LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 319: A bit of idol baggage

Chapter 319: A bit of idol baggage
three days later.

Lu Qi led the army and stopped at the dividing river of the Shuoyin Mountains, preparing to take a rest and start crossing the river.

This river connects to the Sea of ​​Conquerors and flows down from the middle of the huge mountain range. It is seven or eight meters wide and long, but not very deep.

It would be a good place if Noxus set up a defense line here to block him and the army.

But Noxus chose not to do this.

There has been no fighting between the two sides in the past three days. It seems that Noxus chose to turn a blind eye to Demacia's march.

However, this is not the case, in fact, because they know that the thin defenders in various places are not enough to resist the attack of Demacia.

Because anyone can see that Demacia's troops are divided into three groups this time, and the battle lines span the continent of Valoran and Shurima. They are obviously ready for a strong invasion.

So as soon as the border defense was breached, they simply abandoned those unimportant cities, transferred important supplies, and joined the real large army.

Only in this way can we be fully prepared for the confrontation with Demacia.

There will be a wider river next to Boreham and Grove. If Lucci guessed correctly, Noxus will build a real defense project there.

Taking advantage of the soldiers' opportunity to cross the river bridge, after resting, Lu Qi opened the secret key and saw the message from Triwell, and then showed a thoughtful expression.

Noxus agreed to the terms of trading prisoners of war, and the exchange location was a flat land after crossing the river. There was no way to set up an ambush and the terrain was open.

If Demacia breaks the contract, Noxus will no longer pay attention to any further requests.

Naturally, Lu Qi would not break the contract. After all, after trading prisoners of war, he would definitely not be the one who suffered the loss.

There were no more battles along the way, so the number of prisoners of war did not increase. On this march, he did bring some "trading" prisoners with him.

As time passed slowly, Quinn soon found Lu Qi: "Your Highness, the bridge has been built."

Hearing this, Lu Qi stood up and said, "Keep going!"

Meanwhile, on the Noxian side.

The general who was directly appointed by Darkwill this time, Demir Araus, has also led the raised army all the way to the west, preparing to block the Demacia army, with a huge momentum.

He is in Grovet, so he is not far away from Demacia's army.

This time he has a total of 35 troops under his command. Demir, who has just turned [-], has great confidence in this military expedition.

From the intelligence collected previously, he learned that the troops sent by Demacia this time, even if they were divided into three groups, totaled less than 15.

At this moment, he already has an army of [-] in hand, and [-] more will follow. After that, Noxus will continue to recruit troops and send reinforcements, and it is expected that there will be at least [-] troops.

Even if there is a slight gap in the quality of soldiers between the two sides, the quantity is enough to make up for it.

Not to mention, attacking on one side and defending on the other have different difficulties.

The reason why there was no more was because Noxus had to resist not only one attack this time, but also a Demacia army marching straight in from the north.

Noxus also sent a hundred thousand troops.

Demir was born into the Araus family. He participated in three major battles in his life and performed well in each of them.There were countless small battles, and a total of thirteen cities were captured for Noxus, and a small country was destroyed.

He made a great contribution to the expansion of the Noxus Empire on the map.

It can be said that he became famous at a young age, but now he is only 35, and he is already a prestigious warlord.

Before this, he had never fought against Demacia, but he also knew about this country that had also stood next to Noxus for hundreds of years.

Even so, he has full confidence in this mission.

He heard that the leader of Demacia this time was just a young prince who was just over [-] years old, and he did not take it lightly.

For such a young prince to be responsible for such a large-scale war, he is obviously extremely capable, otherwise Demacia would not have sent him.

This made Demir very eager to learn what this prince was capable of.

Riding on the war horse, with a little pride in his heart, Demir had certain expectations for the next confrontation.

But before that, he needed to ransom those prisoners of war.

In the past few days, the ransom raised from various parties has also reached his hands.

It was another three days in a flash.

Both sides are moving in the same direction, but currently they only have one purpose, which is to trade prisoners of war.

It is a bit strange to say that it is rare for prisoners to be exchanged right after a fight begins.

On the flat ground, the two sides reached a tacit agreement on a no-war treaty.

Lucci also truthfully allowed the captives to return to Noxus at a price of two hundred gold per person.

In the temporary military camp of Noxus.

An adjutant walked into the military camp and reported to Demir: "General, the prisoners exchanged this time are all old, weak, sick and disabled, children and women, about 7 people."

After listening to his subordinate's report, Demir raised his head, not surprised.

Just thinking about it, I knew that Demacia would not let anyone who could become a fighting force return to Noxus during the war.

Then the prisoners of war exchanged here must be the old, weak, sick, disabled, children and women who lack fighting ability.

However, the Immortal Fortress had to force the exchange.

Otherwise, he will only receive a lot of infamy. According to his understanding of the current situation of Darkwill, who is currently in power, it is naturally impossible for him to refuse.

Because this is an obvious moral kidnapping.

Being a dignified Noxus and abandoning its people is tantamount to letting the enemy throw their dignity to the ground and trample on it. More importantly, it will only chill countless people.

If the people are pawns that can be abandoned at will when crisis strikes, then who would dare to serve such a monarch.

Although Noxus has always boasted that it has no moralism.

But after all, the country is big, and we all have some idol baggage, so we still have to save face.

At this time, this was not what Demir was thinking of.

"Are you going to let these people put on armor and go fight against Demacia?"

His eyes narrowed slightly and he said to himself.

This is the method given by the Immortal Fortress to stop losses, allowing these prisoners of war who have lost their hometowns to wear cheap armor and fight for the country.

Their enemy was naturally Demacia, who had already attacked them once.

However, can these old people, children, and women who have no fighting ability be Demacia's opponents even if they wear armor?

Demir naturally knew that the end of these people would be nothing more than cannon fodder.

They just need to rush to the front, and every extra arrow they waste on the enemy will be earned.

"Let this be the arrangement. I have other uses."

After thinking briefly, he waved his hand and gave the order.

After the prisoner exchange, Noxus quickly retreated with the prisoners.

Naturally, Lu Qi did not send troops to pursue him.After all, even if those prisoners of war were captured and sold again, no one would buy it.

The moral kidnapping thing has to be done slowly. After all, if Noxus forces it, they might as well not give up on the moral thing.

It just so happens that the army has been on the road for so many days, so they can also take the opportunity to take a good rest.

Lu Qi also led the army back for a while. In the temporary military camp, the gold coins from the transaction had been moved in box by box.

Two by two white-armored soldiers laboriously carried heavy boxes of gold coins.

After this wave, the team was indeed much more relaxed without those prisoners of war.

These gold coins have also been inspected and there are basically no problems.

Naturally, Noxus will not lie about this, because this is tantamount to handing the initiative to Demacia.

Don't forget that Demacia still has some prisoners of war in its hands. If even the money to redeem the prisoners of war is fake, wouldn't it give them a reason to kill the prisoners indiscriminately?
at this time.

Looking at the gold coin boxes piled up everywhere, Lux opened her eyes wide and murmured: "How many gold coins are these?"

Lu Qi replied casually: "Not much, almost 400 million."

Lux was stunned for a moment after hearing this: "Twelve and four million, I have never seen so much money in my life."

Even she showed an expression that had never seen the world. Some money addicts wanted to pour out all these gold coins to see how high they could pile up.

After all, 400 million is indeed a lot.

This is a real gold coin. Gold coins are a hard currency in the entire Rune Land.

Except for some places in Ionia, this small, shiny thing can be taken out and kept for safe use.

"No wonder Noxus likes to fight."

Lux felt quite enlightened at this time, and was recognized by many people.

In addition to satisfying the ambitions of some invaders, the most intuitive benefit from invasion and war is economic performance.

Because the surprises obtained through this method are the easiest and most numerous.

When a country, all the property that the whole country works together falls into your pocket through just one battle.

Simple, direct and brutal.

This will only infinitely expand the greed of the invaders.

The economy and trade of Noxus is like this, like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

Lu Qi also chuckled at this time: "It feels really good to steal money from a bully who robs others."

"Indeed!" Lux nodded her head in agreement: "When I think of them being angry and unable to do anything to us, I feel much better."

When he said this, people around him burst into laughter.

Yes, if you want to avoid being bullied by these bullies, you have to be strong enough to make them angry and helpless.

Only in this way can we protect ourselves and the weak.

This trip made many people feel that Demacia made the right choice by taking the initiative to attack.

"Let's use this money to expand our territory."

Lu Qi decided how to use the money.

Naturally, the places captured by Demacia's troops this time will not be returned to Noxus.

The money snatched from Noxus will be used to build a wall against Noxus.

It was getting dark at this time, and the army camped here to rest and have dinner tonight.

The rest time is bound to not be too long. After all, it is a critical period of the war. The army will set off probably late at night.

The team's energy has been maintained very well these days, so even if they set off soon, they won't be tired.

In Lu Qi's camp, he, Quinn and other lieutenants and generals were studying the march map.

"The next city to be attacked should be Bruan. If nothing else happens, the enemy will retreat here. It should be twenty to 25 kilometers away from us. It is expected that the attack at full speed will take at least three hours."

"The enemy's current troop deployment information is unknown, and we don't know how many troops are deployed to defend us. However, I estimate that there will be at least 15."

When Lu Qi heard this, his eyes fell on the map and he thought for a moment.

time flies.

Bruin City.

A large army was stationed in the city, and the atmosphere was quite heavy, with a chilling air surrounding the city.

This is an army composed of one battle group and one battle group. Every soldier has experienced a lot of fighting.

In the combat conference room, Demir and a group of generals sat down.

One person reported: "General, we estimate that the remaining [-] troops will arrive in half a day."

Because Demacia's attack was sudden, troops were sent from various places.

Naturally, there is a time for arrival.

At present, Demir has an army of [-] that has been accompanying him.

In addition to the [-] cannon fodder exchanged today, the number of people is quite large.

Hearing this, Demir said thoughtfully: "I estimate that Demacia will take action soon. As expected, they will march late at night."

An adjutant said: "We have a hundred thousand troops defending in Blue City. The main force in Demacia is probably less than fifty thousand in number. We shouldn't be so nervous, right?"

"It's true, but passive defense has never been my style."

Demir's eyes flickered. He stood up as he spoke and came to the map hanging on the wall. He put his eyes up and looked at it: "This time in Demacia, the communist troops are divided into three groups. One is attacking from the north, and the other is the Imperial Army. That is, the one in front of us, and the other one is in Shurima, with the purpose of intercepting our possible support on the sea."

"These three lines of attack are in the same direction. Our current location is Blue City. If it is not as expected, another Demacia army located in the north has arrived here at this moment."

He pointed on the map, and it was not difficult to find that another Demacian army was located diagonally above the city of Bru.

It is also directly above the Imperial Army.

They attacked from above and below, and the march route at this moment was also the closest wave between the two.

Because of the terrain, Demir was convinced that the other army would inevitably take a detour.

Everyone here is Demir's cronies, so they all understand his fighting style, and they really don't like to be passive.

This man was able to achieve what he is today because he dared to fight hard.

"Don't forget, our mission is not only to intercept Demacia, but also to recapture the lost territory. My idea is to take the initiative to attack another German army, then circle back from the flanks, and fight with the front The troops coming are attacking the Imperial Army from both sides."

He spoke slowly and expressed his thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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