LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 310 Are you a love brain?

Chapter 310 Are you a love brain?
Lu Qi is now in Demacia, and he has made many achievements, because he can say that Demacia has changed a lot.

Naturally, no one was dissatisfied with him.

However, when he proposed this proposal, there were still many conservatives who were not very optimistic about it.

Objections were raised.

"Demacia has never taken the initiative to attack any territory or country in more than six hundred years, but now it wants to break it?"

"War persecutes the people. What's the benefit of starting a war for no reason? How many tragedies will it cause, destroying families and killing people?"

"Now we in Demacia have just undergone internal reforms and everything is prosperous. At this time, we have to suddenly send troops to attack neighboring countries. I'm afraid it's not very good."

"Yes, although the second prince has made many contributions to the country, his decision is still a bit hasty. You can't be so reckless just because of your passion!"

The ministers finished speaking one after another, and the discussion has not stopped yet. These people all looked like they were trying to persuade each other.

These people are conservatives, so their remarks are understandable.

In fact, it's not that they don't have the courage to do so, but that they are more willing to accept the comfortable status quo than war.

After waiting for them to calm down naturally, Lu Qi slowly said: "Let me ask you a question. Demacia has never taken the initiative to attack any territory or country in more than [-] years. But in these years, the number of times we have been attacked Who has a record?”

The ministers looked at each other.

Tiana answered the question and said, "Countless."

"Since there are countless people." Lu Qi followed her words and continued: "So among these countless people, we are only passively defending. How many families have been persecuted and soldiers have died? What a tragedy. , how many times has this happened?”

Tiana answered again: "Countless."

The ministers fell silent.

Two countless numbers in a row really left them speechless.

"There are too many to count. Profound historical lessons have always reminded us that similar tragedies will only happen again in the future."

Lu Qi's clear voice slowly fell: "So should we consider doing our best to reduce the greatest number of tragedies?"

What he said makes sense. Even though Demacia has never started a war, sacrifice often accompanies it.

If the enemy invades and Germany defends, it will also make sacrifices.

If so, why not become a being that those enemies dare not attack?
Even if the future is full of unknowns, at least for now, they are doing their best to protect the most people.

After careful consideration, a minister stood up and said, "However, I think the time is not right now."

"Timing. Opportunity never jumps out by itself, but must be grasped by ourselves."

Lu Qi glanced at him and said: "It is true that Noxus has strong military strength, but Germany may not be weaker than them. Not to mention, now Noxus continues to send troops to attack Ionia, and there is internal turmoil. There are many warlords in various places, vying for power. And we have made enough preparations. If we don't give them a heavy blow at this time, we will wait until they finish the battle of Ionia and recover and suffer a heavy blow. It’s still us.”

In fact, after the last purge, there are basically no ministers here who are ignorant.

It's just that their character, or the education they received since childhood, makes them too conservative.

But everyone knows that now is indeed a good time.

It's just that there are some conflicts with the mage who has just been unblocked and is developing in both directions.

But if you think about it carefully, there are not many conflicts between the two.

Seeing that it was almost done, Jiawen III said: "This meeting is just to ask for the opinions of the council. Everyone, it's time to express your stance."

After the words fell, Tiana was the first to raise her hand: "I agree to send troops."

Then, Wynward and Frey raised their hands at the same time: "Second."

Then, Barrett came back from his thoughts and raised his hand: "Second."


The remaining people spoke out one after another.

The surrounding ministers looked at each other and said in unison: "Second the proposal!"

Neat voices fell in the conference room.

Jarvan III waited until he calmed down and looked at Lu Qi: "Since it was you who proposed this troop dispatch, I will appoint you as the main general to command the entire army. Prepare troops immediately. If there are any needs, mention them as soon as possible. This time Zheng, we must make Demacia’s name known!”

Lu Qi bowed and accepted the order: "My son, I obey."

"Appoint Lev as deputy general, and you two will join hands to fight against the enemy."

Immediately, Jarvan III looked at Lev again.

Lev stood up, bowed and said, "I obey your order."

The meeting did not disperse until noon, during which the ministers continued to discuss various aspects of the expedition.

For them, this is the first time.

But now that the decision has been made, there is no need to hesitate anymore.

After the meeting dispersed, all departments mobilized to actively cooperate with the expedition.

First of all, the first point is to prepare troops, equipment, materials, and food. These are not troublesome. After all, Germany usually has abundant reserves.

It doesn’t take long to prepare.

In other words, it probably won't be long before Lu Qi sets off.

It was already past noon when he returned home.

The girls had woken up from their sleep, and the yard was quiet at this time. Only Lux was lying there bored, flipping through the chat panel.

When he saw Lu Qi coming back, he immediately cast his gaze and asked, "What have you been doing this morning?"

"Busy with something, where are they?"

Lu Qi looked into the yard and said.

"Sona is in the living room, Miss Sword Girl has gone home, Kashina has gone to work. Poppy and Quinn have gone somewhere."

Lux thought for a moment and then said, "Just open the group and ask."


After hearing this, Lu Qi took out the secret key and opened the panel.

Sure enough, he saw that he was pulled into a group, and there were many chat conversations, including Aite's own. He scrolled up and reached the top.

'My wit will draw you into the group chat'

I was quick-witted: "Okay, let's bring this guy in. By the way, what are you doing? It's just me and Sona when we wake up."

I'm not a swordswoman: "There's something going on at home, I'll go back first."

It was a bit embarrassing: "The Knights have given a new mission! Go to work and paddle in the water!"

Heart chord: "O(∩_∩)O."

My witty piece of art is the dream of [-] million girls: "? Why did you change your name to such a bad name? It's shameless. Where are you? Why are you missing?"

My witty piece of art is the dream of [-] million girls: "Where did you go wild again?"

I was quick-witted: "Speak, where are you?"

My witty piece of art is the dream of [-] million girls: "Are you still alive?"


Scroll down further and see that Miss Crown Guard in the group chat is a social madman type, and soon there was a message.

The group was very quiet at the moment.

Lu Qi thought for a while, edited a message and sent it: "I'm back, I have something important to announce, all members of Aite."

I'm not a swordswoman: "?"

It’s a bit embarrassing: “?”

I was quick-witted: "Is this still possible, Aite?"

Heart chord: "^_^."

I went to the front to explore the way: "Bobby and I are doing a test flight."

Then Quinn sent a picture, which was a picture of Valor flying in the sky with Bobby on his back.

Seeing that everyone was there, Lu Qi continued to edit the content and said: "Many of you are not in the yard, so I told the group first. At the meeting held this morning, I agreed to lead my troops to greet the neighbors next door in a friendly way. No, We’re leaving soon.”

After the content was sent out, there were a lot of question marks after a while.

Lux raised her head, and a question mark appeared on it: "What do you mean?"

She took another look at the group before she understood.

I'm not a swordswoman: "You want to lead troops to fight?"

A bit out of breath: "Noxus?"

The dream of a [-] million girl: "Not bad!" Lux blinked in confusion. Suddenly, this guy wants to lead troops to fight Noxus?
It doesn't look like he's lying.

There was no conversation in the group, because Fiona, Kashina, Quinn, and Bobby all started walking back.

At this time, Lu Qi stopped by to prepare lunch.

At the dinner table, several people sat down.

Kashina asked: "I did receive the news just now. The troops are mobilizing troops. I didn't expect that it was prepared for His Highness."

Fiona's eyes were also shining at this moment.

She also asked Sebastian just now and got accurate information.

It was indeed Lucci who proposed to send troops to attack Noxus, and the council unanimously approved it. Now rapid preparations have begun, and they will really leave soon.

Lux was eating one bite at a time, a little distracted: "There's going to be a war."

War is no joke, it must be won at the risk of one's life.

Nowadays, she has experienced a lot and is naturally no longer a little girl.

In my impression, Demacia has never taken the initiative to fight elsewhere, and now Lucci has become the No.1.

She believed that Lu Qi made the right decision, so she quickly made up her mind.

She is going too!

At this time, Kashina sighed and said: "Because some of the troops were deployed, I just received the mission and was assigned to serve as the guard captain elsewhere."

She naturally hopes to go with Lu Qi, but the transfer order has been issued, so naturally she cannot resist the order.

"Of course, don't take things too seriously."

Lu Qi looked at their expressions, smiled and said: "I decided to send troops this time, so I am naturally well prepared."

Of course, the girls trust him very much.

Since he said he was fully prepared, that must be the case.

It's just that the matter involves fighting after all, and it's not a child's play.

After dinner.

Fiona asked Lucci to go to the backyard.

The two sat on a bench in the backyard.

Fiona said softly: "A few days ago, my appointment document was sent from Mithril City. I was assigned to be the deputy sword captain of Mithril City, and I will soon be promoted to the sword captain."

Captain Sword is an official position, and it is not a small official position.

Lux's father, Peter, is now the sword captain of Mithril City.

He is in charge of all matters in Mithril City, but he seems to be interested in promotion and will be transferred to another place soon.

Maybe he will be transferred to the royal capital.

Naturally, Misilver City's Sword Captain needs a new capable person to succeed him.

There are many capable people in Mithril City, but not many come from a Crownguard family like Peter.

Therefore, the candidate must be capable, and secondly, he must convince the public.

Fiona is that candidate.

Her current popularity in Mithril City is unparalleled. As the first female swordsman to reach the top of the sword list, she is almost the object of admiration and admiration by many people.

His status in the hearts of swordsmen is also extremely high.

Even though she is young, she can definitely control the situation in Mithril City.

Today, Sebastian has been elected as a representative of the nobility and can sit at the octagonal table in the conference hall, but it is not enough to make the Laurent family break through to the top nobility in one fell swoop.

Because the strength of his own clan is still not strong enough.

The only ones who can act as frontmen are him and Fiona.

For Fiona, being selected as the deputy swordsman this time is definitely a good opportunity.

When Peter is promoted, as the sword captain of Mithril City, she can start cultivating more outstanding talents in the family.

In other words, whether the Laurent family can become a truly top noble depends on this wave.

Of course, I don’t mean that I have to watch this wave, but this is indeed a rare opportunity.

It can save a lot of time and trouble in the process.

Fiona, on the other hand, was thinking the same thing. She was about to return to Mithril City and start training the people in her family who came from all over the world.

Among these tribesmen, there are many talented people, but they lack training and correct guidance.

As a result, although the Laurent family's capacity has expanded, its fundamental strength is still not enough.

Compared to other swordsmanship families, they are a bit inferior after all. This is also a threshold that is stuck in front of the Laurent family.

He couldn't even cross this threshold, let alone want to become a top noble.

Is the Laurent family weak in swordsmanship?

Naturally not weak, even very strong.

So in Fiona's view, her people just lacked an opportunity, an opportunity to become stronger.

And she can give them this opportunity.

But now I suddenly learned that Lu Qi was going to send troops.

After thinking for a moment, she said: "I am going to give up this appointment. I will go with you."

After Lu Qi listened, he turned to look at her cold and beautiful side face, but said nothing.

Fiona frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

Lu Qi smiled and said: "You can't be a love brain, right?"

"???" Fiona slowly typed two question marks, raised her eyebrows, and a cold light flashed in her eyes: "What do you mean?"

"I understand you, it's all my damn charm."

Before Lu Qi finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain in his waist, which made him gasp.

Fiona had a sneer on her lips, and looked at Lu Qi with a pair of cold eyes as if she were looking at a dead person. Her hands remained on his waist and she said calmly: "Shameless, you should have some sense of propriety."

"Wrong wrong."

Lu Qi immediately begged for mercy.

Fiona then relaxed her intensity and said, "Speak humanly."

"I mean, it's not necessary." Lu Qi said while rubbing the flesh of his waist: "I am fully prepared this time, and I believe it will not take too long. But if you give up your current appointment, I don’t know when the next time will be. Although we can go through the back door, doesn’t that make people gossip?”

"makes sense."

Fiona lowered her eyes.

She didn't know what she was worried about. Although this guy was very naughty, he rarely did anything that made people worry.

However, she did want to go with him.

Fiona realized that this was her little girly thoughts, so she quickly figured it out.

It’s not a separation of life and death, it’s not like being separated and never seeing each other again.

Why care so much about the present?

She can handle family matters while waiting for good news about this guy on the front line.

She knew that her ability might be able to help Lu Qi on the front line.

But he had made so many preparations this time, and even without her, he believed that he would look good to Noxus.

So, Fiona no longer struggled.

"Then I'll wait for your return."

She looked at Lu Qi and said slowly.

I thought to myself that since this guy was leaving soon and he couldn't follow him, there was no need to share it with Sona for the time being.

Maybe he should be allowed to pay his dues in the past few days, and it would be best if he also pays the bills for the next few days.

He noticed that Fiona's gaze suddenly changed.

Lu Qi instinctively had a bad premonition and trembled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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