LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 346: Have a clear positioning of yourself

Chapter 346: Have a clear positioning of yourself
By the time everyone who needs to be known is known, everyone who needs to be introduced has been introduced.

Lu Qi finally had some time to rest. It was tiring for him to do all these things.

But after all, when he is away from home, he represents more than just an individual, and he still has to go through the superficial procedures that should be followed.

The banquet hall was now buzzing with constant exchanges and seemed very lively.

At the front, there is a stage with a red curtain.

Suddenly, there was a "click", the lights in the hall suddenly dimmed, and the curtain on the stage slowly opened.

A band appeared on the stage and was ready. There were about 30 to [-] people in total. They had a variety of instruments in their hands, which can be said to be quite rich.

On the far left, there is a piano.

The lights gathered on the stage, and the banquet hall became silent unconsciously.

A congressman walked up to the stage and said: "In order to welcome the distinguished guests from afar, we have prepared this unique performance. Please enjoy the performance of the First Band of Piltover."

After speaking, he slowly stepped off the stage, leaving the stage to the orchestra.

With the wave of the conductor's baton, the sound of "Deng Deng Deng~" sounded, and in an instant, a performance began.

The musical instruments responded to each other, creating a more beautiful resonance. The concert was at its peak, and every musician exerted himself to the extreme, sweating.

During the perfect performance, many celebrities and nobles in Pi City couldn't help but look proud and looked up to admire it.

Even though some of them have listened to similar performances countless times, they still find it quite amazing every time they listen to it.

Piltover is at the forefront of Runeterra not just in terms of technology.

In terms of art, he also has considerable attainments, especially music.

Just as far as musical instruments are concerned, Piltover's inventors have come up with many types, the most famous of which is the piano.

And every Picheng person with a good family background knows how to use at least one musical instrument.

This is what they are so proud of, and what they want to show to Demacia.

I have to say that this performance was indeed very good, at least the level was much higher than most orchestras in Demacia.

After all, the rich variety of musical instruments alone is enough to lead the way.

Lu Qi listened with a smile on his face, waiting for the performance to come to an end, and the spark of passion gradually extinguished. When it became quiet, he took the lead and was the first to applaud.

Then there was a burst of applause, and the celebrities and nobles looked at each other, and they all saw the satisfaction in each other's eyes.

"Your Highness, do you like this performance?"

Representative Mel came to Lucci and asked.

"I like it very much. I still prefer listening to music. It is indeed the number one band in Piltover."

Lu Qi praised with a smile on his face. He glanced in Sona's direction and found that the girl was getting ready to move and was looking at the stage.

It was obviously exaggerated by the orchestra's performance, and my hands were itchy.

After thinking for a while, he said: "In that case, as a return gift, I will also give everyone in Piltover the most advanced performance in Demacia."

After the words fell, many people looked this way, their eyes full of curiosity.

However, they soon discovered that the person who was going to play was not Lu Qi, but Sona, who seemed to be mute.

Many people have discovered that Sona is a voiceless person, and are a little curious about the performance she is about to give.

She was born in the Bouvier family in Demacia, which is said to be the richest family in Demacia. Her appearance is indeed outstanding, and she has the temperament of a lady from the bottom of her heart.

Sona was really itching at the moment, so she hugged Juohua and slowly walked onto the stage.

Seeing Caitlin, who seemed to be the only one standing next to Lux, she couldn't help but ask: "Is it just Miss Sona?"

Lux nodded and smiled confidently: "Don't worry, I guarantee you will like it very much."

Hearing her confident tone, some of the nobles around her became even more curious.

A person can only be called a soloist, and piano music is quite suitable for solos. For other instruments, it is still somewhat less interesting.

Mainly, they were also curious about what Lu Qi said was the most advanced performance in Demacia.

No matter how you think about it, one person can't compare with an orchestra, right?
They are ready to applaud enthusiastically even if it is not as good as expected.

After all, we can't let Demacia's distinguished guests lose face.

Just when they had this mentality, Sona, who slowly took her seat on the stage, also gently raised her jade hand and lightly stroked the strings.

Suddenly, a burst of ethereal and soft melody came out, and the whole place became silent unconsciously.

it's wired.

It was obviously just a melody, but their hearts seemed to be pulled by the figure on the stage.

She was sitting under the light, with her long aqua hair spilling to the ground like a waterfall.And there was a goddess-like look on that beautiful face, really like a beautiful picture.

The melody just now is just a sound test, the real solo is about to begin.

The corners of Sona's lips raised slightly, and her bare hands played on the 珆华 again. The beautiful melody suddenly spread out, and the notes seemed to be dancing.

Her solo is not as shocking as an ensemble of dozens of people.But just like that, it allows everyone to join in much faster.

It has only just begun, and the people present have already devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the music.

Sona's music can reach everyone's heart. Although she plays the same piece of music, different people can hear different versions.

Soon, some people looked intoxicated, put down their wine glasses, and listened intently.

Some people want to dance and their bodies sway to the music unconsciously.

Some people close their eyes, and what appears in front of them seems to be another picture, which is the beautiful place in his heart.

Caitlin opened her eyes slightly, looking at the figure on the stage with a feeling of intoxication. She just felt that it was so beautiful.

Her heart ushered in an unprecedented tranquility, as if all the fatigue and stress of these days had been relieved, and her whole person felt relaxed.

This, this, this... is amazing.

Jace closed his eyes and sat in the corner, listening quietly. He felt that he suddenly forgot many of his worries.

Heimerdinger, who was sitting next to him, was shaking his head while listening, and seemed to like it very much.

Mel stood not far away, looking at Sona on the stage. It was hard to imagine that a person could exude such charm.

All the celebrities and nobles present were surprised.

Although she is only a solo performer, in the minds of many people at this moment, she has already surpassed the ensemble of the orchestra.

Soon, the song ended, awakening everyone present from their intoxication.

Immediately, applause burst out, far more enthusiastic than the orchestra just now, and could not stop for a long time.

These are heartfelt applause, and everyone’s eyes are focused on the stage, with expressions of admiration on their faces.

Sona stood up, bowed slightly, and walked towards the audience.

"It seems that everyone is quite satisfied. I hope you like it."

Lu Qi also spoke with a smile at this time.

Mel came back to his senses and said sincerely: "It is indeed the highest level performance in Demacia. After listening to it, I feel as if my whole body has been cleansed."

She really wanted to listen to one more song, but it was difficult for her to do so.

The other celebrities and nobles all had the same idea, so they could only gather around and praise him constantly.

They all come from upper-class society, and music is their hobby in life. Naturally, they understand the level of Sona's solo just now.

At this moment, some people couldn't help but feel ashamed. Just a moment ago, they were thinking of showing off Piltover's high-end music.

Now Sona is directly outperforming the rest. Her solo is no longer as simple as advanced, but a state that no one can reach.

The dream-like feeling just now was something they had never experienced before. It was simply wonderful.

Just with Sona here, they felt that even if they gave Piltover another ten or twenty years, they would not be able to catch up with Demacia in terms of music.

Sona's solo pushed the atmosphere of the banquet to a climax, and time passed like this.

Downtown area.

Also known as Zaun, the lower city actually has a longer history than the upper city, and Pi City was only built later.This place seems to have been abandoned by the sun and is in a hazy darkness all year round. The streets and buildings here are complex and intertwined like an ant nest, with one layer connected to the other.

The further down you go, the darker it gets, and you don't know how many secrets are buried in it.

In a building located in Xiacheng District, a woman with a strong figure and a fierce face opened the office door angrily and walked in.

Then, he slapped a wanted list in his hand on the table and said to the back of the chair: "I knew it! Hilko, that troublemaker will cause us big trouble sooner or later!"

"Calm down, Sevika. It seems like the last time you called me by my name was because of her."

Hilko turned the chair. He was not tall and a little thin. There was a mark on his left eye that was either a scar or a burn mark. One eye was also covered in black, leaving only a calm orange eye.

"Head." Sevika took a deep breath and changed her name, but her face still didn't look good.

"Tell me what's wrong."

Hilko focused his attention on the wanted poster and saw a girl with two twist whips drawn on it. Although her face didn't look much like it, she could immediately remind people of who it was.

"Jinx is in trouble again."

Servica sneered and said, "It's not a good idea for her to go anywhere, but she went to the upper city today, and she went to the welcome ceremony of the Prince of Demacia to throw things at people."

Hearing this, Hilko's brows jumped, he picked up the wanted poster and asked, "What were you throwing?"

"It is said to be a paper airplane. Who knows what she was thinking. Does it matter what she throws?"

Servica took back her hand that was on the table and said, "Now the councilors and law enforcement officers in the upper city are furious. Now at least fifty law enforcement officers have come to the lower city to arrest people. Members of several gangs are here. Taken away. And her, Jinx! Now the higher-ups want us to give them an explanation."

"Explain? What explanation?" Hilko raised his hand to his forehead and started rubbing it, his brows also slightly wrinkled.

Things do seem a bit big.

It really doesn't matter what you throw away.

What's important is that the girl threw something at the prince of Demacia, and she did so in front of countless people.

He did receive news that the second prince of Demacia was coming a while ago, and was warned to keep an eye on the people in the lower city and not to cause trouble.

Although those who went to the city couldn't control him, that prince was indeed someone Hilko didn't want to mess with.

Mainly because the background is too big.

Unexpectedly, it was only the first day that he came here, and he seemed to be provoked.

"Either hand it over to someone or give them a satisfactory answer."

Seweka said angrily, "Those guys who went to the city are obviously planning to take advantage of this opportunity again, and the lion has opened its mouth."

Hilko automatically ignored the previous sentence, thought for a moment and said, "Look at what they want. Money is not a problem."

Seweka said: "Don't you think this is equivalent to giving the upper city a reason to suppress us?"

"Suppression? Shangcheng has never wanted us to get better. Have they not suppressed us enough for so many years?"

Hilko smiled nonchalantly, "Are we different but still getting better?"

"but you"

Before Seweka finished speaking, brisk footsteps of 'deng,deng,deng' could be heard outside.

Immediately afterwards, a slender figure pushed open the door and barged in. He turned around gracefully and then stood there. He noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the office and couldn't help but blinked: "You continue, just pretend that I don't exist." good."

Hilko looked at Sevika and said, "Go and do what I say and see what they want."

Servica nodded, looked at Jinx, snorted coldly, and then walked out of the door.

Jinx didn't care about her attitude towards her at all. She casually fell down on the sofa in front of her and exhaled: "I ran a lot today and I'm exhausted."

Hilko took out a cigar from the box, then took out a lighter, and slowly lit it with a "da" sound: "Tell me, where have you been?"

"I'm telling you, there are a lot of interesting things going on today!"

Jinx jumped up from the sofa and said first, "A great person came to town today, and those congressmen's faces made me laugh to death. Do you guess what they look like?"

Hilko blew out a puff of smoke from his mouth and asked with a smile: "What?"


Jinx laughed loudly and said, "They followed that prince like a bunch of licking dogs. They usually hold their heads high when they are charging at us, but now they have to bury their heads when someone they can't afford to offend comes. In the fields.”

Hilko just smiled and listened.

Then Jinx added: "But that prince's appearance is quite good, and I also found that this guy seems a bit unusual."

Only then did Hilko ask: "So you just threw things at him?"

"I just wanted to test his reaction, and he dodged immediately. There will be more handsome ones later. Have you seen a falcon with blue feathers?"

"You should be talking about Demacia's Blue Rock Falcon, an advanced species of Warcraft."

"It almost caught me, but I ran away."

Jinx said with some pride, saying that she also wanted to take a breath.

After listening to her sharing, Hilko put away his smile, exhaled a puff of smoke again, and said seriously: "Jinx, for the next period of time, please don't show your face in the upper city."


"The city sent me your wanted order. You caused quite a lot of trouble today."

Hilko said bluntly, "In order to help you deal with the aftermath, we have to pay a large amount of money."

"Wouldn't it be nice to get this little money back later?"

Jinx looked indifferent.

"I know it's not difficult to get it back with your ability." Hilko looked at her and said, "But I still have to make one thing clear to you. Don't mess with that prince again in the future."

Jinx looked at him: "Are you also afraid of him?"

"It's not that we are afraid, but that we have to have a clear positioning of ourselves. You just need to know that he is not from our circle, but he can forcefully interfere in the affairs of our circle."

Silko's expression was calm, he took a puff of cigarette, spit it out, and said with slightly focused eyes: "If there are differences between gangs, and the worst result is that one gang will be wiped out and hundreds of people will die. Up No matter how big the gang is, it’s the same situation.”

"But they are different. If there are differences for people like them, then dozens of cities like Piltover and Zaun will be destroyed. The Twin Cities are too small. The reason why you think those legislators are like dogs , that’s because they know that the prince is someone they can never afford to offend. And we don’t need to confront that kind of person. When we see him, we can just take a look at him from a distance and leave."

Jinx slumped on the sofa, her eyes flashing slightly as she listened thoughtfully.

Hilko looked at her: "Did you hear what I said?"

"I heard it, I heard it." Jinx waved her hands impatiently, looked at Hilko's serious expression, and took a step back, "Since you said so, then I just won't mess with him. I didn't sleep well yesterday. , slipped away first."

With that said, she stood up and walked out.

Hilko just watched her leave without stopping her.

With a "bang", the office door was closed. He turned his chair and faced the window again. He looked at the scene outside the window silently.

After a while, a soft sigh sounded.

at the same time.

Jinx left the office, humming an unknown song in a relaxed mood, but thinking about Hilko's words and the prince's face in her mind.

The more he said this, the more curious she became.

Is this guy really that powerful?

A few days ago, when she was wandering into the upper city, she accidentally learned that the prince of Demacia was visiting Piltover.

There was an uproar in Piltover, and everyone knew about it.

That's why she felt a little curious and went to take a look today.

But very little is known about Demacia and this prince.

Because she never cared about these things.She had seen Demacians before. There was a Demacian selling fruits in Zuan's bearded fruit shop. She had the impression that he was very stupid. She often stole fruits without being caught.

In comparison, the second prince of Demacia was not simple just by looking at him.

Soon, Jinx made a decision to find out more about it after waking up.

She wanted to see where this prince came from.

(End of this chapter)

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