LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 293 Playing with the bright cards

Chapter 293 Playing with the bright cards
Look around the audience.

Catalina spoke again: "Now, the first order I want to give is this."

After she finished speaking, several people walked out pushing a cart with stacks of white paper on it.

"what is this?"

One of the assassins asked in confusion.

Catalina said softly: "You might as well take a look."

After saying that, several assassins came forward, picked up the paper, put their eyes on it, and started reading.

However, they didn't take a few glances, and their pupils shrank slightly, with shock flickering in them.

"This is."

More and more assassins were curious and stepped forward one after another, picking up and reading one by one.

"Black Rose? Pale Witch LeBlanc, this organization faked their own death more than ten years ago? They are still controlling the political power, and the history of this organization is even older than Noxus?"

The assassins who saw this information were all shocked.

As an assassin organization and the fastest intelligence agency in Noxus, the assassins present were no strangers to the Black Rose Incident more than ten years ago.

However, members of this organization had already been beheaded one after another at that time.

Everyone thought the incident was over.

Unexpectedly, more than ten years later, I would see news about Black Rose again.

Moreover, it was far more shocking than the last time.

"This is what I just wanted to say, what I found when I went to Demacia this time."

Catalina's eyes flashed coldly, and then she said: "The center of power in Noxus has always been influenced by this organization, and the terrifying influence of this organization has almost spread all over Runeterra. Shurima and Germany on the next continent Marcia, both have shadows of Black Rose members.”

An assassin couldn't help but ask: "How do you know this, leader?"

Katarina said: "The instigator behind the rebellion in Demacia is a member of the Black Rose. And I learned this from her through some means. By the way, Duke Kao was assigned to Demacia by the Black Rose."

The assassins were silent, each of them deep in thought.

A mysterious organization that has been established for hundreds of years. During these hundreds of years, it has been influencing the political power of Noxus, and its influence has even spread to various places outside Noxus.

This can simply be described as an exaggeration.

However, Katarina, who personally went to Demacia and brought back the news, has a certain degree of credibility.

What surprised them even more was that the former leader, Duke Kao, was actually a member of the Black Rose?
"You mean to spread this information?"

an assassin asked.

"That's right." Katarina nodded, "Noxus can no longer be manipulated and reduced to a puppet. I don't know if any of you here are members of the Black Rose. It doesn't matter, because this will be me, A declaration of war on the Black Rose.”

Her voice had a unique coldness, but it was very powerful.

Judging from her starting point, the assassins really couldn't see the benefits of Katarina's actions.

There was no need for her to tell a lie and fabricate an unfounded organization. She was now the leader of the Assassin's Association.

If the content on this paper is true, it is indeed terrifying. The black rose has penetrated into every place in Noxus.

If we don't do something, we will become a puppet just like Katarina said.

The assassins looked at each other, unsure whether the people around them were members of the Black Rose, but in their hearts, they had already made their decision.

"Don't worry, leader, this news will be made known to all Noxians as quickly as possible."

An assassin bowed and accepted the order with a serious tone.

You know, the Assassin's Association is also the top intelligence agency in Noxus. All kinds of information will be grasped by the Assassin's Association at the first time and then conveyed to various places.

Therefore, this aspect is also where the Assassin's Association excels.

"Activate all assassins and intelligence relay personnel. I want news of the Black Rose to appear throughout Noxus within three days."

Katerina ordered coldly.


The assassins present all responded.

"Action begins immediately."

Watching the assassins leave one by one, Catalina stood quietly and picked up the paper recording the Black Rose's information and read it.

It can be said that all the known information about Black Rose is written on it, including the mysterious leader of the organization, the Pale Witch, LeBlanc, and the Trickster Enchantress who have many aliases.

This is something Katarina has considered on the way, if members of the Black Rose have penetrated everywhere.

Then even if he investigates secretly, he will only be dragged into the matter in the end.

It's better to simply play with the bright cards.

Take the initiative and let Black Rose fall into passivity.

No matter how many members there are in the Black Rose, it is impossible for all Noxians to be one of them.

What she needs is the strength of the entire Noxus community to unite.

Naturally, this move brought the Assassin's Association to the forefront, but Katarina believed that this was something that had to be experienced.

If you don't even have the courage to fight, then you might as well be the puppet of the Black Rose.

After leaving the association base, it was already dark outside, and Catalina returned home alone.

The empty mansion looked extremely dark with no light at all. There was no sound at all inside and it was very deserted.

Not to mention Duke Kao, even she rarely returns to this home.

There was already dust on the door handle. Katerina opened the door, walked into the home, lit the torch, and the light finally illuminated the living room.

But the gray tone still looks extremely deserted.

In the most conspicuous place, there is a portrait of a seemingly happy family of four.

Husband, wife and two young daughters.

However, Caterina remembered that when she went to paint this portrait, Duke Cao led his troops to break through the defenses of Shurima Customs, and then took his wife Soleana and Cassiopeia over.

He hurriedly called a painter and drew a reunion painting for the family.

Not long after that, he was recalled to Noxus and took her with him.

Since then, she, her mother and sister have been together less and more apart. Basically, they rarely see each other for a year, and most of the time they exchange letters.

In the beginning, the two sisters exchanged letters very closely, but now it has decreased, to basically one letter a month or once every few months.

I remember the last time I saw my mother and sister was over a year or two years ago.

However, even if they haven't seen each other for a long time, Catalina still regards them as her closest relatives.So did they really join Black Rose secretly?

Sitting on the sofa, Catalina couldn't help but think of this question.

If they are really a member of the Black Rose, what should she do?
She had thought about this question many times on the road.

Katerina clenched her fists unconsciously and took a deep breath.

No matter what, he must pull them out of the abyss of this organization.

At this time, the torch hanging on the wall flickered, and Catalina suddenly said: "Come out, Tyrone."

Not long after he finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared in the dark corner of the living room.

He was wearing a blue and white cloak, and his face was hidden under the cloak. Then he raised his head, revealing a face with a mask. It was not difficult to tell from his cold eyes that he was very young.

"It seems that your perception has become sharper. When did you discover me?"

He stood there and asked aloud.

Catalina glanced at him sideways and said, "Probably since she left the Assassin's Association."

Tai Lung said: "Really? We haven't seen you for a few months and you have changed a lot."

"Don't talk nonsense, our relationship is not enough to reminisce about the past. If it weren't for the assassination a few months ago, I wouldn't have known that he still had a number one figure like you by his side."

Catalina stood up, and with a slight flick of her empty slender hand, a dagger with a cold light suddenly appeared.

"I killed your master. If you are here to seek revenge for him, then do it as soon as possible. The last time we had a duel, it seemed that there was no winner. It's time to end it."

As she spoke, her whole body was ready to move.

Tai Lung still stood there, with no intention of attacking: "I actually lost the last duel. But the price I paid was not my life, and I am no match for you now."

"Then what are you here for?"

Seeing that he really had no intention of attacking, Catalina frowned slightly.

Before an assassin takes action, no matter how sophisticated the assassin is, there will be a moment of killing intent. Catalina has been trained to sense killing intent since she was a child, so she naturally knows that the Tyrone in front of her has no fighting intention at all.

In other words, if Katarina wanted to fight, she would definitely gain an overwhelming advantage by charging forward.

She had met Talon among the assassins sent by Duke Kao to assassinate her. He was also one of the assassins who assassinated her at that time, and he was the fastest to find her.

The two sides exchanged two moves, and then ended in a draw.

Talon gave up on assassinating her and told her that other assassins were on their way before leaving.

If it weren't for this reason, Catalina would have taken action immediately.

"He once told me that life is like licking blood on the tip of a knife. You may be killed at any time. This is the fate of an assassin."

Tai Lung spoke calmly at this time: "So, even if he dies in your hands, I am not prepared to seek revenge for him. In other words, I can truly embark on my own path as an assassin."

He was once a thief in the lower areas of Noxus. With his superb stealing skills, he could only make ends meet in the lower areas.

What impressed him most was the smelly sewers in the lower area. In order to avoid those who arrested him, he hid there for an unknown amount of time.

Until one day, he met Duke Kao, and he was defeated by his sword in the moment of the fight.

Duke Kao did not kill him, but took him in, continuously trained him, and taught him the art of assassination.

Tai Lung's assassination skills have been improving over the years, but he has always obeyed Duke Cao and followed his orders to assassinate various targets.

He nearly died on several occasions during missions.

Duke Kao gave him an environment to grow up, gave him food and clothing, and taught him skills. It was a blessing.

But over the years, what he has done for Duke Kao is already repaying a favor.

"I'm here this time just to ask you a few questions."

Tai Lung spoke up again at this time: "During the period of his disappearance, I have been investigating the clues of his disappearance. Indeed, as you said, I found some information about the Black Rose, but I was not convinced at the time. Now it seems that this mysterious organization is indeed real. I want to ask, is the news that he joined the Black Rose true?"

Facing Tyrone's gaze, Catalina answered directly without thinking too much: "It's true."

She didn't mind lying about the dead old guy, even though he didn't seem to be a member of the Black Rose and was still an opposition faction.

But now, he doesn't have to be.

Katarina needed a reason to eliminate his influence in the Assassin's Association and secure his position.

It is also necessary to quit at any time and he will take the blame.


Tyrone believed Catalina: "Before he disappeared, he rarely contacted me. His whereabouts were unpredictable. He must have joined the Black Rose."

"The second thing is, I hope to join the Assassin's Association."

After Tyrone finished speaking, he saw Catalina frowning and showing doubts in her eyes.

Explained: "Before this, I had always been solely subordinate to his subordinates and was not a member of the Assassin's Association."

Katarina asked at this time: "Your path as an assassin is to join the Assassin's Association?"

"Yes, now that I am used to working for others, the Assassin's Association is naturally a good choice, and I need money to make a living."

Tai Lung said bluntly: "Furthermore, I think you can become a qualified leader. Joining the Assassin's Association seems to be very promising. This is why."

It didn't look like he was lying.

Catalina thought he was a weird person the last time they met, but now that she had just become the leader of the Assassin's Association, she was short of people under her command.

"Since you said so, I will naturally not refuse. Welcome to the Assassin's Association, Tai Lung."

After thinking about it, Katarina agreed to Tyrone's application. After thinking about it for a moment, she said: "Now I will give you the first task. To investigate a person named Mellie. She is now named Demacia's Queen, I was Noxus before this. You should understand so much, right? The reward will be five hundred gold, and another clue will be one hundred gold."

After Tai Lung thought for a moment, he nodded and said, "Yes."

After saying that, his figure flashed and disappeared from the place like smoke.

Katarina squinted her eyes and saw that this was Shunpo.

It seems that the old guy doesn't hide his secrets from outsiders, and even taught him Shunpo.

In other words, Tai Lung's talent is so high that he deserves to learn Shunpo?

Regardless, Tyrone seems like a guy worth using.

Now, it’s time to test whether the old thing can be used by those left behind.

Speaking of this, Catalina thought of something again and looked around for it.

Finally, his eyes were fixed on the cabinet against the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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