LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 334 First Annual Signing

Chapter 334 First Annual Signing
The next day.

The sky is still dark, but there is also a bit of morning light, like a sign before dawn, and the world is shrouded in the middle between night and dawn.

It rained all night and stopped not long ago. Water drops were still falling from the trees.

At the entrance of Lu Qi's tent, there was a figure approaching furtively at this moment.

It was Miss Crown Guard who got up early specially. The more she thought about what happened yesterday, the more angry she became, and she decided that she must return a surprise!
Otherwise, you won’t be able to sleep well!

As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw a sign erected with several large characters written prominently on it.

"Little Golden Retrievers are not allowed in."

Seeing this, Lux raised her eyebrows, displeasure written on her face, and then she snorted coldly.

Raising his hand, a small beam of light appeared and shot at the wooden sign. The word 'no' was erased on the spot, and then changed to 'permission'.

After finishing, looking at the words on the wooden sign, Lux nodded with satisfaction, then directly opened the curtain and walked tiptoe inside.

Soon, she saw Lu Qi. At this time, the guy was lying on his side on the mat with his back on his back, his head resting on the thin quilt, breathing evenly, and he looked like he was sleeping soundly.

When she got closer, she took out the tools she brought, a pair of cymbals.

This was what she saw by chance in the logistics yesterday, and she remembered it in her heart at that time.

Seeing the sleeping Lu Qi, Lux didn't show any mercy. She opened her hands without hesitation and then closed them with force. Because this guy's tent occupied a large area, she didn't worry about disturbing others.

Suddenly, there was a 'dang' sound, and the iron cymbals made a sharp and loud sound, which was quite abrupt in the silent tent, followed by an uninterrupted buzzing sound.

Even her ears were shaken.

However, they saw Lu Qi still sleeping there, motionless and completely unaffected.


Lux slowly made a question mark and looked at the pair of cymbals in her hand suspiciously, feeling that it made no sense.

Don't you wake up?

She was also looking forward to the expression on this guy's face when he woke up with a fright.

As a result, this guy is sleeping like a dead pig.

After looking at it, she suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something in Lu Qi's ear.

When he got closer, he immediately saw the earplugs in his ears.

This guy was obviously prepared!

Even this step was calculated by this bitch, and the flames of displeasure surged in Lux's heart. She gritted her silver teeth and stared at him with a pair of eyes.

In that case, don't blame me for being rude!

At this moment, Miss Crown Guard became extremely evil!
She bent down and began to untie the shoelaces on her shoes, and then took her two little feet out of the shoes. The thin white socks covered the anklets and wrapped a pair of exquisite and lovely feet.

She looked around and quickly found a suitable position beside the bed, then climbed up.

Standing on it, the height suddenly changed. Looking down at the sleeping Lu Qi below, Lux took a deep breath, and then a look of determination flashed in her eyes.

next moment!
Leap of Faith!


In the morning, because of a rain, the air in the morning seemed humid, but it no longer affected the march of the army.

Everyone had been prepared yesterday afternoon, so they simply tidied up in the morning, and Demacia's army continued to set off.

Lu Qi, who was awakened from a deep sleep by a painful blow in the morning, was thinking about life.

He suddenly realized something.

That is, when will the injustice be repaid?

He silently decided to add an alarm system to his room in the future.

To prevent the invasion of a certain little golden retriever.

He was scared. If this guy jumped a little further, he wouldn't know how to face Sona and Fiona in the future.

Counting the days, he suddenly remembered something and silently said in his heart: "Sign in."

【Sign in successfully】

[It is detected that this sign-in is a monthly sign. It is detected that the host sign-in has been more than one year and three months. This sign-in can be changed to a special annual sign. Do you agree? 】

Hearing this, Lu Qi was startled. Even he had forgotten about the 'annual signature'. Seeing this, he did not hesitate and said in his heart: "Agree."

[This sign-in is changed to a special annual sign-in]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the primary skill upgrade card*2]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining an intermediate skill upgrade card*2]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining an advanced skill upgrade card*2]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Realm Improvement Card*1]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten years of magic power]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a special rare treasure - strange pepper]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the special equipment entry: Death Penalty Declaration]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Perfect Level Sword Intent: Frost Sword Intent]

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the high-level skill: Wave Fist]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: pet necklace]

[The system rewards have been stored in the backpack space, please check the host yourself]

A series of system prompts sounded in Lu Qi's mind, and the generous rewards made him distracted for a while.

I sighed in my heart, it was indeed a yearly signing, and the system was generous when it came to it.

So, he immediately checked the system's rewards, including two skill upgrade cards for each level.

Lu Qi stored it in the system backpack first and was not in a hurry to use it.

Immediately, he muttered in his mind: "System, use the realm upgrade card."

[The realm upgrade card is used successfully, and the host level successfully breaks through to the holy white high level]

As the system's feedback sound sounded, Lu Qi felt a mellow energy bursting out from his heart, constantly enriching his whole body, and a joyful feeling of increased strength echoed throughout his body.

He felt that his overall strength had been improved again. Just by signing in, he had reached a physical limit that many people could not reach.

There is only one word for this feeling, cool!

When the heightened feeling dissipated, Lu Qi breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help raising his hand and making a fist, feeling that his fist was full of power.

Then, he looked at the system backpack and said in his heart again: "System, receive ten years of magic power."

[Receiving magic power successfully for ten years]

When the system feedback sound fell, Lu Qi felt a cool stream of water pouring down from the top of his head, and the magic power in his body also continued to soar in a short period of time.

Just like the original power of the devil, the upper limit of how much magic power a mage can hold in his body is determined by his mental power.

The stronger the mental power of a mage, the more magic power he has in his body, and the stronger the effect he can exert.

Lu Qi's mental strength is not weak in the first place, and he can naturally tolerate more than ten years of magic power. On the contrary, he feels that he can still tolerate a lot.

Now, the magic power in his body, from just a little bit before, now seems to have a certain amount.

Although there is still a huge gap compared to Lux and Annie, it can be considered a normal level among the mages.

Feeling the magic power in his body, Lu Qi felt that he could intensify the damage of the fireball spell a lot.

It seems that he is now a bit of a master of both law and martial arts. I wonder if he has filled a shortcoming.

The most important thing is that Lu Qi also has a skill called 'Mana Burning', which can achieve the effect of strengthening himself by continuously consuming the magic power in his body.

The more magic power in the body, the longer the mana burning time can be used, which is still very good.

For the next reward, Lu Qi opened the panel and checked the introduction, but he looked very interested.

Qiwei pepper is a cooking seasoning that allows consumers to taste the food they like more.

Moreover, everyone has different tastes when eating it.

It can be said to be a very good seasoning.

Not bad.

Lu Qi looked at the next reward again and found that the reward was a special entry 'Death Declaration'.

After checking the system introduction, his eyes lit up.

The effect of the death sentence declaration was similar to what he understood. After causing damage, a certain degree of serious injury would be applied for three seconds.

Serious injury refers to reduced treatment effect and life recovery.

This thing can be called a magical weapon against some targets with thick skin and strong blood recovery ability.

What Lu Qi obtained was an entry that could be added to a weapon.

Once added, it is irrevocable, saved permanently, and will automatically disappear when the weapon is destroyed.

For Lu Qi, this is a very fragrant entry.

The effect of his weapon, the Snow Blade, is to weaken it. Every time it hits a knife, it can weaken the opponent's strength a little, and it can also feed back to Lu Qi.

Now, coupled with the entry of the death sentence declaration, it is simply a Noble Phantasm against the enemy.

Without hesitation, Lu Qi directly chose to bind this entry to his weapon.

[The entry 'Death Sentence' was used successfully and has been successfully integrated into the host weapon]

I saw Xue Jian hiding in the scabbard. Suddenly the sword trembled, and its internal energy emitted a fluorescent light that flashed away.

The effect of Death Sentence has been permanently added.

A smile appeared on Lu Qi's lips, and he was in a very good mood.

The rewards for signing this year are really good. The death sentence alone is already worth it.

Immediately, he looked at the next reward, which was a Perfect Level Sword Intent.

After thinking for a while, Lu Qi still chose to receive it.

[The Perfect Level Frost Sword Intent was successfully obtained]

The next second, Lu Qi's vision flickered, and he had entered a state of 'enlightenment', as if he was in another world.

The cold snow was raging around him, and the falling blizzard was like a sharp knife, tearing Lu Qi's whole body.

But the strange thing is that Lu Qi couldn't feel any pain, but felt more of the sharp feeling.

As he entered a state of enlightenment, the horse riding under Lu Qi couldn't help but shiver all over and let out a horse's breath.

An icy aura began to spread out around Lu Qi, with a sharp sense of oppression at the same time.

Soon, many people around felt the coldness spreading from all directions. As time passed, it became colder and colder, and the oppressive sword intent became sharper and sharper.

They couldn't help being shocked, and they all looked in Lu Qi's direction.


Tiana, who was not far away, noticed this scene early on, and immediately typed three question marks in a row, and then looked at Lev.

Regarding this, Lev also had a look of helplessness and confusion.

With their rich experience, they could naturally see that Lu Qi was in a state of enlightenment about the sword's intention.

Moreover, this sword intention is constantly making breakthroughs over time, starting from the beginning, becoming a small success, becoming a great success, and reaching perfection.
There was no stagnation at all, and the entire breakthrough was extremely natural and smooth. In the blink of an eye, the sword intention had reached perfection.

At this moment, Tiana finally understood why this kid's strength would jump forward a lot every time he wasn't careful.

Your sister, while riding on a horse and walking, realized the meaning of the sword.

Who's to make sense of this?

Even if there was a slight lag, it would make her feel a little better, but she was stunned and went straight from entry to perfection.


Only now did Tiana realize what a monster the brat she had fallen in love with at the beginning was.

At this time, everyone who was close to Lu Qi felt a coldness, like winter, even though it was still summer.

Annie, Sona, Lux, Bobby, and Quinn all looked at him with admiration, curiosity, admiration, and love.

Annie didn't know what happened to Dodge, but she felt that her brother was doing something very powerful.

Lux touched her chin with a thoughtful expression.

Could it be that he was kicked out by her that morning?
Miss Crown Guard expressed that she had long been accustomed to the noise this guy made from time to time.

Soon, Lu Qi returned from the state of comprehending the sword's intention, feeling refreshed, as if he had experienced many novel experiences.

There was still a chill in the air, and Lu Qi took a long breath, feeling quite satisfied with the frost sword intent.

This is definitely a sword intention that is no less than Yufeng Sword Intent, but unfortunately, it lacks the supporting sword skills and cannot exert its full power.

Just like Wuji Sword Intent, it lacks supporting Wuji Sword Technique and can only play a supporting role.But even so, this frost sword intention is also a very strong sword intention.

Now Lu Qi possesses five kinds of swordsmanship, coupled with the full-level wind control swordsmanship, he is already quite accomplished in the way of swordsmanship.

At this time, people around him also looked away from him.

I can't help but sigh, people are more irritating than others.

But after the news of Lu Qi's understanding of the sword's intention spread quickly, the overall morale of the army increased a lot.

After all, the stronger the leader, the more confident those who follow him will naturally be.

Lu Qi continued to check the next reward, which was a high-level skill.

[Learnable skills detected, high-level skills - Wave Fist LV3, whether to learn or not]


Lu Qi said immediately.

[Learning Wave Boxing Successfully]

Suddenly, Lu Qi's mind had many more ways to operate magic power, and he explained in great detail how to perform the Wave Fist.

After a brief understanding, Lu Qi suddenly realized, isn't this just letting the waves go?

Just like the characters in The King of Fighters, he said "Hardong Keng" while hitting, and a wave was sent out.

This skill is quite in line with Lu Qi's wishes, and the method of use is to consume magic power.

What is needed is for Lu Qi to use his body's strength and move his magic power at the same time, condense it into a point and release it suddenly, thereby achieving the effect of an instant magic wave.

This move is called Wave Fist.

What is needed is sufficient physical strength and a certain understanding of magic.

For today's Lu Qi, it is just right, if he had obtained this skill before when he didn't know how to use magic.

I'm afraid it's all unusable.

He immediately used the skill card to raise the level of Wave Ken to LV7. There was no new insight, but the damage was greatly increased and the frequency was changed.

It can change from one wave to multiple waves.

With the last reward left, Lu Qi looked at his backpack and checked the system introduction.

It's a prop called a pet necklace.

After seeing the effect, he thought for a moment.

As the name suggests, this is a prop that allows Lucci to bind a target to the identity of the owner and pet.

After the binding is successful, the pet's obedience rate to the owner's words will be greatly improved, and it will basically not disobey.

Just like the contract scroll signed with Nocturne before, the 'pet' needs to accept it from the heart, otherwise it will not succeed.

And if you accept it from the heart, it will take effect after you wear it around your neck.

What Lu Qi was thinking about was that this prop might not be used in some special occasions.


Lu Qi couldn't help but reveal a subtle smile. He felt that this pet necklace was also a very good prop.

I'm afraid it's very popular among a certain group of people.

Try it if you have a chance.

Lu Qi silently wrote down this prop and decided to wait for a day to see if the rewards given by the system were reliable.

At this point, all system rewards have been collected.

After this wave, it can be said that Lu Qi has improved a lot.

At the same time, he still has two high-level skill upgrade cards that he has not used. It is not common to sign these cards.

Now Lucci has a lot of skills waiting to be upgraded to the full level.

On the system panel, I looked back and forth in a wide circle. There were LV8 Divine Hidden Technique, LV7 Divine Tracking Arrow, LV7 Powerful Body Protection, Fortitude Barrier, and Conqueror. Basically, they were all stuck at key levels.

With a thoughtful look in his eyes, Lu Qi finally decided: "System, use advanced skill cards to upgrade the conqueror."

[Advanced skill card used successfully]

[The conqueror level is increased to LV9]

From the current point of view, the skill that has improved Lucci the most is the Conqueror skill.

Every time you attack, the effect of accumulating enhanced attributes is still very powerful.

Now if Lucci is fully stacked with Conquerors, he can directly get a 50.00% bonus in a short time. As long as the time is not interrupted, the bonus will always exist!
It can be said to be a considerable improvement.

The most important thing is that the Conqueror is very easy to use during the day and night.

Time flies, days pass.

Among the support troops sent by Noxus to the front line, there was a battle group, and they were escorted by multiple specially made iron cages.

As the team moved forward, there were some specialized people guarding the 'creatures' in the iron cages.

As the army advanced, waves of unpleasant roars came out from these iron cages, like howls, with strong hunger and thirst, like wild beasts.

The heavy iron cage was also constantly undergoing huge collisions. Pale arms were thrust out from the cage one after another, as if they were longing for something.

Upon closer inspection, it was clearly a group of humanoid creatures.


"Blood, give me blood!"

"Very hungry, very hungry!"

The soldiers around them all turned a blind eye to such a situation, as if they were used to it, but they still felt a little nervous in their hearts.

Because they know what terrible creatures are in these cages.

The 'living weapon' secretly developed by Noxus will be sent to the front line this time in order to fight against Demacia's attack.

These 'weapons' need to be guarded at all times, because if you are not careful and let one of them escape, it will cause irreparable consequences.

Among these cages, there is an iron cage that looks stronger and more generous. Inside is a thin 'living weapon', with a set of specially made sharp 'bloodstone' shackles that firmly secure her body. Her arms were imprisoned in the air, and the top of the blood stone shackles stood above her head, restricting her movements.

And this living weapon controlled by many people is named - Belea.

It can be seen from the iron cage and treatment that Belea was locked in that she was indeed a little different.

What the soldiers knew was her uncontrollable, powerful strength.

And what makes her even more unique is something only she knows.

At this time, Belea was deep in thought, like a scholar, thinking deeply.

Her gaze fell forward, and she already knew in her heart that those people were going to send them out again to go crazy.

Being locked up for a long time made Belea understand the meaning of thinking even more despite her never-ending hunger.

If you don't believe it, look at her 'dementia' brothers and sisters, or similar ones.

None of them looked very smart. They just screamed, screamed, and screamed silly all day long.

What's the use of calling?

Those people would never throw a few pieces of meat over just because their screams might sound better.

It's all in vain.

Belea showed a see-through expression and shook her head slightly.

But she also wanted to thank these same people. If it weren't for their silly screams day after day, she wouldn't have started to think.

Do I need to be like them, just barking stupidly all day long?

No, this is definitely not the life Belea wants.

She never wanted to be like this.

She thinks she is a 'normal person'. Of course, although she occasionally loses her mind, she is always a 'normal person' most of the time. This is always okay, right?
She has confirmed that she looks the same as the guards in normal times, and there is basically no difference between her serious appearance.

But in their eyes, they always seem to be the same as those of the same kind.

And Belea is working hard to maintain this image in their minds.

At this time, a guard happened to glance over.

I saw Belea showing a stupid expression for a second, raising her head, a trace of saliva flowing out of the corner of her mouth, and opening her mouth wide: "Ahhh! Blood! I'm so hungry! Ahhhh!"

She yelled, baring her teeth and claws, and slammed into the iron cage.

The guard did not become suspicious and quickly looked away, yawning out of boredom.

But he didn't notice that after he looked away, Belea took a sip of saliva and then showed a wise thinking face.


I am indeed a little hungry!

She really wanted to be like her kind, let out a crazy and hungry cry, and let the guards throw delicious meat and blood right now!

However, Belea knows that the difference between herself and her peers is that she will only do this when necessary!

She started to think.

I wonder who the enemy will be eaten next. Is it delicious?What would blood taste like?
After swallowing, Belea was very curious and couldn't help but start fantasizing.

But soon, she noticed another problem.

Wait, it seems like I haven’t seen the outside world for a long time.

Those people have been here since. Since when?

Anyway, since that time, she has been locked in a small dark room and she is not allowed to go out to play.

Then she was left alone and figured it out!

Since they don't let me go out to play, why don't I find a way to sneak out secretly?

However, before she had time to implement this method, she was suddenly taken from the small dark room into a cage, and then put on the escort vehicle and walked, walked, and walked.
If only I could leave this cage just like that time.

With the different me now, wouldn't it be possible to never go back?
Belea's eyes lit up, and she suddenly figured it out!

As long as she is free, she can go wherever she wants and eat as much as she wants.

If those people asked her to go crazy, then she would show her madness to them. However, after the madness was over, it would not be that easy to get her back.

A bold plan began to emerge in Belea's mind, and she began to try hard to recall the memories that she had almost forgotten.

I just remember that the last time I was sent out, I had the most food.

But it seemed that those people kept her locked up just because she was too full.

If you want to run away, those people will definitely stop you with all their strength!
She was arrested like this last time, and it must not happen again this time.

Now they need to bite people by themselves. Although they are quite happy, Belea suddenly feels that if they all die, then no one will take her back?

Thinking of this, Belea's eyes lit up.

She is such a genius!
She immediately decided to do it!
Belea felt that freedom was right in front of her, and the smell in the air became fresher.

Although what wafted into her nose was mostly the scent of blood from those people.

she is hungry!
But she is also very tolerant!

Right now, she must not let these people know that she can 'think'.

If they find out, I'm afraid they won't be let out.

Thinking of this, Belea opened her mouth, raised her head, and looked like she was demented. She kept repeating: "Ahhh! I want blood! Ahhhh!"

At this time, the guard happened to look over and found nothing unusual, so he looked away.

Shouting and shouting, Belea became more and more energetic as she shouted, and she threw herself into it wholeheartedly.

At first glance, she was no different from those of the same kind.

"These weapons scream every day, which makes my ears tired."

"Hey, just bear with it if you can, we need them now."

"Indeed, I'm afraid we will meet Demacia soon."

"Hopefully they can help."

"Don't worry, these weapons are definitely powerful."

"In order to make them more effective, they have not been fed for at least more than a month."

The soldiers near the escort vehicle were chatting casually as they marched.

This time, they sent a total of 15 troops. From the beginning, the number of people was higher than that of Demacia, but now they may no longer have the advantage.

The only thing we can count on is these 'living weapons'.

(End of this chapter)

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