LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 359 The outside world is too scary

Chapter 359 The outside world is too scary
In a blink of an eye, five days passed.

Although the weather conditions in Piltover have always been good, in this season, there is still a bit of chill in the air.

But it is undeniable that it is a good season for eating hot pot.

So Lu Qi sent someone to make a set of special hot pot utensils two days ago, and he was not idle, and started to prepare some sauces for dipping and the bottom of the pot.

At this time, he was leaning leisurely on a chair in the store. The rocking chair was shaking, and he drank a cocktail with a low alcohol content from time to time. His whole person had a sense of being uncontested, as if he was somewhere else in the store. Just like the noise had nothing to do with him.

On the table not far away, a 3V3 Monopoly competition was going on fiercely.

The players on both sides are, blue side: Lux, Caitlin, and Annie.

Red side: Jinx, Poppy, Orianna.

The referees are jointly served by Quinn and Navis.

The losing party will have to accept three different punishments at the same time.

The punishment this time is that the last one drinks a special 'drink' with all kinds of weird ingredients added to it, the kind that is guaranteed to make you ascend to heaven in one sip.

The second punishment is for the winning side to have their heads destroyed.

The third punishment is to eat a whole lemon without expression.

In short, after these three punishments, no one wants to lose.They are all racking their brains to win.

As time passed, the competition also reached a critical moment.

Now, Lux is about to make a sacred throw. As the richest person in the game, she can win the game as long as she throws three or less points.

However, the opponent is not weak either. If he throws more than three, the three opponents will immediately have room for maneuver.

So when Lux picked up the dice, the six people on the field couldn't help but feel nervous at this moment.

The store couldn't help but become quiet, and someone swallowed with a "gudong" sound.

Lux suddenly closed her eyes piously and held the dice in her hand: "The sky is full of spirits and the earth is full of spirits, you must roll below three!"

"Three or more, three or more, three or more"

Jinx stared at her hands and kept thinking as if she was possessed.

The level of tension suddenly increased, and the next second, Lux put her hand on the Monopoly board and spread it forward.

The dice immediately came out of his hands and began to roll under the gaze of many pairs of eyes.

Finally, as the dice slowly stopped, the number on it also settled on '2'.


"Do not!!!"

At the same time, cheers and wailing sounded.

One was jumping for joy, while the other was holding his head in disbelief.

Similarly, Caitlin and Annie also clapped their hands excitedly.

But Poppy and Orianna, Jinx's teammates, were also crying.

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same, and they are vividly demonstrated at this moment.


Jinx looked at the colorful drinks that had been prepared on the table and shuddered immediately.

She stood up and said, "I suddenly remembered something else, so I'll leave first."

After saying this, she took advantage of the fact that the three people on the opposite side were still immersed in the joy of victory, and prepared to sneak away first to show respect.

Lux noticed her instantly: "She is trying to cheat! Stop her!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Jinx ran away.

"Annie, you go to the left, Caitlin, you go to the right!"

"pass it to me!"


As the three of them pursued in an orderly manner, they immediately stopped Jinx from three directions as she was about to run, staring at her with unkind eyes.

When Jinx saw that she was surrounded, she immediately chose the direction of Annie, who seemed to be the best to bully, and shot out with a single arrow.

Then he jumped up high, jumped directly in the store, and jumped over Annie's head.

You will definitely die if you drink that secret drink!

It was made with cola as a base, and she watched Lacus add soy sauce, salt, cocktail, squid ink, mustard, and other complex ingredients to it.

At this moment, Jinx's desire to survive has reached its peak.

She would rather die than drink that cup!

"Don't want to run!"

Lux raised her hand, and suddenly a staff appeared, and she waved the staff.

In an instant, the light shone out and swept towards Jinx. The speed could be said to be quite fast, and it fell on her in an instant.

The next second, a light barrier trapped her entirely.

Jinx bumped into the barrier, and then knocked it angrily: "It's too despicable to use magic!"

"Who made you want to cheat?" Lux snorted, put away the staff, and said confidently: "And magic is also one of my methods, why can't I use it?"

Lu Qi heard the movement at this time, glanced at it, and then took it back.

In the past few days, these two guys have been making a lot of noise. Jinx is the only one who dissatisfied with the little golden retriever. However, the fight between the two is always controlled by Miss Crown Guard.

But this is indeed a form of restraint. After all, Lux is good at magic and physical skills, so it's really difficult to deal with her.

"Let me out and I'll just drink!"

Seeing that she couldn't run away, Jinx reluctantly accepted her fate.

"No, you have to drink it in there, and I'll let you go."

Lux personally brought the 'drink' to Jinx.

Looking at the steaming secret drink in her hand, Jinx shuddered all over again, but this girl was decisive in doing things.

Suddenly he mustered up the courage, raised his glass, raised his head, and took a sip.

After drinking, his face instantly turned blue, and he looked like he wanted to die.

Seeing her like this, her two teammates also turned a little pale.

After seeing her finish drinking, Lux finally released her restraints with satisfaction, then raised her hand and flicked her forehead: "Don't forget there is still a lemon to eat."

Jinx finished her drink, but her teammates Poppy and Orianna were not immune.

Lux used the same formula and prepared a portion for each of them.

Then there are two punishments: having a brain breakdown and eating lemons without expression.

After this set of procedures was completed, the three of them were lying on the sofa with dull expressions on their faces, as if everyone had been gone for a while.He was so weak that he would not be able to get up again in a short time.

In order to give a little comfort to the losers group, Sona played Luo Hua, and the light music sounded.

The expressions of the three men softened a little, and they changed from lying on their backs and emitting white smoke to half-dead.

Since they had no fighting power, the Monopoly Tournament could no longer continue, so the three of them took a break.For a while, the only sound in the hall was Sona's playing, and there was a brief moment of peace.

After Lu Qi finished drinking her cocktail, Urna poured her another glass.

In the past few days, he has made a batch of wine that is drinkable, and there will be more batches in a few days.It's just that Lu Qi currently lacks a few drinking buddies, and Fiona is not here.

The girls around me seem to prefer soda and soft drinks.

But something like wine is a feeling when one drinks it alone.Drinking when there are many people is another experience, so there is no need to ask for too much.

Listening to Sona's playing and slowly tasting wine is indeed a good enjoyment.

At this time, at the door of the store, a head quietly popped up. Listening to the playing inside, I was extremely fascinated for a while.

Serafani was in an extremely happy mood at the moment. She looked at Sona playing in the store and felt her breathing speed up a bit.

“We actually met each other”

"It plays really well."

These two thoughts flashed through her mind, and her whole body was bathed in the playing music, which doubled her happiness.

These days, she mustered up the courage to go out more frequently, but unfortunately she never encountered Sona's playing again.

Just now, when I was passing by this street, I suddenly heard a familiar feeling.

Just like this, she cautiously and secretly stood at the door, Seraphine listened to the music carefully.

When the song ended, she couldn't help but want to applaud, but luckily she held back.

The store was buzzing with activity again.

She glanced at Sona secretly, feeling the urge to rush over and ask for an autograph. How about at least saying hello?
However, as soon as this idea came to her mind, she immediately shook her head.

No, no, wouldn't it be too rude?
After all, people don’t know who you are, and there are so many people around.

I heard from her parents that she came from a big noble in Demacia, so that person over there should be the prince of Demacia.

Just thinking about a big shot of this level makes Seraphine feel even more timid.

It's better to leave first. I'm lucky to hear a piece of music played today.

Maybe I can eavesdrop from time to time in the future?
What if it is discovered?
Will he be regarded as an assassin?

And what if she misunderstands and becomes disgusted with herself?
But it sounded really good, and when she thought about hearing this kind of playing next time, she didn't know when it was, she couldn't move her legs.

Just when Seraphine was thinking wildly, she didn't know that she had been discovered by people in the store.

When she blinked, she saw a blue-haired head popping up and grinning: "Hello."


Seraphine was immediately frightened and took a step back, saying incoherently: "I'm sorry, I, I, I went wrong."

She turned around with a guilty conscience and wanted to flee the scene, but it was already too late.

Jinx effortlessly captured Seraphine into the store.

Everyone gathered around and looked at her.

The girl in front of her has slender pink hair and a standard oval face with particularly delicate facial features. She has no makeup at all, but she is already very beautiful.

Her big eyes were quite bright, with a deep blue luster shining inside them, but her eyes looked a little timid, with her head lowered, not daring to look at people.

At this time, Jinx immediately began to judge a pink-haired girl who sneakily appeared at the door of Lucci's shop and peeked inside.

"Tell me! Who sent you here? What is their purpose!"

She looked at Jinx, who was glaring at her with a sullen face, and the pairs of eyes around her.

Seraphine was like a frightened deer at the moment, sitting restlessly on the chair with nowhere to look, dodging left and right, too nervous to speak.


She felt like a heinous prisoner at this moment.

At this time, Lu Qi came over, showed a gentle smile, and placed a cup of Coke on the table next to her: "Don't be nervous, have a drink first, we are not bad people."

Seraphine knew that the other party was a prince, so she didn't dare to refuse. She stretched out her trembling little hand, grabbed the Coke on the table, and took a small sip.

With the impact of the dense smell, accompanied by a sweet and sour taste, she unexpectedly found that it tasted quite good.

Lu Qi smiled more gently: "One hundred gold cups, thank you for your patronage."

For a moment, Seraphine almost spit out the Coke in her mouth. She swallowed it hard, touched her pockets, and took out a few silver plates pitifully: "I don't have that much money with me."

Jinx sneered twice and looked her up and down: "If you don't have money, just use something on your body to repay it."

Seraphine's heart suddenly rose to her throat, and her face turned a little pale.

Sure enough, she wandered into a place she shouldn't have come to.

Wow, the world outside is too scary.

She wants to go home.

"Okay you two, stop scaring people."

Lux couldn't stand it any longer, stood up and said with a kind smile, "Don't be afraid, we are really not bad people. Don't be nervous, we won't cut off your organs and sell them for now."

As soon as the words fell, Seraphine directly entered a state of despair.

She finally saw a gentle-looking girl stand up, but what she said was even more terrifying.

What does it mean not to know yet?

Are her organs really going to be cut off?
Seraphine felt that her organs had now changed hands.


For a moment, tears welled up in her weak eyes. She wanted to say something but couldn't.The pitiful little face with the glistening tears looked so pitiful and heartbreaking.

Seeing her, she was almost crying. Lacus really stopped teasing her this time. She handed over a handkerchief and said, "Sorry, don't take what I said before seriously. My name is Lacus, what's your name?"

Seraphine took the handkerchief and said with tears in her eyes: "Seraphine."

"That's a nice name. Are you from Piltover?"


"What were you doing outside just now? Why don't you come in?"


Seraphine has not yet calmed down at this moment. After all, according to her parents, these people in front of her are all big shots that she cannot afford to offend.

It’s natural to feel scared right now.

After brewing her emotions for a while, she lowered her head and did not dare to look at everyone. She whispered: "I was attracted by Miss Sona's music. I was lucky enough to go to that music venue a few days ago and heard Sona. Miss Na’s playing.”

Lux suddenly said: "I see, then it's not surprising. Sona's playing is world-class."

"That's right! Miss Sona's music is the best in the world!"

After praising Sona's playing, Seraphine suddenly raised her head and said excitedly as if she was in high spirits.

But after a little excitement, she quickly lowered her head again, and even her sitting posture was cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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