LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 317 Don't Come Here

Chapter 317 Don't Come Here
Located in an unknown forest.

It's summer, and the trees' dense branches and leaves are in full bloom, faintly blocking the falling light, forming patches of shadows.

The sound of a stream flowing not far away kept coming.

A figure walking quickly suddenly appeared and stopped.

Catalina wore a tight leather jacket that highlighted her graceful figure.The shoulders and some parts are covered with light helmets.The red hair was still rippling slightly due to the stopped movement, and the bright and cold bright green eyes were looking around at the surroundings.

"If I were you, I wouldn't choose to set up an ambush here."

She suddenly spoke calmly, and her cold voice echoed in the quiet woods.


Suddenly, several consecutive sounds were heard, and several crossbow arrows were fired rapidly from different directions, heading towards Catalina.

The next second, Catalina's figure disappeared from the spot, and several crossbow arrows were fired. In the blink of an eye, she was standing on a boulder, and a dead soul appeared under the knife flowing with blood.

"Exposed, come together!"

Without hesitation, a voice came from a corner, and in an instant several figures jumped up and rushed towards Catalina.

Faced with this situation, Catalina didn't panic at all. She raised her hand and shot a dagger at an assassin.

This obvious attack could naturally be avoided, but the next second, Catalina's figure disappeared out of thin air, and she had reached the position of the dagger in an instant.

He raised his hand mercilessly and inserted it into an assassin's ribs. A choking sound was heard, and blood gushed out from the assassin's mouth.


"Be careful!"

The assassins screamed in surprise and became even more vigilant.

"Since you have investigated me, why do you still dare to come?"

A delicate sneer appeared at the corner of Catalina's lips, and when her words fell, her figure disappeared again.

The assassins looked around in panic, and suddenly an assassin's eyes widened and he shouted: "Luka, behind you!"

Luka looked frightened, and instinctively swung his weapon to slash back. The next second he felt severe pain in his arm, and he couldn't help shouting in pain: "Ahh!!"

The roar did not last long, because Katarina had already swung the dagger and stabbed into his neck. Before the blood sprayed out, another Shunbu disappeared on the spot.

In two moments, two people died.

She was like a ghost, causing an atmosphere of fear to linger on the scene.

For a moment, it was unclear who was the assassin.

These assassins finally understood why Katarina was called the Ominous Blade, because no one knew where she would appear next second or what method she would use to kill people.

At the same time, she also represents death, which is both ominous.

This is the name Katarina has been given recently. She has become famous in the assassin world and has become a famous top assassin.

"Keep calm! Come together, there are many of us!"

An assassin held the weapon in his hand tightly, suddenly caught a glimpse of red hair, and exclaimed: "Left!"

He suddenly attacked to the left. At the same time, all the assassins moved, but they missed.

"Are you looking for me?"

Catalina appeared behind them and teased.

The assassins turned around, and when she waved her hand, two daggers flew out.As the assassins hid, they began to be wary of whether Katarina would teleport to the dagger again.

But this time Katarina didn't. Continuously performing Shunpo was very energy-consuming, and she didn't want to waste her precious energy on a few trash fish.

"She's out of arms!"

An assassin noticed that Katarina's hands were empty and immediately rushed forward, swinging the weapon in his hand and slashing at her.

"Cang!" The next second, there was a crisp sound of weapons colliding with weapons.

The assassin opened his eyes wide and looked at the dagger that appeared out of thin air in Catalina's hand in surprise. He didn't have time to think too much and followed up with several fierce attacks.

They were all blocked by Catalina, and she used her backhand to remove the assassin's weapon.

Immediately afterwards, the dagger stabbed directly into his shoulder, and then turned, shattering the bones in his shoulder. At this time, the other four companions of the assassin also rushed over.

Katarina kicked the assassin in front of her. The two assassins avoided it, and the two assassins continued to attack.

With a dagger in each hand, she resisted the attacks of the two men with ease, while retreating. There was a big tree behind her, and she was about to be unable to retreat.

She took advantage of the gap between two attacks at the same time and jumped up. In front of her were two assassins chasing after her. So she stepped on the shoulder of one assassin and used the momentum to do a backflip.

He stepped on the tree with his feet, like a cat ready to bounce, his legs used strength, and he ran out flexibly.


The assassins can naturally see the difference in physical skills between the two sides, and the large number of people is their last thought at the moment.

When the distance was far away, the assassins fired with crossbows.

Catalina dodged back and forth on the tree, toying with the assassins below. When no crossbow arrows came, she stopped and smiled indifferently.

"It's my turn now. I've changed my mind. It seems good to try new moves on you."

She raised her hand and fired the two daggers out again. The assassin immediately stared at the daggers and was ready to attack.

They wanted to predict Katarina's landing point through the trajectory of the dagger.

They did guess that Catalina would do this, but they failed to guess where Catalina would land.

Because, suddenly there were more daggers.

Catalina jumped down from the tree lightly, and two more daggers flew out. During the flight, the two daggers suddenly turned into six, flying in different directions.

The assassins were dazzled by what they saw. The next second, Catalina disappeared. She jumped on a dagger, and two more daggers flew out.

There were more and more daggers, flying continuously in the forest, accompanied by Catalina's ghostly figure.

No one can predict Katarina's landing point now, because there are too many daggers to guard against. She is like the god of death, and will appear in a sudden moment to take your life.

The four assassins died in despair. Even if the four of them relied on each other, it would not help.

There were a bunch of corpses lying on the ground. Catalina finally landed on the ground safely, breathing very steadily, and there were a few glistening stains of sweat on her forehead.

Although I wanted not to waste my energy, it seemed that I was wasting a little more energy just to try new moves.

But that's not important. She is quite satisfied with this trick and recently gave it a new name.

It's called the Death Lotus.

She looked around and noticed something.

It was the assassin who was stabbed in the shoulder by her just now. I don't know if he was lucky or not, but he survived by chance.

He was lying on the ground tremblingly at this moment, looking at Catalina in horror, as if saying "Don't come over".

At this time, even Catalina's beautiful and delicate face could not calm the fear in his heart.Catalina looked at him with a smile on her lips: "Who sent you here? Answer well and I will give you a happy answer."

"I, I don't know. Anyway, it's a task given to us by a big shot. We don't want to take it, but if we don't take it, we'll die. Please."

Before the assassin could finish his plea for mercy, Catalina had already shot out a dagger and inserted it into his head.

She showed a thoughtful expression and said to herself: "Then it seems to be Darkwill."

It is also possible that he was Duke Cao's enemy. He had made many enemies over the years. After his death, there were always people who wanted to take revenge on his family.

She was a little worried about her mother and sister who were far away in Shurima, but it was not the time to go find them yet.

Because as her activities in Noxus increased, she could see more and more that Noxus today, under Darkwill's rule, was on the verge of decay.

And that guy had already started targeting the Assassin's Association, sending several waves of assassins to assassinate her.

Right now, no matter who sent this group of assassins, Katarina would always regard it as Darkwill's doing.

When the time comes, she will put all the old and new debts on this guy.

Thinking of the journey ahead, Catalina quickened her pace.

Half an hour later, she arrived at a tree house in the woods. After confirming that there were no other ambush, she opened the door and walked in.

Then I found a chair, sat down casually, and slowly waited.

After another half an hour, a figure appeared outside the door, then opened the door and walked in.

She looked at the person who came, wearing a gray robe and a mask on her face, revealing only a pair of calm eyes.

She asked straight to the point: "Has the investigation produced any results?"


Tyrone nodded slightly, took out a record from his robe, and placed it on the table in front of Catalina: "This is the information about Mellie that you asked me to investigate. This is all I can investigate. "

After hearing this, Catalina slowly picked up the information on the table and read it. She then showed a thoughtful expression, and her eyes shone with interest.

She said to herself: "I just don't know what that guy will do when he finds out."

Tyrone stood aside and did not disturb Catalina. After she read the information on the paper, he slowly said, "It seems you don't know the news yet."

Hearing this, Catalina raised her head and asked doubtfully: "What? I've been running around everywhere these days, and I really haven't received any news."

Tyrone said: "Demacia is calling."

Catalina was slightly startled: "Did you call?"

"Yes." Tyrone nodded and said, "The second prince is leading the troops, the son of Melly who you asked me to investigate. Trewell has been breached, and they are still continuing to advance."

Catalina did not reply after hearing this, but lowered her head with a thoughtful expression.

When she heard the news, she was not surprised for a moment.

From the time she was around that guy, she had a vague feeling that he seemed to be carefree, but in fact, once he started doing something, he would always shock people's jaws.

He would personally lead the troops to fight against Noxus. To be honest, in Katarina's opinion, it would be a matter of time.

The more I get to know this guy, the more I understand how extraordinary he is.

So Katarina was convinced that sooner or later, this guy would cause Noxus to suffer a big loss.

But she didn't expect that this day would come so quickly.

It seemed that Demacia had just lifted the ban on demons during this period, and he had already led an army to attack.

Thinking about it more carefully, this is indeed a good time.

That idiot Darkwill insisted on sending troops to attack Ionia regardless of people's opposition.

If it were her, she wouldn't miss such a good opportunity.

"But if that guy leads the troops, Darkwill will be in trouble."

Katarina thought slowly and muttered to herself.

Tailong heard this and said, "Is that prince that powerful?"

"He is just a defeated prince, but no matter how bad he is, he is still countless times stronger than Darkwill."

Catalina snorted coldly, seeming a little angry.

Tyrone remained silent and observed Catalina's expression. He learned that Catalina seemed to know the prince.

He didn't know what Katarina went through when she went to Demacia, but she thought she had met the prince.

After staying quietly for a few seconds, Tai Lung asked: "What do you think?"

"Did Demacia call me?"

Catalina's eyes flickered. In the past, when Duke Cao was in charge of the Assassin's Association, he would usually assign missions to assassinate enemy generals.

After all, the Assassin's Association is loyal to Noxus, and it is their duty to find ways to solve Noxus' problems.

Now, as the leader of the Assassin's Association, Catalina naturally has to consider whether to intervene in this battle.

"What do you think of Noxus now?"

Without answering this question, Catalina asked Tyrone.

Tai Lung thought for a while and said: "Idealistic hypocritical imperialism, the empire has always created a way out if people are strong. In my opinion, it is just a slogan dreamed up by those at the top to deceive the bottom."

Among them, I haven't seen many who can really stand out.This phenomenon can radiate to every corner of Noxus, and power goes around in circles, eventually falling into the hands of those noble warlords. "

This is the real Noxus.

It has always been Darkwill who controls the world, and it has always been those nobles and warlords.

There was only one person who was truly a commoner, and Catalina had the deepest impression.

Hand of Noxus - Darius.

This man was an unknown soldier in the army and rose step by step to his current position as the general of Noxus. What he really relied on was his powerful strength to suppress everything.

He is serious, starting from the lowest level and working his way up step by step.

Even a guy like this can barely make those nobles and powerful people accept being equal to him.

Not to mention those who are weaker than him.

The reality is that capable people still have to bow their heads and serve those incompetent people in power.

Just in line with that sentence, a family has worked hard for hundreds of years and dozens of generations.Why should I accept you as a low-level person and treat me as an equal with ease?

Therefore, in Katarina's view, the true nature of Noxus is already a lie.

Perhaps many years ago, Noxus was not like this.

But at least, it is now.

(End of this chapter)

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