LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 318 You are a bitch every day, right?

Chapter 318 You are a bitch every day, right?
"So I think this Demacia attack is a good opportunity for us."

Katarina took Tyrone's words and continued: "Solving the superficial problems will never change Noxus. If the real root causes are not solved, Noxus will only become more corrupt."

She had witnessed the purge initiated by Demacia, in which many people died overnight, resolute and decisive.

She felt that Noxus should be the same.

"Darkwill is greedy for royal power and will do whatever it takes for the so-called immortality. This leads to wars on the border and the people are in dire straits."

As Catalina spoke, a murderous intent was released in her eyes: "Since I am the leader of the Assassin's Association, I must lead by example and eliminate the pests!"

Tyrone listened silently and understood what Catalina meant.

Apparently, she wants to overthrow Darkwill's rule.

But it is true that from the time the Assassin's Association criticized Darkwill, there was no possibility of reconciliation between the two parties.

Maybe at that time, Catalina was already ready.

If it were before, her idea would have never been possible.

But now, there is really a chance.

After thinking for a while, Tai Long said: "There are too many pests in the country."

"Then kill them all, until there is no one left." Catalina replied without hesitation and looked at Tyrone: "I have such determination."

"I believe you."

Tai Lung responded softly, and then said: "Since I have decided to follow you, then I also support all your decisions."


There was a smile on Catalina's face, and she stood up: "Without further ado, we are going to take action now. This is our best chance. You go and bring together the core members of the Assassin's Association."


Tai Lung responded, thought for a while, and finally said, "If you are determined to do this, I think you should go see someone."

Catalina asked: "Who?"

Tyrone said calmly: "Swain."

Catalina was slightly startled and said in confusion: "He's not"

She paused, waiting for Talon's answer.

"He is not dead, and has returned to Noxus." Talon saw the confusion in Katarina's eyes and continued, "I found out about this accidentally when I was investigating Mellie's information. "

"After discovering him, I lurked and followed him for a while, and was finally discovered by him. Maybe he discovered me from the beginning, I have this hunch."

When Tai Lung said this, his eyes narrowed slightly. He thought that his lurking ability was not weak.

But when I thought of the man raising his eyes and looking at him, I still felt frightened in my heart.

Catalina continued to ask: "Why should I go to see him?"

Tyrone thought for a moment and replied seriously: "Originally, if you hadn't said those words and had seen what happened to Swain, I would have treated it as a secret that only I knew. But now I think I need to tell it."

"I once met Swain, before he left for Ionia. I knew at the first sight that this man lived up to his reputation."

"My intuition tells me that experiencing a death this time seems to have made him stronger. When he returns to Noxus this time, he will never be willing to remain anonymous like this."

"After he found me, he didn't do anything to me. He seemed to realize that I had no ill intentions. So I informed him of my identity in the Assassin's Association."

"After that, we didn't talk much. I promised him that I would keep it a secret. He seemed willing to believe me, and then we left quickly."

Tai Lung finished speaking briefly and became quiet.

He didn't know why Swain was willing to believe him, but he had a hunch that if he took action at that time, he would not be Swain's opponent.

Catalina was lost in thought, and she understood.

Talon gave her the right to choose, whether she should still act with the Assassin Association on her own, or go to see Swain to confirm his position.

Because she exposed the Black Rose incident, and it was Swain who exposed the Black Rose back then.

He was even the one who personally executed the Black Rose representative.

There are now rumors that Darkwill has actually been secretly colluding with Black Rose. In this way, it seems that the reason why he sent Swain to Ionia is not as simple as it seems.

It is very likely that it was Darkwill, who deliberately killed Swain who was targeting the Black Rose and the powerful master.

In this way, if Darkwill learns about Swain's return to Noxus, he will not let him go easily.

If it were Swain, what would he do?
"I know, I will go see him."

Soon, Catalina made a decision.

She felt that she really needed to see Swain, if he was really still alive.

It's hard to imagine how he survived this desperate situation.

In fact, she had also met Swain, but that was when she was a child.

The impression was that it was a cocktail party held by a nobleman, and Duke Kao took her to attend.

A few tables away, she saw Swain at the other end, standing high-spirited among the crowd, receiving compliments from those around him.

At that time, he was already full of halo.

Tai Lung nodded and said, "Okay, I will tell you how to find him."

5 minute later.

After confirming the information, Catalina said: "Without further ado, let's go our separate ways. Also, this stronghold has been exposed and can be invalidated."

Talon nodded.

Soon, the two left the tree house and set off in two directions.

In a flash, another day passed.

On the northeastern coast of Noxus, in a city called Horez.

On a densely populated street with people coming and going, a figure in a cloak walked forward silently.

"Have you heard? Demacia is calling."

"Yeah, I just heard that Triwell has been breached."

"Hiss, it's scary."

"There's nothing scary about this. It makes you look like you've never fought before. But it's really rare that Demacia can fight here."

"Well, we sent so many troops to Ionia some time ago, and now we are probably going to recruit troops again."

"What's going on recently? Darkwill's bad moves are popping up one after another."

"Hey, just say a few words less."

As the news continues to spread, the news of Demacia's march has reached here.

On the streets, people were talking about it.

After hearing these comments, the cloaked figure raised his head slightly, a flash of thought flashed in his wise black eyes, and a flash of red light. As he raised his head, some silver hair fell inadvertently.

After putting away his hair, the figure lowered his head and continued walking.

On the verge of death, his head turned white overnight. After passing through death, he suddenly understood a lot.

Noxus needs real change.

And he will be the one to bring about change.

On the 25th.

Lu Qi led the army and marched while resting. Although the speed was slightly slower, it could adjust the status of the soldiers.

In five days, they had captured two towns in Noxus. As for the small towns and villages that had already fled after questioning, they were not worth mentioning.

Countless prisoners of war were captured, and a lot of supplies were also seized.

It can be seen in the past few days that Noxus has obviously been prepared, and the towns and cities have strengthened their troops, but it is still not enough, and it was not able to hold out for long before it was breached.And it was not just Lucci who was marching at the same time. Lev, who was in the north, also led his army to continuously attack and captured two cities, as well as two small towns and villages.

In the past few days, basically all Noxus' border defense cities on the western border have been captured.

It can be said that a gap has been successfully opened, and what is waiting for it will be Demacia's long drive in.

At this time, it was just dawn, and Lu Qi and the army had finished resting and were ready to continue marching.

"There are more and more prisoners of war. After a while, they will almost be several times the number of Demacian troops."

Lu Qi muttered to himself, looking eastward, wondering if the big shots in Noxus had received the letter and how the discussion was going.

According to the four-day delivery time, if Lu Qi does not receive a response after three days, he will have to deal with some of them first.

However, he believed that Darkwill would not make such a stupid decision.

Thinking that today is the day of monthly signing, Lu Qi found the little golden retriever.

In the past few days, she had been marching with the army. There weren't many things she was asked to do, but she still volunteered to join the army's logistics.

She learned a lot of pharmacological knowledge a while ago, and it came in handy now. She was able to contribute a lot to making healing potions and medicinal powders.

It also received unanimous praise from the logistics department.

When Lu Qi found her, she had just washed her face with water. There were water drops on her clean face. As she dried it, she felt refreshed and more beautiful.

Lu Qi walked towards her, calmly reached out and rubbed her head twice, making the blond hair messy.

Then, before Lux got angry, Lucci turned and left.

A big question mark appeared on Lux's head, and she felt that it had passed before she could get angry.

She expressed her disdain for this guy's daily behavior, but she did not forget the faults of others. After arranging her hair, she went to the logistics unit full of energy.

Lu Qi, who had taken advantage of Miss Crown Guard's luck, found Bobby again.

As two representatives of high luck, Lu Qi naturally wanted to take a handful.

Bobby is not like a little golden retriever who doesn't get angry no matter how much he rubs his head.

So, Lu Qi, who had experienced two waves of luck in a row, got ready and silently said in his mind: "Sign in."

【Sign in successfully】

[It is detected that this sign-in is a monthly sign-in and will be automatically changed to a special sign-in]

[Congratulations to the host for gaining intermediate magic comprehension]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop--Mana Crystal*3]

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the high-level skill: Mana Burning]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: War Horn - Marching Speed]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary skill upgrade card*2]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate skill upgrade card*1]

[The system rewards have been stored in the backpack, please check the host by yourself]

Several system prompts sounded in Lu Qi's mind.

Lu Qi opened the system backpack and began to check them one by one.

The first is the intermediate level of magic comprehension. He had obtained the primary level of magic comprehension before signing in. He went from knowing nothing about magic to the introductory stage of magic.

Without hesitation, Lu Qi directly chose to receive it.

Suddenly, more information poured into Lu Qi's mind. Whether it was how to cultivate mental power, how to operate magic, or how to use magic, Lu Qi understood something more profound.

When he opened his eyes again, he was no longer a magic apprentice, and his mastery of magic had improved to a big level.

This made Lu Qi feel very good.

Soon, he will also become a great mage.

Lu Qi looked at the second reward, a prop and a mana crystal.

It was just a blue gem, which seemed to contain infinite magic power. Lu Qi briefly checked the introduction.

This mana crystal does contain a lot of magic power, and it can also be used as a prop to store magic power.

When the magic power in it is used up, it will automatically absorb the magic power in the air to replenish it, although the speed is slow.

Wearing it on the body will also help the speed of magic recovery and the cultivation of mental power.

It's a pretty good prop, and the system gave away three of them at once.

Lu Qi thought about it and felt that it was just right to give one to Sona and Lux. They were both mages, so they would definitely be able to use it.

He himself didn't have much need, after all, Lu Qi didn't rely on magic power to make a living.

Immediately, he turned his attention to the third skill.

[Learnable skill, Mana Burning, detected. Do you want to learn it? 】


Lu Qi did not hesitate and directly chose to study.

Suddenly, a stream of skill information about mana burning flooded into his mind.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes, showing a slightly thoughtful expression.

I had just said that mana crystals were not very useful, but now there was a need for them.

As the name suggests, this mana burning is a skill that relies on burning magic power.

After turning on the mana burning state, it will directly enhance the abilities of various parts of Lu Qi's body, but the price is that the magic power in his body will be quickly consumed.

Magical power is related to mental power, and the consequences of exhausting mental power are needless to say.

At this time, having mana crystals can be used as a good supplementary method.

All in all, this is indeed a good skill.

But for Lu Qi now, it is estimated that it can only last for a short while.

Can be used at critical times.

Immediately, Lu Qi looked at the fourth reward, which was another prop.

Called War Cry - March Speed.

The name is quite easy to understand. After carefully checking the system introduction, Lu Qi looked enlightened.

"It's a good thing."

He couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

After this war horn is sounded, it can directly increase the movement speed of all friendly forces, reduce physical consumption, and increase the frontal status by [-]%.

The better a person's condition, the stronger the ability he can exert.

Needless to say, physical strength and movement speed are extremely critical.

It's just that the war horn can only be blown once a day, and each time it lasts only one hour.

Either use it when you are on the road or when attacking a city. In short, it is a very useful tool.

The remaining two rewards were nothing to look at, so Lu Qi used them directly to raise the mana burning skill level to LV6.

Today's reward is really good. It's obviously a lucky draw.

As a result, Lu Qi felt very happy.

After a simple arrangement, the army will set off again. This time it will march straight in. What it will face next is Noxus' counterattack.

Lu Qi is naturally not afraid. Just like him, thousands of soldiers will move forward indomitably.

(End of this chapter)

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