LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 342: Even a child can’t get off

Chapter 342: Even a child can’t get off
The next day.

Several ships heading east for Lu Qi were already prepared, and without any sloppiness, the fleet soon embarked on their journey.

The team must first sail from the river next to Kursala, all the way down, into the Watcher's Sea, and then embark on a long sea voyage.

Lu Qi didn't bring many people with him, just a few hundred of his personal guards and some logistics personnel.

After all, we are not going to fight. If we bring too many people, we are afraid that others will think too much.

Standing on the familiar deck, Miss Crown Guard, who had already taken seasickness medicine, opened her arms, enjoying the sea breeze blowing in her face, and the sun shining on her youthful face.

It was originally a very artistic scene, until the boat reached the lower section, the speed of the boat accelerated, and the strong wind blowing on her face made her eyes hard to open. Her blond hair was dancing wildly with demons, and she could only run away in embarrassment.

At this time, Annie found her, hugging the teddy bear, and suggested with a simple face: "Sister, let's play chess."

Looking at her innocent eyes, Lux's eyes dodge twice and coughed: "Playing chess is so boring. I'll teach you how to fish later."

"Playing chess is so fun. Although my sister lets me do it every time, I find it very interesting."

Annie said a little disappointed.

When Lux said this, cold sweat broke out on her forehead. How could she let it go? Damn it.

"Fishing is more interesting, and the place we are going to next is called Piltover. Sister, let me tell you about it."

Holding Annie's little hand, Lux used all kinds of tricks to make her forget about playing chess.

Although this guy didn't know much about Pi City, which he was going to next, he still had no problem coaxing children.

But if nothing else, the group was full of interest in the upcoming trip to Pi City and expressed great expectations.

Hearing the movement over there, Lu Qi, who had nothing to do, glanced at it and laughed contemptuously.

Today's Miss Crown Guard can't even play backgammon with a child.

At this moment, Lu Qi's fleet was not the only one sailing towards Pi City.

There were also several dragon and bird knights, as the advance troops, flying directly to Pi City from the sky to inform them of the visit in advance.

Otherwise, as Lu Qi, a sudden visit would be a bit inappropriate.

In a flash, several days passed.

Piltover City.

This is a city located on the edge of the harbor rock, close to the sea. It is a prosperous and progressive city known as the Land of Rune.

The reason is that it is located in the middle of three continents, and it is the closest place to Valoran and Shurima.

Therefore, ships from all over the world also brought a wealth of goods and gathered together in this central city.

The huge sea gate built in Pi City, the Gate of the Sun, brought astonishing wealth to the city and also brought it rapid development.

What was a port city in its early years has now become a technological city-state that attracts craftsmen from all over the world.

At this time, several important figures in charge of the city gathered on top of a tower in Pi City.

The seven congressmen gathered around a round table that looked like gears and took their seats one after another.

Those present here are all well-known and respected figures in Piltover. Each person or the family behind them has made a significant contribution to the development of Piltover.

Through a fair and impartial voting parliamentary system, they often decide the future development of Piltover on this gear round table.

At this moment, the seven people present all had solemn expressions.

A short figure sitting in the middle curled the thick white beard under his nose and sighed: "Why are all the troubles coming to Pi City recently? Do you have any opinions on this matter?"

There was a formal letter placed in front of him. The letter was extremely beautiful in appearance, with the country's noble seal printed on it. It was a pair of outstretched wings, slightly folded, very gorgeous.

The letter has been opened, and everyone here already knows the contents.

It is a very formal visit post.

It comes from Demacia, the most famous country in Rune Land recently.

Even at this time, the dragon and bird knights sent by Demacia were still waiting in their VIP room.

"No opinion."

"What are they doing in Piltover?"

"Anyway, do you want to refuse?"

"If we dare to refuse today, their cannons will come tomorrow."

"The problem now is that we have another problem here."

Several council members spoke one after another to discuss the matter, and their eyes couldn't help but look at a dark-skinned woman.

One of them asked: "Mel, did that person tell you when he was going to leave?"

Mel shook her head slightly: "She has only been here for a few days. If she doesn't get what she wants, she won't leave easily."

After saying this, everyone present couldn't help but sigh.

One councilor said: "We can't afford to offend both sides, but we can't let them come into contact, right? If they fight, they will have to tear down our city."

Another congressman said: "Didn't they already sign a truce? They can't start fighting again."

"That's impossible to say for sure." Another council member interjected, "Didn't you see what the letter said? The one coming this time is the prince, the one who took the lead in fighting Noxus. What if he sees it in his eyes? There is no room for sand, and it will cause some unpleasantness here again."

"Mel, what did you say?"

The eyes of exchange went around and fell on Mel again.

Hearing this, Mel could only say: "No matter what, I need to go back and talk to her about this matter. The final decision may lie with her."

A council member nodded and said: "Speak as soon as possible. Demacia will come over at some time. If they come across it, we will not be able to bear the consequences."

As mentioned just now, they can't afford to offend both sides. One side is the great warlord from Noxus, and the other side is from Demacia, who has an even more impressive background. In just a few months, he defeated Noxus and lost his temper. The second prince.

Why do these big shots like to hang out in the small Pi City?
At this time, a congressman mentioned the key point: "I'm afraid they are all here for Hex Technology."

Another congressman said: "These guys have a very keen sense of smell."

"This is something we will have to face sooner or later."

"Professor, what do you think?"

Everyone looked at the short old man sitting in the middle.

Heimerdinger heard this and looked at a handsome young man standing next to him: "Jace, what do you think?"

Jess listened to this moment, and then he thought for a moment and said: "No matter what they are here for, they must first solve the problems that may cause disputes when they meet. Secondly, ignore other things first and use skin first." We will treat them leniently according to the city's highest standards. We don't have many records of communication with Demacia, so we can only take one step at the moment and see one step at a time."

Everyone here basically understands this truth, and they don't find it strange that the young man in front of him speaks on this occasion.

There is no other reason, because he is the most famous person in Piltover recently, and he is also one of the developers of Hex Technology.

Jess Tallis.

After hearing this, Heimerdinger made a decision: "Let's do this for now. You can prepare to welcome the guests in advance. Mel, you must tell that person the news when you go back. How did she react?" Feedback to Parliament must be made promptly.”


Mel nodded seriously.

The meeting broke up and the MPs went their separate ways.

On the way to the R&D room, Heimerdinger walked in front with his hands behind his back, and Jace followed behind.

Jace hesitated for a moment, then thought about it and asked: "Professor, what if they really come for Hex Technology?"

In fact, the truth can be completely removed.

It's impossible for people from big countries like these to come to Pi City just for sightseeing.

"Piltover is located in the center of Runeterra. This is nothing. But our progress is too fast. After you, it is like getting on a train. The arrival of this day is something that you and I have foreseen sooner or later." Black Merdinger heard this and said softly, "We can only hope that the guests will behave themselves."

Jess couldn't help but ask: "What if the guests don't behave?"

Heimerdinger looked back at him, smiled, and said nothing more.

Jess fell silent, his expression lowered a bit, and his fists clenched unconsciously: "Is there really no other way?"

"Yes." Heimerdinger replied affirmatively, and under Jace's expectant gaze, he said, "That is to invest in another powerful existence. On the dining table of the world, Piltover can at best be regarded as a delicious food. . If you don’t want to be eaten by one person, you must first be possessed by another person.”

Jace's tone was a little lower: "The foundation of Pi City is to never lean towards any force, and it is meaningless to do so. In order to avoid one powerful existence and seek refuge in another powerful existence, we will always be slaughtered in the end. .”

Heimerdinger smiled and said: "As long as you understand, Jace. We have no choice. The cruel truth of this world is this. What you don't know is that the environment in which Pi City lives in a crack is also given by others. . I just hope you can keep your eyes open and make the right choice at the critical moment."

Jace listened silently.

Why must there be fighting and snatching in the world?Why can't everyone live in peace?

Of course he won't ask these questions, he is no longer a child.

At this moment, Jace only hated that he was too weak. He felt that as long as he was more powerful, he could definitely protect Pi City from the eyes of those who were watching him.

If it can be bigger, why can't it create a Runeterra with only peace?
By then, there will be no fighting.
The goal was too ambitious, causing Jace to sway his eyes. The sun shone and covered his eyes, making it impossible for him to find the direction and path.

"We still have an unsolved academic problem, so don't just stand there." Heimerdinger continued to walk forward, his back stretched at this moment.

He didn't seem too bothered by the next question.

Jess knew that this elder, who had experienced many, many stories, might have looked away very early on.

In a high-rise building.

The carriage stopped, and after getting out of the carriage, Mel hurriedly walked towards the building. There were black-armored soldiers guarding the door at both ends.

After seeing it was her, there was no stopping him.

After entering the first floor and standing in the elevator, she took a deep breath.

As the elevator door closed, it slowly took her up to the top.

This is a large open-air flat, with the sun shining freely on this rooftop. At the front, a tall white-haired woman stands there with her hands behind her hands.

Hearing the footsteps, she turned around and saw Mel walking towards her. A smile appeared on her face: "This is the first time you have taken the initiative to see me recently. Have you thought about it? My child."

"Don't think about it, mother, even if I agree, other congressmen will not agree."

Mel knew what she was asking and just shook her head.

Melias looked at her calmly: "Actually, you didn't want to agree, right? It seems that after being here for so long, you have completely integrated into this place."

"This is my second home, and I can't just watch you destroy it." Mel said sadly, "Don't make things difficult for me anymore, mother."

Melias said: "It seems you didn't come to me to talk about this."

"Yes, I'm here to tell you an important news." Mel nodded and said directly, "This morning, Demacia's Dragon Bird Knight flew over and informed us that Demacia's second prince will be Visit Piltover in the future.”

Hearing the words 'Second Prince of Demacia', Melias' calm face changed. Her eyes narrowed and she asked, "Is the news true?"

"I won't lie to you." Mel said seriously.

Melias looked at her face, then lowered his head slightly, his eyes began to think quickly, and his expression became a little more serious.

I don't know why, at this moment, Mel saw a kind of hesitation in this mother who was fearless and decisive.

She was struggling with something in her heart.

After thinking for a while, she asked first: "For so long, you haven't told me the reason for the sudden arrival."

"The matter is now over, and there is no need for me to hide it from you."

Melias sighed softly, "The political situation in Noxus has changed. Your brother was originally selected as the successor to the next commander. But now he is on the wrong side and has offended someone who is not easy to mess with. Melias , now only you can save your brother. If I get the support of Piltover Technology and return to Noxus, I will definitely be able to regain power. At that time, I will not hesitate to invest a steady stream of funds in Piltover."

Mel shook his head and sighed as well: "If Piltover technology is really used by you, how do you think Demacia will view it when it arrives next?"

Melias's face turned gloomy, but not to Mel.She slowly came to a table, drank the Pi City wine in one gulp, then fell to the ground and cursed bitterly.

"Damn Demacia, damn prince!"

Mel felt a sense of powerlessness from her scolding.

"Everything would have gone smoothly."

Melias took a deep breath and his expression returned to calm, "I will leave Piltover tomorrow to tell the news to those scared members of Congress."

Mel's expression showed some worry, "That family"

Melias smiled and said: "The Myrdalda family has been standing in Runeterra for so long, and it still has some heritage and reputation. The newly appointed commander will not drive us all away, but just go back and show weakness. It's just the next paragraph. The time will be difficult, but it’s not a big problem. You don’t have to worry about family matters anymore. On this last day, I just want to get along with you as a mother.”

At the end of the sentence, some guilt flashed away in her eyes, and the next second she returned to the woman with firm eyes.

Mel lowered his head, not knowing what to say.

She left Noxus and came to Piltover because of differences with her mother.

There is no doubt that Piltover is her second home, and its meaning in her heart is even greater than that of Noxus.

She disliked the ways of Noxus very much, but she couldn't completely break away from it.

Over the years, there has been little contact between mother and daughter. It was not until recently that this always strong woman asked her for help that she realized that there were times when she was powerless.

But, she really can't be of much help.

From her mother's attitude in deciding to leave tomorrow, she can also see how strong Demacia is in Runeterra now.

Even she chose to avoid it.

In my impression, Melias was a famous warlord who was decisive and resolute in his attacks. He led his troops to conquer a lot of territory for Noxus.

It also held a pivotal position in Noxus, and even the former commander had to give Melias, who was guarding the border, a bit of a thumbs-down.

But now, everything has changed.

A powerful figure appeared in Noxus, and Melias begged her for help.

Now, because of the upcoming second prince, Melias had to choose to return to face that powerful figure.

It's enough to show how intimidating he is now.

In addition to resentment, Melias also felt helpless at this moment.

There was really nothing she could do. Everything was going smoothly, but with the invasion of Demacia, her son was also selected as the successor to the next commander.

In order to become the next leader, the Myrdalda family did a lot for Darkwill.

But no one expected that Demacia was now so powerful that even Darkwill had no choice but to fight Noxus all the way.

At this critical moment, Swain appeared, changing the political situation of Noxus in one day, abolishing Darkwill's rule, and establishing the Trifari Council.

As a result, her son's identity as heir became useless, and in the end, the Myrdalda family was unable to make ends meet.

In the royal city, her son publicly contradicted the Trifali Council and even wanted to lead troops to fight back, but was captured on the spot.

If it weren't for the hundreds of years of family history of the Myrdalda family, I'm afraid he would be a corpse now.

In desperation, Melias thought of his daughter Mel and Piltover Technology.

But now, in front of the upcoming second prince of Demacia, this has become a luxury.

Even the figure in the Trifari Council now has no choice but to make a truce with Demacia, and Melias knows even more clearly that there is no way he can be his opponent.

Now, all I can do is go back and submit.

(End of this chapter)

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