LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 311 I wish I could give it an electric cannon

Chapter 311 I wish I could give it an electric cannon
Time flies and ten days pass.

Located at the foot of the southern mountain range of Pingze Town in the Shining Silver Mountains, is the port city called Kabhir.

The city sits on the seaside and is a major port in Demacia.

In the past, criminals who had committed the most heinous crimes and were sentenced to the Stone Crown passed through this port and were escorted by boat to the Shurima continent on the other side, at the foot of Mount Targon.

At this time, in Kabshir City, a usually bustling port city, a few days ago a temporary ban on shipping was issued.

The streets also changed from the usual bustle and seemed quite quiet.

On the huge sea surface, warships were ready one after another. Looking around, the ships were densely packed together, forming a majestic fleet.

In the city, a large number of troops have gathered in the huge square.

Each warrior wore silver-white battle armor and stood in unison, their expressions solemn and solemn. Demacia's military flag stood high from the ranks, fluttering in the wind.

So many people formed an extremely spectacular scene.

Lu Qi arrived this morning. After making preparations, he set off non-stop southward from the royal capital and arrived at Kabhir in the morning.

The weather today is very sunny, and the wind and waves on the beach are not small. It is no longer the kind of gentle breeze that blows slowly.

Kabusir has now gathered a large number of troops and is ready to go at any time.

There are tens of thousands of people in this square alone. It can be said to be a sea of ​​​​people, and the voices of whispers are very complicated.

As the leader of this expedition, Lu Qi naturally wanted to meet them.

After traveling for several days, before taking a break, he put on a pair of heroic armor and slowly climbed up to the high platform in the square.

Accompanied by the sound of drums, he wore a silver crown and gold and silver armor, and walked steadily.

With his appearance, everyone's eyes also focused on him at the same time, and they all fell silent.

It has to be said that Lu Qi is not short in stature and has a good figure. Putting on this armor, he really looks a bit wise and mighty.

He looked towards the audience, looking at the different faces. They had already received the news of the upcoming expedition.

At this moment, his eyes were full of perseverance, as if he was ready to sacrifice his life for the country at any time.

He was about to bear the life and death of these soldiers, so he naturally felt some pressure in his heart.

But if you want to move forward, you must not hesitate.

After being quiet for a few seconds, he said: "It has been more than 680 years since the founding of Demacia. Along the way, we have insisted on and abided by justice, bravery and responsibility. We have made a lot of sacrifices for this, but the sacrifices of our predecessors and you all Perseverance made Demacia what it is today.”

"We believe in the determination to never let down the people, never bully the weak, resolutely defend our homeland, and resolutely safeguard our glory."

"However, there are always people who challenge our bottom line and trample on our justice and honor again and again."

He stood in the middle of the stage, his voice was loud and not overly passionate, but his voice could reach everyone's ears.

Looking around the audience, he continued: "In the Demacian calendar, 511 AD, Noxus marched all the way from the southwest, with ambitions like greedy wolves. Its local territory continued to expand through devouring, but its ambitions became bigger and bigger. .”

"And this is also the first real encounter between Demacia and Noxus in history. Since then, a war between the two sides has begun for nearly 200 years."

"In 525 AD, Noxus and Demacia clashed for the first time in history. Both sides didn't know each other very well. It almost ended in a draw, and Noxus withdrew its troops."

Two years later, Noxus reorganized its forces and attacked again. Although the battle still ended in a draw, both sides made a lot of sacrifices and entered a brief truce. "

"In 542 AD, after these years of training, Noxus attacked again. This battle ended with Noxus' defeat, and we successfully held our position."

"In 565 AD, Noxus made a comeback. The two sides did not trigger a war, but small-scale conflicts continued."

"In 582 AD, another war broke out, and the two sides once again ended in a draw."

"In 600 AD, Noxus reorganized its forces and launched an attack on us with an army of 20. This battle was also our first defeat in the war with Noxus. Noxus succeeded. Seized a tract of land now known as Trewell.”

"In 601 AD, Noxus continued to march southwestward, and at this time, the two sides began a 60-year conflict in the Gate of Mourn area."

"In 605 AD, Jarvan I personally led a war against Noxus at the Gate of Sorrows. However, this battle was the worst defeat for Demacia in history, and it was also the worst defeat for all of us Demacians. shame."

"The enemy general led his troops into the position and killed the king. At the same time, we also sacrificed at least [-] soldiers in that battle."

"This is the saddest day in Demacia. It is a day that we must remember. It is also a scar that is engraved on each of us."

"After that, Noxus never gave up the fight for the Gate of Mourn. It exposed its ambitions all the time, waiting to pounce on us and bite us at any time."

"In so many years and so long of fighting, our soldiers have died at least 20."

"I want to say that we have always guarded our homeland, but is this our fault? What are our faults?"

"The ambitions of the invaders are endless, so we have to constantly accompany them?"

Along with his historical memories one by one, the contents recorded in the history books were revealed together in everyone's mind.

Yes, the two sides have been fighting each other for nearly 200 years.

As Lu Qi's questioning words fell, upon hearing this, every warrior's eyes were filled with anger. Looking around, they could only feel a heat wave surging above their heads.

yes!How wrong they were!
In recent years, Noxus has always taken the initiative to start wars, but they have paid a lot of sacrifices for it.

Seeing everyone's emotions rise and fall, Lu Qi continued in a calm voice: "I'm wondering if we should break the rules, break the shackles of the old world, and strike out bravely!"

"This is also to protect our pride!"

"The ambitions of the invaders are endless, and the sacrifices will never end. This momentum must end."

"I don't know what will happen in the future, but I know that at this moment, standing here, I have no regrets."

"This time, we must let the world know Demacia again!"

As he spoke, he raised his fists, his eyes shining like the sun, and said loudly: "So for Demacia! We should attack!"

"Conquer Noxus in the east, this battle will be won!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a "boom" from the audience, exploding like a bomb.

The soldiers raised their weapons in unison, raised them above their heads, and shouted loudly: "For Demacia! This battle will be won!"

The sound was majestic, like rolling thunder, and the killing intent soared into the sky, breaking through the sky.

The evil deeds of Noxus have ignited the anger of every warrior. The blood in their bodies is surging, and they will respond with a strong fighting spirit for the next conquest!
The majestic scene could not stop in a short time. Every soldier roared with all his strength. Even the people outside the square heard their deafening anger.

Behind the high platform, Lux looked at the scene in front of her in a daze, and her blood boiled with excitement. She wished she could rush to Noxus' lair right now and give them an electric cannon.

She looked at Lucci's figure on the high platform who was also raising his fists and shouting loudly. For a moment, she couldn't take her eyes away from him, and she was in a trance.

On the other side, Tiana also watched, with a smile unconsciously showing at the corner of her mouth.

At this moment, I feel a sense of pride that my own boy has grown up to become a dragon.After finishing his pre-war speech, Lu Qi still couldn't rest.

Because he had to take advantage of this momentum to go on an expedition, he immediately issued an order to board the ship.

As the troops boarded the ship in an orderly manner at the port, a ship sailed.

Looking around, every boat is full of people, and everyone is ready to set off.

On one of the ships, the Valiant, Lu Qi slowly boarded the ship.

Watching the waves on the sea rise and fall, and the blue water reflecting the sunlight making it look sparkling, he felt much more relaxed as he came all the way.

Thinking that he could rest for a while, he breathed a sigh of relief.

About [-] troops were prepared for this expedition. Demacia's army was not as large as Noxus's, but each of them was an elite.

The number of troops located in Kabhir is [-].

The reason why we chose to take the sea route was because this battle planned to divide the troops into three groups. Lev would lead the [-] troops, starting from the Shuoyin Road and passing through Tobitsia and Lunwall.

That was the route that Lu Qi and others took last time to go to the Gate of Sorrow.

Lu Qi, on the other hand, led [-] troops and took the sea route, with the goal also being to the east.

As for the remaining [-] troops, it is also very important, related to whether Lu Qi and others will be attacked from behind.

“What a big sea”

At this time, Lux's voice of surprise came from behind.

The little girl opened her eyes wide, with the reflection of the sea flashing in her eyes. She had seen the sea before, but it was only when she was a child.

It was far less shocking than seeing it again this time, because there was also Demacia's huge fleet on the sea.

The scene can be said to be extremely magnificent, and just looking at it makes people feel a little excited.

"Drink the seasickness medicine and we're almost ready to set off."

Lu Qi glanced at her and confessed.

"Oh." Although Lux resisted this, she still took out the seasickness medicine that Lu Qi had prepared for her.

Looking at the dark pills in her hand, she couldn't help but frown. Then she frowned and hesitated for a while before she mustered up the courage to throw it into her mouth.

She planned to swallow it raw, but it would be more uncomfortable, so she had to bite it into pieces first. Then a mask of pain appeared on her face the next second, and finally she slowly swallowed it into her stomach.

His face looked as if he had been seriously ill, very pale.

Next to him, the enthusiastic Navis handed over the water he brought with him.

Lux cast a grateful look and immediately took it and drank it.

This time Lu Qi brought along Navis, a rising star in the scientific research world, who now also has the true inheritance of Wenhua De.

Behind her, Sona, Quinn, Poppy, and Yourna also boarded the boat one after another.

After everyone arrived, Lu Qi took out the secret key, opened the panel, and took a look at the information bar.

Jarvan IV just sent a message: "Have you arrived at Kabshir? Although my eldest brother knows that you are very confident in this expedition, please remember to be careful in everything. It is a pity that I can't fight against the enemy together with you, but my eldest brother is here Good news is waiting for you in China!”

There was a lot of concern in his words, and a smile appeared on Lu Qi's lips.

Jarvan IV originally wanted to go on an expedition with Lucci, but was quickly rejected by the Council.

There was no need for Demacia to let the two princes wander outside. Now that Jarvan IV was the next heir to the throne, he naturally wanted to stay and continue to hone his political skills.

After replying, "Don't worry, brother," Lu Qi found other news.

I saw a message from a representative of the Forbidden Demon Statue Department.

"The Forbidden Demon Colossus has been transported to Pingze Town."

Seeing this news, Lu Qi raised his head and glanced in the direction of Pingze Town.

Pingtaek Town is located in the mountains above Kabhir, about two or three days away, so it’s not that far apart.

Both parties set off at the same time, but after all, the Colossus was too heavy and would be more difficult to transport.

"It's almost time. Let me know and get ready to go."

After going through everything about the expedition in his mind, and seeing that nothing was missing, Lu Qi issued the order.

Soon, news spread that the fleet was about to depart.

The 'Valiant' has moved forward, reached the front end, and docked next to the other 'Fearless'.

Lu Qi looked at the people standing on the boat opposite and said, "Aunt, let's take a step first."

Tiana stood on the board and nodded when she heard this: "I wish you a safe journey."

Standing behind her was Galen, and she was naturally the commander of the remaining [-] troops.

The reason why the troops were divided into three groups was because Noxus occupied too much territory, not just east of Demacia.

Even the continent of Shurima also has lands that have been invaded by them.

And in the due east, there is a huge 'Borderless Land' between the two countries, which is lined with various small countries and tribes, either allies, neutral or hostile.

In short, the space left in the middle is about the size of two or three Demacias.

Therefore, if you want to send out troops, you will definitely not be able to march from the middle. There are too many variables in this.

This is why, every time the two sides fight, the main place where the war occurs is close to the Gate of Sorrow in the southeast.

Because this is the shortest distance between the two countries.

Tiana and her troops were heading to the Shurima continent to attack the Noxian forces in Shurima.

Prevent them from sneaking around from behind by sea.

"Auntie too, have a nice journey."

Lu Qi said the same thing.

Then he looked away, walked slowly to the bow of the ship, looked at the sea in front of him, and shouted loudly.

"Raise troops and march eastward!"

(End of this chapter)

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