LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 361 Injuring the Enemy 1 Self Damage 1

Chapter 361: Injure the enemy by one thousand and damage yourself by one thousand

After a lot of busy work, the time came to noon.

Two hot pots were set up in the middle of the store. As the flames surged, the aroma of various soup bases overflowed.

With so many people in the store now, it would be a bit too crowded to eat in one pot, so two hot pots are just right.

Lu Qi also prepared four different flavors of soup base for this purpose, and also put some effort into the ingredients.

He uses bamboo skewers to string different ingredients together, so that you can rinse whatever you want to eat directly, and it is more convenient to dip the skewers into the food.

Of course, it’s not impossible to have hot pot directly. In short, the choices are different and the eating methods are also different.

Caitlin, Orianna, Jinx and Seraphine had never seen this way of eating before. While they found it novel, they were also unconsciously attracted by the rich variety of ingredients.

"It's almost done. You can make whatever you want to eat. The seasonings are over there. You can adjust them according to your preference."

Lu Qi prefers to eat spicy pot. He stood next to the spicy pot with a bowl of condiments in his hand, and as he spoke, he took a piece of mutton that had been cooked in advance from the pot.

I dipped it in the dipping sauce, blew on it, and stuffed it into my mouth. It immediately became fragrant and numb.

This is the smell, so right!
Seeing his happy eating face, everyone suddenly became more hungry and started to take action.

Lux and the others are already used to eating hot pot, so they are naturally extremely skilled in mixing ingredients.

The Picheng girls and Zuan girls looked at at least a dozen kinds of condiments and were extremely confused.

Seraphine's choice is simple, Sona can adjust her however she wants.

In the end, the other three also chose the same method as Lux and the others.

"Is this a hot pot?"

Seeing the hot pot gushing like blood, Jinx came over and asked curiously.

There is no other reason, because Lux is also here.

Lux originally wanted to eat the tomato pot next to the spicy pot, but when she saw this, she immediately changed her mind and put a few slices of beef into the pot very naturally: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Jinx sniffed it with her nose and found that it was not particularly spicy, but she still asked cautiously: "Is this very spicy?"

"If you're afraid of spicy food, go and eat the tomato pot next to it. That's for kids."

Lux smiled contemptuously.

"Don't come here to provoke the general." Jinx didn't bite the hook at all. She took a look and moved forward to the tomato pot: "Then eat this."

Lux curled her lips in disdain and ignored her. She picked up a large piece of beef. When she saw that it was almost cooked, she dipped it in the bowl and stuffed it into her mouth.

She squinted her eyes and chewed it with great enjoyment. It was definitely a visual impact on her taste buds.

Just looking at it made my mouth salivate unconsciously.

It was undeniable that Jinx swallowed her saliva subconsciously. She also had no resistance to meat.

Moreover, after knowing this little golden retriever for so many days, the only thing she is sure of is that this guy is very good at eating!

When it comes to eating, even I can only feel inferior to myself.

Isn't it really spicy?

She couldn't help but be a little shaken. Looking at Lux who had swallowed a large piece of beef, picked up another piece, dipped it in the sauce and was about to take another bite, she couldn't help it anymore!
This little golden retriever can eat it, why can’t I?
So, Jinx decisively moved the tomato pot back to the spicy pot, directly put two pieces of the beef Lux had cooked into the dipping bowl.

Not to mention, just looking at the cooked beef will make you appetite.

After wrapping it in the wrapping material, she couldn't wait to put it into her mouth.

The best beef will conquer your taste buds the moment it enters your mouth. Especially when paired with rich dipping sauces and soup base, the taste is beyond anything else.

Just when Jinx thought everything was normal, her tongue and lips suddenly began to tingle, and that overwhelming spicy feeling instantly filled her mouth.

The spicy pot base prepared by Lu Qi this time is not the kind that has a slow start, but has a strong impact once it is started.

Definitely a favorite among hot pot lovers.


Jinx's little face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. She opened her mouth and took a deep breath of air, then spit it out.

Seeing that her goal was achieved, Lux finally couldn't continue acting anymore and immediately went to pour herself a glass of ice water with a 'hiss'.

She had eaten one more bite than this little blue hair, and it was not easy to endure it until now.

And seeing that this guy was also so hot, Jinx's eyes widened, as if they could spit out fire.

It's disgusting! !

The two of them kept "hissing, hissing" and looking for ice water all over the room.

Lu Qi shook his head helplessly when he saw this.

A good one will injure the enemy by a thousand, but he will injure himself by a thousand.

On the other side, Seraphine, Orianna, and Caitlin couldn't help but secretly heave a sigh of relief.

To be honest, seeing how Lu Qi and Lux ​​were eating, they were also full of curiosity and yearning for spicy hotpot.

But now, they don't think so.

There is also a slightly spicy pot base on the other side.

Girls who are put off by the extra spicy hotpot at Luqi's place choose to hang out at the mildly spicy hotpot.

They rarely eat spicy food, but they have a special love for mild spicy food.

Because even they don’t know why, the hotter it gets, the more they want to eat it, and they can’t stop mouthing.

After a while, everyone started to sweat after eating. Their delicate faces looked rosy at the moment, and their eyes were staring closely at the pot, waiting for the time to come.

Hot pot is definitely a very powerful invention.

It's a different feeling when eating alone.

When there are three or five people, eating together is a different feeling.

When more people gather to eat together, it is a different and new feeling.

It's warm and lively.

Seraphine held her own small bowl of dipping sauce and stared blankly at the surging hot pot, with laughter ringing in her ears.

This made her suspect that she was in another world for a moment.

"Who cooked these meatballs? I laughed at it!"

Jinx is a demon king. This guy doesn't cook anything himself. He only eats ready-made food from others with a small bowl.

At this time, he set his sights on the meatballs cooked by Serafani and snatched them away without ceremony.

This also made Seraphine come back to her senses and chase after her anxiously: "I cooked that."

However, as soon as she started, she watched helplessly as Jinx unreasonably swallowed the meatball she wanted, and then let out a cheerful and arrogant laugh.

"Who told you not to keep an eye on yourself!"

Jinx turned around and ran away, continuing to look for the next target.

Seraphine's eyes suddenly turned a bit resentful, and she returned helplessly.

Sona smiled and held up her meatballs and put them over to her. The joy of regaining them also made Serafani smile sweetly on her face: "Thank you."

At this moment, Miss Sona had climbed to an unprecedented height in her heart.

She is really, so gentle!
It can be seen that Seraphine prefers eating meatballs, while Caitlin is a carnivore and does not eat whole vegetables.

On the contrary, Orianna is herbivorous and doesn't eat much meat. Instead, she eats vegetables by the handful and eats them more deliciously than anyone else.

Since our own prosthetic shop is right next to Luqi's shop, it's only a few steps away.

So Orianna gradually became familiar with everyone, and then with Lu Qi's invitation to lunch, her "dining" trip got out of hand.

When I first came into contact with everyone, I was still a little nervous and cramped.

But she soon discovered that everyone was very gentle and easy to get along with.And it’s also very interesting, playing novel games, and telling stories about Demacia.

So she also loves spending time with everyone from the bottom of her heart.

At this moment, the Demon King was once again eyeing the pieces of meat from Miss Crown Guard, and the ensuing battle was tantamount to a fierce battle for food.

The result of the battle ended with Jinx's defeat.

In front of Lux, who was full of defensiveness, she was still a little short of the mark.

As half of the noon time passed, the hot pot meal came to a successful end.

After eating and drinking, everyone started to tidy up with a clear division of labor. After cleaning up the scene, they sat down to rest.

Everyone had the illusion that their stomachs were round.

It can be said that the food is quite satisfying.

Even Jinx has calmed down at this moment. She is a little starved and unable to move at all.

Noon passes and afternoon comes.

As Lux formed the game, the seven-person Monopoly competition began.

For Seraphine, the way of playing Monopoly was also very novel. She quickly got into it and gradually started to let go, becoming less timid.

They are girls of about the same age, so they can naturally play together very well.

Time passed slowly like this, and before you knew it, it was already dusk outside, and the evening red clouds were falling from the sky.

The door was slowly pushed open, and two figures appeared at the door. "Jace, Victor."

Lu Qi was slightly surprised when he saw the two of them.He was lying down reading a novel, and he sat up at this time: "Come in."

Both Jess and Victor were visiting Luqi for the first time. They couldn't help but take a look at the store, and then looked away.

"I hope we didn't disturb His Highness."

Jace bowed slightly and said.

Lu Qi waved his hand: "Of course not. Sit down. What do you want to drink? I have juice, drinks, and wine here."

Victor coughed, raised his hand and politely said, "I'll just drink some water."

"me too."

Jace also had few demands.

Lu Qi nodded, motioned for Yourna to get ready, and asked: "You two came to my place, you must have something to do, right?"

"Yes." Jace's eyes flashed, he looked at Lu Qi, and said seriously: "I hope to have a private chat with His Highness."

Hearing Jace's request, Lu Qi didn't think too much and nodded in agreement: "Of course, come to the private room with me."

The store below was once designed as a tavern, so it naturally has separate private rooms.

Soon, the two walked into the box.

After Lu Qi turned on the light, he sat down and said with a smile, "Please sit down."

Jace politely sat across from him, took a deep breath, and said, "I came here this time to talk to His Highness about the Hex Flying Gate."

"It's obvious." Lu Qi was not surprised and said, "You should be very confused right now."

"Yes, it's very confusing." A wry smile appeared on Jace's face, and he sighed slightly, "I used to always dream that one day, sooner or later, my invention would change the world."

Lu Qi heard this and smiled: "You have taken the first step. The Hex Flying Gate is an invention that can change the world."

"Exactly like this, when it involved too much, I had the feeling of gravity that my feet were wrapped around a lead ball."

You can see a bit of sadness on Jace's eyebrows. He has been worried about this a lot these days.

At this time, there was a gentle knock on the door.


Lu Qi's voice fell, and Yourna opened the door and walked in, holding a plate in her hand.There is a bottle of wine on the plate and two clean glasses.

After putting the plate down, Yourna left the box.

Lu Qi opened the cork of the bottle, first poured himself a glass of sake, and then poured a glass for Jace, and said: "Try it, this is some fruit wine I brewed myself. It is also a specialty of Demacia, and the alcohol content is not high. Gao, some people like to drink it as a drink."

Jace found that the color of the wine was light pink, and when Lu Qi poured the wine, he could already smell some aroma.

In fact, he didn't drink much before, but as his status rose and socializing became more frequent, he gradually learned that wine was an inevitable product of some conversations.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

After speaking respectfully, Jace picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

There is a burst of fruity aroma in the mouth. It does not have the tingling sensation of the wine he usually drinks, but you can taste the smoky flavor of the wine. The taste is indeed very good.

He had drunk a lot of fine wines in Pi City, but the casual glass in front of him was as good as those fine wines.

Lu Qi took a sip of the fruit wine in the glass and said, "Actually, sometimes, people like you and me always have things they have to bear."

He could tell that Jace was feeling stressed at the moment.

He was previously a pure inventor with a simple ideal to benefit the world.

However, when he really took this step, he found that he could not simply maintain his ideals.

Because at this time, every decision he makes will affect countless people.

At this moment, what was weighing on Jace's heart was the entire Piltover.

Under such pressure, he could never make up his mind.

Lu Qi showed a faint smile and said, "Actually, you and I have the same ideal."

Jace looked up at him.

"That is to change the world." Lu Qi's eyes flickered slightly, revealing unshakable determination. He said calmly, "There are some things that we are born to bear. This world can never remain unchanged. If you want to change it, To get better, you can only take the initiative to change it.”

The young face said these words, but Jace felt a sense of ambition.

"So I insist that the Hex Flygate is definitely an invention that can change the world. Just like the secret key, the development they can bring to mankind is beyond imagination."

Lu Qi's tone was affirmative, his eyes were shining, and he smiled again: "Have you ever thought about the day when our technology can bring real peace to Rune Land?"

Jace was slightly moved, he had indeed thought about it.

Even, he often thought about it.

He once dreamed that there were Hex flying gates all over the world, and people in the world lived in harmony.

However, every time he woke up from his dream, he saw the real Runeterra again.

Divisions, wars, and struggles will never end, and there will never be peace.

Whenever this happens, a deep sense of powerlessness floods into Jace's heart.

Just like that day, at dusk when he learned that Demacia was about to visit, he clenched his fists but couldn't help but loosen them.

Jace knew that he alone could not change Runeterra.

He hates that he can't be more powerful, hates that he can't be more useful.

Seeing that he was in a daze, Lu Qi said to himself: "I have thought about it."

These words pulled Jace back, and he looked at Lu Qi in a daze.

"I have thought about it, relying on me to bring true peace to the land of Rune."

When Lu Qi said these words, his face became more solemn and his eyes were firm, "And, I am doing this. The land of Rune is devastated and traumatized. The battle between humans will never stop, but I believe that eventually One day, I can change everything!”

After saying these words, he seemed to light up in Jace's eyes.

For some reason, his heart was touched.Maybe he drank too much fruit wine. He was slightly tipsy, and his whole body was filled with hot blood.

Looking at Lu Qi's piercing eyes, Jace unconsciously chose to believe it.

This is a man who is even much younger than him, but he is already changing Runeterra with his actions.

He couldn't help but think that changing Runeterra might have been too far-reaching for him before.

But if you follow this man, maybe you can.
"So, I need Hex to fly to the door." Lu Qi drank the wine in the glass in one gulp and said with a long sigh, "Humanity will never stop moving forward. Even if there is no Demacia, Hex to fly to the door." Sooner or later, it will spread all over the world. Jace, the choice is always in your hands. But I sincerely hope that you are willing to join me in changing Runeterra."

"Changing Runeterra."

Jace couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Runeterra is so big, can they really change it alone?

But for some reason, when this question arose, there was an inexplicable motivation that made Jace willing to believe it.

The prince in front of me can really do it.

In fact, before he came, he was really worried about another issue.

If the two sides form an alliance and Demacia uses the Hex Flying Gate to launch a war, there will be smoke everywhere.

Then he might really become a sinner through the ages.

He hopes to use technology to benefit mankind rather than harm it.

Only now did he realize that he was becoming more and more similar to the professor, or in other words, he was no longer young.

He lacked the courage and determination to defy everyone and develop a product that combines technology and magic.

He began to be careless, timid, and no longer pure.

Now, he hopes he made the right choice.

However, the future will not be like an answer sheet, there will always be answers written there.

No matter what the choice is, it is a new and unknown direction.

But Jess believes that the future must be controlled by himself.

After drinking all the wine in the glass in one gulp, Jace stood up, his face slightly red, but his eyes were no longer full of hesitation like when he first entered the door: "Tomorrow, no matter what, I will give you an answer."

Lu Qi also stood up and nodded slightly: "I'm waiting for you."

Watching Jace turn around and leave the box.

Lu Qi sat down again, his eyes flickering slightly.

Although those words just now were a bit misleading, he did not deceive Jace.

Hextech is important and will definitely be the key to changing Runeterra.

Lu Qi indeed started to do this.

He wouldn't be as confused as Jace, because he knew.

If you don't do something now, when the crisis of world destruction comes in the future, it will be too late to do anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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