LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 360 Special Resonance

Chapter 360 Special Resonance

Sona was also looking at Seraphine at this time, with a thoughtful look in her eyes, as if she had discovered something from her.

Because surprisingly, she could feel some feelings in this girl that others could not feel.

There is something special that cannot be described at the moment.But Sona could immediately recognize that she was a unique existence.

The melody played from the kind heart of the girl in front of me seemed to be a melody with my own, perfectly harmonious.

"She seems a little different."

Sona's voice moved towards Lu Qi.

Hearing this, Lu Qi nodded slightly without surprise.

The girl in front of me is indeed extraordinary.

He naturally knew the identity of the timid girl in front of him.

The starry singer--Seraphine.

A few days ago, he was thinking about whether to form a band for Sona.There is no doubt that Seraphine is the best candidate.

She has a gifted singing voice, and her own abilities seem to be somewhat similar to Sona's.

Even he didn't expect that she would come to his door.

While Lu Qi was thinking, Sona and Seraphine had already interacted.

Facing Seraphine's praise, Sona smiled and made a few gestures.

Seraphine couldn't help but be startled. When she saw Sona using sign language, she immediately realized something.

Miss Sona cannot make a sound
For a moment, she couldn't help but feel unfair for Sona. Although she had such a beautiful face and perfect musical attainments, she was deprived of the right to speak.

While feeling sad for her idol, she also discovered something strange.

Somehow, even though she couldn't understand the sign language, she could understand what Sona wanted to express.

She meant that she was very happy to thank herself for the compliment.

"I'm also very happy to meet Miss Sona in person. Well, it's a bit strange to say this, but I mean it's such an honor to see you so close. If you can, Miss Sona, please sign your autograph for me. .”

Seraphine looked a little flustered or nervous in front of Sona, and she spoke like a little fan.

Naturally, Sona would not refuse this request. After finding paper and pen, she gave Serafani her autograph.

After receiving the signature, Seraphine's eyes suddenly lit up, her eyes twinkling, her happiness visible to the naked eye, and her face even turned slightly red with excitement.

"I will definitely protect this signature with my life."

Seraphine looked at Sona seriously, as if taking an oath.

She suddenly felt that today was her luckiest day.

Sona smiled and waved her hands, saying that it didn't have to be like this, after all, she could sign at any time.

Seraphine could somehow understand Sona's meaning, and said seriously: "No, this is the first signature Miss Sona has given me, and it is of great significance."

Seeing them communicating without any barriers, everyone around them couldn't help but feel amazing.

Lacus, on the other hand, touched her chin and felt that this scene seemed familiar.

She remembered that Lu Qi was the same back then, and he could always understand Sona's meaning inexplicably.

Even she had to learn sign language from Kashina before she could understand it.

At this time, Lacus noticed that Seraphine was wearing a strange object on her ear, and even stuffed it into her ear. She couldn't help but curiously asked: "Seraphine, what is that thing on your ear?"

This sentence suddenly reminded Seraphine of her current situation.

Immersed in the world of two people with Sona, she completely forgot that there were so many people around her.

Eyes focused on her, she immediately lowered her head timidly, lowered her voice, and answered honestly: "This is a suppressor that can help me suppress the sounds around me."


Lacus was quite surprised, "Others want to hear the sound better, why do you suppress it instead?"

"Maybe it's because the sounds I hear are a little different."

Seraphine replied weakly.

At this time, Sona seemed to notice something and looked at Seraphine thinking.

She finally knew what was special about this girl.

That's because she and he are exactly the same type of people.

They all have similar special abilities.

No wonder the first time she saw Seraphine, she felt that this girl was very kind and special.

I think I felt resonance in my heart.

"It's almost dinner time. Since you're all here, let's stay and have a meal."

Lu Qi spoke at this moment, interrupting Lux's next words.

Because he knew very well that this guy was just a curious baby. If he didn't stop him, he would have many questions to ask about his custody.

When he finished speaking, Lux changed what he wanted to say and responded, "Yes, let's stay and have a meal."


"You're welcome, there aren't many people I can talk to Sona about. And don't worry, we won't eat you."

Lu Qi looked at Seraphine who was hesitant to speak, and said another sentence to stop her.

Seraphine herself was a bit of a sociopath. She had wanted to get up and leave just now, but it turned out that it was too late.

It was no longer the time to speak, and she was a little excited at the thought of chatting with Sona next.

"Thank you."

Seraphine nodded slightly and agreed weakly.

It was indeed almost time for lunch, so Lu Qi started to prepare.

And Lux, who had been thinking about hot pot for a long time, also took the initiative to help.

The people surrounding Seraphine suddenly dispersed, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

It seems that everyone is a little too concerned about her, an outsider.

Yet it is.

Everyone felt that this timid-looking Seraphine was obviously not a bad person.

At this time, Sona sat quietly next to Seraphine.

The latter only felt a gust of fragrant wind coming, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.It's not a feeling of excitement, but a feeling of nervousness about meeting an idol.

There is no doubt that Sona is definitely the object of Seraphine's dreams these days.

Looking at the nervous Seraphine, Sona made a few gestures and pointed to the suppressor on her ear. 'Can we talk about your suppressor? '

Seraphine could understand the meaning, thought about it, nodded gently, and was not prepared to hide it.

"You may not believe it. When I was a child, I was very fond of music. When I was ten years old, I suddenly discovered that I could hear many songs that others could not hear. Later, I learned that these songs , comes from people’s hearts or souls. I felt novel at first, but as I grow older, I can hear more and more voices. From the first few people, to the next dozen people, to There’s a whole street behind.”

Speaking of this, Seraphine seemed to be reminded of bad memories, and her face turned pale.

"These sounds are endless, overwhelmingly filling my world. They don't even stop for a moment, and they come all the time. My ears can no longer hear normal sounds. During that period, I lived like this every day. Yes. I thought I was going crazy for a while."

Seraphine showed a scared smile and clenched her fingers unconsciously.

"My parents tried their best, and finally discovered a special magic crystal one day. They spent all their belongings to buy it, and then developed the suppressor in my ear."

“With the suppressor, I finally have peace in my ears.”

She said and let out a long sigh of relief, her body relaxing.

However, when her hand became hot, she was stunned for a moment and realized that it was Sona holding her hand.

While feeling flattered, Seraphine's heart beat faster again: "Miss Sona."

She saw Sona showing an extremely gentle smile, and suddenly an ethereal and beautiful voice appeared in her mind.

"I was once just like you."

The moment this voice appeared, Seraphine was stunned again.

She slowly opened her eyes and swallowed: "The voice just now"

After seeing Sona nodding, she still didn't recover from her stunned state, and seemed to feel a little unbelievable.

She can actually hear Miss Sona's thoughts?
"I just used magic, but it went surprisingly well. I think the only reason is that we have similar abilities."

Sona's voice was once again conveyed to Seraphine.

She also confirmed that the two of them had a special 'resonance', which allowed her voice to be easily conveyed to Seraphine.

Without this suppressor, I probably wouldn't even need to shake hands.

Seraphine looked dumbfounded, but now she finally recovered: "If you are the same as me, how did Miss Sona spend that time?"

She noticed that Sona didn't have the same suppressor as hers.

"My situation may be better than yours." Sona gently held Seraphine's hand and said calmly, "This ability appeared when I was very young, maybe before I can remember. of that time.”

"I can often hear the tune in everyone's heart? Also as I grow older, I can hear more and more sounds. I begin to realize that the source of these sounds is everyone's heart, but I don't know how to How to block these sounds.”

"At that time, I was almost driven crazy by the noise. Different people had different voices. It was so noisy that it was even difficult to sleep."

Speaking of this, Seraphine nodded with deep sympathy. This was how she felt at the beginning.

But when she thought that Sona was ahead of her and didn't rely on the suppressor, she was extremely impressed.

Just listen to Sona continue to preach.

"Day after day, I discovered that I could weave together the tunes in people's hearts and weave these messy sounds into a harmonious concerto. In this way, the tunes born can bring comfort to people."

Seraphine captured the key: "But the sound still didn't disappear."

"That's right." Sona smiled softly, "Although I have found ways to use these sounds, they will not disappear. They will always exist in my life. For a period of time later, except when I go to places that need my music. , I will hide at home alone."

Seraphine looked at her: "So Miss Sona has been enduring such a life?"

"Yes. What can we do?"

Sona nodded again.

Looking at Seraphine's admiring and worried eyes, she smiled again: "Of course, now I have found a method. You and I have encountered the same problem, so I want to tell you the method."

Just like Seraphine understands how Sona has come through these years.

Sona also knew what kind of depression this girl endured.

There are all kinds of sounds reaching your ears all the time, and that state can really drive a person crazy.

Seraphine was surprised and happy, but she lowered her head in embarrassment: "I was helped by Miss Sona for no reason, and I feel a little bit guilty."

"If you feel bad, come and chat with me often. You are the second person who can communicate with me like this."

Sona smiled.

Seraphine couldn't help but wonder: "Is there another one before me?"

"Yes." Sona did not say who it was, she still hoped that this was a secret between her and Lu Qi.She continued, "If you want to get rid of those sounds, you don't have to keep wearing the suppressor. You take it off."

Seraphine hesitated to speak: "But."

Sona whispered: "Actually, this is one of your talents. People are ever-changing, and so are their hearts. Being able to hear the different tunes and songs in everyone's heart is our talent and talent. The reason why we We can’t control it because we don’t know how to control it.”

"Although the suppressor does have an effect, it actually just keeps limiting your talent. To put it simply, if you never face up to your talent, but always rely on the suppressor to limit it, then you will never understand it. .”

Seraphine listened quietly, lowering her head as if hesitating.

Sona noticed that the girl's hands were sweating unconsciously, so she didn't say anything, but gave her time to think about it.

In Seraphine's mind, she kept thinking about what Sona said to her.

This is her talent
This reminded her of how much she loved her ability in the beginning.

Everyone has a beautiful melody or song in their heart, and these songs are like praising a person's life.

Whether it is kindness or cruelty, it always makes people full of yearning.

She still keeps a notebook from her childhood, which contains the songs she heard at that time.

But later, there were more and more sounds. When these different sounds were mixed together, they seemed chaotic and extremely noisy.

Her brain felt like it was going to explode. She could only shut herself in the room and didn't step out of the door for a long time.

It wasn't until I put on the suppressor that I breathed a sigh of relief.

Peace finally returned to her world.

After that, she never thought about taking off the suppressor. Just thinking about the scene where all the sounds exploded, as if a thousand people were arguing in her head, made her tremble unconsciously.

"I can not do it."

Seraphine's tone was a little lower. These shadows were always a nightmare for her.

"It's okay. It's just that you're not ready yet."

Sona smiled softly and comforted, "I know how you feel, so there is no need to rush. But I also want to tell you that this is your talent, and it will be something that will accompany you throughout your life."

"Yes." Serafani nodded, couldn't help but hugged Sona, and buried her head in the chest that could bring people natural comfort. She said with some luck, "It's great to meet you."

Today may be the most special day for Seraphine.

Not only did she meet people similar to herself in this world.This person is also an extremely kind and gentle sister who is willing to enlighten her.

At this moment, she was particularly happy.

Also, Miss Sona’s chest is so big, soft and fragrant.
(End of this chapter)

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