LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 327 Battle of giants!

Chapter 327 Battle of giants!

In the blink of an eye, August has arrived.

The smell of summer is particularly strong in August, and even the sunshine from the sky has a scorching intensity.

But it seems like the last bit of stubbornness cannot withstand the passage of time and will soon be replaced.

During this period, Lu Qi's army basically advanced unhindered, and no town could withstand their attack.

Moreover, there are relatively flat plains along the way, which effectively improves the team's marching speed. A little further on, they will reach the boundary of Kilgolf.


On top of this standard Noxian architectural style city wall, several people wearing high-ranking officer armor were looking to the west.

"I received information a while ago that the Demacia army has arrived in the Cali Plains. As expected, they will arrive at Kilgolf in the near future."

A man about forty years old spoke slowly, his eyes were solemn, and there was a trace of indelible sadness in his brows.

"There is no way, this is what we have to face."

On the other side, a slightly younger man then said.

One of the two is from the Kaiser family, the other is from the Corrigan family, one is named Regan, and the other is named Ruangke. Both families are powerful and famous nobles in the nearby areas.

It can also be understood as a warlord.

In the political system of Noxus, warlords are allowed to control an army of their own, which has created a situation where warlords are everywhere.

There is a default rule among these warlords with military strength, that is, they must obey the orders of a great commander.

Each grand commander is selected from these powerful nobles from all over the world, and the current grand commander is Darkwill.

Now Demacia led the army and fought over. Demir had died in the battle, and the two families had to send troops to fight.

It's just that in this current limelight, no one wants to run into Demacia who is dying.

In today's Demacia, everyone thought from the beginning that they would not be able to hold on for long before they would be repelled by Noxus.So far, they have been crushing their strength and invading forcefully. In just a few months, they have conquered all the territories in the mountains to the west of Noxus.

Although this is just a corner on the left side of the huge map of Noxus, anyone can tell that they want more than just this corner.

"Don't worry, Demacia can't be so arrogant this time."

Reagan spoke again at this time: "I received news when I came here that the Immortal Fortress has sent war weapons. It is estimated that they will arrive tomorrow."

Hearing the words "war weapons", Luangke couldn't help but move slightly, his eyes flashed: "Seriously?"

A faint smile appeared on Reagan's lips: "Of course it's true. Darkwill must be anxious too, otherwise he wouldn't have made it this far."

"Demacia is so aggressive, anyone sitting in that position would be anxious."

Luangke's solemn expression softened a little, and he continued: "With the assistance of war weapons, and the [-] troops brought by you and me, it should not be difficult to defeat Demacia this time."

"That's right." Reagan nodded and said, "The only thing we have to worry about is how to control him. I've only heard of his reputation. Didn't you fight with him before? Tell me what happened. .”

After he finished speaking, a tall figure flashed through Luangke's mind. The flames of war were raging in the sky. He rushed out of the fire, killing, bloody, and dying.
Even though a long time had passed, when he thought of these scenes again, his body could not help but tremble.

At that time, he was only a lieutenant general, not like he has a large number of troops now.

At that time, he was assigned to attack a small country. The opponent stubbornly resisted for several months, and Noxus' patience had been exhausted.

So, they sent out war weapons.

A hundred years ago, this being was even more famous than Darius is today, and he was regarded as a great hero by countless people - his name was Sion.

After his death, he came back to life and continued to serve Noxus.

How should we describe that battle? The city had been under attack for several months. After sending out Sion, it only took less than half an hour for the city gate to be breached.

Then Sion rushed into the city first, showing his powerful destructive power.

The war quickly swept through the city, and the number of deaths increased almost at a terrifying rate every second.

He saw Sion grab an enemy soldier and tear it in half with ease. Then Sion, covered in blood, killed everyone in the city.

Finally, he turned around and stared at the Noxian soldiers.

That was the battle.

In order to control Sion, Noxus sent more than 100 strong men at the level of deputy generals (Fearless Vanguard). These people are the best in any legion.

However, they jointly took control of Sion at the cost of almost annihilating the entire army.

Even now, when Ruangke thinks about it, he can still feel a touch of fear in his heart.

If those people hadn't been able to stop Sion, there was no doubt that he would have died in that battle as well.

“This is too scary”

After hearing his description, Reagan was a little surprised, and then he became excited again: "But the more powerful he is, the more beneficial it is to us, isn't it?"

Luangke nodded: "Indeed, that's why I said that with Sion's help, it won't be difficult for us to win this battle."

"Thinking about it this way, I feel it's a pity for Demir. If he could have gotten help from Sion earlier, Demacia would have learned a lesson by now."

Although Reagan said this, there was a smile on his face: "Now it is easier for us. Now it is a great achievement to defeat Demacia. We can also carve up some of the areas that Demir once commanded."

Demir naturally has family support behind him, but now that he has died in battle, his family is still in the main city.

Reagan had already begun to imagine carving up some of the territory that Demir once controlled.

Then, he looked in the direction outside the city and clicked his tongue: "I feel a little pity for Demacia. They don't know what they will face next."

Luangke didn't speak, and also looked in the direction where Demacia was about to call.

Sion once had a battle with Demacia. In that battle, he killed the king of Demacia. It was also a battle in which he died.

Now, as he faces Demacia again, I am afraid that it will only arouse greater hatred and anger in his heart.

And what Demacia's army is about to suffer is this terrifying hatred and anger.

In a blink of an eye, a day passed.

The sun rises, sets, rises again, and releases its warm rays again.

As the army led by Lucci came slowly, Kilgolf's alert was quickly aroused.

On the city wall, a row of soldiers was arranged.

"It is said that Demacia has better artillery, and defending the city will be extremely disadvantageous to us."

Reagan looked at the Demacia army that had come into view at this time, and felt a little pressure from the opponent's huge overall momentum, and then spoke again.

"The reason why Groft's entire army was wiped out has a lot to do with this."

"Kled was there at the time, and they might have to leave the city to meet the enemy in the end."

Rouangke didn't know what the situation was like at that time, but looking at the momentum of the Demacia army in front of him, he knew that Demir's defeat was not unfair.

This army lined up neatly, with Demacia's flag waving, and a chilling atmosphere surrounding the sky. Every soldier was well-armed, and in the middle of the queue, there was a tall white giant statue.

Some armies can be known whether they are strong or not with just one glance.

Over the years, he has also fought extensively and seen armies from various places, including the Freljord and Shurima regions.

However, only the current Demacia army could make him feel oppressed before the war started.

Even Kled was defeated in the battle with them. At this time, no one dared to question Demacia's power.

Analyzing Demir's battle situation, they must have finally broken out of Groft and started a head-on battle with Demacia.

However, at this moment they will have to do so.

Facing Demacia's sophisticated artillery weapons, they had no choice but to go out of the city to fight.

Reagan looked calm at this time and said without any panic: "This time is different. We have Sion, let him take the lead. We will take the opportunity to charge together from behind. As long as we avoid Demacia's bombing and start a close battle, then That’s our victory.”


Ruangke nodded slightly, thinking the same thing, and then turned around and ordered: "It's time, release the war weapons first, notify everyone, and be prepared."


A lieutenant general took the order.

The order was conveyed quickly.

The closed city gate slowly opened, attracting the attention of Lu Qi's army.

In the queue, Lu Qi was riding on his horse and saw the city gate opened by Kilgolf.

Noxus was obviously preparing to leave the city to meet the enemy again. Lu Qi was not surprised, but this time there seemed to be something different.

Watching a Noxian team slowly carry out a high platform, and on the high platform, there is a huge coffin made of black iron. Beside the coffin, there is a huge thick war weapon. The ax was stuck on the high platform like that.

see this scene,
He couldn't help but squint his eyes and thought of something.




At this moment, perhaps the smell of war awakened the existence in the coffin again. A huge impact sound suddenly came from it, followed by a roar, and a killing intent began to permeate the coffin.

In the quiet battlefield before everything broke out, there were constant sounds like the sound of a big drum coming from the black iron coffin that was about to move.

On top of Kilgolf's city wall, as well as a group of soldiers who were preparing to attack, when they heard such a noise, they began to hit the ground heavily with their weapons and shouted.




They used the purest killing intent to pour out the powerful existence in the coffin. The momentum of the entire army also condensed with the shouts, and the morale increased significantly in a short period of time.

"Open the coffin!"

A loud shout sounded.

The black iron coffin was finally untied. Several soldiers had special means and struggled to push the lid of the coffin.

As the sound of chains loosening came from inside, the faces of the soldiers who were pushing the lid of the coffin became a little more panicked.

The next second, there was a loud "bang" and the heavy coffin was suddenly smashed open. Several soldiers fled in panic.

A thick, even ferocious gray palm suddenly touched the edge of the black iron coffin.


A deafening roar like a beast came clearly from inside this time. The next second, a huge figure sat up from it, his eyes releasing endless anger and murderous intent.

This huge coffin seemed to be tailor-made for him. As the figure slowly stood up, everyone could see his whole face clearly.

It was three to four meters tall, standing there like a giant, with a broad body, huge muscles exposing ferocious tendons, and the surface of the body could almost be described as scarred.

Various dazzling and conspicuous scars were printed on his steel-like gray-black skin, and under his chest was a device like a furnace, burning red magic power.

His face was ferocious, like a terrifying monster, and his eyes were an irrational red color, filled with the desire to kill.

The chin is equipped with something that looks like fangs full of age.

And that... is the crown of Jarvan I.

Lu Qi recognized him at a glance.

It was this monster-like creature that caused the most shameful day in Demacia's history.

That day, on the battlefield, the king of Demacia, Jarvan I, forced him to rush close to him and exchanged one life for another.

And he still has a name in Lu Qi's mind.

Undead God of War—Sion!

A Noxian hero reawakened by the Black Rose, using black magic and blood magic, was given even more powerful power.

It is indeed not to be underestimated.


At this time, Sion regained his freedom and let out a roar that shook the sky. He stretched out his big hand and slowly picked up the battle ax standing beside the coffin.

The battle ax that looked extremely heavy was easily held in his hand.

The hot weather made him even more restless because of his murderous intention.


smell it.

want to.pain.need!
Closer.Here they come.No more chains?become free!Kill!
All kinds of messy words kept flashing through his mind, and the only thing in his messy mind was the desire to kill.

The next second, Sion's eyes saw the Demacia army in front, and for a moment, something was awakened in his chaotic mind.

A memory fragment flashed.

He was surrounded, he was charging, his cronies fell one by one, and he saw the king of Demacia.

He rushed over desperately, grabbing his throat with one hand, and the heartbreaking pain surged out of him. Sion was not afraid of pain.

But the memory after that disappeared, and this was what made him extremely irritated.

He was still staring at Demacia's army.

There's a bunch of cowards in Demacia!
The key memory is disconnected, but that is not important anymore. At this moment, Sion just wants to rush over!
Kill! !

Keep killing!
The inexplicable hatred and anger made Sion's body unbearably thirsty. The blood furnace in his abdomen felt thirsty and emitted a red blood energy, covering Sion's body, making it even more terrifying.

Now he just wants to taste the fear of every Demacian!

With another thunderous roar, Sion jumped down from the high platform and rushed towards the Demacia army.

His speed was surprisingly fast, like a savage giant chariot. His body and surroundings were filled with scarlet blood, and the ground shook with his charge.

Seeing Sion starting to charge, the Noxian army became excited. They will charge together after Sion rushes over.

When Reagan and Rouenke saw the furious Sion, they couldn't help but look at each other, and both saw the joy in each other's eyes.

Sure enough, Sion has not forgotten his hatred of Demacia.

His performance was even more terrifying and powerful than what Luanke had imagined, and this was because he had been sealed away for so many years.

You know, after Sion tastes killing and blood, he will become stronger and stronger.

At this moment, he could clearly see the dawn of victory!
Demacia, feel the fear brought by Sion! !

At this time, seeing this, Lu Qi calmly said: "Lux, shake people, the others, fire!"

"Ah? Oh!"

Lux did not hesitate, raised her staff decisively, pointed it at the giant statue behind her, and instantly released all the magic power in her body.

A bright light shot toward the colossus.

The next second, a layer of fluorescent curves began to appear on the stone giant's body surface, and then he was like a living person. His limbs started to move slowly from the initial stiffness, constantly getting rid of the petrified state.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

At the same time, the artillerymen who set up their formation also aimed at the charging Sion and fired the first round of artillery shells.

Several pre-judged shells hit Sion's body accurately, causing him to be swallowed up by the fire in an instant.

However, the next second, Sion rushed directly out of the fire, still charging at extremely fast speed.

The speed is very fast, far faster than Kled last time.

The difference is that this time there is only Sion.

He completely ignored the damage from the artillery fire, as if it didn't hurt.

Lu Qi raised his hand, indicating that the artillery company no longer needed to waste artillery shells.

In the blink of an eye, Sion had charged half the distance, and a wide and thick mark appeared on the ground due to his charge.

Lux had no idea about this, she was concentrating on transferring the magic power in her body to the Colossus.

Finally, she felt that a lot of magic power had been consumed, and she had reached the conditions for the Colossus to wake up.

The next second, a pair of huge golden wings spread out, and the giant statue jumped up suddenly. He stood in the direct sunlight, and his hill-like figure looked extremely majestic.

Then, with the shocked eyes of all the Noxians, they slowly landed in front of Sion.

With a faint smile on his face, he looked at the charging Sion with interest.

When he woke up, he noticed this enemy.

It seems that he is a guy who can give him a little taste of fun.

"Come on! Let me meet you!"

Galio's voice was rich, and he had already taken a stance as he spoke, seemingly preparing to receive Sion's violent charge head-on.

In the blink of an eye, Sion rushed over with overwhelming anger, and he did not stop when he saw the tall stone giant.

No matter who the enemy is in front of him, he will smash it into pieces!
The next second, "Bang!!!"

The two sides collided with each other, making a loud noise, which shook the air. A strong wind swept towards both sides, and several scattered cracks appeared on the ground.

"That's enough!"

What followed was Galio's laughter. He still stood motionless, but Sion stopped charging.

With a forceful gesture, he and Galio were locked in a stalemate.

But it seems like it's just a unilateral effort by Sion.

The size difference between the two sides is actually quite large, although Sion is already a giant compared to ordinary people.

But compared to Gary Obi, he can still only be a dwarf.

You know, Galio is a full 30 meters tall and weighs three hundred tons. He is truly a giant.

Seeing this scene, all the Noxian soldiers who were ready to charge with Sion were dumbfounded.

Why would a moving stone statue appear out of nowhere?

what's the situation?
At this time, Reagan and Rouenke, who had not been happy for long, also had this question. Their eyes were extremely surprised, and at the same time they also had a bad premonition.

"Stay out of the way!!!"

Sion burst out with a roar of rage at this time, and used all his strength in an instant. He swung the battle ax in his hand and slammed it towards the obstructing stone statue.

He has destroyed countless rocks, so this stone giant is no exception!
However, what fell faster than his battle ax was Galio's heavy punch!
"Try this from me first!"

He clasped his hands together, raised them above his head, and then hit Sion in front of him hard.


The heavy punch landed firmly on Sion's body, and there was a loud noise. The ground instantly cracked in all directions, and a large pit appeared.

Half of Sion's body fell directly into the pit, and he was knocked unconscious for a moment.

But the next second, his eyes rolled, he woke up again, roared and broke out of the pit, still trying to attack the giant statue in front of him.


Colossus was a little surprised, but then he became a little excited: "Then let me have fun!"

As he spoke, he placed it on his waist again, charged up a punch, and struck towards Sion.

With a "bang", Sion's body flew up like a thrown stone, flying backwards in the direction of Kilgolf.

The Noxian soldiers were completely dumbfounded at this moment.

The next second, Galio spread his wings and leaped high, tens of meters high in one leap. His majestic body was reflected in the sun, blocking the light that hit Kilgolf.

They were shrouded in shadow, looking at the shining giant statue, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.


One person reacted, shouted loudly, and hurriedly ran around.

Sion's body smashed over, and the Colossus predicted the location, and the next moment, it fell directly towards that place, like a flying bullet.

It smashed over instantly.


There was a violent noise in that area, and a huge pit and crack network spread in all directions, and pieces of land were lifted up.

The surrounding soldiers who had no time to escape were thrown away on the spot.

Sion was at the center, and a burst of smoke dissipated, slowly revealing Galio.

Under his feet, he was stepping on Sion, who was unconscious again. His body seemed to be extremely hard, and it did not turn into mince under this terrifying impact.

Instead, there were only a few cracks, and the furnace in the abdomen was constantly releasing energy to repair Sion's wounds.

The next second, he woke up again.


Tireless, painless, and incapable of death.

This is a weapon of war.

Sion's eyes were red. The power of the stone giant made him angry and hateful. He could not fall. He wanted to kill all the enemies for Noxus!
Therefore, you must not fall down here!

The Noxian soldiers breathed a sigh of relief when Sion woke up again.

"Great, I haven't had enough yet!"

Galio laughed loudly, as if he had found some interesting toy.

It's so interesting. He hasn't encountered such an enemy in a long time.

Tireless?Don’t know pain?Will not die?
What a coincidence!
So is he!
At this time, Galio held the battle ax swung by Sion with one hand, and reached out with the other hand to grab his head.

"Want to experience the bliss of high altitude? Come on!"

Regardless of whether Sion agreed or not, Galio suddenly spread his wings, ejected from the ground, and flew hundreds of meters into the air.

Then he flew higher and higher, until even when people looked at him from below, he became a small dot.

"Get ready for Galio's appearance!"

From high in the sky, Galio's rich voice came, filled with his happiness.

It seemed that waking him up this time was indeed the right choice.

He hadn't been this happy in a long time.

At this time, unlike Lu Qi and others, the Noxian soldiers felt fear at this moment.

They had a premonition of what was going to happen next and kept screaming.

"Hurry up!"

"Don't get together!"

"Run fast!"

"That guy is going to smash down!"

In the next second, Galio was seen high in the sky, taking a dive stance and grabbing Sion with one hand.


The wings flapped, and the colossus crashed down from high in the sky in the direction of the Noxian army, like a dazzling light.

How could an army with so many people disperse so easily?

In the horrified and shocked eyes of Regan and Luangke, the Colossus slammed down from an unknown height of many meters!

"Boom rumble!!"

At this moment, it was like an earthquake shook the mountain, and Kilgolf's solid city walls were easily smashed into pieces. This blow affected countless Noxian soldiers.

And Sion was at the center of Galio's onslaught.

After three serious injuries in a row, Thain lost consciousness three times in a row. This time, he remembered.

Past glory, fight for Noxus, fight for Noxus!

The endless hatred and anger in his heart, as well as the desire to kill, once again awakened Sion.

No matter how broken his body is, even if it is torn apart, as long as the desire to kill persists, blood magic can help him recover.

Sion woke up again!

He roared angrily, his face extremely ferocious, and then received another heavy punch from Galio.

His head was smashed into the ground.

"for what?"

The stone giant looked down from a high position and looked down in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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