LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 300 The heartache is too painful to breathe

Chapter 300 The heartache is too painful to breathe

The construction progress of this forbidden demon statue in the form of a tiger and leopard is nearing completion.

The reason why I built a small one was naturally to test whether I could imitate Durang and create a "living" statue.

If it is feasible, then the plan for the Forbidden Demon Statue will be officially put on the agenda.

Lu Qi thought for a moment and asked, "When will the experiment start?"

Smit replied: "In three days, His Highness will definitely come."

Lu Qi nodded: "Okay, I will come to personally test your results when the time comes."

If they can successfully replicate Durang's work, then this will become another important project for Demacia.

After leaving the Forbidden Demon Statue Department, Lu Qi learned that Frey was currently conducting experiments on the third floor below, and immediately set off there.

The first, second and third floors below the Mage Association are confidential places. Only association personnel with high authority can enter. The core secrets of the association are stored inside. The lower the floors, the higher the level of confidentiality.

The security is getting better and better.

Of course, to Lu Qi, it makes no difference whether he has them or not.

The journey to the negative third floor was smooth. There was only one laboratory here, and Lu Qi went directly to it.

Halfway down the road, he felt a faintly disturbing aura, as well as the magic surrounding him.

When you reach the entrance of the laboratory, you can see that the entire laboratory is covered by a wave of demonic energy, and the whole laboratory is exuding a terrifying chill.

It's as if something terrifying is waiting inside, which is daunting.

But only Lu Qi knew that this was a kind of demonic power, and he had the same power as these breaths in his body.

All from the hands of a demon.

He didn't stay too long and opened the door directly.The scene inside the door was even more horrifying. It could be called a chaotic dance of demons. Black breaths were flying randomly in the laboratory, making sounds like ghosts floating around.

When they saw the door being opened, they scrambled to escape, but they seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, as if the devil's power was out of control. This scene made Lu Qi frown slightly.

At this moment, a figure slowly walked out of the aura, it was Frey.

"Your Highness, are you already here?"

She was a little surprised. She originally thought that Lu Qi would come a little later due to his lazy temperament.

"You set off a little early, what's going on?"

Lu Qi looked around and asked aloud.

"Oh, these are energy extracted from the demon's body. They are transformed into form, but in fact they are just pure energy and do no harm."

Frey explained.

Lu Qi also saw that these floating demonic auras did no harm. Apart from making people feel a chill all over their bodies, the scene was just a bit scary.

His vision caught the little black dog lying on the ground with its limbs spread out like a dead dog on the other side, its small eyes full of despair.

Nocturne was naturally heartbroken and unable to breathe.

These are all his powers!

It's all him. During this period, he has finally accumulated the strength to recover bit by bit!
However, before it warmed up, Frey used coercion to snatch it away arbitrarily!
However, he was deeply trapped in the seal and had no means of counterattack.

It hurts, it hurts too much.

Looking back, Lu Qi noticed an altar-like platform in the middle of the laboratory. It was a circular altar with iron arms bent like hooks at the four corners, like a closed palm. Fingers together.

In every position of the altar, there is a bright gemstone and complex magic lines engraved on it.

At the center is a magic circle.

The entire altar is extremely solemn and luxurious, and it can be said to be the most conspicuous thing in the laboratory.

People who don't know, might think that Frey is holding some grand ceremony here.

"This is what I want to solemnly introduce to His Highness."

Frey slowly walked towards the altar, and then said: "I call it the central hub, which means the core that connects all. It is also the most critical and most inaccessible part of the experiment."

She found four prism-shaped magic crystals, whose main function is to store magic power.

"Its role is to carry and run another key."

Frey slowly inserted the four crystals into the corresponding gem positions on the altar.

After they were all plugged in, there was a "buzz" sound and the entire altar seemed to be running.

Suddenly, all the randomly flying breaths were absorbed by the altar, and seemed to fly away uncontrollably.

Finally, they all gathered above the four claws, flying back and forth slowly with a sphere as a pattern.

If you look carefully, it looks like a web.

Looking at the results of her experiment, Frey sounded quite excited. She said: "After the experiment, I discovered that the source of Nocturne's power comes from another world, or another dimension. Some people call it The spiritual realm, but in colloquial terms we might call it ‘dreamland’.”

Lu Qi nodded slightly as he listened, looking curiously at the ball composed of demonic power and the altar as a whole.

According to his understanding, Nocturne is indeed a demon who came from the spiritual realm to the real realm.

And his special ability is to enter human dreams through the spiritual realm.

Basically everyone in Forsbarrow has experienced this and knows about it.

"So I was thinking, since it can enter our dreams, can we use its power to also enter our dreams?"

Frey's words were astonishing.

Lu Qi was stunned by her bold idea and said, "So you did this?"

"Yes." Frey nodded and said: "I have to understand the power of demons clearly enough, so I tried it myself. The answer is failure. I cannot enter other people's lives through the power of Nocturne. Dreamland. However, in the process, I discovered another path."

Lu Qi nodded quietly, waiting for Frey's next words.

Even the little black dog raised his head and looked at Frey with interest.

To be honest, he himself didn't know what results these humans had developed from his power over such a long period of time.

"The spiritual realm, the dreamland, is constant and will always exist there. We actually don't need to enter. All we need is a ticket or key to enter."

Frey smiled, looked at the little black dog and said: "And he is the key. With him, we have the authority to contact the dream at any time. And based on this idea, I think about whether it is possible to This key is divided into countless parts." At this point, Lu Qi understood her bold idea and was slightly shocked.

Frey looked at the surrounding auras on the altar and continued: "And these are countless keys. We hold the keys. Although we are not qualified to enter the dream, we have the authority to contact it. And in this From a hypothetical perspective, it is not difficult for us to find that we are only one step away from a dream.”

"It is like a constant transit station, always there. Because of Nocturne, no matter where we are, no matter how far apart we are, the transit station will always exist there. And this is what I will do next. It needs to be explained solemnly.”

She looked quite excited and slowly uttered a few words: "I call it - 'Dream Network'."

After listening, Lu Qi was stunned again.

Although he had known that Frey was not simple, it was not until today that he discovered that this person turned out to be such an awesome person.

"Because it is like a spider web, tightly intertwined and connected, so I thought of the word network."

Seeing Lu Qi's stunned look, Frey also explained.

"Awesome." Lu Qi calmed down and said solemnly: "I want to say that Vayne is lucky to have a master like you. You are really amazing!"

He admired it sincerely.

Frey is already middle-aged, and he just smiled when he heard this compliment: "Your Highness is too complimentary. Without the inspiration you gave me, I would not have been able to think of this."

Lu Qi came first, and then she came along. Frey knew the order clearly.

Lu Qi asked curiously at this moment: "So, your dream network has been completed?"

"Not yet. In fact, it is still in the experimental stage, but the establishment of DreamNet has been stabilized."

"Is this the altar?"


Frey nodded: "The magic engraving and magic circle on this altar can make the Dream Network stable. And then we only need to hold the key to communicate through the dream/spiritual realm."

Nocturne is the key to entering the spiritual realm, without it everything is in vain.

But there is no need to worry about this at all, because of the seal, even if Nocturne is given ten legs, he can't run away.

Therefore, the formation of Mengwang is already a certainty.

The reason why Lu Qi felt that Frey was so awesome was precisely because of the woman in front of him. She was developing nothing else.

It's a mobile phone!

It's the kind of mobile phone that you can hold up and put to your ear to communicate over long distances.

Because of the particularity of the spiritual realm, it can be understood as a signal that exists everywhere.

Because no one does not dream, or, as Frey said, the spiritual realm always exists there.

And Nocturne's ability is to enter everyone's dream, so when everyone has this key.

You can all connect with your dreams, so the spiritual realm becomes a signal network spreading everywhere.

As long as you are under this signal network, you can use this dream network to do many things.

Again, at the heart of it all is Nocturne, without its demonic power it's all for nothing.

And it is basically a mascot that has been tied to death.

At this time, even the little black dog's little black bean eyes showed shock after hearing Frey's thoughts.

What do you humans want to do by using my power?
Damn it.
That's all my strength!

He was never willing to contribute to humanity, but now he had no choice but to watch helplessly as these humans seemed to be planning to use his abilities to do some awesome things.

At this time, Frey continued: "I can refine the key into more parts, and then store them in a magic crystal. However, one problem I encountered is that it seems that it cannot be stored for a long time. After a while, the magic power will automatically Dissipated.”

When Lu Qi heard this, he looked thoughtful, and soon he had a flash of inspiration and said: "You can use the forbidden magic stone to make a shell and reinforce the magic crystal. This should prevent the magic power from dissipating."

Frey looked puzzled when he heard this.

Lu Qi explained: "The real purpose of the forbidden magic stone is to absorb and store magic, and it does not prohibit the operation of magic. Use the forbidden magic stone as the shell and the magic crystal as the core, so that the dissipated magic power will be re-absorbed by the forbidden magic stone. , thus circulating to the crystal. Of course, it is magic power after all, and it will always be used up, so you can just replenish it at that time. But this may extend the service life. "

Frey is knowledgeable. After listening to Lu Qi's analysis, he immediately nodded: "In this case, it should be feasible. Just experiment."

It was still a long time, so the two immediately started trying.

Forbidden magic stones are readily available, as are magic crystals.

This kind of magic crystal is an artificial product. It uses a special method to store magic power in mineral crystals. These crystals are usually disposable items.

Many mages use it as a means to replenish their magic power when their magic power is exhausted.

In Lu Qi's view, magic crystals are just phone bills, and you can just recharge them after they are used up.

Now that magic has been opened to Demacia, magic can be said to be inexhaustible.

Inlay the magic crystal and the forbidden magic stone together, and then inject a trace of demonic energy into them.

Thus a new problem arises.

That is, they are all magic products after all, and activating the key naturally requires magic.

But how can ordinary people use it without any barriers?

"Perhaps we can use a magic engraving that activates upon receiving magic power. We only need to inject magic power into the forbidden magic stone in advance. Then through a specific switch, the activation switch represents the activation crystal."

After thinking about it, Lu Qi gave his idea, and then looked at Frey.

After all, he is not a professional, so whether he can do it or not ultimately depends on Frey.

After hearing this, Frey's eyes lit up and he said: "Maybe it can be done! Isn't the engraving of automatic spell casting a magic circle? As long as the magic circle is carved on the forbidden magic stone in advance, according to His Highness, the forbidden magic stone will not disable magic but only absorb it. If so, then you can indeed guide the flow of magic power through a specific switch, turn on the switch when needed, and turn off the switch when not needed!"

Her thoughts suddenly became much clearer, and she seemed to have thought of many plans.

If it is a rectangular forbidden magic stone, after it absorbs magic power, the entire piece will have magic power.

So if it is disconnected from it, wouldn't it become two forbidden magic stones with their own magic power?

At this time, if the third magic-forbidden stone is used to connect the two, these three magic-forbidden stones will eventually become a whole with magical power.

As long as the magic power is channeled normally, it can bring energy to the magic array, so ordinary people only need to press the switch to activate the crystal.

As long as the crystal is activated, the rest will naturally be no trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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