LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 335 She turned around and left, as if she had made some kind of determination.

Chapter 335 She turned around and left, as if she had made some kind of determination.
Early September.

Xia Yi is leaving quietly.

Located at the end of the Shuoyin Mountains, the straight mountain line suddenly turns south, thus dividing another mountain range, called the Valzhu Mountains.

The mountain range that comes out of the corner is still part of the Shining Silver Mountain Range, but it is also the junction between the two.

In the last plain at the foot of the Junction Mountains, Demacia's army has arrived.

There were no accidents along the way. Basically, the troops defending the city of Noxus retreated and evaded after hearing the news that the German army was about to arrive.

Even the civilians in the city fled far away.

At this time, the Noxian reinforcements had also crossed the Junction Mountains, joined the retreating army, and then marched towards Demacia.

In autumn, it rains heavily in the sky, so it is often overcast.

The cool breeze howling by seemed to be leading the prelude to a great battle.

As time goes by, the armies of both sides are about to meet.The scouts in the army have each discovered the other party's army.

In this battle, both sides were determined to win, so no one wavered.

Marady Cook, who served as the commander-in-chief of the Noxus support army this time, waved his hand directly after hearing the news, his eyes firm and ruthless: "All troops, move forward!"

Before setting off, he was entrusted with the important task of defeating Demacia and driving them back from Noxus' territory.

To this end, the Grand Commander sent many mages, behemoths, gunpowder and even 'living weapons' to help him fight against Demacia.

Everyone in Demacia today knows that it is powerful and difficult to fight against, and it has wiped out countless reinforcements sent by Noxus.

If they can't be driven back, when they cross the junction, it will basically be a sword pointed directly at the Immortal Fortress.

Carrying this arduous task on his body only inspired Maradi's determination. In this battle, even if he pays his life, he must defeat Demacia!


The huge rollers of the chariot sounded like muffled thunder along with the footsteps of the army.Everyone knew about the war that was about to start and was mentally prepared for it.

"The Noxian marching song is ready!"

As the commander shouted, the 10,000+ troops uniformly sang the Noxian war song.

The sound of everyone gathering together echoed over the plains, gradually enriching everyone's strength.

after an hour.

In a river in the plain, the winding river stretches for an extremely long time. On both sides of the river are the farmland of local people. The products on the farmland have not been taken care of for a long time. With the change of autumn and summer, it looks green on one side and green on the other. yellow.

On both sides, the Demacia army and the Noxian army slowly appeared.

At a glance, there was a surge of people. The total number of soldiers on both sides exceeded 30. One side was white and the other was black, falling on the plain, like white chess and black chess.

At this moment, the atmosphere before the war was even more anxious, and the eagerness to fight soared into the sky, making the cloudy sky even more solid.

Lu Qi was riding on his horse, his eyes leaping across the farmland and landing among the enemy troops.

At the same time, Maradi was also observing Lu Qi with good eyesight.

Not surprisingly, this person is the second prince of Demacia, Luqi Light Shield.

He is now a well-known figure in Noxus, and perhaps his name has spread throughout Runeterra at this time.

Because he is the only person who has caused Noxus so much pain in so long.

The commander-in-chief did not hesitate to offer a sky-high reward. If anyone could assassinate this person, he would be made an earl, rewarded with fiefdom and huge gold, and ensure that future generations would have enough food and clothing.

However, at this juncture, no one dared to accept this reward.

The Assassin's Association also seemed to have disappeared a few months ago and has been disappearing.

Looking at it this way, the other party is indeed impressive, and one can tell at just one glance that he is not an ordinary person.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Maradi adjusted his mentality, turned around and said loudly: "Demacia is bold and reckless, invading my territory, hurting my people, and robbing my wealth. Looking at the history of the empire, no one has ever dared to confront Nuo in this way. Xus. In this battle, we will definitely make them pay the price. For the sake of Noxus, we must win!"

He raised his arms and shouted.

"For Noxus, we must win!"

In an instant, countless roars were heard in response, and the morale of the army suddenly rose.

Seeing this, Lu Qi raised his hand and gave an expressionless order: "Blow the horn and prepare for war! Breaking through this line of defense, we will prove to Runeterra that there are no cowards in Demacia! Those who invade our country, no matter how far away, are Must be punished!"

The words fell like a thunder.

"Those who violate our German state will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

The army behind them suddenly erupted into deafening shouts, and the fighting spirits in the hearts of countless Demacia soldiers burned.

The momentum was even more oppressive than that of Noxus' army.

Because, for the soldiers of Demacia, this is not a war of invasion, but a war of revenge!
Looking at history, they have never provoked any country, and Noxus has always been the first to provoke trouble!
They captured land, massacred civilians, and plundered resources.

Demacia has never actively invaded any country.

Just because you tolerate it once doesn’t mean you can endure it again and again.

Lucci's blade awakened every Demacian.

The words that had been held in his heart for a long time finally roared out at this moment.

Those who violate my German state will be punished even if they are far away!


The sound of the horn echoed over the army, bringing an invisible power to everyone, and blood was burning in the body at this moment.

Maradi ordered in a loud voice: "Kill for the sake of Noxus!"


The sound of huge chariot wheels rolling sounded, and Noxus took the lead in sending out enhanced chariots. In order to counter Demacia's gunpowder, they gave up most of their attacks and focused on strengthening their defenses.

At a glance, every chariot that is more than ten meters high is as solid as a fortress, and the army is behind the chariot, constantly closing the distance with the Demacia army.

In front of this army, there were also two huge figures that were like hills and only a little lower than the chariot.

They are coming menacingly, their bodies rising and falling with their steps, like huge raging waves, trying to rush to the beach in one go and sweep across everything.

They were two giant beasts. The giant beast's body was bound by huge iron chains and could only follow the chariot. It was covered with rough and thick fur, and its head was blindfolded by a huge hood.

Behind these two giant beasts is an army of beasts, including dragon dogs, dragon lizards, and war bulls. This is the second offensive used by Noxus to close the distance with the Demacia army.

Lu Qi looked at the slowly approaching tank and ordered without hesitation: "Fire!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

In an instant, the sky was occupied by cannonballs fired one after another, hitting the tanks like raindrops.

The flames of the explosion quickly engulfed the farmland, leaving the plain devastated.

Noxus had indeed worked hard, and those tanks actually withstood the first round of attacks. Although they seemed to be cracked, they were still moving forward.

Without Lucci's order, the second round of artillery had been fired.

Before the Noxian army came within attack range, they would inevitably lose part of their combat power due to the artillery offensive.

But in the eyes of Noxus, who has now seen the strength of Demacia, it is already prepared.

If they don't fight head-on and only use long-range firepower, they will never be able to repel Demacia.

As the battle line drew closer, each tank was overwhelmed and fell under the bombardment.

Following closely behind were the beast legions that roared and charged. These beasts required countless efforts to cultivate.

Previously, Noxus had lost a batch in the hands of Demacia, but now this batch is larger, and it is obvious that it has spent a lot of money.

Naturally, these flesh-and-blood beasts are not like chariots that can withstand the power of artillery bombardment for many times.

Their advantages lie in their charging speed and their rough skin and thick flesh.

Therefore, with the sacrifice of beast after beast, the distance between the two sides continued to shrink.

Maradi realized that the time had come and immediately ordered: "Untie the beast!"

The order was given, and the hoods on the heads of the two giant beasts following the army were finally unveiled.



As soon as the hood was removed, the giant beast burst out with a terrifying roar, seeming to announce that it was about to destroy everything in front of it.

Looking around, it turned out to be two giant Behemoth beasts.

Above the ugly and twisted beast's mouth is a pair of dark eyes, and the face is covered with fangs, which looks ferocious and terrifying.

Maradi looked at the angry Behemoth, with its mountain-like body, and the depression in his heart was a little less.

These two behemoths were originally powerful monsters in the cold winter land. In order to capture them, Noxus paid a huge price.

Fortunately, he succeeded in the end and was brought back to Noxus for domestication.

Why would they be used in ordinary battles?

The trainer of the giant beast turned on the switch at this time and loosened the iron chain. The two Behemoth beasts stared at the Demacia army like crazy, and then took steps, with twelve thick giant legs, quickly Rush towards that end.

Their defensive power is extremely astonishing, and the cannonballs falling on them are not able to produce even a single knockback effect.

Facing the sky full of artillery, they led the beast army and charged continuously.


At this moment, a dazzling golden light flashed up, and the scattered brilliance streaked through the air, illuminating the cloudy sky as bright as day.

A few seconds later, the stone giant's golden wings waved, blowing a strong wind. Then he jumped high and landed suddenly in the charging position of the Noxian army.

"This is the enemy who deserves a taste of my fist!"

Looking at the two behemoths, Galio's rich voice was filled with excitement.

He felt that he had finally met a worthy enemy. The last time he remembered fighting against these two giant beasts was many, many years ago.

Staring at the white giant statue falling from the sky, the sense of urgency in Maradi's heart returned: "What is supposed to come has come."

This white colossus is the most difficult to deal with, and these two Behemoth beasts are just to delay him.

They must seize the time and quickly deal with the Demacia army before the two Behemoth beasts fall.

He quickly ordered: "Everyone, charge! There is no need to hesitate, release the living weapons!"

The order was issued, and the escort vehicles quickly arrived at the front of the army.

And in those iron cages, there are figures who are eager to move and are unbearable. They make roars like howls. The smell of blood on the battlefield has aroused their killing instinct and made them even crazier.

Those bloodthirsty eyes stared at everyone.

At this time, the two Behemoth beasts had also charged towards Galio, their rumbling footsteps shaking the earth.

They hit Galio's waist with their shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right, but their violent charge stopped in place the next second.

I saw the giant statue stretching out two palms, grabbing the giant horn of a Behemoth beast with one hand, and locked in a stalemate with them as if wrestling.

The Behemoth has six legs. At this moment, the two legs are frantically rubbing the ground with their backs, hoping to push away the giant statue in front of them.

"It's good enough this time!"

The next moment, Galio suddenly exerted his strength, laughed loudly, put his hands together, and caused the two Behemoths to collide with each other, making a loud 'bang' sound.

The two Behemoth beasts groaned in pain and collapsed on the ground.Then he stood up from the ground in disobedience, staring at Galio with angry eyes.

They are obviously very resistant to beatings.

"Open the cage!"

With an order.

By activating the mechanism, the cages holding the living weapons were finally unlocked.

The next moment, hungry figures rushed out of the cage and ran towards the place where the blood was concentrated.

They looked crazy, with only killing in their eyes, and they were very fast.

Even far beyond those charging beasts, the body of a normal human seems to contain terrifying power.

Among them, Belea also ran wildly and blended in perfectly.

Lu Qi naturally discovered these living weapons at once, and roughly counted them, more than ten.

Every living weapon has the strength to fight against a battle group, so it should not be underestimated.

"Don't underestimate the enemy, attack!"

He did not hesitate, took the lead, and took the lead.In an instant, the army behind him followed Lu Qi and launched a charge.

Tiana and Lev fought side by side after a long absence. Looking at the current scene, she also galloped wildly, with fighting spirit emerging from her body: "Let this kid see that my sword is not old yet!"

Her weapon is a standard Demacian steel sword, which is large and square, only a little smaller than the greatsword.

As the marshal of a country, Tiana's strength is naturally hidden!
She directly locked onto a bloodthirsty living weapon lying on the corpse of a Yalong dog, gnawing flesh, and swung her sword at it.

The steel sword fell extremely quickly, a sharp light flashed across the sword's body, and it buzzed.

The living weapon noticed it in an instant and was about to get up, but it was still a step too late. An arm was cut off the moment it got up.

He didn't seem to be in pain or itching, he only felt angry. He roared at Tiana, opened his mouth full of flesh and blood, and then pounced on her.

"It's just offal!"

Tiana snorted coldly, jumped off the horse, and slashed down with a high sword, with a domineering sword aura.

A sword slashed the living weapon in front of him flying more than ten meters away.

Lev also faced off against a living weapon. As the leader of the Fearless Vanguard, his natural strength was not weak.

Lu Qi informed them of the information in advance, so they all knew that they had to deal with these guys as soon as possible.

Otherwise, ordinary soldiers would not be their opponents.

These guys will become more and more powerful with their bloodlust, and can even recover from fatal injuries.

Therefore, as soon as they came up, all the powerful forces in the army took action.

Poppy hammered a living weapon into the ground, then hit it again without hesitation, and then like hitting a mole, he hit the hammer one after another, making a terrifying sound.

Lu Qi warned that these things have rough skin and thick flesh, so they must be smashed to death.

Lux locked a living weapon, then raised the staff, without hesitation, let out a light drink, and directly released a beam of light.

The light beam instantly lifted the opponent away, and continued to follow, exuding powerful light magic power.

Light magic seemed to be extremely restrained from the blood magic in these living weapons. The living weapon, which was two meters tall and covered in muscles, emitted bursts of flesh-burning sounds, accompanied by his painful roar.

And the one with the strongest field control ability has to be Sona.

Sona playing the piano can be said to be the most special existence on the battlefield, and the one that cannot be underestimated.

The value she can exert far exceeds that of an army of tens of thousands.

Her eyes were cold, and her bare hands were playing under the strings of the piano, and the flowers shimmered.

Then, she suddenly played explosive music.

The string sound was shot forward, hitting several living weapons on the spot.

The surrounding air was instantly filled with golden light, dazzling.Then, a strange scene occurred. Those living weapons swayed crookedly and danced, like puppets on strings.

When Sona was gentle, she could only let them dance.

But now she is not gentle.

So she played again, and the dancing figures of the living weapons increased in size.

Their arms were bent directly behind their backs in strange postures, their heads tilted with a "squeak", and they began to dance in various strange postures while roaring in pain.

Because they are products of blood magic, they will not die easily. Even broken arms and broken necks will be reattached quickly.

So, they continued to dance amidst repeated fractures.

Finally, waiting for the encirclement and suppression by Demacia soldiers.

And among them, a figure suddenly jumped out of Sona's control. She was carrying a strange shackles and jumped away like a rabbit.

Sona narrowed her eyes, and it was too late to pursue him.

At this time, among the logistics troops located behind the Demacia army.

Anne is well protected here. Unless all Demacia soldiers are sacrificed, no one can break through here.

She could hear a sound like thunder outside, and she fidgeted with the teddy bear in her hand uneasily.

"Brother Tibbers and the others seem to be fighting with other bad guys."

She muttered to herself and sat obediently on the chair alone, because Lu Qi didn't take her to the front.

But she felt that she could also help.

"Otherwise, why don't you go help my brother?"

She tried to communicate with Tibbs and encouraged, "Annie will cheer you on from behind."

As he spoke, the teddy bear began to radiate heat, and the people protecting Annie felt that the temperature had risen a lot.

"Go ahead, Tibbs."

The cute Lolita sound fell, and a flash of fire flashed up.

At this time, Sona, who had taken control of several living weapons at once, naturally became a thorn in the side of the Noxian army.

Maradi looked at Demacia's army in disbelief, unable to imagine that they could fight against these living weapons.

Sure enough, those soldiers who escaped were right.

If they didn't have a real fight with Demacia, they would never know how powerful Demacia was.

Look at the flying light magic, the swinging sledgehammer, the weird sound of the piano, and the living weapons that are almost impossible to break through.

He felt like he was shaking inside.

It stands to reason that those living weapons that have been starved for so long should be killing everyone by now.

However, now, it was completely different from what he had imagined. The ones being suppressed and beaten turned out to be those living weapons.

At this time, two behemoths were also competing with Galio, but it looked like they couldn't hold on for long.

"Go attack the luthier! Don't let her play again!"

Maradi shouted an order with anxiety in his tone.

The more those living weapons are controlled, the greater the impact on their combat effectiveness.

In his opinion, the harpist was even scarier than the Demacia generals who could fight with living weapons.

Because music is vast and can be spread.

Those controlled by Sona's music were not only some living weapons, but also some ferocious beasts and charging soldiers.

Lives were almost easily lost to her.

Suddenly, Sona became the target of siege, but a tight defense line was specially arranged around her, so how could she be easily broken through.

At this moment, a small, extremely fast living weapon has its eyes on Sona.

These creatures have strong instincts and can tell who is the most threatening, so he made Sona the first target to kill.

He had been lurking for long enough. He was like a very patient hunter. In an instant, he suddenly burst out with terrifying speed, like an afterimage, and rushed towards Sona.


A flash of fire flashed, and the living weapon leaping in mid-air was suddenly caught in a giant hand.

It was a huge figure that ran wildly in a very short period of time, its whole body burning with terrifying flames. It looked like a giant bear, with a mouth full of fangs, and wisps of thick tendons connecting its limbs to its torso, like Stitches for sutures.

The flames wrapped around it and burned, emitting huge heat in all directions, and the human body was like a child in front of it.

The living weapon held in its palm like a toy burst out with strength and tried to struggle.

The next second, he was grabbed hard by the giant bear, and his head made a cracking sound. In front of many horrified eyes, the giant bear tore the body of the living weapon apart, and then put it in its mouth to gnaw. , and then vomited it out in one gulp.

The flames purified the filth from the giant bear. It glanced at the toy in its hand with disgust, and then smashed it hard at the Noxian army.

Then he roared and ran wildly.

The huge fighting power of the giant bear instantly frightened many Noxian soldiers. They could not imagine what kind of monster it was.

How could there be such a thing in Demacia?

Maradi's eyes were frightened, unable to understand the existence of the giant flaming bear. What kind of creature was it?
Are there any bears with burning flames in the world?

And the combat power is very strong, killing a living weapon in an instant.

Many people watched helplessly as the giant bear rushed into their formation, waved its giant palms and started killing. It seemed extremely excited about this.

The flame demon naturally loves war, because only in this way can the flames devour more creatures.

Some Noxian soldiers were horrified to find that ordinary weapons had no effect on this giant bear.

It was as if he had a special flame shield on his body, resisting any damage.

"Damn, how could this be."

Maradi became increasingly anxious, looking around the battlefield, and suddenly thought of something.

By the way, Belea!

Where is Belea?
He saw that the cage where Belea was being held had been opened, but she was not inside.

The Commander-in-Chief specifically told him that Belea was the most special and powerful among these living weapons.

Even comparable to Sion.

But she is also difficult to control, and she is likely to start massacring regardless of the enemy or ourselves at any time.

where is she now
Maradi looked for him on the battlefield, and soon he found it.

Belea with the bloodstone shackles was very conspicuous. Seeing her imprisoned by the bloodstone shackles, Maradi gritted his teeth secretly.

"Damn it, didn't anyone untie her shackles?"

He asked his subordinates angrily.

The shackles were specially made of bloodstone and were extremely strong. They also sealed part of Belea's abilities.

"She didn't even have time to untie it, and she rushed out too fast."

One of the guards said with a bitter look on his face.

Unlocking the bloodstone shackles required a special spell, which he practiced countless times.

However, just as he chanted the spell, Belea had already rushed out and disappeared in an instant.

He wasn't sure if he had broken the bloodstone seal, but it looked like he hadn't.

At this time, Maradi no longer cared about talking about him, because his eyes saw the person opposite Belea.

Holding a snow-white long sword and wearing bright silver armor, he has a heroic appearance and extraordinary weapons. His cold eyes are like cold stars, which naturally gives people a full sense of oppression.

The second prince of Demacia!

The person Belea faced turned out to be him!
Maradi's eyes trembled, but he also saw a glimmer of hope.

Even if part of her power is sealed, Belea's strength is still very strong. If the prince accidentally opens the blood stone shackles again.

Release the real Belea, all that, and there is hope!

As long as that prince dies, Demacia's morale will definitely be affected.

He stared at Belea tightly, putting all his hope into her, and felt his breathing became tight.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that Belea was a little strange at this moment, or that she was different from her peers.

But Maradi can't control that much. Maybe this is what makes Belea special!
Anyway, this is their last chance! !

He saw Belea take a sip of saliva and make a posture like a wild beast pouncing, ready to attack.Suddenly my whole body was shaken!
B-le-a! ! !

He roared in his heart and clenched his fists in excitement.

The next second, Belea moved suddenly. She rushed out towards the gap on the left.

The two bare feet swung back and forth so fast that they even ran away from the afterimage. In the blink of an eye, only a smaller and smaller back was left.

Maradi: "???"

She turned around and left, as if she had made up her mind.

But what was left was a confused Maradi.

Me? ! !

what's the situation? ? ?
The living weapon we were talking about is a crazy bloodthirsty creature!
What about madness?What about bloodlust?
Damn, what the hell happened?

Maradi's legs trembled and his eyesight turned black.As Belea disappeared, his heart instantly went cold.

(End of this chapter)

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