LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 351 The world moves like a gear

Chapter 351 The world moves like a gear

Lu Qi and others returned to Pi City.

Not much time had passed at this time, three or four hours at most. I looked at the time on the clock tower and saw that it was just after five o'clock.

The sky in the distance seemed to be getting darker, which was completely a sign before dusk came.

But this did not affect the liveliness of the Piltover neighborhood at all.

It was too early to go back now, so Lu Qi and the three councilors said, "It's enough to stop here. Next, I'm going to go shopping on the street. There's no need for such a big battle. Caitlin can lead the way." "


Councilor Haken nodded, "Then we'll take our leave."

Soon, the congressmen and the law enforcement officers all left.

Caitlin said at this time: "Where does Your Highness want to go shopping?"

Lu Qi said casually: "You can go anywhere, find some lively place."

"There are quite a lot of lively places in Pi City. Let's start from here and go to Stellar Avenue first."

Caitlin thought for a moment and led the way.

Hengxing Avenue is a street located in the middle and upper-class areas of Pi City. Due to its central location, it is accessible in all directions. You can start from Hengxing Avenue wherever you go.

After arriving at the place, it was unexpectedly spacious with many tall buildings.

On the streets, there are people in different costumes coming and going, some of them walking in a hurry, as if they can't stop for a moment.Some are sitting leisurely on benches to rest.There were hawkers hawking, merchants leading horses, and street performers.

All kinds of scenes seem to form a microcosm of Pi City.

Caitlin said at this time: "Go straight from here to the treasury of Piltover, the Zodiac basement, which is the safest bank in Piltover."

"And turn left, which is the road leading to Clock Academy."


When Lux heard this keyword, she couldn't help but ask: "Is this the place where you go to school?"

"Not entirely. It can be understood as a base for scientific researchers. Anyone with academic qualifications is welcome to go and study. At the same time, you can also use the workshops of the Clock Academy to make inventions. If you are good enough, you can attract investment from big shots."

Caitlin explained aloud, and then gave an example, "For example, Jace, he studied at the Clock Academy before this. And there are other schools in Piltover for study."

After hearing her explanation, among the crowd, Navis's eyes suddenly lit up.

After taking a look, Lu Qi said: "Then let's go there first and have a look."

So everyone set off towards the Clock Academy.

The Clock Academy has contributed many famous inventors to Piltover, and its founder is none other than Heimerdinger.

He founded the academy by himself and welcomed any aspiring inventor to join, no matter where he came from before.

It was for this reason that Victor was valued for his talent.

What appeared in front of everyone was a magnificent college with a majestic appearance. Among them, the statue of Heimerdinger stood in the most conspicuous position when entering the college.

His small stature makes him look extraordinarily tall here.

Most people in the college were walking in a hurry, and many of them were holding a stack of heavy books, looking very busy.

But this kind of atmosphere hit Navis all of a sudden.

It almost made her feel like she didn't want to leave even after she arrived.

The one who stood in sharp contrast was Lux. As soon as she arrived here, she had the urge to yawn and felt weak.

"Perhaps you can ask the congressmen to give you a qualification another day."

Seeing this, Lu Qi thought for a moment and said to Navis.

The Clock Academy brings together high-end talents from Piltover and a lot of knowledge. It is indeed Navis' dream place.

It seems that she can be allowed to study here for a while.

Navis was full of expectations for this, but she was not particularly anxious.

After a brief visit, she realized the difference between the Scientific Research Institute in Demacia and the Clock Academy in Piltover.

Maybe we can absorb the advantages of the Clock Academy and bring them back to the Research Institute.

Soon, everyone left the Clock Academy.

Caitlin thought of something and said, "This place is quite close to Zindero. Do you want to take a look?"

Lux looked confused: "Zindero? What is that?"

Caitlin explained: "It's the name of a street, which is a relatively famous tourist attraction in Piltover."

Everyone was curious about this and immediately decided to go.

On the way, Caitlin expanded her explanation: "Before this, Zindero was actually the name of a famous traveler and adventurer in Piltover. He spent his whole life exploring Rune Land, and he once went to Rune Land. Demacia must have been to many places. He brought what he saw and heard back to Piltover, and described the size of Runeterra, while letting people know that Runeterra is spherical."

Everyone listened in astonishment.

Not long after, we arrived at Zindaro.

This place looks like a square, with many people gathered in the square, but the most eye-catching one is the huge steel sphere standing in the middle of the square.

It was put together piece by piece like a Rubik's Cube, symmetrical from left to right, with a gap in the middle like a zipper.

On the outside, there is a stripe path carved on it, which looks quite complicated.

"What is this?"

Lux blinked blankly.

"This is a miniature Rune Land created by Zindaro himself. It means that this iron ball is a miniature version of Rune Land. The artistic content is high, to be honest, I can't understand it. But he has another famous saying. .Let me think about it.”

Caitlin thought for a moment, and then said, "He said that the world moves like gears."

Lux waited for a long time, and when she saw that there was no more to say, she couldn't help but ask: "That's it?"

"That's all." Caitlin nodded and added, "Actually, the real miniature Rune Land is also in the exhibition room next door, and it is also the work of Zindero."

So everyone immediately set off towards the exhibition room.

When I got here, I saw a smaller ball, with a dark blue appearance overall, but compared to the one outside, this one is much simpler and easier to understand.

"This is the smaller version of Runeterra we live in."

Caitlin looked at the dark blue sphere at this time and said, "Zindero once took a boat and set off from Piltover. It lasted 18 years, traveled around the world, and finally returned from the other side. He personally concluded that the rune The earth must be a sphere, and if we can fly to an altitude of [-] meters, we can see all this with our own eyes."

"Of course, there are various other theories. But in the end they all tend to Zindero's conclusion."

Everyone listened and nodded slightly.

Regarding the concept that Runeterra is a sphere, many scholars in Demacia have expressed similar views.

However, most people don't seem to care about whether Runeterra is flat or round.

However, Piltover obviously wants to continue exploring in this area.

Because next, the Hex flying door developed by Jess must follow Zindaro's theory.

If he couldn't know the full picture of Runeterra, his Hex Flying Gate would naturally not be able to accurately teleport.Lux and others were looking around the miniature rune land curiously.

"Found it, this is Demacia!"

After a while, she excitedly made a discovery. She roughly pointed out the location of Demacia to the west of the Valoran continent.

Lu Qi took a look, and she was right.

In fact, Runeterra is much smaller than the Blue Star in his impression. It is divided into three continents in total. It is also occupied by a large amount of sea area, and there are various islands in the sea area.

Zindaro set out from the east of Pi City and finally returned from the west. The reason why it took him 18 years was because he also explored many places during this period.

Finally, we came to the conclusion that 'the world rotates like a gear'.

In short, this is an outstanding person, and Lu Qi still has some respect for him.

"Looking at it this way, Piltover and Demacia are indeed a bit far apart."

Lux said again at this time.

I didn’t feel this way after walking so far. Instead, I felt the distance in the miniature Rune Land in front of me.

Because they are not on the same plane.

Everyone is looking for places of interest in this small rune land.

I have never left Demacia before, so I can take this opportunity to get to know the Runeterra below me.

By the time I left the exhibition room, dusk had arrived, the sky was getting dark, and the street lamps were lighting up one by one.

"I remember walking to the right and there was a zoo with many animals from all over Runeterra. Let's go and see it."

Caitlin gradually realized the fun of being a tour guide. She was still immersed in it and planned to leave for the next stop without getting tired of it.

Naturally, everyone had no objections and continued to set off.

When we arrived at the zoo, it was actually almost time to close for individual visitors.

However, when the caretaker learned of Lu Qi's identity, he still allowed everyone to enter the park for sightseeing.

The zoo in Piltover does contain many animals that Luqi and others have never seen before, including the white penguin from the Freljord, the three-tailed sparrow from Ionia, and the pointed shell turtle from Shurima.

Everyone occasionally fed and fed, and it was quite interesting to wander around.

After leaving the zoo, it was already dark.

At the last stop, everyone went to a street not far away. There were many shops on the street, including restaurants, repair shops, clothing stores, and beauty salons, making this neighborhood quite lively.

Lu Qi noticed a closed store with a 'for sale/rent' sign on the door.

It's at the end of this street. Judging from the name of the store, it should have been a tavern before. I don't know how the business was.

Lu Qi became thoughtful.

Since there is nothing to do in the next period of time, why not take over this pub and transform it into a bar of your own.

The wine he brought from Demacia is almost at the bottom now, so he can take this opportunity to replenish a batch.

It would be better if there is a brewing machine inside.

"I'm going to check out that tavern. You guys can continue shopping. I'll catch up in a moment."

So Lu Qi said something and walked towards the tavern.

When everyone saw this, they continued to walk forward.

Pushing open the door of the tavern, it was dark inside, and a bar counter could be vaguely seen, but there was an empty wine cabinet behind the bar counter, and there was nothing on the cabinet.

"anyone there?"

Lu Qi spoke out, and his voice echoed in the empty tavern, as if he had fallen into an abyss.

There must be someone there, otherwise the door would not be open.

Lu Qi found the light switch on the wall. After pressing it, the light from the light finally illuminated the space in front of him.

The place is not small, but there is nothing there, and it looks like it has not been taken care of for a long time. Only some places on the surface are still clean.

You can see another door on the right, and there is obviously a lot of space behind the door.

At this time, the sound of footsteps was heard, and a middle-aged man opened the back door and walked out. He was not dressed like a civilian.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time. Those machines just broke down. I just came over to repair them."

He showed an apologetic expression to Lu Qi, then looked at him carefully, his pupils shrank, and he hurriedly saluted: "Your Highness, welcome. Maybe you don't remember, but I said hello to you at yesterday's banquet. .”

When he said this, Lu Qi had a little impression, but he really forgot the name.

If he could remember the names of everyone who said hello to him, then Lu Qi felt that it would take a lot of time just to think about these things.

The man took the initiative and said: "My name is Lemire, and I am a professor at Piltover University."

"Hello Lemire."

A smile appeared on Lu Qi's face and he asked, "Are you planning to sell this tavern?"


Lemire nodded and said slowly, "Because I have to be busy with more and more things, I originally wanted to leave this tavern to my unhappy nephew, but when I looked back, he abandoned the tavern and died. Where did it go? Since neither he nor I have the time to take care of it, we can only rent or sell this place."

"I see." Lu Qi was slightly stunned and said, "Since this is a tavern, is there a brewing machine?"

"Of course, it's on the back floor. Come and take a look with me." Lemire turned around and walked towards the back floor, while saying, "I just repaired these brewing machines, although they are no longer in Pi City. The latest version, but not far behind.”

Lu Qi followed him into the back floor and found that it was like a brewery, with all kinds of machines, and he was already somewhat satisfied.

When he was in Demacia, he did everything by himself.

Now that he has a machine, it can save him at least 70.00% of his effort.

Lu Qi didn't hesitate and asked directly: "Together with these machines and this store, how much do you plan to sell in total?"

Lemire naturally did not question Lu Qi's strength. After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said: "When I purchased these machines, I spent a total of about four thousand gold. They have not been used for long, so I will sell them to you at half the price of two thousand gold. As for this store. , the land deed is in my hand. If you want it, for [-] gold, I will go to the Piltover Court to transfer the land deed to you."

Lu Qi agreed without hesitation: "I will bring the money over tomorrow. When will you have time?"

Sixty thousand gold is not much to Lu Qi, after all, he has seen more than one million gold coins.

And for this store at this location and this price, it can be said to be quite a bargain.

It was obvious that Lemire had no intention of opening his mouth.

It seems that [-] gold is not a particularly large amount to him.

In fact, 50 gold is enough for an ordinary family to have enough food and clothing for at least [-] years.

Even in Piltover, a lower-class commoner, a family of three, can only spend up to twenty gold per week.

Again, it's not that Lu Qi is rich, but that his starting point is too high.

"These days are my vacation. You can come over anytime tomorrow and I will be there."

Lemire said.

(End of this chapter)

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