LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 301 Are You Hiding Something From Me?

Chapter 301 Are You Hiding Something From Me?

Lu Qi was quite emotional at the moment.

Otherwise, you have to do it professionally.

If he were to study these things, he probably wouldn't be able to achieve Frey's effect.

He felt more and more that meeting Frey was like finding a treasure.

Next, the two continued their research in this direction, but soon a new problem arose.

Frey frowned and thought slightly: "How to ensure that everyone's information can be conveyed accurately? In other words, communication between people should at least require an introduction."

Lu Qi also started thinking after hearing this question.

Indeed, if this problem is not solved, then Mengwang will be meaningless after all.

Because in the vast spiritual realm, the message everyone sends is like a small fish swimming in the vast ocean.

It cannot be intertwined and connected like a spider web like Frey imagined.

To put it more bluntly, you need a Penguin account to add friends, and the current situation of Mengwang is like everyone has an account but doesn’t know how to add friends.

"In other words, we need someone who can intervene in this kind of thing."

Lu Qi thought thoughtfully. To put it bluntly, they still lacked a core programmer.

Responsible for coding, writing programs, and setting up
But in the spiritual realm, this kind of thing can be done easily.
The two looked at each other, and their eyes suddenly moved to the little black dog in the corner eavesdropping with its ears erect.

Nocturne is actually quite interested in these novel ideas of human beings. Even he himself has never thought that he can use his own abilities to do this.

By using dreams as a way to communicate with each other, you can indeed ignore distance.
Just as he was listening intently, he suddenly saw the eyes of these two people looking over. Mo Teng had seen those eyes countless times.

It's a look that only wants but doesn't know anything in return.

At the same time, he shivered slightly and had a bad feeling.

You don’t want me to work as a fearful nightmare, do you?
"In a sense, isn't this a good opportunity for you to return to what you're good at?"

Lu Qi saw the look in the little black dog's eyes and said leisurely.

When the little black dog heard this, he thought about it and his eyes turned excited.

It makes sense.

It has been worried for so long. Although its strength is slowly recovering, due to limitations, it has never been able to find a way to contact the spiritual realm.

But right now, these two humans need him to enter the spiritual realm to help them achieve their goals.

Isn't this letting the tiger go back to the mountain?

You must know that the spiritual realm is where Nocturne was born. If you return there, it will be no different from going home.

It can take advantage of the two people's inattention to find a way to break its own seal.

Just when he was about to agree, Lu Qi stood up and said, "Forget it, don't worry about this. Let's do other things well first."

Frey nodded and stood up as well.

The two walked away eagerly, leaving the little black dog alone, but he was not in a hurry.

In a pair of black bean eyes, he was thinking about the scene of the day of escape, and he felt happy just thinking about it.

He concluded that these two people would look for him again, because only he could do this.

At this time, Lu Qi and Frey, who had left one after another, were also discussing this issue.

"It is still a bit too risky to rashly give him the authority to return to the spiritual realm."

Frey followed Lucci and said.

"I know, after all, this guy was born there." Lu Qi nodded slightly, thinking: "The spiritual realm is an unknown place for us, but it is like going home to him. If he takes the opportunity to do something to us, No one can predict the outcome of something we don’t know.”

He had only tried it a little bit just now, but the little black dog almost had his thoughts written on his face.

Lu Qi can guarantee that if he really gets his way, the little black dog will definitely cause trouble in the spiritual realm.

Maybe Nocturne will really figure out how to unlock the seal.

Therefore, this idea cannot be implemented at present.

But at present, only the real owner of the key, the little black dog, can do this.

"We can think of other ways, but it seems that without this step, the exploration of the spiritual realm has come to an end."

Frey looked embarrassed, they were outsiders after all.

Although I have touched the corners of the spiritual realm, it is almost impossible to have a deeper understanding.

"There's no rush. The key to the matter is the little black dog. If you keep the little black dog, you won't be afraid of things getting messed up."

Lu Qi's thinking was still clear.

Nocturne is the key to the Dream Network. Without Nocturne, the Dream Network is really just a dream.

Just find a way to lock Nocturne to death first, and then figure out the rest slowly.

Frey nodded.

So the matter was put on hold for the time being.

In a flash, two days later came.

May [-]th.

Because today was the day for the experiment on the forbidden demon statue, Lu Qi got up very early.

The weather today is very mild, the sun is shining brightly, white clouds are floating, and there is a gentle breeze in the sky, which makes people feel comfortable when it blows on their faces.

And last night, after two consecutive nights of fighting, Lu Qi also had a night's rest to recharge his batteries.

Getting up from the bed, he went to the yard to practice the fitness technique twice, and then washed himself.

Lu Qi was ready to leave after breakfast.

There was nothing to do at the moment, so he was sitting on a chair in the courtyard.

Not long after, I heard footsteps coming from outside the courtyard wall, and after a while, a flash of brilliant blond hair came into view.

Under the blond hair is a delicate and pretty face, with clear eyebrows, bright eyes and white teeth. She has an innocent and energetic temperament. She has a slender figure and a slightly raised chest. She seems to have finally shown signs of growth, and her height is not low anymore. It felt a bit slim and graceful.

Seeing Miss Crown Guard in front of me.

The words "The girl next door is growing up" could not help but flash through Lu Qi's mind.

"Good morning."

Lux saw Lu Qi, raised her hand and said hello in a clear voice.

"Good morning, why did Miss Crown Guard come so early today?"

Lu Qi replied lazily and asked smoothly.

"No one beat me?"

Lux asked inexplicably.

Lu Qi asked strangely: "Why do you ask that?"

Lux had come closer at this time. She sat on a chair nearby, and then stared at Lu Qi with serious eyes: "I always feel that you are hiding something from me. You, Sona and Fiona , are the three of you secretly doing something fun without me?"

Recently, she could clearly feel that the atmosphere between the three of them was different from usual!
She concluded that they must be hiding something from her.

As she spoke, her eyes gradually became more suspicious. She looked at Lu Qi's face carefully to judge whether there were any signs of lying in his next words.

After hearing this, Lu Qi couldn't help but laugh and said, "You are overthinking it. Have you ever had something interesting happen to you?"

It's all fun and games at the moment, but three is already enough. Wouldn't four be a big fight?
"That's true." Lux thought for a moment, nodded her head slightly, and then she still felt something was wrong and said, "But..." "What's the point? We've been in this yard all day, why should we avoid you. "

Lu Qi still had a lazy attitude, interrupting Lux's words, and then changed the subject lightly: "I recently researched a new dessert called cream puff, and I am in need of your professional evaluation."

Lux's eyes lit up, and then she pretended to be reluctant: "There's really nothing I can do against you."

Although I said this, I could barely hold my lips shut.

"Wait, it'll be ready in a moment." Lu Qi smiled and stood up, then walked to the kitchen, thinking that it was time to prepare breakfast.


Lux nodded her head obediently and watched Lucci leave.

Then he immediately lay down on the rocking chair happily, closed his eyes happily, and began to imagine the taste of cream puffs in his mind.

As for what I was concerned about when I came in just now, I have already forgotten all about it.

After all, what he said is true, what can Lu Qi do that can be hidden from her discerning Lord Lux?

As a professional dessert master, Lux gave high praise to cream puffs.

This breakfast can be said to be extremely satisfying.

After breakfast, Lu Qi lay back in the front yard before leaving in a hurry, intending to bask in the morning sun.

On the side, Lux did the same, lying down lazily, with a happy and comfortable look on her face.

The two of them were lying on the rocking chairs with similar movements, and their postures seemed to be carved from the same mold.

The other girls are busy with their own affairs, some are practicing swordsmanship, some are practicing piano, and some are reading books.

Lu Qi closed his eyes leisurely and said silently in his heart: "Sign in."

【Sign in successfully】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: Devil Contract]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary skill upgrade card*1]

[The reward has been distributed to the system backpack, please check it yourself]

The system's reward immediately caught Lu Qi's attention. He immediately put his consciousness into the system backpack and checked the prop called 'Devil Contract'.

After a while, after understanding, he showed a look of surprise.

This should be regarded as a kind of master-servant contract, which has the supreme contract effect. Once signed, only death in the true sense can break the contract, or the owner of the contract can terminate it on his own initiative.

The effect of the devil's contract is that you can choose a target to sign the contract. There is no doubt that Lu Qi is the party with dominant rights.

On the other hand, once the contract is signed, the other party must follow Lu Qi's instructions from now on and cannot disobey it.

It can be said to be a very powerful prop.

This means that as long as he signs this contract, Lu Qi will have a 100% obedient tool.

Of course, there is a restriction that the other party must be willing to sign.

Lu Qi thought for a moment and felt that the restriction of willingness depends on how to define it.

He put away the devil's contract. In any case, this prop was given at the right time.

He currently has a more suitable target to experiment with.

After lying down for half an hour, Lu Qi felt that time was almost up, so he opened his eyes and said, "The Mage Association will test the newly built demon-forbidden statue later. Do you want to take a look?"

Hearing this, Lux on the side also opened her eyes and nodded immediately: "Go!"

As the former president, she had heard about this matter, but she didn't know much about the current progress.

I didn’t expect to start the experiment so soon.

"Then just the two of us will go."

Lu Qi thought for a while, sat up and said, "Urna, prepare the car."


After hearing this, Urna began to prepare the carriage.

When Lux heard Lu Qi's words, she was stunned for a moment, and then she felt inexplicably happy for some reason.

She suddenly thought that it seemed like it had been a long time since she had been alone with Lu Qi.

It's not the kind of time when we're alone together occasionally, but like when we went to school together, went shopping together after school, and it seemed like they were the only ones in the world.

Seeing Miss Crown Guard's dazed look, Lu Qi said, "How about asking them?"

He felt that no one would go. Sona had to practice piano, Fiona had to practice swordsmanship, Kashina also had something to do, and the only one who was idle was Poppy, who was recently taken to the barracks by Quinn.

A look of frustration flashed across Lux's face. She thought it would be interesting for everyone to watch something interesting together.

But I don't know why, but now I have a selfish mentality, and I don't want Lu Qi to call others anymore.

"I can do it."

Her tone suddenly became less energetic than before.

"There's no need, just go."

Lu Qi felt that it was not a big deal. He was just going to see the results of the Forbidden Demon Statue Department, and there was no need to mobilize a large force.

Lux's eyes suddenly lit up, and she took action even more eagerly than Lucci: "Okay, hurry up!"

She was the first to board the carriage, followed by Lu Qi slowly.

Soon, the carriage set off in the direction of the Mage Association.

On the carriage, Miss Crown Guard excitedly raised the curtain, looking at the scenery along the way, humming an unknown ditty, and seemed to be in a very good mood.

Viewed from the side, those beautiful eyes are shining and very lively.

Lu Qi put his eyes on her face without hesitation. This lovely face was more beautiful than any scenery along the way. The sunlight fell on the girl's face along the window, making people feel that this moment of spring was bright and beautiful. .

Noticing Lu Qi's gaze, Lux turned her eyes and asked curiously: "Is there something on my face?"

Lu Qi said: "Clean."

Lux frowned in displeasure: "Then what do you want me to do?"

"This carriage is so big, so where do you want me to look?"

Lu Qi is quite reasonable.

"Hmph! I'm too lazy to pay attention to you!" Lux snorted and turned her gaze back to the window.However, two touches of red rose quietly on her face, making her look even more beautiful, delicate and moving.

Of course, Lu Qi didn't stare all the time. He glanced twice and then looked away, looking at the scenery outside the car curtain.

At this time, the carriage has arrived at a street where people and horses are passing by. It was already quite lively in the morning.

After a while, the carriage slowly arrived at the Mage Association.

After it stopped, Lux got off the carriage first. She hadn't been here for a while. When she saw the new Mage Association, she couldn't help but sigh: "It feels like the changes here are so big."

"You have to get used to it. Today's Germany is changing everywhere. This is just the beginning."

Lu Qi got off the carriage and walked inside while talking.

Lux followed suit.

The two chatted all the way and soon arrived at the Forbidden Demon Statue Department.

(End of this chapter)

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