LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 325 The summoned object has entered the callable range!

Chapter 325 The summoned object has entered the callable range! (This is a big chapter with [-] words, please vote for me!)


The charge of the Noxian army continues. Even though the number of people is constantly decreasing, the number itself is very large.

They just kept moving forward under such indiscriminate bombardment.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

"Draw out the gun!"

Seeing that the distance was shortened, Lu Qi gave an order.

The second preparation was to start the fierce attack.

In the team, the soldiers of the Lancer Company were already ready to go, and they stepped forward neatly after hearing the order.


Lu Qi gave the order again.

"Thumbs up!"

In an instant, flickering firelight accompanied by bullets flew towards the charging Noxian army.

When they saw the rain of bullets falling from the sky, even Kled had to keep turning on Skaar, dodging left and right.

"Skar, run faster!"

He yelled, and some of the bullets even grazed along his fur.

Skar's courage was already on the verge of being frightened, but it was this desire for survival that made it explode at unimaginable speed at this juncture.

But other soldiers were not so lucky.

Although the bullets were not as powerful as cannonballs, they could not hold up in greater numbers. Under the combined firepower of the two, Lu Qi even felt like he was dreaming back to modern warfare.

The enemy's charge at this moment is almost using their lives to stack up their progress.

At this moment, Demir finally understood what Nashat had gone through that day.

"Is this this kind of ambush?"

Unfortunately, he was hit by the explosion. Although it was only on the edge, he was still thrown away.With the ringing sound in his ears, he realized what despair was.

Now they are not even close to Demacia, and at least tens of thousands of people have been sacrificed.

And this number is still rising at a terrifying rate.

"We will work together to release a barrier. Take advantage of this barrier, don't hesitate, and rush forward!"

At this moment, the voice in his ears returned.

Demir heard Omov's shout, and then a magical barrier was covered around him.

He did not hesitate, grasped the weapon, and continued to rush forward.

The critical moment has arrived.

The Mage Academy sent a company of mages this time, plus Groft's own spells, the total number of spells exceeded a thousand.

It is at this time that their role comes into play.

A huge magic barrier shrouded the Noxian army, helping them temporarily resist Demacia's offensive. During this period, they continued to charge forward, and the distance between the two sides quickly shortened.

"He who has been trained is good."

Lu Qi looked at the huge barrier and knew that this was the result of continuous training.

Without a tacit understanding among mages, doing so will only lead to an inability to form a barrier or an unstable situation.

Demacia's mage academy is still in preparation, and this level of cooperation is not yet possible.

"Mage group, break the barrier!"

Lu Qi gave the order.

The mages who went out with the army this time immediately stood in front of the queue. They were not many in number, only more than 400 people.

Lux stood in a conspicuous position among these mages. She held a one-meter-long staff in her hand. The front end of the staff was made of special magic-guiding metal. It looked like a golden crown, with a free part in the middle.

Perhaps she was nervous when facing the charge of the Noxian army, but the magic power appeared on her body, making her whole body light up with a special shimmer.

"I'll come first!"

Taking a deep breath, Lux took a step forward, raised the staff in her hand, and the light on her body shone brighter and brighter.

As she let go of her hand, the staff floated in the air, and Lux ​​began to release the magic power in her body.

The powerful magic dragged her body off the ground, and the light bloomed at this moment, becoming more and more dazzling, and the surrounding magic was concentrated towards one point.

Surrounded by a strong wind, there was a buzzing sound, as if some terrifying power was about to erupt.

The magic power continued to boil and surge, shooting an aurora forward, like the rays of the sun.


The next second, as Lux shouted loudly, all the magic power exploded at this moment.

Following the ray, the cane immediately burst out with a dazzling light that lit up the night, and the boiling magic power crashed onto the barrier.

I saw fluctuations visible to the naked eye on the barrier formed by the combined efforts of hundreds of mages. It almost collapsed on the spot, and then became a bit dimmer and crumbling.

This time, countless people on the opposite side were immediately confused.

Up to this moment, there is still a long burnt mark one meter thick on the ground.

You call this magic?
A dozen mages around Omov vomited blood on the spot and stopped the subsequent supply of magic power.

Even he, a high-level mage, doesn't look very good at the moment.

Damn what magic was that just now?
The sky lit up.

Is this just the power of a mage?
Did something go wrong?
After Demacia lifted the ban on magic, where did it find this kind of monster?

"Replenish the barrier!!"

He didn't have time to think too much and shouted loudly.

Immediately, several mages came on as substitutes and repaired the nearly collapsed barrier.

However, at this moment, the mages around Lux ​​also began to release their magic power on the barrier.

Various magics appeared in endlessly, hitting the barrier along with cannonballs and bullets.

"Damn it, we can't stop it for long!"

Omov knew that he had to retain at least half of his magic power to deal with the upcoming battle.

The opponent's firepower is too strong, and continuing to maintain the barrier is tantamount to a waste of magic power.

"Almost! Our flanking troops should be around!"

Demir also shouted.


At this moment, a loud shout of killing suddenly erupted from the side of the Demacia army.

Astonishingly, an army of tens of thousands of people rushed over.

Lu Qi was not surprised by this. In his opinion, if Noxus didn't even have this kind of brain, there would be no need to fight.

Knowing that a frontal charge would lead to death, it was natural to delay the flanking friendly forces.

"Our friendly forces are here! Kill!!"

When Demir saw that the army he had arranged in advance finally came, he felt like he saw a glimmer of hope.

At this time, the frontal assault troops, led by Kled, had also shortened the distance significantly and paved a road with corpses.

They had sacrificed at least tens of thousands of people, and out of 17 troops, only about [-] were left.

Even so, they still had the advantage in terms of numbers.

At this moment, the effectiveness of artillery and firearms plummeted.

"Victory must belong to Demacia!"

Lu Qi drew out his long sword, raised it high into the sky, his eyes were cold: "Kill!"

"For Demacia!!"

Behind him, the soldiers roared even more powerfully.

"Go to war!"

Kled roared excitedly, even as Skaar's body beneath him continued to tremble.

He knew that if given the chance, this guy would definitely run away.

But it's not a big problem. They have already reached the front, and now it's up to Kled to dominate the battle!
All around him, the morale of the Noxian soldiers was soaring.

"You're not the only one who can add buffs."

Lucci glanced at Kled over there.

If he hadn't killed the yordle, he would have been debuffed, so Lucci didn't mind fighting Kled.

However, with Poppy here, as she is also a yordle, she will naturally offset the debuff.


At this time, a sudden melody came from the Demacia army, followed immediately by an exciting tune.

Sona was protected in the middle of the team, her eyes closed, her face expression sacred and dignified, her two bare hands continued to play the strings attentively, the magic power spread in all directions, and quickly swept the entire battlefield.

Hymn of Valor!
Fortitude Aria!
Swift Sonata!
These songs come from the depths of Sona's heart and can bring powerful strength to the people she wants to protect.

In this kind of music, every Demacian soldier feels that his soul resonates with it, and he has an inexplicable courage and strength in his body.

Even Lu Qi felt his body strengthened.

And Sona's playing was more than that. The magic power around her was visibly filled with the naked eye, dotted with light particles, forming curves in the air like music scores, emitting light.

As she played, the curves turned into blue light waves, shooting towards the enemies, hitting them one at a time.

"I hate listening to music!"

The beautiful music fell on Kled's ears, as unpleasant as the scream of Scarlett.

His temper suddenly became violent, and he was about to rush in the direction of Sona on Sgar.

Suddenly, a small figure fell from a height in front of him, and with a heavy hammer, it hit the ground before Kled managed to escape.

After the smoke dissipated, Poppy walked out and looked at Kled with extremely serious eyes: "Your opponent is me!"


Kled looked at Bobby and recognized the identity of the yordle at a glance. He was a little happy and a little excited: "It's not easy to see my fellow countrymen here, but I'm sorry, since you are my enemy, then don't It’s my fault for tearing you apart! Skaar, charge!”

For a moment, Sgar's lunged forward and struck with Kled's battle ax.

Poppy stood there motionless, looking at the charging Kled, and waved the holy hammer in his hand.

Surprisingly, her hammer did not hit Kled, but was intercepted in mid-air by his battle ax. The forces of both sides were in a stalemate.

The next second, Kled's body swayed, and he had already rushed in front of Bobby, and his battle ax quickly slashed down.

"You are so fast!" Poppy calmly raised a small shield with his left hand and blocked the blow.

"That's not it!"

Kled was very proud, and his slashing speed became faster and faster: "Originally, we could chatter about it, but I think we should leave it to the next life!"

"You'd better be careful!" Several slash marks began to appear on Poppy's shield. Suddenly, she shouted unexpectedly, and a golden light flashed across her body.

A strong aura bounced Kled away, and then he was faced with a heavy hammer.


The hammer hit Kled and Skaar hard. The two guys flew up on the spot, and then fell to the ground.

Skaar, whose courage had long been frightened, got up, coughed a few times, finally found an opportunity, and ran away.

It nimbly passed through the fighting soldiers one after another, and in the blink of an eye it had already left a certain distance.

"Stupid lizard, run away again!"

Kled stood up, spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Bobby again: "You do have a chance, but without that stupid lizard, I'd fight you just the same."

He also knew that it was not easy for the timid guy to persist until now.

Skaar himself has no fighting ability, he is just a timid lizard.

Next, he has to recreate every battle he has fought in the past, which is to win this war and wait for Skaar to come back.

"Come on then!"

Bobby got serious and took the lead.

She directly threw the shield in her hand towards Kled. The shield lit up with a golden light in the air, but Kled jumped up to avoid it.

The next second, he rushed towards Bobby.

Without Skaar, he seemed to have become stronger, and most importantly, more flexible. Even Poppy had to be careful to deal with the speed of the attack. Just by not paying attention, there was a scratch on the armor on his body.

He moved left and right, pulling Bobby with speed.

In a short period of time, there were more and more slashes on Bobby's armor.

Taking the opportunity to pick up his shield, Poppy found the right moment, suddenly increased his speed, and rushed towards Kled with the shield raised.

Kled was unable to dodge and was knocked backwards, flying backwards again.

"It's interesting, come again!"

But this time, he reacted very quickly. He had already adjusted his posture before landing, stopped suddenly, picked up the tomahawk again and rushed towards Bobby.

The battle between the two Yodels continued anxiously.

On Lu Qi's side, holding Xuejian in his hand, his body was filled with powerful wind and sword intent, and he swung out his sword with all his strength.

In an instant, a tornado roared out and swept away the Noxian soldiers along the way.

The soldiers were caught in the tornado and fell heavily to the ground.

Immediately, his powerful aura shocked the surrounding Noxian soldiers.

A figure walked out of the soldiers, holding a round warhammer in his hand. He looked at Lu Qi cautiously: "Prince, I'm here to fight you."

Demir saw with his own eyes that the prince slashed a huge tornado with one sword, and at least a dozen or twenty soldiers were swept away with just one blow.

Knowing that the other party was quite powerful, he did not dare to be distracted in the slightest at this moment.

The next second, Demir took a step forward and rushed towards Lu Qi.

Lu Qi's face was calm, but his eyes were still cold. Facing the charging Demir, he swung his sword.


The sword intent flashed through mid-air along with Zhan Gangdance.

Demir's offensive stopped abruptly, his warhammer raised in front of him, trembling slightly.

"Demir, capture the thief first and capture the king first. Let's kill the prince first together!"

At this moment, Kabu also rushed to Demir's side.

As the leader, Lu Qi was naturally the target of countless people. Killing him would not only accomplish a great feat, but also severely demoralize the Demacia army.

"it is good!"

Demir didn't dare to be too bold, so he nodded, and then he and Kabu rushed towards Lu Qi.

"You two alone are not qualified."

Lu Qi exhaled and his expression became a bit colder.

In an instant, all the sword intent in his body was released without reservation, and the terrifying sword intent instantly filled the surrounding area, full of sharpness and edge, which only made people feel like their face was being cut by a sword.

Demir and Kabu, who were facing Lu Qi in person, felt their shoulders sink. A pressure like a huge mountain came from the prince in front of them, causing their breathing to become tight.

The next second, Lu Qi moved.

Taking a step forward, a flash of sword light flashed in the air, and the whirlwind slash tore through the air. The circular sword energy not only swept towards Demir and Kabu, but also attacked the surrounding enemies.

This sword alone required Demir and Kabu to use all their strength to barely block it.

The weaker soldiers were killed with a sword on the spot.

At this moment, Lu Qi's terrifying strength made both Demir and Kabu feel frightened.

This prince's power has completely exceeded their expectations.
In the next second, Lu Qi's second sword was also slashed out. The sword energy emitted a hum, and the momentum became more and more violent. It was stronger and faster than the previous sword, and it was faster than the naked eye.

A fear of death swept over Demir and Kabu.

However, at the next moment, Lu Qi jumped out of thin air and jumped back.

The moment he left, several turbulent waves of magic light fell from the sky, and a large crater appeared on the ground with sputtering smoke and dust, which was quite powerful.

Lu Qi looked towards the mages who attacked him, and saw several mages under the protection of soldiers. When they saw that the sneak attack failed, they quickly retreated.

The next second, the same dangerous omen came, and several more magic attacks came towards him.

Lu Qi's figure flashed nimbly and looked around, knowing that he might have become the target of those mages.

"Hide and seek, right? Don't let me catch you!"

Lu Qi raised his eyebrows when he saw the mages running away quickly after the fight.

Without saying a word, the figure flashed and flew out at an extremely fast speed.

He didn't even care about the two people who were obviously Noxian generals just now, and only looked for these old silver wizards.

Soon, he saw a mage hiding behind the battlefield, condensing a magic ball and preparing to attack at any time.

There were shouts of killing coming from all around, and a dozen Noxian soldiers gathered around them, aggressively.

The next second, Lu Qi rushed out, his body quickly made a lightning bolt, and the wind protected him. The sword light flashed along the way, directly knocking away the surrounding soldiers.

Go straight towards the mage.

After another second, the mage's head was separated.

Then, Lu Qi looked at the other mage with his cold eyes, which was extremely oppressive.

At this moment, the ground shook with rumbling sounds, and suddenly a large number of warcraft joined the battlefield. They were the dragon lizards and sub-dragon dogs unique to Noxus.

Both types of monsters are characterized by their huge size, three meters high, and the dragon lizard is even taller. They are even used as siege monsters.

The Yaron Dog is fast and does a lot of damage.

This was obviously a back-up preparation by Noxus. These powerful monsters were not used during the charge, but were used now.

"Time to fight back!"

"Our turn has come!"


The roar of beasts resounded over the battlefield, and the morale of the Noxian army suddenly soared, and the soldiers became visibly excited.They see more and more hope.

Even Demir and Kabu believe that they really have the strength to fight Demacia now!
They have thousands of mages, which is no less than an army of tens of thousands of people, and those monsters are even more lethal.

Even the Demacia soldiers with good strength are difficult to resist.

Have the opportunity!
The time for their counterattack has really arrived!
A glimmer of hope arose in their hearts.

But soon, this glimmer of hope will be ruthlessly extinguished.

Lux's staff continuously sprays out magic beams. Her magic strength is not weak now, and basically every magic can defeat an enemy.

Her figure shuttled flexibly across the battlefield, releasing the light barrier while attacking, becoming more and more comfortable.

Suddenly, her mind moved and she felt a resonance.

The summoned object has entered the callable range!
"Get rid of the blond mage first! She is too troublesome!"

At this moment, a group of soldiers and mages targeted Lux.

Anyone can detect Lux's extraordinary nature, and she has also become a priority target.

"Come on! You provoked me first!"

Lux's courage became extremely strong at this moment, and she did not panic at all when facing the enemy's eager gaze.

The next second, she raised her staff high, shouted, and released all her magic power.

In an instant, a powerful light wave shot towards the night, instantly lighting up the night sky, and the light pillar was extremely conspicuous across the battlefield.

Lux was bathed in this light, like a goddess.

Seeing her strange behavior, the enemies who were startled were stunned for a moment.

Shot crooked?
Can this be shot incorrectly?
Then don't blame us for being rude!
"Beat her!"

After giving the order, a series of attacks swept towards Lux.

Lux's figure flashed and she nimbly dodged.

Although she is a mage, she has learned a lot from Lu Qi, such as wind-controlling swordsmanship, divine movement, and divine concealment.
The proficiency of each skill is not low.

High talent means you can do whatever you want.

This situation did not last long, because the next second, the wind picked up.

Suddenly a strong wind blew on the battlefield, followed by a roaring sound, as if something was coming.

Not as if, but he is really here!
The light in the sky dissipated, and a figure that grew larger and larger appeared instead. His pure white figure was as majestic as a mountain.


The next second, it hit the enemies on the battlefield heavily.

At this moment, countless people were thrown away, and a huge pit appeared on the ground, full of cracks.

"Now, it's Galio's turn!"

A voice echoed from the pit, a voice that had never been heard by anyone alive today.

A stone giant laughed boldly, and his generous voice resounded on the battlefield, making every Demacian soldier feel a little more at ease.

The Noxian soldiers were a little dumbfounded when they saw the stone giant that could move freely.

"What it is?"

A soldier couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and asked a soul question.


Galio seemed to hear his question and walked forward. The ground made a rumbling sound. He smiled heartily: "Just think of me as your nightmare!"

As he spoke, the golden wings on his back spread out, and the strong wind gathered in his wings.

As he violently fanned towards the enemy, two huge gusts of wind roared out and swept away countless people.

Returning to the battlefield after a long absence, Galio felt that the air was filled with his favorite scent.

He was needed again!

He felt that the blood vessels in his body were burning with hot blood. Although he had no blood vessels, it should be called excitement!
"Lux, can I crush these mages?"

He looked at the enemy mage, ready to make a move.

Lux put on an angry face: "Kill them!"


Galio laughed, took a step back with his right foot, and assumed a charging posture.

The next second, he exerted force suddenly, and his huge body rushed out instantly, rumbling like thunder rolling.

Rampant along the way, no matter what giant beast, he was vulnerable to a single blow. He was like a big pendulum suddenly dropped towards the battlefield. No one dared to stop in front of this big pendulum.

Galio rushed to the enemy's mage queue at extremely fast speed and looked at them condescendingly.

These are enemies, and he doesn't need to be lenient at all!
"Attack this monster!"

"Protect the Mage!"

Roars echoed from the Noxian ranks.

In an instant, countless attacks fell on Galio, but just like scratching an itch, they had no effect on him.

And those mages, regarded as treasures by people, began to release powerful magics.

"Fall me down!"

Omov was the first to bear the blow. His eyes were cold, and a huge magic ball was gathered on the top of the staff. The magic power on the ball was constantly fluctuating, telling the power of this attack.

The next second, he hit Galio directly.

However, the moment the magic ball hit Galio, there was no follow-up.

Galio's body surface emitted a strange ripple, and his laughter became more hearty: "Come on! More magic!"

He clenched his fists with both hands, and then smashed them down hard, smashing several mages into pieces in an instant.

Then, he turned his eyes and looked at Omov.

Omov's heart trembled, and a great fear emerged from his heart, making him couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Driven by instinct, he began to recite the spell without hesitation, first releasing a barrier with all his strength, and then began to prepare a more powerful magic.

Galio walked towards him calmly, then raised his fist towards the barrier and without saying a word, punched it down.

"Bang!", the barrier clearly shattered, and Omov fell to the ground, looking at Galio in horror.

As a high-level mage, he has a very high status in Noxus.

But at this moment, he felt that all the magic he had learned was of no use at all.

In his eyes, the stone giant's fist was getting closer and closer.


Another small pit appeared on the ground, as well as a pool of blood.

"who is the next!"

Galio turned around and looked at the new mage.

Everyone who was targeted by him turned around and ran away in fear, completely losing the courage to resist.

On this battlefield, Galio is like an unreasonable overlord, going wherever he wants, rampaging and unstoppable.

But one thing remains unchanged, wherever Galio goes, his enemies will be heartbroken!

Demir and Kabu looked at the crazy stone giant and couldn't help but feel dull on their faces.

What kind of monster is this? !

Neither physical attacks nor magic have any effect on it!

Suddenly, a word flashed in their minds.

Forbidden magic stone!
Then they realized that this was a stone giant made of forbidden magic stone! !
Watching Galio wreak havoc on the battlefield, hundreds of mages died at his hands in less than a minute.

And there are countless soldiers.

The morale of the soldiers was boosted one second, and the confidence that surged in their hearts the next second was shattered by Galio's appearance.

Those tall monsters were not enough to stand in front of him, and he kicked one of them away.

Is it time to fight back?No!The time for counterattack is over!
The short counterattack experience card made every Noxian soldier feel a sense of despair.

Soon, another Forbidden Demon Stone Statue came flying forward and joined the battlefield.

It is the Forbidden Demon Stone statue built by the Forbidden Demon Stone Department.

Also affected by Lux's magic, he recovered early and quickly joined the battlefield.

His lethality is not weak at all, and he also runs rampant on the battlefield and does whatever he wants.

With the addition of the two Forbidden Demon Stone Statues, the battle, which was an advantage in itself, suddenly became even more advantageous, almost becoming one-sided.

Seeing Galio having fun, Lucci was not idle either, killing as many enemies as possible.

The fighting here did not affect the two Yodels over there at all.

It was as if a ring had been specially set up around them.

Kled didn't know how many times he was knocked away. He felt that every bone in his body began to hurt. They must have been broken. There was a sweet taste in his throat. It must have been blood.

Needless to say, this fellow countryman is really good. He hasn't encountered such a capable opponent in a long time.

But he didn't just get beaten.

There were cracks in Poppy's armor, and blood was spilling out of it. The clean battle helmet now looked scarred, and her face was also scratched by a battle axe, although the wound was not deep.

But if it were any deeper, the battle might be over.

Her physical strength was also consumed a lot, and she also felt that she hadn't encountered such a capable opponent in a long time.

"Looks like I can't play with you anymore, they need me!" Kled saw the appearance of the Colossus and knew that the soldiers would not be able to win without him.

He had to end the fight here.

"Me too, my companions need me!"

Poppy's eyes were firm, and the shield was no longer in his hand, leaving only a hammer.

"Then end this fight!"

Kled roared, with unspeakable madness in his eyes. Even though his whole body was in pain and it was difficult to move, he still exploded at all his speed. At this moment, a heat wave burned all over his body, which was an extremely turbulent momentum. .

His characteristic is that the more he fights, the braver he becomes, and the pain on his body will only make him stronger!
This will be his strongest blow ever!
Poppy took a deep breath, held the hammer tightly, and then swung it vigorously.

As she swung the hammer, a golden light flashed and it made a "whooshing" sound. The surrounding air seemed to be attracted and continuously gathered towards the center.

The moment Kled rushed towards him, he smashed the hammer with all his strength.

In an instant, the light flourished.


The land was lifted up by this blow, and huge boulders were raised. Kled's attack penetrated each boulder, but in the end it failed to reach the end.

He was lifted up by the powerful force of the hammer, flying high into the distance.

In mid-air, Kled felt that all the bones in his body were shattered at this moment, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his consciousness fell into a trance.

He has never encountered anything like this. In previous battles, even if he was seriously injured, he could still stay awake and kill all the enemies.

But this time, it seems different.

He felt that the strength in his body began to drain away.

Kled didn't fall to the ground, but fell on top of Skaar.

Skaar had already fled the battlefield, but at the last moment, he turned around and ran back.

From the first moment I met Kled, he was just a lizard that just wanted to live. It had no fighting ability, it just ran fast.

But it liked Kled, so it followed him into battle after battle.

It was scared to death every time, but Kled would eventually bring it back to life.

This time was different. Halfway through the escape, Skaer had a premonition that he was about to lose something.

So, regardless of the danger, it escaped back.

After being hit hard on the ground, Skaar stood up with difficulty, turned his head and helped Kled on his back, and then looked outside the battlefield.

It doesn't want to win this battle anymore, it just wants to get out of here with Kled.

"Stupid lizard, why are you back again?"

Kled could vaguely feel Skaar, grunted, and patted it dissatisfied: "You run first, I can still fight."

Skaar let out a soft cry, and rolled his big, silly-looking eyes as if in response. Then, without any hesitation, he darted outward.

Kled actually had no strength left. His body rose and fell as Skaar ran, feeling severe pain in his body every time.

Since he was not holding Skaar, he just ran a few steps and fell off his back.

Skaar ran forward a few steps before realizing it. He quickly turned around, helped Kled up again, and continued to run desperately for his life.

Demacia soldiers discovered them.

On the battlefield, the enemy deserves no sympathy.

They surrounded and suppressed the enemy generals and surrounded them one after another.

Sigar ran and hid desperately, and broke out of the surrounding circles.

Suddenly, an arrow was shot, and it was hit directly in the butt.

Sga'er burst into tears from the pain and jumped up on the spot, but regardless of the pain, she still ran wildly.

"Silly guy, leave me alone and run away."

Kled was heartbroken when he saw that Skaar had been hit by an arrow.

When had Skaar ever suffered this kind of injustice after him? He was very angry, he was angry!

But what about strength?

Why hasn't the strength emerged yet?
Run, run, run.

At this moment, Skaar exploded with unprecedented speed. It passed through one person after another, dodging fatal blow after fatal blow.

Finally, it carried Kled and rushed out of the battlefield!

Looking towards the woods, Skaar dived in without hesitation.

After running into the woods, Sgar did not dare to stop, and continued to run until he ran out of energy, and then stopped breathing heavily.

It screamed excitedly and put Kled down on its back, as if asking for credit from him.

But it found that Kled seemed weak at the moment.

"You run so fast, Squall."

Kled forced himself to sit up and leaned against a tree, breathing weakly.

Feeling the weakness of his body and the constant loss of strength, he said: "I seem to be dying."

With just a slight cough, he can spit out a large mouthful of blood.

His vision was completely blurry, and he couldn't even see Skars clearly.

Skaar rolled her eyes, which didn't look very bright, then moved closer to Kled, stuck out her tongue and licked the wounds on his body.

Usually this trick works very well, and its saliva has a wonderful effect on healing injuries, but it didn't work this time.

So it nudged Kled with its head and barked twice more, as if asking what to do.

"What a formidable opponent, she beat me."

Kled thought about the battle just now. He had fought countless battles in his life, but he lost completely this time.

He looked at Skaar with blurred vision and reached out to touch its face: "Leave me alone, find a new master, and then stop getting involved in these things and live a good life."

Skaar shook his head and continued to offer Kled with his head, unwilling to leave.

They have been dependent on each other for so long that they can't live without each other.

Kled's vision suddenly became clear, as if he was having a flashback, and his body also regained some strength.

He looked in Skaar's direction, trying to scare it away.

He knew that this stupid lizard was very timid and had a low IQ. If it was frightened a little, it would definitely run far away and never come back.

But when he looked over, his vision suddenly froze.

Skar's back was now filled with arrows, like a hedgehog, and blood was constantly flowing out. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was covered in bruises.

Usually it is most afraid of pain, but now it seems as if it can't feel it.

Still looking at him with those silly and cute eyes.

It was panting and seemed to have no strength, supporting its body with a pair of constantly shaking legs.

"You stupid lizard."

Kled stretched out his hand and held Skaar in his arms, feeling its gradually weaker heartbeat.

He raised his head unconsciously and saw the bright moon hanging high in the night. It seemed to have nothing to do with the mortal world.

"Remember when we first met? At that time, I originally wanted to find a tall and handsome mount. Then I saw you, and I thought you must not be good. You looked stupid and stupid. But I don't know why, in the end, I still chose you, but it seems like you chose me."

"We are destined partners. You are like my lucky star. Every battle we participate in is accompanied by good luck."

"It's just that I was unlucky this time."

Kled said to himself, his voice echoing in the forest.

Skaar breathed feebly, but despite this, she still called out twice and gave him a response.

"Yes, good luck will run out sooner or later."

Kled coughed twice as he spoke, spit out a few more mouthfuls of blood, and looked down again.

Sika'er had stopped moving and seemed to be asleep with her eyes closed.

Kled sighed, looked up at the moon, raised his hand as if he wanted to grab it, and then murmured to himself.

"I didn't expect that the life of a Noxian hero would end so dramatically. I still..."

As Kled talked, he felt very sleepy and closed his eyes unconsciously.

Then get some sleep.

The world suddenly turned dark, and his body became weaker and weaker, and finally fell off the tree he was leaning on.

He snuggled up with the lizard and didn't move any more, as if he had fallen asleep.

 It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you. I’d like to ask you for monthly votes, guys. Just raise two thousand and it’ll be enough! ! !These two days are double monthly passes!Please please please! !
(End of this chapter)

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