LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 333 I’ll surprise you next time!

Chapter 333 I’ll surprise you next time!
So the two of them had breakfast and headed back to the Demacia camp together.

It was morning, there were no people around, it seemed very quiet, and the path looked long and far away.

They walked in tandem like this.

Lu Qi walked in front, trying to slow down as much as possible.Annie followed behind, hugging the teddy bear, and her big eyes fell on Lu Qi.

Just take a look from time to time.

Seeing this, Lu Qi stopped, stretched out his hand towards Annie, and said with a smile: "Let's go together."

Anne immediately understood his invitation and without hesitation, she also extended her little hand.

The big hand and the small hand held each other, and the two walked on the path as if they were relatives, which made Annie's steps become much more brisk.

As they walked, Lu Qi looked for a topic and said, "Annie, do you know magic?"

"Magic?" Annie tilted her head, thought for a moment, and then said, "Is the one that big brother was talking about last night?"

"That's right." Lu Qi nodded and said, "The land we live in is called Rune Land. Rune Land is composed of various magical energies. Because of this, many people with magic powers like Annie were born in the world. Talented people.”

Only then did Annie realize that the flame she was using was called magic. She couldn't help but lower her head and said, "Many uncles and aunts expressed their dislike for Annie after seeing my magic."

She has been taken in by many families, but whenever she shows her talents, those who take her in will show a kind of disgust.

In Anne's opinion, this is the case.

Most people who know she can do magic won't get too involved with her.

These people reminded her of her stepmother, who occasionally showed similar expressions to her. It was not until later that Anne understood that it was called disgust.

So later on, Anne rarely stayed in one house for too long, and she became increasingly alienated from interpersonal relationships.

She once thought that Tibbers was enough for her.

But people are not cold and heartless creatures after all, not to mention that Annie is still a child.

After living alone for too long, she became more and more eager to find a similar partner.

Until Lu Qi appeared, in Annie's eyes, he was an interesting and mysterious big brother.

So, Annie wanted to 'hide' with him.

"Because there are many people without magical talents in this world, and these people make up the majority."

Lu Qi said patiently, "So magic is a very dangerous power for these people. Many, many years ago, magic hurt too many people, so now they are still afraid of and hate magic. What they hate is not Anne.”

Annie said a little sadly: "Then my magic is bad for everyone?"

"Of course not. Your magic is a talent given to you by God. It is a treasure that belongs only to you. Besides, there are people who hate magic and there are people who like magic." Lu Qi smiled softly and said, "It's just that there are Too many people use magic to maliciously harm others, so all magicians are implicated."

After hearing this, Annie immediately said seriously: "Annie, don't be such a person."

"Annie will definitely not be such a person." Lu Qi said with a smile, "In short, you must cherish your magical talent, but you must also learn how to control it."

Anne's knowledge in this area was lacking because she had always lived in seclusion with her parents. Even after her father married another wife, she had never been exposed to more knowledge, including magic.

And because her knowledge of magic is limited, she doesn't know how much danger her unfathomable magic can bring to others.

Sometimes, it hurts well-intentioned people.

"Yeah." Annie nodded her head obediently, with a beautiful light shining in her eyes.

No one had ever told her this before.

Lu Qi then said: "When I go back, brother, I will introduce you to many friends who also have magic."

Annie's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she said happily: "That's great!"

She fully hoped to find a partner who was similar to herself.

Two days later.

In the early morning, the woodland looked a bit more misty, and the humid air filled with the green scent of plants drifted into the nose, which was quite refreshing.

In the camp where Demacia was stationed, many soldiers got up early and started morning training.

The training sound of "hehehehahe" sounded continuously.

The discipline of German soldiers usually does not need anyone to maintain it, and the consciousness of each soldier is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Lu Qi took Annie into the camp, immediately attracting the attention of many people.

Anne also looked at the Demacia camp with curious eyes, vaguely aware of the difference between this place and Noxus.

"Your Highness."

Along the way, the soldiers all bowed to Lu Qi and saluted. At the same time, when they saw the pink little girl, they felt the urge to pinch her cheeks.

Lu Qi nodded and responded.

And listening to everyone calling Lu Qi, Annie's eyes suddenly lit up. This kind of title was just like the title of the prince in fairy tales.

Is the eldest brother really a prince?
She was in for a bit of a surprise.

Soon, Lu Qi met Quinn who was walking towards him, followed by Sona. The two camped in the same tent, so they had to wake up together.

"Your Highness, you are back."

When Quinn saw Lu Qi, he immediately said hello. Then he saw Lu Qi again and was slightly startled: "This is"

Before Lu Qi could speak, Annie had already introduced herself obediently: "Hello, sisters, my name is Annie."


Quinn knelt down and gently touched Annie's head, without asking any more questions about her origins.

Anyway, it was the person brought back by His Highness, and she looked like a harmless little loli, so what could be wrong with her.

"What a lovely little girl."

Sona also smiled at Annie, her eyes exuding tenderness, and she stretched out her hand to touch Annie's head.

She has the ability to sense minds, so she immediately sensed a kind of pain and loneliness in Anne's heart, as well as an extraordinary magic power, raging like a flame.

Annie looked up and saw Sona, and when she saw a face as gentle as water, she felt fond of her for no reason, so she smiled sweetly at Quinn and Sona.

"Where's Lux?"

Lu Qi asked at this time.

Quinn replied: "She is probably still asleep. Miss Crownguard usually sleeps until noon these days."

"it is good"

Lu Qi thought for a moment, and an idea emerged in his mind.

So he immediately took Annie to Lux's tent.

Before that, he made a little preparation.

Lux, Poppy, and Urna were sleeping in a tent. The two of them soon noticed Lucci in disguise, and realized that this guy was probably trying to do something bad again.

But no one stopped them, they all acted as if they didn't see it, and everyone was busy with their own business.

Arriving at the entrance of the tent, Lu Qi picked up Annie and walked quietly inside.

As soon as he entered the tent, he saw Miss Crown Guard lying face up, sleeping soundly.

Annie also saw her and blinked, thinking that this sister was so beautiful, even when she was sleeping.

She cooperated with Lu Qi and didn't make a sound.

Lu Qi had already quietly walked up to her, then put Annie down, and then shook her shoulders politely: "Wake up, wake up."

Annie noticed that Lu Qi's voice was a bit rough and full of maturity.

Lux was swimming in the ocean of dreamland and delicious food at this time. She was intoxicated when she was suddenly shaken awake and her consciousness was in a trance.

When she opened her eyes, feeling very sleepy, she first saw a little loli with a fine face, bright eyes and white teeth on the bedside, looking at her curiously with her big eyes open.

When he glanced again, he seemed to see someone who looked very similar to Lu Qi.

The reason why he looks like him is because his facial features are similar, but he looks older and has two tufts of beard under his nose.

He looked to be in his thirties or forties.

She was just waking up and her brain was not functioning properly when she heard Lu Qi say in a deep tone: "You finally woke up. I didn't expect that it has been ten years since you slept for so long this time."


Lux asked a question on the spot, her unintelligent eyes looked even more confused now, "What did you say? What decade?"

"I have tried to wake you up every day for the past ten years, but without success." Lu Qi sighed softly, his voice filled with sadness over time, and looked at Annie and said, "This is my daughter, Annie, named Aunt."

Annie was extremely obedient and called out in a childish Lolita voice: "Hello, Auntie, my father and I have visited you many times over the years."

She also knew how to cooperate with Lu Qi, and her eyes were full of innocence when she spoke, not like she was lying at all.

The voice fell.

With a "boom", Lux felt a thunder strike, which made her whole body feel bad.

She sat up from the bed and clearly saw Lu Qi's aging face and the sadness in his eyes.

Then he looked at Annie's face, then at Lu Qi's face, then at Annie's face. He looked left and right several times, and finally saw that Annie did look a bit like Lu Qi!
There is a vague resemblance between those eyebrows and eyes!


After a while, another thunder struck.

Her eyes were full of disbelief, and she said blankly: "How could this happen? I have slept for ten years."

After so many years, Lu Qi actually has a child?
How could he do this?
Inexplicably, she became an elder and was called aunt by Lu Qi's children.
If possible, Lux wouldn't want to take on this title.

She felt that her mind was in a mess and her heart was in a state of confusion. She was in a state of doubting life and a collapsed worldview.

"It's happened, and there's nothing anyone can do about it."

Lu Qi sighed softly, patted her shoulder and comforted her, "A lot has happened in these ten years."

Lux's first reaction after hearing this was to look at Annie and ask, "Who is her mother?"

Lu Qi said: "She is a woman I met when I returned to Demacia after fighting Noxus. I will introduce her to you later."


Lux never expected this outcome. She lowered her head, looking confused, and her heart was even more confused.

For a moment she felt like crying.

But soon, the confusion passed, and her IQ regained the high ground in Miss Crown Guard's mind. She suddenly noticed that the scene around her looked familiar.

Seeing her looking around, Lu Qi said calmly: "Back then, you couldn't wake up in the tent. Later, in order to prevent you from feeling unfamiliar with the outside world and causing memory lapses after you woke up, we specially simulated your sleeping state at that time. environment."

He said one thing after another. Anne's big eyes flashed, but she also found it very interesting.


Lux nodded confusedly, then suddenly stretched out her hand and reached under Lu Qi's nose.

Lu Qi immediately leaned back, but she was still caught by her forward movement. She grabbed her beard with one hand and pulled hard.

In an instant, several strands of beard were pulled down by her forcefully, and the sound of Lu Qi taking a breath of cold air was heard.

Lux looked at the few beards held in her hands and was immediately dumbfounded.

How is it true?
She originally thought that Lu Qi must have lied to her, so the beard must also be fake.

But looking at Lu Qi holding his nose and grimacing in pain, it was completely real.

At this moment, Miss Crown Guard's mentality once again changed subtly.

She had just woken up and suffered such a huge blow that she was completely confused.

However, after accumulating many experiences, she is no longer the naive noob she used to be.

Even though Lu Qi had done this well and hired such a cooperative young actor, she still looked at him with some suspicion.

He even threatened: "If I find out that you deceived me, I will fight you."

She showed a really desperate look, a fierce look.

Hearing this, Lu Qi smiled calmly and said, "I don't want to give you a surprise, so that you can experience a special wake-up in your life."

As soon as the words fell, Lux gritted her teeth. Her stomach was already full of anger when she woke up early in the morning.

This bitch really deceived her!

She had such a big mood swing early in the morning, which put Lux on the verge of anger!

But soon, she noticed that Anne beside her was always looking at her with big innocent eyes, and she suppressed the anger that was about to burst out.

Image, maintain your image.

She forced a smile: "Thank you so much." I'll surprise you next time, bitch! !
She turned to look at Annie, her smile becoming more genuine: "Your name is Annie, right? How cute."

Annie also smiled sweetly: "Sister is so beautiful too."

"Ah, this kid is really good at talking."

Lux's mood suddenly improved. She stretched out her hand and pinched Annie's cheek. It was tender and felt quite good.

"My name is Laxana, you can also call me Lax."

"Sister Lux."

Anne yelled again.

Compared to the gentle Sona just now, she could feel that the Lux in front of her was more like her.

With a natural intuition, she seemed to be able to see the light shining on Lux.

Looking at the straightforward and lovely Annie, Lux felt relieved and felt that this little girl was unusual, but she didn't care and said seriously: "It's decided, from now on, you can follow me!"

"Hum?" Annie shook her head and said, "Anne has already joined her brother."

Lux glanced at Lu Qi and snorted coldly: "He is nothing but a green onion. Follow me, sister, and I will keep your favorite and spicy food from now on."

Annie blinked: "Brother also said the same thing as Annie."

Lux glanced at Lu Qi again, then looked at Annie: "It doesn't matter, we don't need to pay attention to him, of course girls have to play with girls."

When Annie heard this, she nodded happily: "Okay!"

At this time, Lu Qi was thinking about whether to add a few more lines of defense to his tent, otherwise he would always feel unsafe, or feel uneasy.

But he didn't notice that Lux had quietly begun to compete for the position in Annie's heart.

At this time, Lux reached out and poked him and asked, "Where did you abduct Annie from?"

"What are you talking about? How can you call him a cripple?"

Lu Qi came back from his thoughts and stressed, "I never do this kind of thing. Annie, do you think I kidnapped you?"

Annie said: "No, it's Annie who wants to follow her brother."

Looking at the well-behaved Annie, Lux liked her from the bottom of her heart. Although they had only met for a short time, she had already made up her mind.

If I have a child in the future, I will definitely want a girl like Anne.

Lu Qi said: "In short, from today on, Annie will officially join our Demacia family."

It didn't take long for the entire Demacia camp to spread the news that a new member had joined the camp.

She is a well-sculpted little loli who looks very lovely.

Everyone gave her a warm welcome and greeted her cordially when they met, and Anne responded politely.

Lu Qi also issued an urgent task, which was to rush to make a set of clothes for Annie.

The clothes she wore had been worn for a long time, and they even didn't fit. She had to change her clothes.

It happened that there was a logistics team in the camp, and there were many people who had worked as tailors. They promised to make a skirt suitable for Annie in one morning.

Annie, on the other hand, was quickly taken by Lacus to learn backgammon.

It had been too long since Miss Crown Guard had encountered a game where she met her opponent (no one could win), so after seeing Anne, her dusty heart was touched again.

Backgammon is not very difficult, so even Annie got started quickly.

In fact, she learned very quickly, because Annie was a very smart little girl.

Therefore, the duel between the two started with Lux quickly solving the match, and then it became longer and longer.

This made Lu Qi, who took a few glances, feel that it won't be long before Miss Crown Guard can't even get down with a child.

Shaking his head sadly, Lu Qi went to find Tiana and Lev without looking any further.

Informed the two of them that Noxus was preparing to send out living weapons.

As for the living weapon, they all agreed that it was something similar to Sion.

I'm afraid it can't be killed by normal means, so I have to find a way to solve it.

The morning passed by in a flash, and when noon was approaching, Annie was taken into a prepared tent to take a bath.

The person who bathed Anne was Urna. As a maid, she seemed to know how not to arouse a child's resistance.

And Anne did not resist.

During the bath, Annie behaved very well and never took her eyes off the teddy bear.

Both her brother and sister respected her very much and did not force her to separate from Tibbers.

She has always taken good care of Tibbers, so even though this teddy bear looks a little old, it is always clean.

She knew that Lu Qi and others were doing it for her own good. Although she had just arrived at the camp for a whole morning, Annie liked it a little bit.

Everyone here looked kind and cheerful, not because of Lu Qi's identity, but because of his gentleness.

Although Anne is young, she is extremely sensitive to emotions.

She could clearly feel that the people here were different from those before her.

Early in the morning, several aunts measured her body.

After taking a shower, she put on clean clothes. It was a carefully sewn pink skirt that fit much better than the one she wore before.

She happily shared with the teddy bear: "Tibbers, I have new clothes."

Annie, who had put on new clothes, looked even cuter, with no flaws to be found at all, and she was particularly lovable.

Holding the teddy bear in her arms, no matter where she went, people wanted to give her some gifts.

But Annie didn't ask for it, she just accepted a few portions of what she liked, such as milk.

This was with Lu Qi's consent.

Just walking around the camp, Annie has achieved milk freedom.

While preparing lunch, she was sitting on a bench, with her short legs barely touching the ground, and her expression was debating whether to drink another bottle of milk.

She has already drank three bottles. Although she still wants to drink, she will not be able to eat later.

She was troubled here.

Lu Qi briefly introduced Annie's situation.

Lux heard that Annie had lost her parents and had been wandering alone for a long time, and her sympathy suddenly overflowed.

She had helped many similar children in the Illuminator Church, and now she also silently decided to help Annie.

"In comparison, her situation is more special."

Lu Qi glanced at Annie over there and said, "She has magical talent that other children don't have, and I'm afraid she is the strongest. It's just that she lacks knowledge and teaching in this area. I'm worried that she will go astray because of this." , so I decided to stay with him.”

Lux was surprised: "So powerful?"

"It's really powerful." Lu Qi nodded and said, "Basically, she's almost the same as you. It's just that she controls the fire element, and she doesn't realize the dangers of magic."

What Lux awakened was the magic of light element, which is a very rare element.

There are only a few famous mages in history who can control light.

Without instruction in this area, even she would face the risk of magic being uncontrolled from time to time.

The reason why Annie can control the fire element so accurately is not only because of her super talent, but also because Tibbers is also helping her control the element.

But even so, she still runs the risk of losing control.

At this time, you must accept the teachings of magic.

After hearing this, Lux immediately patted her chest and said confidently: "Don't worry, leave this matter to me. I will teach Annie how to control magic."

In this regard, she already has a lot of experience.

After all, he is already here.

Lu Qi also had the same intention, and it seemed that Annie also liked Lux ​​very much.

In the afternoon, the clear sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds, and soon it began to rain.

Observing the weather, it may rain heavily in the evening, so the original plan to officially launch the army in the afternoon was postponed to wait for the rain to stop.

Even if it rains, people won’t run out all over the campground.

They all sat in sheltered places, looking at the raindrops falling continuously, and their thoughts became lingering.

Annie sat under the rain shelter, looking at the falling raindrops, very quiet.

She hated the rain, because it would make her and Tibbs soaked in the rain, and the tree holes would become wet, making it difficult to sleep.

There will be a strange smell after roasting over fire.

Anyway, she doesn't like rainy days.

Sona was sitting not far away, with a delicate Guqin - Luohua standing on her slender and plump thighs.

Listening to the sound of the rain falling, she gradually composed a music score in her mind.

So, he raised his slender hand and gently touched the strings.

Suddenly, beautiful notes came out, attracting Annie's attention.

She cast her curious gaze and saw Sona who was about to start playing a song.

As the movements of Sona's hands gradually began to rise and fall, and gradually accelerated, bursts of beautiful melodies came out.

In no time, Anne was entranced.

She had never heard such a beautiful melody, and even the sound of rain became part of the melody.

Gradually, she was brought into music.

In a daze, she returned to a small but warm wooden house. She was lying on a cradle bed in a room and fell asleep. It was very quiet outside until it started to rain.

The falling raindrops tapped against the window.

She was so noisy that she burst into tears.

Then a woman walked in. Her face couldn't be seen clearly, but she was very gentle.

She gently picked her up, rocked her from side to side, patted her with her right hand lightly, and hummed a familiar song.

She could vaguely see the gentle smile on the corner of the woman's mouth. She was so beautiful, her every move exuded incomparable tenderness, and the smell coming from her body was also particularly good.

Gradually, she fell asleep again.

Everything is blurry but not blurry, as if it is really happening in front of you, but also as if it is very far away.

At this moment, the melody emanating from the strings resonated with the echoing lullaby.

Unconsciously, a few large tears fell out of Annie's eyes, sliding down her face and dripping on the teddy bear.

"Annie, why are you crying?"

Lux, who was immersed in the music, suddenly noticed Annie crying and hurriedly sat over and wiped away her tears, "What's wrong?"

Sona also stopped playing.

Annie came back to her senses, feeling the concern of Lux and the people around her, and shook her head: "It's okay, Sister Sona's playing is so beautiful, it reminds Annie of her mother."

Lux gently held Annie in her arms and whispered, "We will always be with you."

After a while, Annie looked at the rain curtain again.

Although I thought of my mother, I didn't feel sad at all. Instead, I felt a warm feeling.

She couldn't remember how long it had been since she had dreamed of her mother.

She thinks it might be because of Sona sister's music.

"Sister Sona, I want to continue listening to your music."

Annie looked at Sona and said obediently.

Sona looked at her tenderly, nodded slightly, then placed her jade hand on the strings and continued to play.

In the rain curtain, the beautiful melody exuded a warm smell, and the people around were listening attentively.

So is Anne.

Looking at the falling raindrops, at this moment, she suddenly didn't hate the rain so much.

(End of this chapter)

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