face, and a fine line of scars on the left eye.


"When did you come back?"

"Also, what do you know?"

"What's the matter with the summoning order?"

"Did you call us here?"

Heard many questions.

Catalina looked around the audience and said calmly: "I came back a day ago and basically know everything I need to know. By the way, I want to tell you that the leader is dead. Now, the token is in my hand."

As she said that, she raised her hand. In her hand was a black iron token, which looked quite heavy and solemn. In addition to the word "head" engraved on the token, there was also a layer of faint lines.

Seeing this token, many assassins present immediately showed coveting eyes.

Assassin's Association, whoever gets the token can replace the previous leader and take charge of the association.

It seems to be just an iron token, but what it represents is supreme power.

At the moment, what shocks everyone more than this token is the news of the death of leader Duke Kao.


"The leader is dead?"

"What do you know, tell me!"

"Why is the token in your hand?"

Catalina looked at the last questioner and said flatly: "Isn't the answer obvious enough? There are only two ways to transfer tokens, one is by entrusting it, and the other is by robbing. In the end, only the living ones are qualified to take it. To the token.”

The assassins present fell silent, lost in thought.

They all know that Catalina is Duke Cao's daughter and an assassin trained by him.

He has always been well-known in the Assassin's Association, but he just disobeyed orders and acted without permission, which led to the failure of the plan.

It is also because of this that a few months ago, Duke Kao personally ordered to send assassins to kill Catalina.

This matter is no longer a secret to the assassins.

Therefore, they knew that the relationship between father and daughter was absolutely impossible to trust.

After that, Duke Kao disappeared, and Katerina disappeared along with him.

Now, Catalina is back alive, and she has brought news of Duke Kao's death.

Then, there is only one possibility left.

"Did you kill the leader?"

Some assassins couldn't help but ask questions.

"Not bad." Katerina admitted lightly, and the words fell, causing a burst of discussion again.

Suddenly an assassin said coldly: "The duel in the battle between leaders must be approved by the parliament. If you kill the leader without permission, it will be useless even if you get the token. What's more, the authenticity of this token , we can’t confirm it either.”

Faced with his questioning, the assassins present also came to their senses.

In the Assassin's Association, there are six council members. These six council members are not assassins, but they hold important positions in the Assassin's Association, and each has different responsibilities.

When discussing some major matters, it needs to be voted by the parliament.

If you want to become a member of the parliament, you must also go through layers of selection and assessment, and the judgments you make must be fair and dignified.

Otherwise, if there is any biased behavior, the assassins also have the right to cancel the membership status.

All in all, the Assassin's Association is highly hierarchical, with one level controlling each level, and ultimately being jointly governed by the leaders.

It has remained standing in Noxus for many years.

For example, the boss battle must be unanimously approved by the parliament, otherwise there will be a constant stream of people coveting this position, and everyone wants to challenge it.

If the leader's position keeps changing, and the last person takes the position only two days later, he is assassinated and replaced by someone else, and the situation repeats, the association will be in chaos.

Therefore, there must be a parliament in the middle, responsible for judging and ensuring the fairness and authority of duels.

In recent decades, Duke Kao has sat in this position without any controversy due to his strong strength.

Now, even if he died, the assassins might not recognize Katerina's identity.

Faced with the questioning, Catalina looked very calm and said: "Who said I didn't notify the parliament? Besides, the authenticity of the token can be known after a test."

At this time, six more people slowly walked out from behind the scenes. The difference was that they were dressed in gray-white robes and were all over fifty.

Among them, the oldest one among them took the token and suddenly released a burst of magic power in his hand.

The light of magic flickered, and the lines on the token gradually lit up, and then a terrifying murderous intent spread out from it, which was suffocating and made the whole place sink.

It was the accumulation of murderous intent forged by the leaders of past dynasties, and it was terrifying.Since then, there is no need to debate whether the token is authentic or fake.

This is definitely the real boss token.

Only the leader token can have such terrifying killing intent.

The councilor handed the token back to Catalina's hand and said casually: " Catalina has indeed mentioned to the council about going to duel with the former leader, and the person who made the decision for the council at that time was Duke Kao himself. This matter has been unanimously approved by the council, and among them, the one who comes back with the token is the leader."

It is no longer a secret that there will be a fight between Duke Kao and Katerina, between father and daughter.

It's just that they disappeared together, so no one knows who wins or loses.

If Duke Kayo had informed the council of this matter in advance, then there was really nothing to say at the moment.

At this time, an assassin stood up and said in a cold voice: "The Assassin Association has been asking questions in the group for the past few months, and she suddenly came back with the token. To be honest, I am not questioning the fairness of the association, but I think , she does not have the ability to lead the association. Moreover, it seems that you do not intend to make the death of the former leader public. Where have they been in the past few months? Should you give us an explanation?"

"Let me answer this question for you."

At this time, Katarina said calmly: "Duccao went to Demacia a few months after he disappeared. And I chased him."


"Why does the leader want to go to Demacia?"

The assassins present all had questions.

Catalina continued: "His mission is to assassinate the king of Demacia, Jarvan III. Now, I believe you should also know about the coup in Demacia."

After the words fell, many assassins looked at each other.

Yes, the coup in Demacia is the decree for the pardon of mages.

This incident is a big deal in the entire Rune Land.

A country that had banned magic for hundreds of years suddenly announced an amnesty to all mages overnight and promised equal status to mages.

Although it may seem like a simple order, the meaning behind it is much more than that.
Demacia began to use magic, which was something no one dared to think of before.

The two parties have been at odds for so long. Demacia, which has no magic, has always been known for its strong soldiers and horses. With the addition of mages, it is hard to imagine how their strength will improve.

What the assassins present did not expect was that Duke Kao would be related to this matter.

"Yes, in a sense, he can be said to have personally promoted this regulation in Demacia."

Catalina saw the surprised looks in the assassins' eyes and still spoke calmly: "The rebellion was launched by the nobles and demon seekers using mages. Their goal was to break through the Castle of Dawn, and Duke Cao blended in, waiting for an opportunity to assassinate. Jarvan III. However, his assassination was doomed to fail from the beginning."

"Jiawen III was aware of their plan and made preparations in advance, waiting to catch them all. Ducao failed in the assassination and escaped from Dawn Castle. You also know what happened next."

Catalina raised the token in her hand, indicating that a big battle had passed between father and daughter.

Now, the one standing in front of them is the winner.

"And this time I went to Demacia and made a lot of interesting discoveries, but I will tell you about this later."

Catalina looked at the assassin she had just questioned, and a confident smile appeared on her lips: "As for you, whether I have the ability to hold this position. I will give you a chance. From now on, there is no need to obtain approval from the parliament. , you can challenge me at any time, and whoever succeeds in the challenge will be the next owner of the token."

As soon as the words fell, the assassins suddenly recovered from the story Catalina had just told, and they all looked at the token in her hand with greedy eyes.

The assassin who first asked the question also confirmed again: "Is what you said true?"

"It's absolutely true, and the House of Representatives was there to testify."

Katerina smiled lightly.

"it is good."

The assassin nodded slightly, but his body suddenly exploded after he finished speaking.

Like a leaping cheetah, the speed that burst out in a short moment was terrifying, leaving only an afterimage in the air.

The assassin's short blade with murderous intent had already attacked Catalina.

Catalina's expression remained unchanged, and with a crisp "ding" sound, she easily resisted the attack.

Then, the two of them moved at the same time, their weapons clashing in the air, with a crisp sound of "clang" and a cold light flashing.

Suddenly, Katerina stopped moving, and the assassin also stopped at the same time.

A second passed, and the assassin covered his neck in horror, but failed to stop the spray of blood, and fell down with unwilling eyes.

The whole place suddenly shook, and many assassins were surprised. They didn't even see clearly how Katarina won.

And while the assassins were stunned, another fast figure suddenly appeared from behind Catalina, also very fast.

However, he was also noticed by Katerina at the first time. After only a few rounds of confrontation, the No. 2 assassin who coveted the position of leader also fell to the ground.

Next came the third, fourth, and until the fifth assassin fell, the smell of blood had spread throughout the audience.

Catalina stood tall and straight, holding two short blades with cold light in her hands. Her face was cold and she stood there indifferently with a casual expression. At her feet were five greedy corpses.

Each one kills with one blow, no need for a second blow.

She showed such great strength that she shocked the whole audience.

There was silence in the audience, and Catalina looked around: "Now, is there anyone who is still dissatisfied? This is the only chance."

No one answered.

After a few seconds of silence, an assassin suddenly knelt down on one knee, made a fist with one hand and placed it solemnly on the ground, and said: "See the leader."

The surrounding assassins came to their senses one after another, and they also knelt on one knee and said in unison: "See the leader!"

In Noxus, strength is respected and strength is supreme.

Catalina, who has been supported by the parliament, has shown such strong strength that she no longer needs to be questioned.

From this moment on, the new leader of the Assassin's Association truly belongs to Katarina.

Seeing this, a beautiful smile appeared on Catalina's lips, and she put away the dagger: "Since you all recognize my identity as leader, from now on, no matter whether you were Duke Kao's old subordinate or Everyone who belongs to my old subordinates must listen to my orders. If there is any disobedience, I will spare no effort to launch a purge. If you believe in my strength, I will never let the traitor live. "

Her cold and ruthless words fell into the ears of the assassins, but they were perfectly normal.

The Assassin's Association has been able to stand for so long precisely because of its extremely high sense of unity. When the leader gives an order, his subordinates will all come forward.

The traitors will be eliminated by all assassins as soon as possible.

After all, the Assassin's Association is also a place for many assassins to make a lot of money, and there is no profit exploitation here.

All assassination orders are laid out fairly and openly. If the assassination of a target costs one thousand gold, the association will take [-]% of it, and the rest will belong to the assassin personally.

In Noxus, they don't have to worry about not getting orders.

For assassins, this is the way to survive.

Therefore, every assassin who joins the association must be prepared to be attacked by all the assassins after committing an act of betrayal.

(End of this chapter)

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