LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 316 I Thought We Were Friends

Chapter 316 I Thought We Were Friends
Located deep in a certain city, there is an ancient house called the Zaafan family.

This was once the residence of an ancient nobleman in Noxus. The castle stood tall and was full of a sense of antiquity, but the dilapidated surroundings made the palace look a bit eerie.

There was not a soul around, and groups of trees surrounded the castle, peacefully.

Inside the palace.

A burst of easy footsteps came out slowly, and soon a voluptuous woman walked out. Her hair was as bright as blood, and she was styled in an aristocratic style.Her face was extremely beautiful, and her red eyes exuded a sense of temptation and danger.

She was wearing a red and black long skirt. The silky long skirt highlighted her perfect figure. The black skirt only reached her knees, revealing two slender and smooth calves, as well as two legs wearing high heels. Beautiful feet.

She has an aloof and cold temperament, like a rose with thorns.

Such a beautiful woman lives in a palace that few people care about. The living room is even more dim. There are interconnected cobwebs everywhere, as well as spiders, big and small, climbing near the cobwebs.

From time to time there was a "rustling" sound.

She strolled leisurely, walking gracefully towards a staircase.

After reaching the second floor, she stopped at the door of a room, then reached out and pushed the door open and walked in.

Opening the door, the room was very clean, with warm firelight emitting from the lamps. There was a large bed against the wall. Lying on the bed was a woman with the same beautiful face. Her purple hair was messy, and her clothes were in pieces. She was completely naked. reveals a snow-white landscape.


The woman in the black dress frowned slightly when she saw this, and said dissatisfiedly: "It's been almost two months since you came to my place to eat and drink, and now it's a mess outside. Are you really not going to pay attention to it?"

After the words fell, LeBlanc slowly opened his eyes on the bed, then sat up, stretched out comfortably, and said, "What can I change if I understand it? Naturally, I have to enjoy this rare vacation time." Also, Elise, those little spiders of yours have no rules at all and are so noisy that I can’t sleep well.”

"That's not why you use magic to trap them."

Elise raised her head and waved her hand, and magic suddenly flashed through her.

With a 'bang' sound, the little spiders imprisoned in the corners and ceiling suddenly became free and scrambled to escape.

"Don't forget that you are a guest now. I'm kind enough to take you in. If you try too hard, it will be rude."

She looked at LeBlanc and expressed her dissatisfaction again.

"It's too hurtful for you to say that. We have known each other for so long and I thought we were friends. That's why I came to you when I encountered difficulties."

LeBlanc said a little aggrievedly, and got out of bed, with a set of beautiful clothes appearing out of thin air.

"Have you forgotten? When you encountered difficulties, I was the one who showed up to help you solve them."

Her tone was like that of an abandoned little daughter-in-law, with the word "grievance" written all over her body.

"Can you please stop mentioning this matter?" Elise raised her eyebrows and sneered: "It seems as if I have done less for you in so many years. Also, who wants to talk to you who is a liar? Witches make friends.”

She admitted that when she was a weak and helpless aristocratic woman, she did receive help from LeBlanc.

She was born into House Kythera, one of the oldest bloodlines in Noxus.

In a family-arranged political marriage, she married Zaafan Burkhout, the original owner of the current palace.

This is a decision that is more beneficial to both families. As chess pieces, the two have no right to choose.

But compared to her family background alone, she still has an advantage.

After marriage, the two of them were husband and wife, but they were not husband and wife. Even the banquet on the wedding night was a social event that benefited both families.

After marriage, the two used their own methods, but as her abilities emerged, she has become the real master of the Zaafan family.

This made the apparent head of the family, Burholt, finally feel jealous, and as time passed, his resentment became deeper and deeper.

Finally one night, during the usual cold silence of dinner, Burkholt showed off.

He poisons her drink, demands that she withdraw from social affairs and that he retains actual power.

She knew that this man did not dare to kill him because she had the Kythira family behind her, and all he wanted to do was use the antidote to control her.

So she speculated that the antidote must be in Burholt.

Facts have proved that her speculation was successful. When she penetrated Birhot's heart with a dagger, she found the antidote from the man.

However, even with the antidote, she was still poisoned and bedridden.

It was at this time that the pale lady, LeBlanc came to her.

Later, during the conversation, Elise learned that the marriage between the Kythira family and the Zaafan family was actually arranged by this woman.

Even Burhot was this woman's puppet, and everything he did was working for an organization called the Black Rose.

Here, trusted members gain access to deep knowledge and secret witchcraft.

In fact, the pale lady does not care who is in charge of the major nobles, she only cares whether the person in power is loyal to her.

Now that Elise has killed Burkholt as a puppet, she must prove her worth, otherwise a more suitable person will be found to replace her.

The information she received that night made Elise feel like she had opened the door to a new world.

Faced with such a ladder of power in front of her, how could Elise refuse.

She proved her ability to LeBlanc and successfully joined the Black Rose. In the following time, she quickly accumulated the wealth of the two families together, bringing her power to a new stage.

However, he is still just a step away from entering the core of the Black Rose.

At this time, Elise learned that something very valuable inside the Black Rose was the skull of the ancient warlord Sarn U'zul, which was said to have been hidden in the Shadow Island a long time ago.

In order to gain LeBlanc's favor, she took a desperate risk and led a team to the cursed city.

Although Uzul's skull was not found, she was given another opportunity.

A long-forgotten creature has made its home in the lightless abyss beneath the city.This bulging, chitinous monster was the Spider-god, the Vile Maw, which swooped out of the darkness to devour the interlopers until its fangs pierced Elise's shoulder.

It was an extremely painful time. She felt that her body was being tortured every day, and her body underwent new changes every day.

In the end, she was horrified to find that her spine was rising and turning involuntarily, and finally many spider legs penetrated the flesh on her back.

She turned into a spider monster that was neither human nor ghost.

The Vile Maw did not kill her, and her soul seemed to be communicating with the Spider God without words.

In the later period, she slowly mastered the method of changing back to human form, and she escaped back to Noxus.

Found LeBlanc again.

LeBlanc saw that what she had received was actually a dangerous gift - a way to travel safely between Noxus and the Shadow Isles.

She was the one chosen by the Spider God. At that moment, Elise understood who she should really be loyal to, and that was the Spider God.

Later, they hit it off, and Black Rose would provide Elise with a steady stream of stupid sacrifices to the Spider God, and in return, she would bring back any object with power from the dark, forbidden coast. .

Counting the time, it seemed that she had known LeBlanc for hundreds of years.

Over the years, their relationship has remained strong, and they each get what they need.But she said with conscience that in order to repay LeBlanc for her help back then, Elise has helped her solve a lot of troubles for free over the years.

For example this time.

She didn't know how, but word about the black rose spread all over the street again, and the situation seemed to be a bit more serious than before.

"It's so sad, and I'm hungry."

LeBlanc sighed, clutched her stomach, and said weakly.

"Then just go hungry, I'm not your servant."

Elise glanced at her angrily. She was afraid that outsiders had seen her and completely believed that the useless person who woke up to eat and continued to sleep after eating was actually the master of Black Rose - the pale lady.


LeBlanc sighed again.

"It seems like you really didn't run out during this period."

Elise said at this time, looking at LeBlanc's confused look, she continued: "I'm afraid you don't know, Demacia launched an attack four days ago, and has now captured Trivel, and is probably still along the way. March on.”

Hearing this, LeBlanc was slightly startled: "Really?"

She had a thoughtful look in her eyes, and she had to say that even she was a little surprised when she heard the news.

Demacia actually changed from normal and took the initiative to call.

This meant they were ready for an all-out war with Noxus.

After coming back to her senses, she asked: "Who came up with the idea?"

"You ask me this?" Elise looked at her and said, "But the person leading the army this time is the second prince of Demacia, the one you mentioned a while ago."

This sentence made LeBlanc startled slightly, and then his eyes showed interest.

It's this second prince again.

She has lived for so many years, and if there are only a few people who can make her invisible, then the second prince is one of them.

There was something about him that LeBlanc couldn't describe.

Compared with the people in Rune Land, they seem out of place.

Maybe it was because he was the only one who made her plan fail so completely.

Not only that, he also avoided trouble through Demacia.

Now, they are coming in person again with troops.

Interesting, really interesting.

This had to make LeBlanc more interested in him.

"And that puppet you carefully selected, he has done more and more stupid things recently. I just received news that he is going to send Demir to deal with the prince. And then he is still determined not to withdraw his dispatch to Ionia. of military strength.”

"But he seems to agree with your proposal. He secretly selected a warlord's son who supports him. He has recently started to build momentum. It seems that he is preparing to train him as the next crown prince."

"Also, he agreed to the prince's proposal to trade prisoners of war and planned to pay the other party 3000 million gold."

Elise watched LeBlanc thinking deeply. Although she didn't know what she was thinking, she still interrupted her thinking.

Slowly tell him all the news he has received recently.

After hearing this, LeBlanc raised his head and said calmly: "This is what I expected. The more restrained a person is, the more eager he is to escape from restraint. Furthermore, he feels that his life is not long, and what he has done It will only become more self-serving. From the beginning, I had no expectations for him."

Elise asked, "So what are you going to do with him?"

"At least now he is still valuable." LeBlanc said slowly, "It is not easy to find someone more capable than him right now. It will also take time to cultivate a second Darkwill."

Elise said: "So you deliberately mentioned Demir to him. Who was the person you secretly selected?"

LeBlanc leaned back, fell on the bed, and said lazily: "If I said I haven't found it yet, would you believe it?"

Elise chuckled: "In your current state, I believe it."

LeBlanc turned over and lay on her side, lifting her slender jade legs and pressing them on the quilt, and said lazily: "It's still a long time, don't be in a hurry. Although Darkwill said he wouldn't live long, a few years is still okay. "

Elise also sat on the bed and could smell the aroma wafting from the sheets. She usually didn't spray perfume at home, so this was naturally LeBlanc's body fragrance.

After sniffing, she suddenly said: "Swain is a good candidate. It would be a pity to die."

LeBlanc said: "He is indeed a rare outstanding person, but he is too smart. This kind of person is not even afraid of death. It is more than ten times more difficult to control than Darkwill, so why waste my energy Woolen cloth."

Elise thought about it, so she skipped the topic and asked, "What about this battle? Aren't you going to interfere? That prince is menacing and I'm afraid he's not someone to be trifled with."

"If I show my face now, I will be scolded to death, so why interfere?" LeBlanc's tone was quite calm, and continued: "Besides, are the warlords raised by Noxus just for food? Why don't you want me, Black Rose, to go if you don't support them from the front? If they are really a bunch of trash, they deserve to be beaten and run away in confusion."

"That's true."

Elise nodded slightly.

People in Black Rose are now hiding. Although the storm has been suppressed, it does not mean that people have forgotten it.

Now as long as someone suspected of being Black Rose is exposed, he will be targeted by the whole people.

Even LeBlanc can only hide away at the moment.

As for this battle, if the warlords can't handle it, then Noxus will be raising them in vain.

After thinking about it, she stood up and walked out.

After LeBlanc noticed it, she asked, "Why are you going?"

"Making breakfast, I happen to be a little hungry too."

Elise responded calmly, opened the door and left.

"Oh, put less chili pepper, I've been getting angry recently."

Hearing this, LeBlanc warned.

Elise turned back and glanced at her: "With so many things to do, you can eat whatever I do."

LeBlanc stopped talking and lay on the bed, patiently waiting for her breakfast.

In her mind, she thought of the second prince again, and a smile couldn't help but appear on her lips, adding a bit of charm to her beautiful face.

It's getting more and more interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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