LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 304 He has become more and more outrageous recently!

Chapter 304 He has become more and more outrageous recently!

This world is so big, but there is no place for him.

Loneliness, sadness, despair...all kinds of emotions came to my heart. This was the first time that Nocturne, as a demon, felt so helpless.

Returning to the spiritual realm, Nocturne felt very clearly that he had become stronger.

He could easily perceive all kinds of delicious nightmares in this realm just by feeling at will, but he couldn't go there.

With the addition of powerful power, what followed was an amplified version of the terrifying repressive power of that contract.

It seems that the stronger he becomes, the stronger the contract will restrain him.

Such a performance made Nocturne feel powerless.

After a while, Nocturne suddenly exerted his strength and began to wander in the spiritual realm.

That damn human kid completely ignored him and allowed him the right to move freely in the spiritual realm.

In this case, he would try it anyway.

High-level demons erupted with terrifying power and wandered wantonly in the spiritual realm, causing many spirits to hide and tremble. Even other spirits who were demons did not dare to show their faces.

The more this happens, the more sad and angry Mo Teng feels.

Think of him as a fearful nightmare, a terrifying existence that will bow down to any creature that sees it.

But now he has become a lost dog under a bitch.


This is Nocturne’s lifelong shame!

At this time, the Masters Association.

Lu Qi walked up from the negative third floor and saw Lux alone in the distance, kicking the stones beside her feet in boredom.

He walked over, and Lacus quickly noticed him, immediately came up to him, and suggested excitedly: "It's still so early, why don't we go for a stroll on the street? Just the two of us."

She emphasized the last sentence.

Seeing this, Lu Qi thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, we haven't gone shopping for a long time."

Lux's eyes flashed with joy, and she said with visible happiness: "Then let's go to Starlight Plaza first. I heard there are a lot of fun things there."

She obviously had a plan, and she probably thought of it while waiting.

Lu Qi all agreed, nodded and said: "Action!"

The two got on the carriage and headed directly to Starlight Square.

They had been here once before, and they remembered meeting a miserable old lady here. Later, there was a trend of catching thieves in the neighborhood.

Now when I return to this street, I also find various changes on the street.

"Many houses have been renovated."

Lux and Lu Qi walked side by side and looked at both sides of the street. The vendors had set up small sheds and were arranged neatly. Everyone was doing their own thing. Occasionally, there were stall owners chatting casually.

The streets were full of people coming and going, busy traffic, vendors shouting, passers-by talking, and children playing, making it very lively.

However, the streets of the royal capital are basically very lively.

Lu Qi also looked at both sides and said: "This place was damaged a lot last time, so it's time to renovate it."

The last time the mages rebelled, this street was severely damaged. It happened to be completely renovated later, and the buildings, shops and restaurants were built higher.

You can already see buildings with three or four floors or even higher, and there are already many such buildings in the royal capital.

In the future these buildings will be even higher.

Lu Qi and Lux ​​walked on the street and received a lot of sideways glances, but they naturally didn't care about these looks.

Starlight Street is mainly for entertainment and has many mini-games, but for them they are all a bit cruel.

After easily clearing several games, Lux held a large stuffed toy in each hand and left with satisfaction under the constipated expression of the stall owner.

After walking around for a while, she felt it was in the way, and then pushed it to Lu Qi: "Help me take it."

Lu Qi took it and followed Miss Crown Guard like a follower.

She walked in front with her head held high, the corners of her mouth curled up in a happy smile, and her steps were a little more relaxed and happy.

Soon, she noticed a newly opened clothing store, opened the door excitedly and walked in.

After a while, she came over with a clean white dress, then compared herself with her and said, "Does it look good?"

"Good-looking is good-looking."

Lu Qi nodded first, and then said: "But it doesn't suit you very well. This dress looks like it is worn by a lady."

Lux frowned, snorted coldly, and waved her hand to the waiter: "Pack it up! I want to wear it!"

Isn't she ladylike enough?
I am simply a lady.

This guy is blind, but Lux is not angry because she is in a good mood today.

After wandering in the store for a while, she came over with a bright red, rather charming long dress, and said again: "Does it look good?"

Lu Qi took a look and said: "It's not easy for you to pick out the two most unsuitable clothes among so many clothes. Buy them."


Lux put it back in place, then clapped her hands and continued shopping.

After all, it is a newly opened store, and there are quite a lot of good-looking clothes. Miss Crown Guard not only bought them for herself, but she also had enough money to choose two pairs for Lu Qi.

So in addition to the two stuffed toys, Lu Qi also had a few more clothes bags in his hands.

"Where are you going next?"

After leaving the clothing store, Lux looked around, sifting through the next place to go.

"My advice is to go home."

Lu Qi followed him out, holding a lot of things in his hands and already feeling tired.

"Where did this go?"

Lux glanced back at him and decided where to go next: "There is a theater over there, let's go!"

She walked toward the theater with ease, and Lu Qi still had to carry a lot of things.

He looked back for Yourna, remembering that he had just told her to wait at the carriage.

I had no choice but to follow him.

Arriving at the entrance of the theater, the conductor at the door was stunned for a moment when he saw Lux and Lu Qi, and then bowed flattered: "See Miss Crown Guard, Your Highness the Prince."


Lux showed a nice smile and asked: "How much are the tickets?"

"It's our honor for you two to come to the theater. No tickets are required, please come in."

The conductor said immediately.

Naturally, Lu Qi and Lux ​​would not be short of the ticket price. After all, each of them only had one gold coin.

After leaving two gold coins and receiving the tickets, they entered the theater. The theater was very spacious and there were many people there.

One is "Rose Wedding".

One is "Perseverance".

The former is a romantic love story at first glance, and the latter is an inspirational story at first glance.

Both of them looked good. Speaking of which, this was the first time Lu Qi had watched a Demacia drama, and he was quite interested in it.

For Lux, the obvious romantic love story now appeals to her a little more.So she looked around, stretched out her slender finger, pointed at the rose wedding and said, "Let me see this."

Lu Qi nodded, looked at "Perseverance", nodded and said, "Okay, let me take a look at this."

Lux was obviously stunned for a moment, then she realized what she was doing and looked over with a somewhat unkind expression: "What do you mean?"

Lu Qi said: "It depends on each person."

"Are you seriously ill?"

Lux stared at this guy unhappily. How could he go out to watch a play with a girl and watch each other?
Feeling like she was about to pounce, Lu Qi took a step back: "Okay, then it's up to you."

Only then did Lux ​​retract her fierce eyes, raised her head, and walked towards the right.

At this time, onlookers came in one after another, and the two of them followed.

After handing in the ticket and entering, I found that the place was not completely packed and there were many empty seats.

Lux found a quiet place and waved to Lu Qi: "Here!"

Lu Qi walked over, put down what he was holding and sat next to her.

The style of the theater was similar to what he had imagined. The chairs were neatly arranged one by one, and there was a huge stage at the front with red carpets raised on both sides of the stage.

The lights in the hall were on at the moment, and the light from the electric lamps fell from the ceiling, illuminating everywhere.

Since the invention of the electric light, the light supply method for the stage and the inner hall has become a huge electric lamp.

The spectators were sitting on chairs and chatting quietly. Most of them were male and female groups, in pairs, and they were very close to each other and chatting quietly, looking very intimate.

Lux looked away from them and glanced at Lu Qi secretly, only to find that the guy was yawning with a bored look on his face.

She was extremely unhappy, and suddenly reached out her hand and poked the guy's waist.

Lu Qi suddenly felt excited and looked over in surprise: "What's wrong with you?"

Lux looked forward and snorted: "The play is about to begin."

Lu Qi slowly typed a question mark, thinking that this little golden retriever has become more and more unrestrained recently!

But the play was indeed about to start, because the curtains on both sides were slowly lowered, and the sounds of scenes being arranged on the stage could be vaguely heard.

Soon, there was a click, and the lights on the ceiling suddenly dimmed.

The curtain was lifted again, revealing a simple and simple house in which the heroine was.

She is a young yellow-haired girl with a quiet and dignified face. She looks like the heroine in that kind of story.

She was wearing simple clothes and was wiping the floor diligently with a mop.

It seems that the role he plays should be that of a servant.

After a while, the male protagonist also appeared. He was elegantly dressed and handsome in appearance. He was from a noble family at first glance.

At this time, Lu Qi roughly understood the story.

Obviously this is a story about the love between a common girl and an aristocratic young master. This type of story does have a higher audience.

"Woman, you managed to get my attention!"

As the plot unfolded, the aristocratic young master suddenly grabbed the civilian girl's arm and raised a domineering smile on his lips.

Lu Qi felt happy when he saw it, hehe, he is still the boss type.

On the other hand, Miss Crownguard, as the top noble, can be said to be watching with gusto at this moment, and her beautiful eyes have never left the stage.

Sometimes, because of the twists and turns of the story on stage, she will show worries or joy.

She is completely involved in the story and is indeed a qualified audience.

Lu Qi had seen this type of drama before, so halfway through watching it, he felt a little bored and started to yawn again.

When the little golden retriever wasn't paying attention, he sat up crookedly and planned to take a nap secretly.

But as soon as he moved, Lux, who had a keen sense of perception, noticed it.

Immediately, those eyes stared over and whispered sternly: "Can you take a good look!"

"I'm taking a good look."

Lu Qi argued.

Lux raised her fist, as if she wanted to say "Look at this fist as big as a sandbag", which was taken as a threat.

Anyway, after she glared, she continued to concentrate on the story.

Lu Qi had no choice but to follow suit.

A play lasts about two hours, just like a movie, and the movie is now coming to an end.

"I don't allow you to be with that woman! If you insist on doing this, then the family will think that there is no such person as you!"

The hero's stern father spoke and scolded the hero.

After hearing this, the male protagonist knelt down solemnly on the ground, kowtowed to his father, then took off the family emblem from his chest and carefully placed it on the ground.

Then, he left the family without saying a word.

There is silence between father and son, but for love, the male protagonist firmly chooses the female protagonist.

I have to say that this scene still made Lu Qi a little interested.

Lux's eyes were filled with tears and she was extremely moved.

Soon, the final chapter came. The hero and heroine fled the city and chose to live in a city where no one knew them.

They encountered many dangers and difficulties along the way, but they all worked together to get through it, but there were always two times that seemed to be due to a little coincidence.

A few years later, members of the hero's family suddenly found the hero and told him that his father was seriously ill.

The male protagonist was stunned for a moment, wondering how they found him.

In fact, people in the family have always known where the hero and heroine are, and it was the father who drove the hero away openly at the beginning, but he has been secretly helping them through the difficulties for so long.

After learning the truth, the male protagonist immediately returned to his family, saw his father for the last time, and broke down crying.

Seeing the stable growth of the male protagonist, his father confidently handed over the family position to him. In the end, the male protagonist inherited the family and lived a happy life with the female protagonist.

Overall, this drama is pretty good. At least it has succeeded if it can make Miss Crown Guard so moved.

Lu Qi didn't feel much after reading it, but women tend to be more emotional, which is normal.

Anyway, after leaving the theater, Lux's little mouth was still talking about the content of the play.

She spoke enthusiastically, and Lu Qi was not disappointed and gave her some feedback.

Then, the two of them walked around the street again, and Lu Qi also managed to get a few more things in his hand.

By this time, it was almost noon, and it was almost time to go back.

Sitting in the carriage, Lu Qi looked tired.

On the other hand, Lux still looked energetic and full of energy.

She glanced at Lu Qi, who was slumped in the carriage tiredly and closed his eyes, and snickered, not bothering him this time.

Instead, after looking at his face for a few times, he withdrew his gaze and leaned on his seat, feeling his slightly accelerated heartbeat.

Very happy.

Just like this, she was already very happy and contented.

At this moment, Lux hoped that it could last forever.

(End of this chapter)

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