LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 350: Sooner or later, this guy will be beaten one day

Chapter 350: Sooner or later, this guy will be beaten one day

Two in the afternoon.

The carriage sent by Pi City stopped outside Lu Qi's villa on time.

Everyone sat on the carriage and soon set off towards the lower city.

The buildings in Pi City are from high to low, and the lower city is located underground.

It is said that people have been living there thousands of years ago, and it is also a mining area. With continuous mining, a huge underground space has gradually formed.

But as time went by, the resources in the mining area were exhausted, causing many people to leave.

Those who did not want to leave still stayed in Zaun, and it was not until later that Leather City began to be built on Zaun.

Facing the sun and full of bright future, Piltover has been divided into upper and lower towns ever since.

Soon, everyone arrived at the transfer station between the two cities. This could be regarded as the civilian area of ​​Pi City. Most of the people were wearing ordinary clothes, but it was as lively as a small market.

And here, there is a medium-sized elevator.

From the appearance, it is a circular elevator with wrap-around seats that can go directly to the lower city.

This is also the way most people go to the lower city.

Lu Qi was accompanied by three councilors this time, namely Mel, Haken and Costin, while Jess and Victor were also accompanying him.

Standing in the elevator, as Jess pulled the switch, the elevator made a harsh buzzing sound, and the noise of a mechanical "healthy, healthy, healthy" operation sounded.

But it also started to move downward. After about a few dozen seconds, a burst of steam emitted from the outside of the elevator, and at the same time it stopped with a burst of shaking.

When the door opens, the area of ​​the lower city closest to the upper city is visible.

Sunlight can still be seen on the surface of Zaun, but the architectural style has tended to be that of a lower city. The most striking feature is the combination of steel and glass.

This is also the junction between the two cities. There are many people wearing different clothes.

Standing next to a fence, you can see Zaun underneath. It is like an ant nest, bottomless, complex and intertwined bridges connect each other, and the whole area exudes a green style.

"so high."

Lux lay on the edge of the fence and looked down. She didn't expect that there was a city so deep beneath the surface.

At this time, the group of people had attracted a lot of attention, and many people from the lower city cast their gazes. Seeing the team followed by at least twenty law enforcement officers, they just looked at it from a distance.

Many eyes glanced at Lu Qi, and many people were obviously aware of his identity.

"Let's go shopping first."

Lu Qi actually felt some hostile looks, but they were not directed at him.

The relationship between the upper and lower cities is not good, and this time he brought so many law enforcement officers, it is easy for the people in the lower cities to think that they are here to cause trouble.

However, several congressmen claimed that they staged such a big battle to protect their safety.

"Ahem. I'm from the lower city. Let me lead the way."

Victor covered his mouth and coughed twice, then stood up and said.

"This couldn't be better." Lu Qi looked at him and smiled, "Your face looks much better."

Victor said: "Thank you for the medicine, Your Highness. I took one at noon and I feel a lot better."

"As long as it works, remember, don't take too much, just take one pill a day. Otherwise, it will have the opposite effect."

Lu Qi nodded carelessly and said, "Lead the way."

"it is good."

then.Victor walked in front, introducing Lu Qi and others as he walked.

"The place we are in now is the top level of Zaun, also commonly known as the Dancing Corridor."

"Further down, there is a place called the middle square. Ahem. Most of the Zaun people live here."

When everyone arrived at the middle level, they felt a faint mist in the air.

The smell in the air also changed faintly.

Looking at the streets as a whole, compared with the clean and tidy streets of Piltover, the streets in Zaun all look chaotic, but there is a sense of order in this chaos.

There are also neighborhoods, bustling markets, lively streets, and many stalls on the streets.

There are also many people with different clothes and different characteristics, who look like they are from other places.

It would be an understatement to say it was a mixed bag.

Many eyes focused on Lu Qi, and then quickly dispersed, obviously not wanting to disturb him.

As you go down the stairs in the middle area, the light becomes darker, or the tone becomes darker.

The smell of industrial waste gas in the air is becoming more and more obvious.

Zaun relies on a large number of industrial plants to maintain operations, working tirelessly every day and night.And most of these factories belong to some gangs.After all, it is these gangs that are responsible for maintaining order in Zaun, and these gangs each occupy different territories.

They maintain a delicate balance between each other.

However, when everyone came down this time, they didn’t see many gang members.

At this time, the three congressmen and some law enforcement officers could no longer stand the weird smell in their noses, so they all put on air filters.

This is a special mask-shaped technology that can automatically filter the absorbed air as long as it is worn properly.

But most air filters are produced for Zaun.

"Your Highness, please bring this with you."

Mel also prepared air filters for Lucci and others.

Lu Qi waved his hand and said casually: "No need, I don't really like having things on my mouth."

Although there is a strange smell in the air, it is not unbearable.

And Lux ​​and the others did not choose to wear them. After all, they all felt that it was more comfortable to look natural.

Seeing that Lu Qi was not wearing it, the three council members and a group of law enforcement officers could only endure the strange smell and took off the air filter.

"You can do whatever you want, don't worry about me."

Lu Qi looked at them and said there was no need for this.

Representative Haken forced a smile on his face: "It doesn't matter. We haven't been to the lower city for a long time. This time we just took the opportunity to learn more about this place."

Seeing that they insisted on doing this, Lu Qi said nothing more.

Victor said at this time: "Actually, the smell in the air in the lower city used to be even more unbearable because the resources here were exhausted and the green plants disappeared. Coupled with the continuous construction of factories and daily operation, a large amount of exhaust gas Gathered here.”

"Later, the place was unified, exhaust pipes were built, and green plants began to be planted."

Returning to Zaun, where he grew up, Victor couldn't help but look nostalgic.

He remembered that the air was even more unbearable when he was a child, because Zaun's unbridled development of unstable technology and reckless industries had polluted large areas of Zaun.

His lung disease was also contracted from this.

But even so, he still didn't hate Zu An.

In fact, since he went to the upper city, he rarely came back here. Now when he looked around, he found that there were many changes.

If you look around, you can indeed see the green plants planted, which are constantly purifying the air in the lower city.

Lux couldn't help but ask: "So you have been living in such an environment?"

"Yes." Victor said as he walked away, "For many people, this is their hometown that they can't let go. The reason why they are willing to stay in this environment is just to improve it."

"Understood." Lux nodded, "If Demacia becomes like this, I will definitely not leave."

During the exchange, she noticed the indifference, or indifference, on the faces of several congressmen and law enforcement officers, and the unbearable look in their eyes told them that they wanted to leave as soon as possible.

For a moment, she seemed to understand the reason for the discord between the upper and lower cities.

She thought that Shangcheng's lack of concern for Xiacheng must be one of the reasons.

After all, just imagine, both parties living in such close proximity.Caitlin, who grew up in Piltover, has only been to Zaun once, and she only visited the dance corridor.

It is enough to show how strange the two cities are.

Caitlin seemed to have some thoughts about this, but she just thought about it quietly.

At this time, everyone has reached the middle-level urban area. Houses are built here one after another. It still gives people a chaotic feeling and no order can be found.

However, this may be Zu'an's law, everything happens in compliance with it.

Just then, Lux noticed something.A white-haired old lady and a middle-aged woman, both wearing gray stain-resistant cloth, were kneeling respectfully in front of a statue to pray.

The statue was in the shape of a small bird. It was kept very clean and had some vague spirituality.

Judging from the appearance, it was a bird she had never seen before.

"what is that?"

Lux couldn't help but asked curiously.

Victor glanced over there, and then replied: "They are worshiping the god of Zuan, who is said to be named Janna, the incarnation of wind. But people who know it now, or in other words, people who still believe in Janna, don't too much."

"Oh~" Lux was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "It's just a little [-]th-tier god? We have one there too."


Victor was silent for a moment, not knowing how to answer the question.

Lu Qi heard the little golden retriever's bold speech. He looked at her with a subtle look, then stretched out his hand and touched her forehead.

"What are you doing!"

Lux looked at him unhappily.

"Be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth."

Lu Qi looked at her with the expression of someone who had been through it before and gave some advice.

If you don't care about it, sooner or later this guy will be beaten one day.

If nothing else, he was sure that the [-]th-line god that the little golden retriever spoke of just now must have heard these words.

"Excuse me, which word I said is wrong!"

Lux was very dissatisfied and protested: "Although she is a niche, not very popular, and doesn't have many followers. But that doesn't mean I don't respect her!"

Lu Qi looked at her with a subtle look, and sighed silently in his heart.

I can't even hold it back.

Everyone has now approached the statue, and the two believers who just worshiped have also left.

Victor said: "I remember that the original body of this statue was a blue bird. It is said that the blue bird is the incarnation of Janna. Later, people used the image of the blue bird to worship her."


Lux nodded again, stepped forward, and took out a few gummies from her pocket after thinking about it.

These candies were made by Lucci and were originally given to Annie, but they were also quite popular with her.Will always carry it with me.

Putting the candies on an empty spot in front of the statue, Lux clasped her hands together, closed her eyes in a pious manner, and said in her heart: "A few pieces of gummy candies are offered to me. I was very offended by my words and deeds just now, so please forgive me."

After finishing reading, she opened her eyes and felt a gentle breeze blowing on her face. She didn't know if it was an illusion.She couldn't help but ask: "Do you think Janna is the incarnation of wind?"

Victor nodded and said, "Yes, old people often say that Janna is the goddess of wind."

This made Lux think deeply: "If it is the incarnation of wind, what will happen if I feel the wind?"

She learned wind-controlling swordsmanship from Lu Qi, and now she has practiced it to a proficient level.

It’s easy to feel the wind. To feel the wind is actually to feel the wind element.

As mentioned before, if you don't have talent, you will never be able to feel the wind element in your life, and you will never be able to master the wind swordsmanship in your life.

Lux was thinking, since she is the incarnation of wind, what will happen if she guides the wind?

The daring little golden retriever immediately tried this.

She closed her eyes again, but her aura changed.

Everyone around her suddenly felt a slight whirlwind blowing around her.

Immediately afterwards, the wind became stronger and stronger, whistling loudly, and even they could feel the wind blowing on their faces, and they couldn't help but be a little surprised.

What is this operation?
Lux's blond hair was swayed by the wind, and the windiness on her whole body was already very obvious.

She felt quietly, as if she wanted to link up with the blue bird statue in front of her, but a few seconds passed. A few more seconds passed, and nothing strange happened.

Then Lux gave up, opened her eyes, and exhaled: "Forget it, there's no reaction at all."

Caitlin couldn't help but ask: "What did you just say?"

Lux said: "You can understand it as a kind of elemental guidance. Before that, if I want to learn a swordsmanship, I must first feel the existence of the wind element."

Her current understanding of the wind in the wind sword technique is the elemental guidance in the spell.

This will make it easier to understand.

A person without magic talent will naturally not be able to sense the element of wind, so he will not be able to learn the art of wind swordsmanship.

Those who can sense the wind element definitely have certain magical talents.

And magic talent is difficult to define, everything depends on fate.

"Miss Crownguard is actually a mage?"

Caitlin was startled. She was no stranger to the concept of elemental guidance.

Mages are not uncommon in the Twin Cities. After all, demons are not allowed here.It's just that there aren't many famous ones, and there probably aren't many great ones either.

Before Jace developed Hex Technology, Piltover's attitude toward mages was tepid.

After all, everyone is into technology. How can something as mysterious and mysterious as magic be popular?

But Jace made them think differently about magic.

In response, Lux chuckled and said, "Of course, I am a very powerful mage."

As she spoke, she raised a finger, and a beautiful fluorescent light suddenly lit up on her fingertip, and then she threw it up casually.A ball of light hung high, emitting soft light around it, making the surrounding area much clearer and attracting many people to come out and watch.

Lux waved her little hand at the right time, and the ball of light immediately dissipated.


Caitlin exclaimed.

This is the first time she has been so close to a mage.

She simply thought it was awesome, but several congressmen didn't think so.

They looked at Lux who casually showed her hand, but they didn't expect that this young lady from the Crownguard family was actually a light magician, and judging from her ability to release magic casually, it was obvious that she was not weak.

Obviously, none of the people who followed the prince to Pi City were simple.

"Just play."

Lu Qi stepped forward and pushed away the showy little golden retriever.In front of the blue bird statue, he also put his hands together and entered a state of prayer.

But he had nothing to say, he just closed his eyes and bowed slightly.

Lux, on the other hand, said that adults do not remember the faults of villains, so she just snorted at this.

If she stays angry with this guy all day long, she will be angry to death sooner or later.

With Lu Qi taking the lead, the others came to the statue one after another, worshiped seriously, and offered some sacrifices.

After finishing all this, we continued to move forward and continued sightseeing in the lower city.

After they left, a breeze blew in front of the Blue Bird Statue, and the sacrifices suddenly and strangely disappeared.

In mid-air, a shadow invisible to others appeared.

She was a fairy-like woman. She tore open the candy bag curiously, then threw the gummy candy into her mouth, chewed it, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

Sour, sweet and soft, how can such a delicious candy come to be?

"You're so stingy. You look like the big brother taking the lead, but in the end, you're not even willing to pay for any sacrifices."

As she chewed and lay down, she looked at the people walking away and muttered twice.

After finishing one piece, she threw another piece into her mouth, narrowed her eyes, and said with satisfaction: "For the sake of these candies, I will forgive you for saying that I am a little god."

"But, that blond girl has really strong magic power. And there seems to be someone special there."

She muttered to herself, her eyes falling on the blonde girl and the cheapskate next to her, thoughtfully.

She also felt a rather close feeling from these two people.

Maybe it's because she is the incarnation of wind, and through some method, they have a certain affinity for the wind element.

She looked at the others a few more times, her eyes fixed on one of them, and she narrowed her eyes slightly.

But soon, she withdrew her gaze, threw a piece of candy into her mouth, and couldn't help but sigh, "Hey, when will we be able to return to the days when we didn't have to worry about eating and drinking?"

Her figure gradually faded, thinking of her glorious moments.

There were countless sacrifices offered every day, and she could eat whatever she wanted.

Now, she only receives a wave of sacrifices every three or five, and it seems that fewer and fewer people know her.

Maybe in 30 or 50 years, she will completely disappear from this world.

"Maybe. I need to think of a way."

As her words fell, her figure gradually disappeared.

Recently, the time for her to appear in the human world has become less and less. Perhaps when the world's will completely disappears, she will disappear invisibly like the wind that blows.

Lu Qi and others arrived at the last area of ​​the middle floor, but didn't see anything new along the way.

"As for the lower area, I think there is no need to go there."

Victor said at this time, "There is nothing to see there, and the environment is about the same."

Hearing this, Lu Qi nodded: "That's it, let's go back."

After he finished speaking, the congressmen behind him couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It was finally time to leave this place. If they stayed in this environment for a few more seconds, they all suspected that they would suffocate to death.

So, everyone embarked on the return journey.

When I passed the blue bird statue again, I found that all the sacrifices on it had disappeared.

"Something's wrong. There's something wrong."

Lux looked at the statue suspiciously, but in the end she couldn't find anything suspicious about it.

Victor thought for a while and said: "It must have been eaten by the children around. Some people in the lower city live a relatively poor life."

In fact, it’s not just some people. If we go back a few decades, it would be the vast majority of people.

It seems that there is only one possibility.

"Let's go."

Lux didn't pay much attention.

Everyone returned all the way and soon arrived at the place where they took the elevator.

When we arrived here, the air quality had obviously changed. Everyone sat on the elevator and returned to Pi City.

In the dance corridor, on a high platform in the distance, the green-haired girl was looking in the direction of the elevator with a telescope: "Let's go now."

Putting down the binoculars, her eyes sparkled with interest.

She went to get to know the prince specifically and found that he seemed to have some background.

This made her very interested.

However, Hilko repeatedly emphasized not to provoke the prince, which made her feel a little confused.

"Listen? Or not?"

She sat cross-legged and asked herself: "First of all, you have to think about a question, Jinx. Are you an obedient and good baby? Obviously not."

As she said this, she already had the answer in her heart, and a smile appeared on her lips.

Next, let her find something interesting to do!
And on the other side.

in the office.

Hilko looked at Sevika in front of him, nodded and said, "So, they have left."

"Well, I left the lower city about 10 minutes ago." Sevika sat on the sofa, lit a cigar, and took a puff of disdain, "These guys really treat us as servants, that chief law enforcement officer When he came to deliver the message, his expression almost made me beat him up."

"Their superiority is no longer a day or two. If you can't get used to it, you will only make yourself angry."

Hilko said calmly.

Sevika blew out a puff of smoke and said cruelly: "Sooner or later, they will regret it."

Silka smiled lightly and asked, "Where's Jinx? Have you seen her?"

Sevika chuckled: "Who knows where that crazy girl goes all day long, as long as she doesn't cause trouble, she can go anywhere."

"Okay, there will be less resentment between you." Xilka was used to hearing such complaining words. He said, "Go and inform those gang members who hid on the lower floors to come back, Zu An We can resume normal operations.”


Sevika nodded, put the cigarette in her hand into the ashtray, extinguished it, and then walked out.

After she left, Hilko slowly cut out a cigar, lit it, and started smoking.

His deep eyes flickered slightly, and amid the smoke, he turned his chair and looked outside.

What those people saw was not the real Zaun. The real Zaun was far worse than what they saw.

It's just that those well-dressed big shots can't stand this anymore.

But that's fine too.

The Zu An in their eyes grew darker and smaller.When one day, they stood opposite each other, Hilko looked forward to their expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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