LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 332 The Story of the Flame Demon

Chapter 332 The Story of the Flame Demon

After listening to Lu Qi's words, Tibbers was obviously relieved, but still stared at him warily: "Then what do you want?"

In that battle that year, he was indeed injured to his core. He had been sealed for so many years and had no chance of recovery.

Until those bold humans began to try to use his power to achieve more goals.

He was released from the seal and escaped from the seal, but was also restricted in another cage.

That was Anne's mother, Amorim.

"Of course I want her, could it be you?"

Lu Qi glanced at Tibbers after hearing this, and finally looked at Annie, saying: "Such a simple child will be led astray by you sooner or later if he keeps going like this."

Tibbers was speechless for a moment, but he guessed Lu Qi's purpose.

Now it seems that is indeed the case.

But Lu Qi was actually wrong in the second half of what he said. He did not intend to deliberately lead Annie to become bad. The future path depends on Annie's own decision.

To be on the safe side, he stared at Lu Qi and said, "I am now bound to her soul. If you hurt me, it is equivalent to hurting her."

Lu Qi listened to his speech and smiled: "This is the worst case scenario. Killing you is actually more effective once and for all, right? Even if it will cause harm to her, with her mental strength, she will be able to recover sooner or later. "

Listening to Lu Qi's words, Tibbers fell silent again.

Damn, this guy got it right again.

In this soul binding, he is on the weaker side.

Injuring him is indeed equivalent to hurting Anne, but if he dies, Anne will not die.

And this girl has a lot of mental strength, so it won't take long to recover.

But he also noticed that Lucci said this was just the worst-case scenario.

Staring at this guy, Tibbs asked, "So what do you mean?"

"Of course I'll take her in, and then I'll keep an eye on you."

Lu Qi briefly stated his intention, "As long as you stay honest and don't cause trouble, I won't do anything to break you up unless it's absolutely necessary."

Annie is a natural fire magician, while Tibok is a natural fire demon.

Their fit can be said to be perfect.

Annie, who possesses the Fire Demon, can maximize the use of the fire element.

Tibok, on the other hand, can use Anne to restore his strength.

Their souls are bound together, so they will naturally not do anything to hurt each other. It can be said that in a true sense, both will prosper and both will suffer.

Of course, Lu Qi didn't need to deliberately separate them. He just wanted Tibbers to be obedient like a little black dog.

At this time, Tibbers listened to Lu Qi's words and thought seriously with his bear eyes.

In the past, how could he be threatened by a mere human being.

But now he had to think about it seriously.

This human now indeed has the ability to hurt him at any time. His body is sealed in the teddy bear, and his soul is bound to Annie.

If Annie didn't consciously cast the fire element, then his power would not be fully unleashed.

Secondly, he has not fully recovered his strength yet.
He was counting on Annie to slowly regain his strength.

Annie can be said to be the most suitable apostle for him in the world. She can control fire element magic at will. The more powerful her magic is, the stronger he will become.

At the same time, the person who is swallowed by the flames will also have his strength strengthened.

In this way, it is only a matter of time before the strength can be restored even beyond what it was before.

Most of the time, he would not interfere with Anne's decision, because not interfering was actually a kind of interference.

Because Anne is still young, her soul is pure, flawless, and pure white.

But living in a big dye vat like Noxus, sooner or later it will turn into the same color as here.

And this is actually the result Tibbers hopes to see.

But now, Lu Qi stepped in and wanted to take Annie away. At the same time, he also wanted to control him from causing harm to Annie as she grew up.

And he seemed to have no choice.

"Okay, I promise you, I will be honest."

After much hesitation, Tibbers finally spoke and chose to submit.

"That's not bad." Lu Qi nodded with satisfaction, but he had other plans in mind.

Making a verbal agreement with the devil is the most idiotic thing in the world.

Maybe one day they will suddenly break the contract.

After much deliberation, at least a means of checks and balances is needed.

So in front of Tibbers, Lucci took out the secret key and made a video call to Frey in Demacia.

In just a few short moments, Tibbers was dumbfounded and didn't understand what Lu Qi was doing.

Until Frey quickly connected, her voice came from inside: "Your Highness? What's the matter?"

Tibbers was suddenly shocked. As an experienced demon, he quickly analyzed the reason.

He could feel the fluctuations in the spiritual realm coming from the secret key in Lu Qi's hand.

The purpose seems to be to communicate with another human being.

To Tibbers, this was absolutely unheard of.

What kind of means is this?

Seeing Frey on the screen, Lu Qi asked: "If I want to make a contract with a devil, and both parties must reach a mutual agreement not to break the contract, is there such a way?"

Tibbers was listening and immediately understood Lu Qi's intention.

After thinking about it, I felt that this was indeed normal behavior.

After all, even he himself felt that a demon's verbal promise was not very reliable.

At this time, Frey in the video frowned and thought for a while, and said: "Signing a contract with a devil is in itself detrimental to humans. Unless the mental powers of both parties are equal and can meet the conditions to restrain the other party, otherwise Those who have the upper hand are basically demons.”

"So except for some people who want to gain powerful power through demons, basically no one will sign a contract with demons."

After listening to her words, Lu Qi probably understood. After thinking for a while, he asked: "Is the little black dog next to you?"

"Here I am."

Frey said, and the scene turned to look at the little black dog lying on the ground and yawning.

Looking listless, Lu Qi immediately stood up from the ground when he saw the video coming over.

Lu Qi looked at him and asked directly: "You heard our conversation just now. Is there anything you can do?"

The little black dog didn't think too much and kept saying: "There is a way, and you can do it too."

Tibbers was not surprised and shocked when he saw a dog uttering human words.

It was just his instinct that something was wrong with this little black dog.

But the distance was too far, and he couldn't see the essence clearly just through the picture.


"You can plant a dream seed in the opponent's subconscious. This is basically what I did when I controlled humans before. Human beings have weak mental power. In order to gain power, most of them will not resist, so it is easy to leave the dream seed. For demons, it’s a little more difficult.”

The little black dog said this, and then explained: "The dream seed is to leave a seed in the essence of the soul through the power of the devil. In other words, it is to impose a thought. The thought will automatically transform into a Seeds, seeds can deepen the connection between the two parties, and when this idea is violated, the dream seeds will automatically explode."

He used this method to control the human black magicians who tried to gain power through him.

When those humans want to betray him, the dream seeds will automatically detonate.

At this time, as the little black dog explained, Tibbers also felt a sense of fear. Then he suddenly froze, thinking of something, and his eyes became a little horrified.

If he guessed correctly, the little black dog talking at the moment was also a demon!
Just like his own situation, the other party's body was sealed in the dog's body.

If he hadn't guessed wrong, this demon was one of the two demonic forces in the human being in front of him.

This guy actually captured a big demon and used it for himself?
Although I have served a powerful existence before, you must know that that existence is not a human being.

As a human being, enslaving demons is outrageous to think about.

After hearing this, Lu Qi became thoughtful and said, "Tell me how to operate it."

"First, you need to establish a connection with the other party's spiritual power." The little black dog started to explain.

Lu Qi possesses part of his original power. Although he cannot use all his abilities, he can still do it using the dream seeds.

"The other party cannot have the emotion to resist the dream seed. After all, it is planted in the subconscious. If he does not want to be subject to this kind of restraint, it is actually very easy to fail."

The little black dog said slowly.

Although most humans would not resist being planted with dream seeds by him.

Following the little black dog's explanation, Lu Qi roughly understood the operation, and then the little black dog told him what Meng Zhong's seal was.

Dream seeds are also a kind of magic, and it is not too difficult for Lu Qi today.

After hanging up the video, Lu Qi looked at Tibbers, who had been watching for a long time: "You understand, to put it simply, in order to know that you will not break the contract, I will leave a dream in your body."

After listening to this for so long, Tibbers actually understands a lot more than Lucci.

Because he is a devil himself.

"I have no objection, but if you want to use dream seeds to achieve more goals, I can only say that it is impossible. The agreement between us is limited to that I will follow Annie honestly."

Tibbers stared at Lucci and said.

Lu Qi said: "You can also feel the treaty of Mengzhong. If it doesn't comply with it, just resist and it will lead to failure."

Tibbers nodded: "You can start at any time."

According to the little black dog, the two parties began to establish a spiritual connection.

With Tibbers' active cooperation, this step was easier to implement.

Lu Qi only felt that his soul felt a hot energy. This feeling was very strange, as if his soul was burning with hot fire, but it did not make him feel uncomfortable.

His mental power found Tibbers, and he began to transform into a demon, releasing Nocturne's demonic power.

Suddenly, a deep chill emerged, dissipating part of the heat.

Tibbers only felt a terrifying demonic aura coming, with a soul-stirring power, and he immediately knew in his heart that his guess was correct.

This demonic power was on the same level as him.

At the same time, he also discovered that this human being's mental power was not weak, giving people a very sharp feeling.

In fact, ordinary human beings would never be able to bear it if they established a connection with his spirit.

He also wanted to test Lu Qi. Now it seems that the other party is indeed not simple.

At this time, according to the method the little black dog told him, Lu Qi began to take the first step of leaving the dream seed and exerting thoughts.

It can be understood as an imaginary passage, a picture, or something else.

If you don't have enough mental strength, you won't be able to do this.

After the dream seeds were planted, Tibbers felt the energy. After confirming that it was correct, he happily accepted it.

As long as you confirm that this dream seed is harmless to you, there is no need to be honest in the next period of time.

Naturally, the dream seed cannot limit him for a lifetime, and it will slowly dissipate over time.

Lu Qi also knew this, but what he asked for was now.

Even he himself doesn't know what will happen in the future.

The mental connection between the two parties began to disconnect, and Lu Qi felt that the heat in his body was dissipating and gradually returned to normal.

After opening his eyes again, he took back Nocturne's power.

"Are you satisfied now?"

Tibbers spoke up.

"That's about it. Next, tell me about Anne's mother."

Lu Qi nodded and asked again: "She seems to be still looking for her mother. You should know what's going on."

"She couldn't find it." Tibbers' voice sounded very ruthless at this moment, "because her mother is dead."

Seeing Lu Qi's look that wanted to continue exploring, he thought for a moment and spoke slowly.

It had indeed been a long time since he had shown himself to others in this form, and then he spoke.Thinking that the night was still very long and he had reached a stable contract with the human in front of him, he was not in a hurry to do anything.

"Let me tell you first, her mother, Amorin. She is indeed a fire element magician who is very compatible with me, but compared with her daughter, she is far behind."

The devil rarely has feelings for humans. Even though he admires Amorim, when telling this story, there is still a coldness in his eyes.

Amorin is a talented fire magician. Because of this, when she was young, she was valued by the magic academy called Ravenbloom and was subsequently recruited to enroll.

At that time, Tibbers was sealed in a special furnace bottle at the Magic Academy, often accompanied by loneliness.

All his abilities were imprisoned in a palm-sized bottle and he could not display them.

As a flame demon, as the name suggests, his abilities come from flames, and the more creatures the flames engulf, and the greater the disaster the flames sweep through, the stronger the power he can acquire.

At the same time, he also likes to lure humans to accept harm from the fire element, and it is also his pleasure to watch their painful expressions and struggles when they self-immolate.

But he had no chance of setting the fire.

Since the war that year, he was sealed, and the days of darkness have passed for an unknown amount of time.

Until the ambitious commander launched an attack on Ionia, they needed more weapons to fight against that pure land.

So Amorim was lucky enough to be chosen.

As a fire element magician herself, she naturally has a certain degree of compatibility with the flame demon.

The headmaster of Ravenbloom decided to soul-bind the Fire Demon with Amorim through a ritual, thereby giving Amorim greater power.

The ceremony was successful, Tibok was released, and he could finally feel the breath of the outside world again, but because of this, he was imprisoned in Amorim's body again.

These memories were all read from Amorim's mind. After hundreds of years, his understanding of the outside world was expanded through Amorim.

Tibbers, who regained his freedom, was naturally unwilling to be sealed in the body of a human woman, so he began to deliberately guide Amorim towards destruction.

At that time, this human woman didn't even know of his existence, and she relied solely on her tenacious willpower to fight against him.

Coupled with occasional coincidences and luck, Tibbers, who had repeatedly failed, temporarily gave up.

Determined not to harm anyone with magic, Amorim fled Ravenbloom Academy after realizing the dangers of the elements within him.

At that time, the northern region of Noxus was very barren, with a cold climate, many mountains, wild beasts, and dangers.

Few people would choose to settle there, so she fled north and met Anne's father, Gregory, on the way.

The two experienced many stories together, and finally settled down in a remote and uninhabited forest in the north.

Amorim soon became pregnant. She was so immersed in the joy of becoming a mother that she did not realize how serious the consequences would be.

Soon after, the child was born, and the couple named her Anne.

The family of three lived in seclusion and lived a happy life without being disturbed.

But unknown to him, Annie's talent is also quietly awakening.

Soon, little Annie reached the age of babbling and toddling. Suddenly one day, an accident came unexpectedly.

That day both Gregory and little Annie fell ill, the most serious one being little Annie.

Her whole body was hot, almost to the point of being hot to the touch, as if she was enduring a transcendent high temperature, and even Amorim could not hold her in his arms.

Amorim didn't know what was going on, so she was at a loss and finally decided to go to the nearby river to get some cold water.

Tibbers naturally knows the reason for all this.

Even he was greatly surprised.

Because of Amorim's already strong talent for fire element magic, coupled with the fusion of his power, Annie was finally born, a natural fire element magician.

Her talent far exceeds that of anyone else, and is above the pinnacle of humanity.

Tibbers could tell at a glance that she was in a critical period of transformation.

If he can survive this day, there is no doubt that human history will usher in the most powerful fire element magician.

She is a natural fire controller, and there is only room for surrender to any flame in front of her.

But if you can't survive it, then it can only be said to be a pity.

At the same time, Tibbers also realized that this was an opportunity for him.

Of course, Amorin knew nothing about all this, and she didn't even know that there had been a fire demon secretly watching everything.

She anxiously fetched a basin of water from the river and hurried home.

However, even cold water could not dissipate the heat from Annie's body.

Just then, Tibbers appeared.

Amorin was shocked by the appearance of the flame demon, with fear in her eyes, but out of motherly love, she quickly calmed down and associated Annie's situation with the flame demon.

She thinks the fire demon is responsible for all this.

In fact, this is part of the reason.

Without the Fire Demon, even if Annie had outstanding magical talent, she would not have awakened so early and encountered such difficulties.

"I told her that I had a way to save her daughter. However, before I even told her the price, this woman agreed to me without hesitation."

The flame wave on Tibbers' body was smaller, and he looked like a human-sized bear, sitting cross-legged opposite Lucci and behind the teddy bear.

"She said that no matter what she was asked to do, as long as she could save her daughter, she would do it. So I told her the conditions."

"Amorin is a fire mage. If she is eventually swallowed up by the flames, it will be a great help to me. At the same time, I can escape. I have wanted to do this for a long time, but I have never been able to succeed. But this time I found an opportunity.”

"When she heard that she was going to self-immolate, Amorim still firmly agreed. She carried Anne outside the house and picked up the teddy bear she had sewn for her."

"She lit the bonfire and caved in resolutely."

When Tibbers said this, a look of admiration showed in his eyes: "She is one of the few human beings that I recognize. I have witnessed many human beings self-immolating. When people were burned by the flames, they either screamed in pain or were filled with anger. I like to see them rolling on the ground or in agony. But Amorim, even though a fire was burning on her body, and the flames scorched her skin and smelled of flesh, she didn't say a word."

"Anne has my protection and is not afraid of the flames. I watched her hold Anne in her arms, and the tears flowing from the corners of her eyes were evaporated by the temperature of the flames before they fell. At that moment, her expression was as beautiful as ever. , I finally saw human maternal love.”

"While I was distracted, I didn't notice that I was about to be tricked by this woman."

When Tibbers said this, he did not show much anger and said calmly: "She almost discovered in this short period of time that she and I are bound to each other's souls, and she occupies a dominant position. ."

"She endured the pain, but secretly cast a spell to seal my body in the teddy bear and my soul in Annie's spiritual world. In this way, I had to save this little girl, otherwise I I will also be repelled."

"I almost didn't realize it was already done."

"She is really so smart, almost all human advantages are concentrated in her."

Tibbers recalled the scene at that time and still remembers it vividly, "She actually smiled when she saw her daughter was safe in the fire. Before she died, she asked me, not to order me, but to show her kindness like a The puppy-like eyes begging on the street, please me. Ask me to take good care of her daughter."

"The flames finally devoured her, and her body was burned away, leaving not even ashes. Part of her soul was fed back to me, making me stronger. And the remaining part is inside."

As he spoke, he looked at the teddy bear.

"Usually I would swallow a person's soul completely, but I didn't do that this time. I think she must also hope that she can always protect her daughter."

Tibbers said slowly.

There was a sentence in the middle that he didn't say.

That was Amorim's request, and he agreed at the last moment.

Although he was tricked by her, this woman made Tibbers have a great change in his view of human beings for the first time, and this time he was convinced of the defeat.

He strengthened Amorim's legacy of magic and deepened his bond with Anne.

This woman has earned the respect of the Fire Demon.

Human life is too short for demons.

But at least, he will protect the little girl until the end.

That's right, although from the beginning he had the idea of ​​​​controlling Annie to speed up the recovery of strength, which was also the reason why he showed up directly.

But this time he didn't.

In normal times, he is just a teddy bear given to her daughter by her mother full of love.

But when necessary, he can also be the murderous fire demon, Tibbers.

Tibbs' story comes to an end.

Perhaps sensing something, Annie, who was sleeping soundly, frowned uneasily, with a tear appearing in the corner of her eye.

Probably a nightmare.

Lu Qi reached out and gently stroked her brow, very gently.

Soon, Annie's brows relaxed and she fell into a good dream again.

Tibbers was also looking at her and said: "The little girl still believes that her mother will come to her. I don't intend to tell her the truth, although it doesn't matter to me. But to you humans , I think it’s a little too cruel.”

Because of Amorim, he is slowly receiving human emotions.

Knowing that this was definitely a truth that Annie didn't want to accept.

As the instigator, he felt no guilt and was prepared to receive Anne's hatred.

This will not affect his determination to protect Anne throughout his life.

"If you insist on telling her the truth, I won't stop you."

Tibbers looked at Lucci and said.

After hearing this story, Lu Qi felt nothing but admiration for Annie's mother.

Looking at Anne who was sleeping soundly, he did not respond to Tibbers, but just said: "Go back."

Tibbers stared at Lucci for a moment, then dove into the teddy bear.

The teddy bear shook twice, then returned to its normal appearance.

The heat in the air also dissipated quickly, and it quickly returned to normal.

Early the next morning.

Annie woke up early, rubbed her eyes, and immediately confirmed that the teddy bear in her arms was still there, and then said blankly: "Tibbers, Annie had a very comfortable sleep this time."

She is also quite sleepy at ordinary times. Most of the time she is either walking, eating or sleeping.

But it had been a long time since I had slept so comfortably. I slept so well that I forgot about time, and even Tibbers didn't feel it.

After waking up, my body feels light.

"Are you awake? Do you want breakfast? I cooked some hot porridge."

At this time, Annie heard Lu Qi's voice and looked up to see him setting up a fire and cooking porridge. A sweet aroma came from a pot he got from somewhere.

In a daze, Lu Qi had already brought a bowl of hot porridge over and said, "Be careful not to boil it."

"Thank you brother."

Annie stretched out her little hand to take it and thanked her sweetly.

She looked at the porridge, blinked her eyes, and felt a sense of loss for no reason.

I will be separated from my eldest brother soon.

At this moment, she suddenly heard Tibbers's voice, and then raised her head in surprise.

The little girl couldn't hide her thoughts and immediately said: "Annie wants to hang out with her big brother again!"

Lu Qi heard this and smiled: "Why did you change your mind again?"

"Because. Because" Anne couldn't say, it was Tibbers who changed his mind.

She didn't know why, but after taking a nap, Tibbers suddenly had a great change in his opinion of his eldest brother and praised him in various ways.

But that's a good thing, because she loves her big brother, and now Tibbs does too.

In this way, she can continue to 'hang out' with her big brother.

Unable to find a reason, she pursed her lips, secretly looked at Lu Qi and said, "Brother, aren't you willing?"

"Of course I would."

Lu Qi smiled, stretched out his hand and showed his little finger: "To prevent you from going back on your word this time, let's pull the hook."

"Yeah, it won't happen this time!"

Annie immediately beamed, stretched out her little hand, and hooked up with Lu Qi.

"Hanging on the hook, 100 years, not allowed to change."

She doesn't know why, but she always feels happy.

Mingming's fate with his eldest brother has just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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