LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 326 Finally panicked!

Chapter 326 Finally panicked!

The outcome on the battlefield was also determined with Kled's departure.

Perhaps the ending was already doomed from the moment Galio appeared on the scene.

Or maybe earlier.

In the blink of an eye, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood formed in front of the large city of Grovet.

Scenes from nightmares seemed to emerge here, and the smell of blood was everywhere in the air, pungent and unpleasant.

The blood dyed the ground red, giving it a strange color under the moonlight.

A total of 10,000+ human corpses were scattered in various directions, and the corpses of dragon lizards and sub-dragon dogs could be seen everywhere.

Soldiers in white armor walked through the battlefield one after another, constantly cleaning up the scene.

They stacked the corpses one after another, forming a mountain of corpses that was far greater than any other at any time. Then they threw a fire out, and the strong flames seemed to burn out all the filth.

This battle can be described as a complete victory.

Lucci's army made a small sacrifice, but in exchange for the destruction of Noxus' 17 troops, it was almost a crushing war.

Colossus Galio was active a lot, and his magic power was almost exhausted after the battle. He stood there, and his broad arms gave people a strong sense of security.

The soldiers used water to clean the blood and dirt on his body. After a while, the stone giant became pure white and clean.

Lu Qi ordered the army to enter Grovet and be stationed. Everyone can have a good rest today.

And he was waiting for news from Quinn.

According to Poppy, the desert lizard carried Kled and left the battlefield at the last moment, disappearing without a trace.

So Lucci sent Quinn, who was good at tracking, to find Kled. If he was not dead, he would do a last hit. If he was dead, he would bring the body back.

Kled is an enemy, and a relentless enemy. There is absolutely no possibility of him surrendering to Luqi, and there is absolutely no possibility of surrender.

So even if he was a 'hero' that Lu Qi knew, he had no reason to let him go.

Enemies like this that can receive group buffs are really troublesome.

Without Kled today, Lucci's army would have been able to destroy Groft's enemies more easily.

As for why Lu Qi didn't even want to let go of the corpse, there was a reason for this.

In addition to giving Kled a little dignity, it was also to prevent Noxus from using the corpse to cause trouble.

They don't do this dirty thing just once or twice.

Even if a person is cut into pieces, they can pick it up, put it together, make it into a weapon and send it to the battlefield.

Just imagine, if Kled comes back from the dead, it will definitely bring greater trouble to Demacia.

Quinn worked very efficiently and quickly brought back the bodies of Kled and the desert lizard Skaar.

Lu Qi didn't take a second look. After confirming, he ordered: "Burn it."


Quinn took the order and left.

Lu Qi found a place to sit down and opened the secret key.

Yourna came over, holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, and placed it next to Lu Qi. She silently stepped away without disturbing him.

Lu Qi opened the secret key and first reported the battle situation to Jarvan III, IV and others, and then asked about the battle situation between Tiana and Lev.

Lev was almost on the same march as he was, and the city they were going to attack was called Boreham.

Just above Groft.

At this time, they first received a reply from Tiana. Their battle was going very smoothly, they had been marching, and they were basically clearing out the first area occupied by Noxus in Shurima.

Probably later, he received Lev's reply and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Boreham also successfully attacked and they have entered the city to garrison.

At this point, Demacia's army has taken another big step forward on the territory of Noxus.

Later, Lu Qi sent a message to Tiana and Lev at the same time.

The army met at the next point, Kilgolf.

At this point, there is no need to divide the troops into three groups. All forces can be completely assembled to attack Noxus from the front line.

Kilgolf is a water city in Noxus, and it is also a large city.

After all the work was done, Lu Qi finally had time to take a breath.

He found a higher place and reached the highest point in a few flashes. Then he slowly sat down and looked up at the sky.

Today's moonlight is exceptionally bright. Everything that happens in the world seems to have nothing to do with it, and it still emits soft and bright light.

Unknowingly, Lu Qi felt sleepy and slowly fell asleep.

He was actually very tired these days. He was not an active person to begin with, but he had been active a lot during this period. Most importantly, he was under a lot of pressure.

With the breakthrough of Groft, the pressure was relieved a lot.

At this time, a figure also found the place gently, and saw Lu Qi lying there sleeping.

She tiptoed closer without making a sound.

When she came closer, she sat down gently, then turned her head and lowered her head slightly, carefully looking at Lu Qi's sleeping face, her beautiful and bright eyes twinkling like stars.

A trace of blond hair fell down, and the girl just looked at it without blinking, and then suddenly a smirk appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if she wanted to play a prank, she took out a feather.

Then, he leaned towards Lu Qi's nose, thinking that it must be funny to think of him sneezing and waking up from his sleep.

However, as she watched the feathers getting closer and closer, the girl suddenly stopped again. Looking at his even breathing and his beautiful eyebrows stretching, she must have had a good dream.

After thinking about it, she took back the feather.

Then she slowly lay down, lying next to him, which seemed a bit far away, so the girl leaned closer without mind at all, and she could smell the smell coming from him from a finger-thick distance away. Clean smell.

Then she lay down contentedly and looked at the moon at night from the same perspective.

The bright moonlight fell like a snow-white blanket on them, turning this scene into a beautiful picture.

Time flew by and it was five days later.

The main city of Noxus, the Immortal Fortress.

There was a loud "bang", and Darkwill slapped his palm on the table angrily, his face so gloomy that he could almost drip water.

"What did you say? Both Groft and Boreham were breached?"

There was a touch of disbelief in his tone, and veins sprouted on his palms, which was enough to show the anger and fluctuations in his heart at this moment.

The surrounding ministers were also silent.

Just now, they received news of the battle coming from the west.

Grovet and Boreham were captured by Demacia at the same time. These two cities can be regarded as medium-sized or above capitals in Noxus, higher than Triwell.

For this reason, they have sent a lot of support.

However, not only the well-known Demir died in the battle, but Kabu and Omov from the Magic Academy who were sent later also died on the spot.

The two cities combined, with 25 troops, were completely wiped out!
Even the mainland of Shurima has received bad news. The port city of Uzeris has also been breached, and the Demacian army is continuing to march towards the territory of Noxus in the east.

And what's the situation in Demacia now?
It took only a few casualties in exchange for a large number of Noxian sacrifices.

Then it was like entering uninhabited territory, advancing in a straight line on the territory of Noxus, unable to stop it at all.

Darkwill never dreamed that Noxus would lose so miserably.

Even Kled died in this battle!

What kind of existence is Kled?
Even before Darkwill even sat on the throne, he was a legendary Noxian hero who had fought countless battles and made numerous achievements.

However, such characters all died under Demacia's attack.

Darkwill sat on the throne with a gloomy expression.

At this point, he finally panicked!
Something was wrong, completely different from what he expected.

In his expectation, even if Demir and Kabu failed to win in the end, Demacia would at least have to pay a certain price.

After that, he can send more troops to completely defeat Demacia.

However, the price Demacia paid was almost nothing.

The most important thing is that he invested a lot of troops in the past, but now his entire army has been wiped out.At this moment, he couldn't even mobilize so many troops in a short period of time.


There were fluctuations in his heart, and his thinking became chaotic for a while.

This time Demacia suddenly became a little less human. What methods did they use to win like this?

Due to the annihilation of their entire army, they were unable to even obtain detailed information on the battlefield.

All I know is that Demacia's firepower was too strong, and Demir and Kab, led by Kled, had to rush out of the city to fight them.

At this moment, Darkwill was not the only one who was panicking.

The ministers who were very confident before were no longer calm in their hearts.

Originally, Demacia had made a surprise attack, defeated Trivel, and moved forward, so they could comfort themselves.

That's because Noxus didn't catch his breath.

Now they have calmed down, taken it seriously, and sent out a lot of troops. They thought they could defeat Demacia now, but they were still defeated.

This is so embarrassing!

At the moment, even though the territories occupied by Demacia are just a corner for Noxus.

But the problem is no longer this, but how to stop Demacia's subsequent attack?
If even such a large number of troops cannot stop Demacia, then they will only occupy more and more places in the future.

And it will be very fast.

No matter how big the territory of Noxus is, it cannot afford to build something like this.

After a while, someone ran in from outside and reported.

"Commander, the matter has spread. Now it is being talked about everywhere in the city. We have been defeated one after another, which has caused people to feel panic."

"We can't continue like this. We must find a way to stop Demacia, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable."

A minister stood up with a solemn look on his face.

Darkwill looked at him, then looked away without speaking.

Of course he knew this.

If we continue to let Demacia continue to fight, the impact will be huge.

The most important thing is that he lost so much territory during his reign, which will greatly affect his reputation.

In the past, there were not those who were brave enough to attack Noxus, but those were almost quickly suppressed by the reigning commanders.

Situations like this, where maps are lost piece by piece, almost never happen.

Although Darkwill also gained a lot of territory for Noxus during his reign, the situation between the two was completely different.Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

In the end, people will only remember that he was beaten up by Demacia, and will not remember the achievements he made at all.

Darkwill wants to occupy the throne forever, so this kind of thing must not be allowed.

He asked in a deep voice: "Is there still no news about Darius?"

He is in urgent need of someone who can stop Demacia. Even Demir, the man whom the Pale Witch admires, can't stop him. Now that he thinks about it, only Darius has this ability.

The subordinates quickly replied: "We have tried many methods, but we still can't get in touch with General Darius."

Darkwill fell into silence and rubbed his fingers a few times. After a brief tangle, his eyes became colder and he made a decision: "Deploy some troops back from Ionia, and notify the warlords in various places to jointly send troops. Stop Demacia, Demacia's current actions have hurt the dignity of Noxus as a whole, and you must not resist the order."

"Also...release Sion."

His voice became colder and colder.

The two words "Sion" fell to the ground like a forbidden spell, instantly making the entire audience freeze.

A minister paused and said, "But..."

"No buts!" Darkwill interrupted him without any doubt, his eyes were cold: "Just do it!"


Soon, the minister took the order.

Darkwill sat on the throne, his breathing gradually calming down.

If it weren't for the critical moment, even he wouldn't want to release Sion.

But now, it is impossible not to release him. Without Sion, no one under him may be able to stop Demacia.

All he wants now is to see Demacia destroyed!
The meeting dispersed.

Noxus began preparations for follow-up support.

And in the depths of the Immortal Fortress, silence and death are always accompanied here, darkness is shrouded, exuding an unspeakable coldness.

With a "crash" sound, a flash of fire lit up and spread towards the space inside, bringing a touch of warmth.

Immediately afterwards, more and more torches appeared, and an elite team, wearing heavy armor, stepped forward.

In front of them was a thick black iron door. The iron door was carved with intricate craftsmanship, and the door handle had two eye holes that looked like skulls.

And this is actually a tomb!
"Open it."

The team leader said to an old mage.

The old mage nodded, stepped forward, put his staff against the eye hole of the door handle, looked serious and carefully, and began to recite a spell.

The magic power began to flow along his staff, like threads, pouring into the iron gate.

Immediately afterwards, the entire iron door was lit up, a stream of green steam was emitted outwards, and with a "bang", it opened automatically without a key.

"Be careful, after the door is opened, his seal will be released."

After the old mage finished reciting the spell, he retracted his hand and warned the team behind him.

The team leader nodded seriously and slowly pushed the door in front of him open, revealing the space inside.

Inside is a spacious inner room, very empty, with nothing except a huge black coffin placed in the middle of the inner room.

He and his team members entered it, and the torches completely lit up the inner room.

At this time, everyone shivered unconsciously, not because the temperature was too low, but because there was a sense of deathly silence here, and the air was full of heaviness.

The coffin is made of black iron. It is very strong, thick and looks very majestic. Just looking at the size, at least ten people can lie inside.

At this time, the coffin was lying there quietly, without any movement.

But the team members looked at each other, and no one dared to get close for a while.

"Don't be afraid, he is inside and must be opened from the outside to get out."

The squad leader spoke out and was the first to move forward.

In this way, the team members behind him followed up one by one.

There were a total of 20 people in their team, all of whom were sent to carry the coffin. They had to quickly send the coffin to the west. The situation was urgent and there was no room for error.

And everyone present knew what kind of person was locked inside this coffin.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah" the sound of combat boots on the ground sounded, maybe it was getting closer and louder.

Finally, the sleeping being in the coffin was awakened.


In an instant, a furious roar came out from the coffin like rolling thunder, so deafening that even the heartbeat seemed to have stopped for a moment.

Several team members who were approaching were frightened and took a few steps back. Then they heard roars, roars, violent struggles, and the sound of chains shaking wildly from the coffin.

He seemed to have endless energy and didn't know how to stop.

The entire inner room was filled with his roar, which was frightening.

"There are twenty chains binding him in this coffin. If he can't get out, don't worry about it."

The old mage was outside and spoke.

In this way, these team members felt a little more relieved and boldly began to approach the coffin.

Then everyone's position was assigned, and then everyone worked together. With a "lift", the huge coffin was slowly lifted up and began to be transported outside.

The old mage followed the team, looked at the coffin being carried away, and murmured to himself: "A killing is about to begin again. In order to fight against Demacia, Darkwill will not hesitate to release him again."

His vision was a little blurry, and he couldn't help but go back to that time many years ago.

The being trapped in the coffin is named Sion.

This was a legendary figure in Noxus a hundred years ago. He led the Noxian army to destroy countless enemies.

Even the highest achievement was that he rushed into Demacia's army, tore the opponent's king to pieces on the spot, and finally died gloriously in battle.

Such achievements can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented.

His body was later recovered and returned to the Immortal Fortress for a state funeral.Noxus mourned Theon, and his body was buried under a towering monument as his eternal symbol.

It wasn't until 50 years later that his body was exhumed.

Noxus used a forbidden secret method to raise him from the dead.

At the same time, it also brought him more powerful power - he would never die again.

The forbidden secret method is so powerful that it can resurrect the dead and never feel pain again. Even if he is killed again and again, he can always survive by relying on the secret method.

This allowed Sion to break through his previous strength and become an invincible being.

However, the forbidden secret method also comes with a price.

That is, it took away Sion's sanity and turned him into a killing machine.

He is possessed by the desire to kill and no one can control him otherwise.

And this killing refers to regardless of friend or foe.

Although Sion is powerful, even so powerful that one person can fight an army, he has brought countless victories to Noxus.

However, Noxus also paid a heavy price.

Because Sion is a double-edged sword.

In every battle, whether it is enemies or friendly forces around Sion, he will kill them without mercy.

He is like a tireless killing machine. The old mage once witnessed with his own eyes that Sion slaughtered both sides on the battlefield.

From then on, Sion was given the title of war weapon.

No one dared fight alongside Sion anymore, so those soldiers who were forced to fight at his side began to flee without a fight.

Finally, Darkwill ordered that Sion be reburied.

At this point, the war weapons were sealed here and under his care.

After many years, the weapons of war were unsealed again. The old mage knew that no matter how powerful Demacia was, it might not be able to stop Sion's desire to kill.

He couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for his enemies.

One day later, a town located northeast of Noxus.

"Did you hear that Demacia has already attacked Groft?"

"Yeah, Demacia is coming in a big way this time."

"It's very miserable over there on the western border. I don't know how many people have died."

"They are still recruiting troops. Who dares to go?"

"How powerful is Demacia?"

As the news spread, there were discussions everywhere in the city. Some people sighed, and some people were inevitably frightened.

For a month, all they heard was bad news and no good news.

This had never happened before in Noxus.

In an underground tavern.

A figure in a cloak walked slowly over, listening to the discussions of the people around him, a pair of bright green eyes flashed under the cloak.

Then, without hesitation, she reached out and pushed open the door of the tavern, and then walked all the way towards the innermost room.

When she reached the door, she knocked on the door three times with her fingers at intervals of one second.

With a "Gada" sound, the door opened.

She pushed the door open and walked in. First she saw a servant opening the door.

"Hello, Caterina Cecao."

A low and calm voice came.

Catalina looked over and saw the target she was looking for this time.

Jericho Swain.

"Let's sit down and discuss the next thing in detail."

Swain's face was a little pale and looked bloodless, but he smiled gently when he spoke, and then asked for the seat opposite him.

Katarina took off her cloak, said nothing, sat on a chair, a table away from Swain, and said coldly.

"To put it simply, I don't like Darkwill."

"It's a coincidence, so am I."

Swain smiled lightly and said, "It seems that we have something to talk about."

In a small underground tavern, a huge storm is quietly brewing.

(End of this chapter)

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