LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 315 These idiots guessed quite accurately.

Chapter 315 These idiots guessed quite accurately.

Demacia's move not only represented their high confidence in themselves, but also showed that they did not take Noxus seriously at all.

"What do you think about this?"

Darkwill put the letter on the table and said expressionlessly.The fluctuating aura exuding from his whole body showed that he had reached the edge of anger at this moment.

A minister picked it up and read out the contents of the letter slowly. As the contents of the letter came to an end, the ministers present could not help but change their expressions.

"Your Majesty, Demacia's move is nothing short of humiliating us!"

"No reason!"

"We started a war and sold prisoners. What did they think of us?"

Some of the grumpy ministers had already jumped up on the spot.

They are Noxus, the tyrants of Runeterra, but at this moment they are being jumped in the face and humiliated.

"Who asked you to discuss this?"

Darkwill's voice was a little colder and he said, "What I'm asking you is whether to redeem or not to redeem."

Although in his eyes, human life is as worthless as trivial matter, but now he cannot ignore it.

A minister thought for a while and said: "If you want to redeem it, the money is not a small amount."

Darkwill's eyes flickered slightly. Two hundred gold per person seemed quite cheap, but when the big numbers were added up, it was not that simple.

The most important thing is that he would rather invest this money in the battle against Ionia to help him find medicine.

A bunch of bastards are not as important as a strong army.

Another person stood up and suggested: "The letter said that he will deal with some of it from time to time. Maybe we can shelve this matter temporarily and wait until General Demir wins the battle before dealing with it."

Darkwill said nothing, but he was already thinking in his heart.

That's what he really thought. Just pretend he couldn't see it. Those bastards would be dead if they died. It had nothing to do with him.

Dumped among the Demacia team, you can still eat their food and drink their food, and they have to waste their energy looking after it.

When he sends troops to fight Demacia back, he can naturally take back those refugees.

After thinking about it, a minister said, "I'm afraid it won't work."

Before he finished speaking, a messenger ran in from outside the palace, knelt down on one knee and reported: "Your Excellency, the money to ransom prisoners of war has been spread in the city, and the whole city is talking about it."

Darkwill looked cold and said, "Who spread the news?"

There was still discussion in the meeting here, but the matter has spread throughout the main city.

It's obviously intentional.

The minister who was halfway speaking just now continued to speak: "I'm afraid Demacia did this intentionally. They are obviously using this to put pressure on us."

Darkwill calmed down. It was indeed possible. This news was deliberately let go by Demacia.

Just to put pressure on.

As the commander-in-chief, it was up to him to decide whether to redeem the prisoners of war or not.

If it is redeemed, a large ransom will be paid.

If he didn't redeem it, he would be the high-ranking commander of Noxus, and when he saw his people suffering, he wouldn't even pay for it, which would definitely have a big impact on his prestige in power.

The minister just now continued: "Commander, what happened a few days ago, if we don't pay this money today."

After his words fell, Darkwill's face became even colder, and his mood was extremely bad.

He almost forgot that the Black Rose incident happened a while ago. Those idiots thought that he had been secretly colluding with the Black Rose and made many wrong decisions.

Including the invasion of Ionia, which hurt money, people, and hearts.

Even the legendary general Swain was damaged there. Now some people are even speculating that it was Darkwill who was jealous of the talented people and did this on purpose.

Although damn, these idiots' guesses were pretty accurate, and of course Duckwill wouldn't admit it until he died.

Now, although these things have been suppressed, they have shaken his prestige.

It happened that Demacia was fighting again at this time. He was the commander-in-chief. If he couldn't fight back, let alone talk about it. The matter of the prisoner of war right now would be enough for him to eat a pot.

If he didn't redeem himself, when word spread, everyone would know that he had made such a decision and allowed the people of Noxus to be captured.

I'm afraid his prestige will plummet completely.

This is something Darkwill will never tolerate unless he is confident that he can directly quell the war before the matter spreads.

However, is this confidence really possible?

Facing a Demacia that has made changes, Darkwill believes that this battle may take some time.

Is there anyone other than Demir who can step forward at this time?

Names flashed through Darkwill's mind, and his fingertips kept tapping his thigh.

Swain is dead.

The black rose disappears from the world.

It has been almost two months since there was any news about Darius's Northern Expedition.

There were also warlords. Most of the capable ones were sent to Ionia, and the rest were sent to fight against Demacia.

Think again.
For a moment, Darkwill couldn't think of a good person.

In other words, he had to suffer this loss.

Damn Demacia.

Darkwill suppressed the anger in his heart and asked aloud: "Calculate how much it will cost to redeem those prisoners of war."

Soon, a minister calculated the results and stood up to report: "General, the number of our people captured in this Demacia attack is expected to be at least 15. At the price of two hundred gold per person, we must prepare at least 3000 Ten thousand gold coins.”


It was Darkwill, and his eyelids jumped when he heard this number.

With the strength of Noxus, is it difficult to come up with 3000 million gold?
Not difficult.

But this is definitely not a small amount of money, and besides exchanging prisoners, these 3000 million can do too many things.

Yet they wanted to give it to Demacia for free.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this 3000 million is not a small amount of money for Darkwill now.

You know, he sent troops to attack Ionia for eight years, and invested a huge amount of gold coins in order to obtain the elixir of life.

Moreover, Noxus has been at constant war with surrounding places almost throughout the year, including Darius's Northern Expedition and Shurima's campaign.

These are all money-devouring machines, like bottomless pits, and Darkwill has already lost count of the money he has thrown into them.

Although he also obtained countless benefits from it, most of the money was in a state of flow.

Because for every additional place and population in Noxes' territory, he needed to invest a new amount of money.

Whether it is later development or construction or anything else, it will take a long time to pay off.

Another point is the Black Rose, from whom the Pale Witch demands a huge amount of money for all members to run.

A lot of money was spent a few days ago to suppress the Black Rose incident and deal with Catalina of the Dukecao family.

Although there is definitely 3000 million gold in the treasury at this time, once these 3000 million are given out, there may not be much left in the treasury.

Now is a critical period for him, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is short of money.A minister noticed Darkwill's hesitation and said: "Commander, this money cannot be saved."

Darkwill exhaled and asked, "How to minimize losses?"

He knew that this money really couldn't be saved. If he was at the height of his prestige, it would be okay to abandon those prisoners of war under pressure.

But not now.

Any wrong decision at the moment will shake his throne.

The ministers began to discuss in a low voice. After a while, one minister suggested: "How about the amount of money collected from the people? Everyone can make free donations to supplement the ransom."

Darkwill sneered: "The noble Noxus actually asked the citizens for money in such a matter. How do you want them to see me?"

This is a quick strategy. Not to mention how many people are willing to donate, most Noxians are self-interested.

Darkwill knew this all too well.

Under what circumstances will citizens be asked to raise funds?

The national treasury is empty and the national strength is weak.

Is this the case in Noxus?Obviously not.

At this time, asking people for money would probably become a joke among jokes. Looking at history, no great commander has ever done this.

Darkwill is naturally even more reluctant to set this precedent.

The minister continued: "Then ask the warlords from all over the country to donate. As the beneficiaries of Noxus, they should contribute part of their efforts at this juncture."

Darkwill thought for a moment and said calmly: "Send someone to ask them what they mean. Each person must donate more than 100 million."

This plan is feasible, as all the warlords in various places are very rich.

However, Darkwill did not place any hope on them or expect them to collect the 3000 million gold.

What is the concept of warlord?
Those are all people whose families have a long history, who have great strength, or who have both.

At the moment, they seem to be united in supporting him. I am afraid that some of them are already waiting to see the joke of him falling from this position.

The reason why there is no movement is that they are still wary of their own power and strength.

This is reality, so Darkwill is guarding against many outstanding people. Swain is just too dazzling, so he died so early.

Otherwise, he can reuse him for a few more years.

Some of the ministers here were from great nobles, but if Darkwill asked them for money, he could imagine how these families would deal with him.

Elixir of life
The more he thought about it, the more anger surged in Darkwill's heart.

If he can have immortality, he will become the greatest king in the history of Noxus. No matter what warlord or family, he will be the plaything in the palm of his hand!

At this time, another minister stood up and suggested: "General, I think the redeemed people can be recruited into the army to become a military force to fight against Demacia and regain their hometown. For these people, we can offer high military salaries. , and will be distributed until Demacia is defeated. In this way, I think the losses can be minimized."

His proposal soon made some ministers' eyes light up.

Darkwill also lowered his head and thought quietly.

The minister's idea was very simple, that is, to buy back those prisoners of war and then put them into the army, ostensibly offering high military pay, under the slogan of taking back their hometown.

In fact, it was to let them become cannon fodder and rush to the front to reduce the burden on Noxus' real army.

This is also the reason why Demacia is said to be overconfident. Is there any reason why Noxus spends a lot of money to buy back prisoners of war?

Soon, Darkwill made a decision: "Just do it like this, reply to Triwell, and I agree to redeem him."


Soon, someone took the order.

The meeting dispersed.

Only Darkwill's cronies were left.

He asked: "Where's Darius? Is there no news yet?"

One person stood up and said: "No, but news came from the northern border that General Darius had a conflict with a tribe called Winter's Claw. During the battle between the two sides, an avalanche suddenly occurred, and the general and the enemy troops were drowned on the spot. .That’s why the border troops lost news of the general.”

This was bad news for Darkwill. His eyes narrowed slightly as he sat on the throne and kept thinking.

Darius can be said to be one of his most respected generals, and he is so loyal to him that he even personally awarded Darius the title of 'Hand of Noxus'.

Darius is extremely powerful, and there is basically no battle he cannot win.

It is precisely because of this that Darkwill sent him to conquer the barbarian tribes in the Ice Land.

Although the conditions in the north are not good, the strength of the barbarian tribes is not weak. If they can become part of Noxus, it will be a big help to him.

However, Darius' life or death is now uncertain, if the loss is in the Freljord.

That was also a big blow to Darkwill's own power.

However, he believed that Darius would not fall so easily. If he were here, he would definitely be able to stop Demacia's attack.

"Send people deep into the Freljord to find news about Darius. We must find him within a month."

Darkwill came to his senses and issued an order.


Somebody takes orders.

Immediately, Darkwill asked with cold eyes: "How is the matter with the Assassin's Association handled? And where is Katarina?"

One person stood up and said: "We sent many people to deal with Katarina, but they all left without returning. There is also the Assassin's Association, they are now scattered in every corner of Noxus, and they cannot be dealt with in a short time. "


Darkwill snorted coldly, cursing these losers in his heart.

Can't even deal with a Katarina.

It was because of her and the Assassin's Association that news of the Black Rose spread, which had an impact on his authority on the throne.

If it weren't for her, there wouldn't be all this shit.

However, Darkwill had sent people to deal with her and the Assassin's Association long before, but so far no results had been obtained.

On the contrary, many of his cronies were assassinated during this period.

Although not many men were lost, this was tantamount to a provocation against Darkwill.

In addition, the Assassin's Association has never given up its attack on Black Rose and him. He tried his best to suppress the rumors, while the Assassin's Association tried every means to expand the impact of this matter.

This made Darkwill feel very irritable.

"Add more manpower and don't let me see these annoying flies jumping around again."

Darkwill ordered coldly.


Soon someone took the lead again.

 Recommend a book from a friend.


(End of this chapter)

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