LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 343 Welcome to Piltover

Chapter 343 Welcome to Piltover

half a month later.

"I saw it, I saw it, look."

Lux hugged Annie and stood at the front of the deck, her eyes sparkling and she cheered, as excited as a child.

In her eyes, the outline of a huge port city was vaguely outlined, which was their destination after sailing for so many days - Piltover!
Hearing the noise, Lu Qi lazily stood up from the sun lounger and yawned.

This period of time at sea was very boring, and fishing was Lu Qi's most abundant recreational activity.

They also often play Monopoly. Annie and Lux, the child of destiny, love playing this game. It must be said that in addition to their amazing magical talents, the two of them also get along very well in their daily interactions.

Lu Qi walked towards the front of the deck, and faced a cool sea breeze. His eyesight was better, so the outline of Pi City was also clearer.

The most eye-catching thing is the huge and towering sea gate, which spans the sea and connects the two continents. There are countless tall and short buildings surrounding it. At first glance, it is densely packed, like a honeycomb.

That is the most famous building in Piltover, the Sun Gate.

This sea gate alone has brought unimaginable wealth to this city.

After all, whether the ship on this side wants to pass through or the ship on the other side wants to come over, they have to pass through this gate.

Of course, this is not overbearing. The tax on passing ships is only for cargo ships, merchant ships, transport ships, passenger ships, etc. that want to carry out trade through Pi City.

For other ordinary ships, there is basically no charge.

It is precisely because of the existence of Sun Gate and Pi City that it attracts countless people from all over the world.

As the ship continued to move forward, the outline of the Sun Gate gradually became clearer, making it even more majestic at a glance.

It obviously took many generations of careful construction to achieve such a huge scale.

The city walls of Noxus are usually built very high and very large, making them look very domineering.

But compared to the Sun Gate in front of me, it was completely inadequate.

A ship looks like an ant under the Gate of the Sun.

At this time, Lux's cheers had attracted many people to come and watch.

After leaving the battlefield and returning to the relaxed tone of life, their hearts, which had been tense for a long time, gradually relaxed again.

After going forward for a while, a ship suddenly came straight towards this side.

When it was almost approaching, the boat slowed down. A closer look revealed that it was a small to medium-sized sightseeing boat. The appearance of the boat showed the exquisite craftsmanship of Pi City, which was particularly pleasing to the eye.

On the ship, a man who looked like a high-ranking official appeared in the uniform of a law enforcement officer. Then he said respectfully: "Is this the Demacia fleet? I wonder if His Highness the Second Prince is on the ship?"

His voice was clearly transmitted to Lu Qi through the speakers on the ship.

Lu Qi heard this and responded: "It's me, meeting you for the first time."

"First meeting, Your Highness the Prince." The law enforcement officer said in a very polite manner, "I am the representative responsible for escorting you and other distinguished guests at sea this time, Slap Lacazette. I will lead you next. Heading to Piltover. Please follow me, we expect to arrive in another half an hour."

As he spoke, the boat under his feet began to turn, changed direction, walked in front of Luqi's fleet, and began to lead the way.

Naturally, Lu Qi had no objection. He gave the order to follow him. Pi City sent people from all the way here to guard him. It was obvious that they were careful.

at the same time.

On the Gate of the Sun, a member of the House of Representatives and high-ranking officials and nobles who had received the news in advance were waiting here in advance.

The leader, Heimerdinger, stepped on a wooden box and looked towards the sea in the distance, as if he could see the coming Demacia.

There was a clean red carpet on the ground, with musicians lined up on both sides, ready to play at any time.

At this time, everyone is treated in formal attire.

Mel was waiting silently in the line of congressmen. Seeing so many people looking forward to it, she couldn't help but sigh.

Even her mother had never been treated like this by Piltover when she came.

And on the other side.

Cassandra straightened the clothes of her daughter who looked a little impatient next to her, and said solemnly: "Caitlin, I fought hard for you to get this opportunity. If you perform well, then your career will be smooth." There’s nothing wrong with it, so don’t let anything go wrong.”

When Caitlin heard this, she said numbly: "I know, Mom, you have emphasized this to me at least ten times in the past few days."

"Because the situation this time is different. The other party has a distinguished status, and I will arrange you to be her bodyguard. If there is any problem."

Cassandra stopped at the right moment when she said this and looked at her seriously.

"I know, don't say it, it makes me a little nervous." Caitlin naturally knew that something was wrong, and her whole family might not be able to afford it, so she couldn't help pouting again, "In this case, why bother with this kind of trouble?" Throw it to me.”

"Trouble?" Cassandra glanced at her and said angrily, "Do you know how many people dream of this opportunity but never get it?"

Caitlin muttered under her breath, "Then why don't you give it to those people."

Cassandra still heard it, and gave her a stern warning with his eyes: "I know you want to start a career on your own, but wouldn't it be better if you had a good start?"

"I know you're doing it for my own good."

Caitlin hugged her mother and sighed again.

But she doesn't like this kind of life that is arranged from beginning to end.

She hopes to become a police officer who solves cases along the way, gradually making a name for herself, and then becoming famous in Piltover.

Instead of patrolling the streets every day, catching thieves and stopping street vendors from causing trouble, law enforcement officers are now arranged to become other people's bodyguards.

And if it is not properly protected, not only will no benefits be obtained, but there may even be unintended disasters.

Seeing the serious expressions of everyone around her, including her hair boy, Jess also stood beside Heimerdinger with a serious face.

Caitlin couldn't help but feel a little curious about the second prince.

There is no doubt that judging from the scale of reception in Pi City, the other party's status is scary.

She also knew something about the recent events in Demacia. After all, there had been a lot of commotion some time ago. Newspapers all over the city reported on it. I heard that hundreds of thousands of Noxian troops could be wiped out with just a few fingers. .

Although the statement is a bit exaggerated, this record is real.

No matter how you think about it, this is an army of hundreds of thousands. This number is larger than the population of Pi City, not counting those from outside.

Now, the prince who caused Noxus a lot of suffering is about to visit Piltover.

Caitlin couldn't help but imagine the image of the prince in her mind. She had recently become obsessed with profilers, which meant portraying a person's appearance through understanding them.

Some people say that he kills people like crazy, because he must have vicious eyes and a dark face from time to time, which gives people a very bad feeling.

Others say that he has repeatedly defeated Noxus in battles, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is like a god in his military use. It is very likely that he is tall and powerful, similar to those imperial generals in ancient times.

A substantial image in Caitlin's mind was gradually completed.

He is two meters tall and weighs three hundred pounds. He wears Demacia's silver armor and has a fierce look. His arms are so thick that he can crush a cow to death. His eyes are sharp and fierce because he has seen a lot of life and death.After the carving was over, she suddenly realized a problem and shuddered all over.

If this prince is really like this, then he is obviously not easy to get along with.

Then what should I do?

He was assigned to be by his side. If he were to be displeased at some point, this master would kill without blinking an eye.
Caitlin, who had a rich brain world, became more and more frightened the more she thought about it. In the end, she thought that she might be imprisoned, with chains on her hands and feet, and tortured every day. At that time, her mother could only cry silently in the audience. His white hair looked a bit paler.

No, it must not become like this.

Caitlin came back to her senses, hesitated a little, stretched out her hand to pull her mother, and asked her if she could change something.

However, at this time, Cassandra was completely unaware that her daughter beside her was thinking crazily. When she heard the noise, she immediately reached out and patted Caitlin: "We're almost there, get ready."

Caitlin was agitated and realized that the team in front was indeed noisy, and soon fell into silence again.

Below the Gate of the Sun.

Lu Qi's fleet was taken to a special passage.

"Everyone can get off the boat. The shipwrights from Shiphide City will be responsible for the maintenance."

Slap got off the boat early and was already greeted by Lu Qi's boat.

The preparations were all done on the way, so naturally there was nothing to bring with him at this moment, so Lu Qi got off the boat wearing a formal dress.

Later, Lux and the others also followed curiously.

On the way here, they could see various ships docked or sailing at the port. There were quite a lot of ships coming and going.

This Sun Gate is also very big, and they are now at the foot of the Sun Gate.

Slap glanced at Lu Qi's face at this time, and then immediately lowered his head slightly and said: "Please take the elevator in front. In order to welcome you, the MPs of Pi City and the representatives of the nobles have been waiting in advance."

A lift is actually an elevator.

Picheng has naturally mastered the use of electricity very early, which can be said to be quite convenient.

Everyone stepped on the elevator and followed Slap down to the lower floors.There was a click, and the sound of electricity and gears running simultaneously sounded. After a slight shake, the elevator started towards the top.

Everyone was a little strange about the elevator, but they were not too surprised. With Demacia's current technological level, the elevator can also be started using electricity.

It was just delayed by the later matters of magic and technology.

Lux was a little curious: "Does the Gate of the Sun have other levels?"

Slap replied respectfully: "Generally speaking, there are three floors. The first floor is for the fleet, which is where we were before, and the ships pass between them. The second floor is for civilians. Because the Sun Gate connects two continents, it is also used as a huge bridge. The third level is a shortcut for those who are willing to pay to save time."

"It can quickly go to the most developed neighborhoods in Piltover, and there are usually a lot of people there. But today, in order to welcome the arrival of His Royal Highness, the council has temporarily disabled the second and third floors."

As Slap explained, the height of the elevator was getting higher and higher, but no one could see what was going on under their feet and around them.

I had to wait silently. Soon, there was a 'ding-dong' sound, and the elevator swayed again and stopped.

The iron gate in front of him slowly opened, and what was visible was a red carpet spread all the way.

"Your Highness, the congressmen are right in front. Please follow me."

As Slap spoke, he bent down and gave a sign of please.After seeing Lu Qi nod slightly, he stood up and walked forward.

Following the red carpet and turning around the elevator floors, we soon saw the broad corridor at the top of the Sun Gate.

This corridor seemed very large and wide, and not far in front, a large group of people had gathered, all seeming to come to welcome Lu Qi.

Lu Qi, who was wearing a formal dress and dressed up a little, was naturally very eye-catching.

As soon as he appeared, all eyes were focused on him. After a few glances, he looked around and dispersed.

Not only Lucci, but also Lux, Sona, Urna, and Quinn were all dressed in formal attire. After all, they were visiting Piltover as distinguished guests, so they were very eye-catching.

"Get ready, start!"

"Everyone, welcome to Piltover!"

As Slap made two gestures, the musicians standing on both sides raised their trumpet-like instruments, mustered up all their strength, and started playing hard.

Suddenly, the sound of coordinated music emanated, like a festival, full of festive flavor.

Along the way, the welcoming music sounded all the way.

As Lu Qi appeared, Caitlin, whose eyes were immediately focused on him, was stunned for a moment.

What she saw was a smiling, gentle, and handsome young man. His body was straight and straight. He seemed to have just the right figure and height. He looked a bit strong, which made his luxurious dress even more valuable. .

Those eyes are like stars in the dark night, with a smile that gives people a feeling of spring breeze.

Is this the second prince?
Caitlin admitted that she was stunned for a moment, not only because it was completely different from what she expected, but also because his appearance and temperament were indeed amazing.

And the female companions around him all have extraordinary beauty. The girl with brilliant blond hair smiles like an angel, and her eyes are like bright stars.

And the blue-haired woman, as gentle as water.

And that little lolita in a skirt is so delicately carved that she looks like a doll.

Looking back at herself, she was wearing a gray and black law enforcement uniform with tights underneath and a rustic hat. She then remembered that she had been suffering from insomnia in the past few days and must have had dark circles under her eyes again.

The skin is also dry and must have shrunk.

With these thoughts coming to her, Caitlin lowered her head unconsciously and sighed in her heart.

Only then did she remember the good skin care products her mother had prepared for her, but they were probably gathering dust in the cabinet in her bedroom.

When I was young, I didn't know the heights of the world. I felt that my mother was naturally beautiful, and she would be just as beautiful even if she didn't wear it.

But now, just looking at others makes me feel ashamed.

Although she is only 19 years old, Caitlin feels that she has become a lot older at this moment.

A girl's random thoughts go unnoticed.

At this time, Lu Qi was walking on the red carpet. On the opposite side, led by the short blond old man, the welcoming team was also moving forward.

"Welcome to Piltover, Your Highness the Prince. I am Heimerdinger, one of the councilors of Piltover. I represent Piltover here. I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your companions."

Heimerdinger extended his hand in a warm welcome.

"Hello, Senator Heimerdinger."

Lucci also stretched out his hand and shook Heimerdinger's hand.

The meeting of history seems to be happening at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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