LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 299 It’s really because of something

Chapter 299 It’s really because of something

In the afternoon, Lu Qi returned home from the palace.

I had a drink with Si Shi at noon and was already a little tipsy when I got home, but I sobered up quickly.

As expected, Lacus and the others went to prepare gifts. They should have gone to the streets to carefully select them.

Although I was prepared, I still felt very happy when I received the gift.

In this way, it lasted until dinner time.

Lu Qi took out the birthday cake given by the system, and when he walked out pushing a three-layered cake, he immediately attracted many pairs of eyes.

This cake is covered with a snow-white coat, but there are many buildings on it. There are three layers in total, and each layer is different. Upon closer inspection, it is very different from the architectural style of Demacia.

In terms of appearance, this cake is definitely a work of art.

However, Lux was more concerned about its taste at the moment.

But after all, it is produced by Luqi, so the taste cannot be different.

So it only took everyone less than an hour to finish a three-layer cake, plus a specially prepared dinner.

"It's delicious, but there's too much chocolate and it's a bit harsh on your teeth."

Lux hugged her slightly protruded belly and lay contentedly on the sofa, her expression very comfortable.

Those houses were built with chocolate, jelly beans and other materials. She shoveled them down, feeling a subtle sense of destroying the city.

And it tasted crunchy, like a monster chewing something.

As a result, the more she ate, the more energetic she became, and she ate up more than half of the chocolate in one mouthful of delicate small teeth.

"When you're full, let's go out and digest."

Lu Qi stood up, stretched out his waist, and wanted to go for a walk outside.

When we left the yard, it was already dark, and a few stars quietly climbed to the sky, highlighting the tranquil night sky.

He only told the people closest to him about his birthday, so today was actually not a lively day.

But just like this, Lu Qi was very satisfied.

It's not bad to have a successful first birthday in Runeterra.

The dinner at night in May was very comfortable, which dissipated his desire to return. He wanted to enjoy the wind for a while, and thought about taking a bath in the hot springs later.

He sat on a chair in the backyard, looking up at the night.

After a while, a figure gently sat aside.

Looking sideways, it was Fiona.

She raised her head slightly, revealing her delicate profile. Her cold eyes looked at the night sky, flickering slightly at the moment: "It's strange. I have only known you for a year, but I feel that time has passed so quickly, as if it has already passed." It’s been a long time.”

Lu Qi smiled and said: "Doesn't this mean that every day with me is fulfilling?"

Fiona was startled, then suddenly smiled and said: "Yes, it's very fulfilling. Sometimes I used to feel that you were incompatible with my world, but two people like us can blend together just right."

Two people who were supposed to be in two different worlds now have the most intimate bond in the world and can talk about anything.

Fiona took the initiative to hold Lu Qi's hand and held his palm together.

Her hand was not as big as Lu Qi's, and the feeling of holding it was very delicate. The palms of their hands began to gradually heat up as they held each other.

From the warm palms, they both felt each other's beating heart.

"By the way, I'll prepare a gift for you later."

The corners of Fiona's mouth slightly raised at this moment, and she turned her head to look at Lu Qi, her eyes shining with moving luster.

Lu Qi was a little curious: "What gift?"

"You'll find out later."

Fiona exhaled like a blue breath, and her mysterious temperament made Lu Qi's heart itch a few times.

The two of them didn't have much time alone. Soon Lux and the others came to the backyard, and then it was time to soak in the hot spring.

Lu Qi was lying in the hot spring pool, thinking of Miss Sword Girl's eyes that were about to become stringy just now, and realized that a big battle tonight was probably unavoidable.

Late at night, in order to celebrate Lu Qi's birthday, Lux stood firm until the last moment before going home.

She felt that she was very happy today, or in other words, as long as she was by Lu Qi's side, she seemed to be happy every day.

It's a pity that I didn't prepare a birthday gift for Lu Qi in advance, so today's gift is still a bit hasty.

However, Lux secretly made a note of May [-]st in her mind so that she could prepare a big gift for him in advance next year.

Lying on her bed at home, Lux thought about the fireworks that guy prepared for her birthday, and her heartbeat speeded up unconsciously.

I fell asleep without knowing it.

And in Lu Qi's room.

He was already prepared to stay up late, feeling a little strange and curious at the same time.

For some reason Fiona asked him to go back to his room first, she would arrive later.

At this time in the past, Lu Qi had already drawn his sword and found a way to charge.

At this moment, there were subtle footsteps outside the door, which made Lu Qi's heart skip a beat.

But soon, he realized that these were not like the footsteps of one person!

The next moment, the door was pushed open, and the first person to walk in was Fiona, who was dressed in plain clothes. As long as she gently pulled the string around her neck, the entire white top could come off.

And she was holding another delicate palm in her hand. With a slight tug, Sona's figure appeared in Lu Qi's eyes.

The blue-haired girl almost buried her head in her chest, and her whole lovely face was so red that it almost steamed up.

She was originally more timid and shy than Fiona, but perhaps she could muster up some courage on her own for this kind of thing, and she and Fiona would be alone for the whole day by default when nothing happened.

However, Fiona suddenly came over today, breaking the default balance between them.

Thinking of what was going to happen later, the temperature on Sona's face never dropped.

She has also been dressed up carefully. She is wearing a simple long skirt at the moment, showing off her proud figure.

The two beautiful women were standing there, it was a stunning scene at night.

Lu Qi was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him, and immediately realized what the gift Fiona had prepared was.

But Fiona had already closed the door, blocking Sona's final escape route.

She leaned close to Sona's ear and whispered something. Finally, two pairs of moving eyes raised at the same time and locked on Lu Qi.

A big battle is inevitable.

Late at night, the first rain of summer fell from the sky.

The rain was heavy, pattering, pattering on the trees, walls, and roads. Coupled with the strong wind, the two blended together like a symphony.

Water stains have soaked everywhere, and judging from the intensity of the rain tonight, I'm afraid it won't stop in a short time.

The next day, Lu Qi woke up early.

In other words, he barely slept, but he had to wake up.

Dragging his sleepy and exhausted body, his legs were slightly weak, Lu Qi went downstairs to practice some body-building techniques, then washed up, and finally regained his energy.It rained last night, and there were water stains everywhere in the yard. I thought of the two girls who were still sleeping soundly in the room.

The smile on Lu Qi's lips was slightly bitter, and then he slapped his sore thigh.

Even he didn't expect that the gift prepared by Sword Girl would be this.

It was indeed the biggest surprise for his birthday, but it was just too much.

Lu Qi felt that this girl must have felt that she couldn't beat her in a one-on-one fight, so she called someone specifically.

Now he has become the disadvantaged party again, and it is really beyond his capabilities to fight one against two.

The reason why he got up so early was because Lu Qi remembered that he was going to the Mage Association today.

A few days ago, I heard from Frey that there was new progress in research and development, and I made an appointment to go take a look today. In the past half month, Lu Qi has not paid much attention to the progress of the Mage Association.

I don’t know what Frey has researched in the past so long.

It wasn't because he was afraid of those two girls, it was just because something happened and there was nothing he could do.

Ask Yourna to prepare the carriage and set off directly towards the Mage Association. .
On the road, in the carriage, Lu Qi slept soundly. Even though the carriage bumped and rocked, he still slept soundly.

"Your Highness, here we are."

Yourna opened the front curtain of the carriage and entered the carriage when she saw that Lu Qi did not respond.

Lu Qi was lying on the bench in the carriage with a sleeping look on his face.

However, Yourna did not take the next step to wake him up, but quietly looked at his sleeping face.

Lu Qi's sleeping face illustrates how lethal this face can be when it is quiet. Even if those special eyes are not exposed, it is still very handsome.

The face is angular, the eyebrows are long, the lips are very thin, and the bridge of the nose is slightly straight.

Before I knew it, I had been serving him for a year.

Yourna gradually approached, getting closer and closer to the face, and then stopped at a suitable position. As long as she leaned forward, her chest could rest on his arm.

Yourna did nothing else and still watched quietly, but an unknown emotion flashed through her purple eyes at this moment.

She stretched out her hand towards Lu Qi's thin lips, as if she wanted to touch it quietly, but she changed her mind halfway, and instead put her hand on Lu Qi's shoulder, shook it, and said softly: "Your Highness, we are here. "

Lu Qi did sleep soundly, maybe mainly because he was tired.

At this moment, he was shaken awake, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Yourna's beautiful and cold face. She was squatting next to him, and she could see the white and delicate skin exposed at the collar and neck of the maid uniform.

There was a faint aroma coming from her body. Urna did not have the habit of wearing perfume, and this aroma was different from the smell after soaking in the hot spring.

It is a fragrance like purple orchid, with a slightly mysterious atmosphere.

Lu Qi's eyes moved to the ceiling of the carriage. He was in a daze for a second before he woke up. He sat up, yawned and asked, "How long have I been asleep?"

"More than two hours."

"More than two hours? Is it that long?"

"Absolutely. I saw that His Highness was sleeping soundly, so I called him a little later."


Lu Qi got off the carriage and felt much better after getting some sleep.

Not far ahead is the Mage Association. After more than a month, there have been many changes.

For example, the style of the exterior wall has been changed. Instead of using the high walls of the previous Demon Searcher, a more spacious and imposing entrance hall has been rebuilt.

Walking up the stairs, I met many people on the way, including several mages. When they saw Lu Qi, they all saluted and said hello.

Nodding in greeting, Lu Qi continued to walk inside and looked at a poster not far away.

It says something like the Mage Academy and so on.

This is something the Mages Association is planning recently, because there are too many mages across the country, and among them there are even more people who have no magic experience at all.

You know, losing control of magic is a very troublesome thing, especially when it happens to a person who has good magic but no magic at all.

Silas was an example back then, although his situation was also quite special.

Therefore, the Mage Association wants to set up an academy and send dedicated people to teach inexperienced mages how to learn magic.

Of course, among these mages, there are also many who are young, and they can be taught from an early age, and they will all become outstanding mages in the future.

Now that the establishment of the college has received the support of the parliament, preparations have been made to select a site recently, and posters have been sent out in advance.

Mage academies will be established in three major cities: Royal Capital, Mithril City, and Tobitsia.

At that time, all mages from all over the country can go to the school.

Continuing to walk forward, Lu Qi saw a new department.

It's called the Forbidden Demon Statue Research and Development Department.

The department head is a member of the Menke family, and the Menke family is the descendant of the famous Master Durang.

As for Durang's masterpiece, it is the towering giant statue outside the city.

It is made entirely of Forbidden Demon Stone, and it is unknown what kind of core is used inside. With the assassination of Du Lang that year, a large part of the technology of the Forbidden Demon Statue was lost.

Now, everyone knows that the statue he built can miraculously wake up.

And magic seems to be the key to the Colossus waking up.

For this reason, they specially invited Lux ​​to wake up Galio and inquire about the situation.

However, the memory that was disturbed was too old, and Galio had already forgotten it.

So the Menke family can only use all the information they currently have, and plan to try to see if they can replicate the deeds of their ancestors.

If more of these movable Forbidden Stone statues could be built, it would be a big improvement for Demacia.

The main person in charge is the Menke family, and they have also sent out solicitations across the country, needing outstanding craftsmen to go.

Before going to Frey, Lu Qi first entered the Forbidden Demon Statue Department to take a look.

Someone noticed his arrival and immediately came to greet him: "See you, Your Highness."

"Hello, Minister."

Lu Qi looked at him and nodded.

The man in front of him is Winward's younger brother, Smit Menke, who is also the director of the Forbidden Demon Statue Department.

The Forbidden Demon Statue Department occupies a large space. As soon as Lu Qi came in, he heard the sound of knocking, like blowing on the boulder, "dang dang dang".

He looked around and saw that many people were gathering around a small statue.

This statue is about five meters high and looks like a four-limbed animal, like a cheetah or a tiger.

"Is this your new forbidden demon statue?"

"Yes." Smit nodded, looked over and said, "We haven't named it yet, and we haven't conducted experiments to see if it can be activated. But we have spent so long and made so many preparations, so there must be a chance."

His eyes were very confident. After all, he was fully prepared and spent a lot of resources to get started.

(End of this chapter)

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