Chapter 345 Chase

"Come after me!"

When the green-haired girl saw countless people chasing her, she let out a cry that didn't sound like fear, her eyes flashed with excitement, and she walked quickly through the street.

Her speed and movements were extremely flexible, and she was grinning happily.

My mind was still distractedly recalling the scene just now.

He avoided it.

Is it a coincidence?

It doesn't look like it!

In short, this prince is definitely not simple, he looks quite fun!
Just as she was thinking about it, she turned around and found that someone was chasing after her. They seemed to be the guards around the prince. They had stern expressions and strong skills. They were exuding a lot of pressure and were continuing to close the distance between the two parties.

"That's interesting!"

It seemed like he was provoking someone special, but the green-haired girl found this interesting and immediately started running at full speed without reservation.

As a result, several figures quickly walked through the streets, constantly disrupting the order of the streets and even throwing away the law enforcement officers who were riding bicycles.

Caitlin looked at Quinn's speeding figure in front of her, feeling a little surprised: "Such a quick reaction and speed, she has already left me a long way behind."

She thought she was the first to react, but Quinn in front had already rushed out before her.

Now, even she can only follow Quinn to chase the gangster.

"Caitlin, I'm going over there!"

Jace shouted loudly in the distance and walked around to another street.

Caitlin looked at him, nodded, and then started to gallop.

She found that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't catch up with Quinn's speed. There was obviously a big gap between the two sides.

We soon arrived at the downtown area, with many streets and dense crowds of people coming and going. The green-haired girl got into the crowd and quickly concealed her whereabouts by taking advantage of her height.

Quinn stopped and looked around.

Caitlin struggled to catch up and said breathlessly: "I'm here to help."

Finding and chasing people is something she is good at. No matter how many people there are, she believes she can find clues quickly.

However, as soon as his eyes turned to the crowd, he saw that Quinn had already made a move.

"Found it. She's at nine o'clock. Please go to the right and block her."

After Quinn finished speaking, he quickly rushed out.

"Ah? Oh!"

Caitlin didn't respond, but she had already moved her legs towards the right. She glanced away and saw a green-haired figure at nine o'clock.

It's her!

The guy who threw the concealed weapon!

In the crowd, the green-haired girl suddenly realized that she seemed to be surrounded from three directions, so she glanced left and right, went straight into a fruit shop, jumped over the shelves, and spilled the fruit on the floor.

The boss let out a cry of surprise, but the bold man who broke into his shop was gone.

He heard the sound of stomping up the stairs and hurriedly chased after them.

But when we got to the second floor, we found that the guy seemed to be just borrowing the window on the second floor. The window was opened and the person was gone.

Soon, first a female warrior wearing light armor rushed up, followed by two more, a law enforcement officer and an outstanding young man.

Instead of taking the easy road, a few guys insisted on taking the window.

Seeing this scene, the fruit shop owner didn't dare to say anything and stood to one side a little dumbfounded.

There are clusters of buildings in this neighborhood, usually one building next to another, and there is always a connection between the buildings.

When Quinn chased after him, he found that the green-haired figure had already reached the roof of the building. He started galloping quickly on the roof and had already run a long distance in the blink of an eye.

Even she couldn't help but secretly sigh that this guy was really flexible.

After thinking about it, he blew a loud whistle while climbing the stairs.

The next second, the green-haired girl heard an eagle cry from the sky. She looked up sideways and saw a blue eagle flying straight towards her from the sky under the sun.

"So handsome!"

Her eyes lit up and she thought this scene was extremely handsome.

But soon it seemed that now was not the time to marvel.

At this moment, the green-haired girl burst out with the speed of her life, leaping towards the roof that was at least five or six meters away in front of her.

In mid-air, she twisted around to avoid the eagle's attack, then landed on the opposite roof, tumbling several times and sliding down.

Bricks and tiles kept falling. She stepped on a large tile, stopped, controlled the direction, then grabbed the water pipe, and returned to the ground smoothly.

The falcon swooped over again, with a majestic and majestic momentum. This time it seemed that it would not miss the target again.

And she had no way out.

At this critical moment, the girl saw a waste recycling port leading to the Lower City.

Suddenly, memories flashed through her. Without hesitation, her body moved in response. She opened the lid and dived in.

After narrowly escaping the eagle's attack at the last second, the Blue Rock Falcon fell to the ground, helpless to lift the lid.

"Warlow, have you been having too much fun lately?"

Quinn jumped off the roof and glanced at the guilty Valor with slight dissatisfaction.

Since this guy and I have been with His Highness, we have been eating and drinking every day, or flying freely in the blue sky and white clouds, and now he can't even catch a little thief.

Although the little thief does have two brushes.

Soon, Caitlin and Jess rushed over, panting slightly.

Quinn turned his head, looked at the two of them and asked, "Where does this lead to?"

"Lower City, we generally call it Zaun." Caitlin replied, approaching and opening the waste recycling cover, "This is a waste recycling station leading to Zaun. The guy just now is obviously from Lower City. I'm afraid she has slipped away now."

Quinn nodded slightly: "That means the probability of catching up is low."

"You are already very powerful. If you weren't familiar with the terrain, she wouldn't be able to escape."

Caitlin stood up and said sincerely, not to please, but simply because she thought Quinn was awesome.

She followed them all the way, and it was not difficult to find out that if Quinn knew the topography of Piltover, the green-haired figure would never be able to escape.

The woman in front of her, who seemed to be about the same age as her, was much more powerful than her.

"You two are also very powerful. We still lost the chase. Let's go back first."

After Quinn said that, he walked back in the direction of return.

Caitlin and Jace looked at each other and saw a hint of helplessness in each other's eyes.

Well, now, the guests of Demacia were treated to a joke on their first day here.

There are so many law enforcement officials in Pi City, but they can't even catch a prankster in the city.

Just like riding on a slide, following the pipe, moving left and right inside, the green-haired girl finally escaped from the exit.

Below was a hill of scraps. She landed on the top and looked around. There were several hills in the scrap station, and many ragged Zaans were picking up industrial scraps that the people in the city didn't want.

What those high-spirited upper-city residents regard as 'waste' actually has a lot of value waiting to be exploited.

Over time, this even gave birth to a profession that supports countless people.

It's called a scavenger.

Scavengers collect scraps that people in the upper city don't want, and either sell them to people in need, renovate them themselves, or find ways to refurbish them.

He turned around and sold it back to the upper city, using the unique cleverness of the people from the lower city to make a fortune from the 'fools' in the upper city.

Seeing something loosened from the pipe, many people from the lower city immediately gathered around. After discovering that it was a green-haired girl, they immediately lost interest and dispersed.

And she ran all the way to the ground. The smell in the air changed. It was better here. After all, it was close to the upper city. She could only vaguely smell a smell like disinfectant.

"It was really dangerous just now." She patted herself, thinking of the appearance of the blue-faced falcon, and silently decided in her heart that sooner or later she would catch the same one.

Thinking of the thrilling moment just now, her heartbeat was racing and pounding even now.

She loved this feeling of surging blood and rapid heartbeat.

"Well, where should we go next?" She wandered around aimlessly, trying to find some interesting fun again.

Little did he know that Shangcheng was going crazy because of her incident.

The team arrived at the banquet venue prepared for Lu Qi. Fortunately, there were no more problems during this section of the journey.

The banquet officially began. Pi City prepared extremely sumptuous dishes for Lu Qi, and the gramophone played classical music.

Most of the celebrities and nobles in the upper city gathered here, lining up in order to greet Lu Qi, Lux and the others.

There was a harmonious atmosphere until Quinn and the others came back, and the hall couldn't help but fall into a brief silence.

"Your Highness, the person who threw the paper airplane looks like a young girl. It must be some kind of prank."

Quinn walked to Lu Qi and reported softly.

Many people around observed Lu Qi's expression and found that his expression was as gentle as ever.

"Since it was a prank, there is no need to pursue it any further. Let this matter go by and everyone should stop mentioning it."

Quinn's reply confirmed Lu Qi's suspicion. He smiled and picked up the glass of Pi City wine in his hand, and took a sip after speaking.

The taste is not bad.

Originally, he had no intention of pursuing this matter. After saying this, the whole audience could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

With one sentence, the atmosphere suddenly returned to its original state, and the people around him gathered around with smiles on their faces, saying all kinds of compliments and polite words.

Lu Qi was very polite to everyone, and would take a gentle sip from anyone who came to propose a toast.

Lux and Sona couldn't take any time off either. After all, they were both top nobles from Demacia.

A Crownguard family and a Bouvier family. After a little inquiry, the Piltover people learned about their origins.

Needless to say, Lu Qi, these two nobles alone were very important in Pi City.

Their weight is second only to Lu Qi on the field.

Poppy was not used to this kind of situation, so she sat and enjoyed the food in a corner where no one would disturb her. Many people noticed her, but they didn't bother her.

Annie was sitting at a dessert table not far from Lu Qi, eating dessert with bright eyes.

Yourna stood on the right side of the door of the banquet hall. She had a cold face and was wearing an exquisite maid uniform. She was very stunning and attracted a lot of attention.

Many people believe that only His Highness is worthy of a maid with such a temperament.

After Quinn reported the situation, he stepped aside to look for Bobby.

Lu Qi came this time and brought Navis with him. In fact, she had been following the team's logistics from the beginning, and she should be wandering around now.

She has always been yearning for Pi City, and now that it's here, she can't rest at all.

As for Belea, she had just mastered blood magic and needed some time to adapt to it, so she did not follow her, but stayed in Kursala.

Now that she can control blood magic on her own, it's not that worrying anymore.

At this time, behind the scenes of the banquet, several congressmen stood in a pile with ugly expressions.

Beside him were Chief Law Enforcement Officer Slap, Jess, Caitlin and others.

"Slapp, you have betrayed our trust in you. Since His Highness is not prepared to pursue the case, go back and write a self-criticism and submit it."

Councilor Costin glanced at Slap, who had his head lowered, with a cold face and said calmly.

"I see."

Slap sighed in his heart, and now he could only admit that he was unlucky.

Councilor Bai Duo looked not so good at this time and said: "I knew that this matter was definitely caused by the people from the lower city. They have become more and more lawless and lawless recently! The prince does not intend to pursue it, but we do We can't let this matter pass like this. What she did is tantamount to a slap in our faces!"

Several councilors are still angry at this moment. If the prince really insists on pursuing the case, they will have no choice but to turn the lower city upside down!

Cassandra asked Caitlin: "Have you seen what she looks like?"

Caitlin shook her head: "I vaguely saw that he should be around sixteen or seventeen years old, with a slim build, two conspicuous blue braids, and very flexible movements. He should have some background. I think there must be people from the lower city who know she."

"That's no problem." Cassandra nodded slightly, and ordered to Slap, "Quickly make a simplified portrait of this girl, and then give it to the head of the lower city, and ask him to give us an explanation."


Slap took the order and turned to leave.

"There's no need to be so nervous." Heimerdinger, who was watching silently, said, "The relationship between the upper and lower cities has become increasingly unfriendly recently. Maybe it's really just a child's prank? What if she really has malicious intentions? , the thing thrown may not be a paper airplane.”

"Professor, you are too nervous." Councilor Baidu looked at him and said, "It is precisely because the relationship between the upper and lower cities is getting worse, so we must not underestimate this matter. Maybe this is the lower city It’s a temptation that people put on us.”

"That's right." Councilor Haken nodded in agreement and said, "People from the Lower City have been testing our bottom line recently. Maybe we should use this matter to tell them back. Our patience is also limited."

Councilor Ariana thought for a moment, looked at a law enforcement officer and said, "Go and tell Slap that recently many dishonest people from the lower city have come to the upper city to do evil. In one day, arrest a few of them. "


The law enforcement officer was ordered to leave.

Seeing their arrangement, Heimerdinger sighed slightly: "Alas."

Mel looked at him and said softly: "Professor, leave this matter to us. You don't have to be so worried."

"I believe in your ability to do things, I just hope you can be more gentle."

Heimerdinger didn't want to say any more and said, "We should go back. It would be rude to leave the guests hanging there."


Several congressmen walked towards Lu Qi.

Heimerdinger asked: "Your Highness, are you satisfied with the banquet?"

"I'm very satisfied. I can feel your intentions."

Lu Qi replied with a smile.

Heimerdinger also smiled and said: "As long as you are satisfied, Piltover's top orchestra will play for you in a while. I hope you like it."

Lu Qi nodded slightly: "I'm looking forward to it."

At this time, Cassandra walked up, moved aside to reveal Caitlin behind him, and introduced: "Your Highness, this is my daughter, Caitlin. She is also a mid-level law enforcement officer in Piltover. I I hope she can fulfill her duties and serve as your escort."

The superintendents of Piltover are divided into ordinary law enforcement officers, mid-level law enforcement officers, senior law enforcement officers, and other different positions. Caitlin is in the middle position. Of course, this relies on Cassandra's recommendation.

It's not that she has no ability, but that Cassandra didn't give her a chance to show her ability at all.

At this time, he was suddenly introduced. When he looked at Lu Qi's face, he seemed a little embarrassed for a moment. He quickly thought of arranging his clothes and fixed the law enforcement officer's hat. Anyway, he suddenly looked much busier.

Lu Qi looked at her with a smile. The beautiful girl in front of him didn't look too old, and was about the same age as Lux.

From the law enforcement officer's hat, neat blue-purple hair spilled out, and a pair of bright eyes that I didn't know where to place at this time. He had an oval face, delicate features, and no makeup at all, but he still looked very delicate.

He stretched out his hand and spoke first: "Hello, Caitlin. You reacted very quickly just now, I saw it."

"No way, compared to Miss Quinn, there is still a big difference."

Only then did Caitlin know what to do. She quickly stretched out her hand to shake Lu Qi's hand, not as a compliment.

Cassandra added from the side: "I know that this child's abilities are still far behind compared to your guards. But she is extremely familiar with Piltover. In the next period of time, she can serve as His Highness's tour guide."

Caitlin glanced at her mother with some dissatisfaction after being said to be so miserable in front of so many people.

At this moment, she felt a force coming from her hand, as if she wanted to pull her hand away, and then she suddenly realized that she seemed to be still holding Lu Qi's hand, and quickly let go.

In this short moment, the temperature on her cheeks suddenly rose. Caitlin felt that she was so embarrassed today and completely lost her position.

Fortunately, no one noticed her embarrassment.

At this time, Heimerdinger stepped forward and introduced the outstanding-looking young man behind him: "Your Highness, his name is Jace. He is the number one outstanding person rated by Piltover in recent years and has made many contributions to Piltover. "

Compared to the awkward Caitlin, Jace seemed very calm. After being introduced, he took the initiative to step forward, leaned slightly, stretched out his hand at the right time and said: "Hello, Your Highness."

"Hi Jess."

Lu Qi also shook hands with him.

Jace is definitely the most famous person in Piltover now. After all, he invented Hex technology and is also the creator of the upcoming Hex Flying Gate.

He is a well-deserved rising star in Piltover, a figure who attracts attention wherever he goes.

It's just that his seniority is a bit lower, and now he can only appear as an introduction.

In fact, for Lu Qi, there were many acquaintances present, but he had known them for a long time, but they only knew him now.

(End of this chapter)

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