LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 362 1 future investment

Chapter 362 An investment in the future
After Jace left, Victor walked in soon.

Both of them came to talk to Lu Qi, but they had different purposes.

"Your complexion looks much better. Have you slept well recently?"

Lu Qi glanced at Victor's face and asked with a smile.

"Yes, thanks to Your Highness." Victor slowly sat down where Jace was sitting just now and said, "After taking those medicines, I rarely lose sleep. The state is indeed different from before."

Lu Qi nodded slightly and asked again: "So why did you come to me this time?"

Victor's eyes flashed and he said: "I want to ask, does your highness still have this kind of medicine? If possible, I hope to purchase some more or exchange them for items of equal value."

The effect of those medicines was beyond Victor's expectation. After taking one pill a day for several days, he no longer had insomnia, and even the frequency of coughing had decreased.

The situation suddenly seemed like it had returned to many years ago.

"It's three parts medicine and one part poison, Victor."

When Lu Qi heard this, he just spoke in a calm tone.

"Those pills can indeed slow down your condition. But they can't be effective all the time. Sooner or later, your body will adapt to the medicine. Then you will need to take more pills, but this will put a burden on your other internal organs."

After listening to Lu Qi's words, Victor's face turned a little pale, and he squeezed out a smile and said: "It's okay, my body can't support it for long anyway."

He knew his body, and it would definitely not last long if it continued like this.

But he wanted to live, and he still had so many ideals that he had not yet fulfilled. He had not yet seen the Hex Flying Doors he and Jace invented spread all over the world.

I didn’t see my invention changing the world.

He also has the same lofty ideals as Jace, but God made a joke on him.

But if possible, Victor hopes that he can face all this with a sound attitude.

Lu Qi's pills gave him a glimmer of hope, although he knew from the beginning that these pills alone would not be able to change his physical condition.

However, there were only a few life-saving straws that he could hold on to, and he didn't want to let go of any of them.

Seeing his insistence, Lu Qi sighed softly: "I mean, there is more than just this way. There is no need to just take pills to survive."

These words made Victor a little puzzled. He said bluntly: "I don't quite understand what His Highness means."

"Let me feel your pulse first. Come over here."

Lu Qi raised his hand and motioned to Victor.

Victor raised his right hand and placed it on the table as Lucci asked.

Then Lu Qi put his fingers on his pulse, and after only a few seconds, he said: "It is exactly as I guessed. The pulse is weak, weak, thin and sharp. It is caused by insufficient Qi and blood and damaged roots. Pulse condition. And it is a more serious one. This means that if a normal person’s basic system is ten points, then you only have four points.”

Speaking of the latter part, Lu Qi described it in a way that Victor could understand.

"This ten points is the root cause, and you were born without the sixth point root. This is also the direct cause of your physical weakness."

Lu Qi looked at Victor, who looked a little pale, and continued to speak bluntly, "You have congenital lung disease, coupled with the high-intensity work, lack of sleep, improper diet, overdraft of the liver and kidneys. Three of the five internal organs have been seriously damaged and cannot be discharged. If there is an accident, your body can still support it for more than a year at most. This is just an estimate. In your condition, you may collapse at any time."

But the most fundamental problem is lung disease.

Because I have been infected since I was a child, it has become more and more serious now.

In fact, Victor had already guessed what Lu Qi said, and he also knew that Lu Qi did not lie to him. After all, he knew his own body.

His lung disease has now reached the stage of vomiting blood, and it feels like he is coughing up his heart every time.In order not to let Jace see it, he kept holding on.

He really felt that he might not be able to hold on any longer.

However, when he learned that he still had one year at most, he still felt his eyes dangled and he was a little distracted.

After coming back to his senses, he couldn't help but ask: "What is the method His Highness said?"

"The pills I gave you are also called Hui Qi pills. To put it bluntly, they replenish qi and blood and nourish the spirit. They are for urgent use, and the effects do not last long."

Lu Qi said unhurriedly, "There are urgent uses, and naturally there are slow uses. The reason why you are born with less than others does not mean that it cannot be repaired. As for the loss of internal organs, as long as it is not completely unable to function, it can naturally be repaired. It's just that it can be repaired. This process will be long, and we must persevere. If we relax for one day, all our efforts will be wasted.”

His words made Victor see hope again, his eyes lit up slightly, and he couldn't help but say: "The best way is to use it slowly."

Lu Qi smiled slightly and said: "I will give you a prescription later. You must strictly follow the prescription and take the medicine in the right proportion. If there is any medicine that you can't find, come to me again. Except In addition to insisting on drinking the soup made with these medicines every day, I will also teach you a set of body-building exercises, remember to practice them frequently. The last step is the medicinal bath, and I will give you another formula. With your physique, every day Just soak it every three or four days.”

"If you stick to this process for a month, you will see the results."

After finishing speaking, Lu Qi poured some wine into the glass and took a sip.

The most serious problem in Victor's health was lung disease. It was too late, and even if Lu Qi had full medical skills, he could not completely cure it.

However, it can be done to minimize the harm of lung disease.

There are actually many ways to change one's destiny in Runeterra. For example, Victor in front of him will create the famous 'mechanical ascension' when he is desperate.

This is also the reason why Lu Qi attaches great importance to this talent.

Mechanical ascension is definitely a shortcut for ordinary humans to gain powerful power.

In Runeterra, most people are actually ordinary people.

At this time, Victor was flattered but also kept calm: "His Highness has been very kind to me since the first time we met. Now, I am also very grateful for His Highness's help. If there is anything Your Highness needs, I can do it." Yes, you might as well say it directly."

He naturally knows that there is never any kindness in the world without any reason.

What's more, it's a big shot like Lu Qi.

There was a lot of kindness shown to him from the beginning.

He was grateful, but he also knew that the other party must be interested in something.

For example, Hex Technology is currently the most popular company in Piltover.

But if you think about it carefully, the His Highness in front of you is only one step away from forming an alliance with Pi City.

There is absolutely no need to go through him to obtain Hex Technology.

"You are a smart person, but sometimes you are too smart and think too much." Lu Qi didn't mind Victor's words when he opened the window paper, and smiled lightly, "Help you, for me, it's just a matter of convenience. This is the fundamental reason. What’s more, compared to the current Hex Technology, I value your future more.”

Victor's eyes flickered slightly.

Lu Qi continued: "I've always judged people very accurately. Victor, I don't mean to quarrel with you. You and Jace are very good friends, but I believe that your reputation in the future may not be weaker than his."

"A businessman will invest in a commodity. You are not a commodity, but that doesn't stop me from making some investment, because I value your future more. I don't need anything from you in return now, I just hope that you will remember this day when you achieve success in the future. That’s it.”

After Yun Danfeng finished speaking, Lu Qi said nothing more.

Since the words were said to this extent, Victor could naturally understand them.

He stood up from his seat and bowed respectfully in front of Lu Qi: "Your Highness's kindness today will never be forgotten in my life. If it is true as His Highness said, I will achieve something in the future and I will definitely repay the kindness. "

For some reason, he felt like tears were filling his eyes.

It was as if he had suddenly grasped a life-saving straw when he was about to die.

He was really afraid of dying. It was precisely because he knew how wonderful this world was that he refused to leave it at all.

There are too many things in Runeterra that he has not witnessed. How can he be willing to leave without fully appreciating them all?

No matter what, he will keep today's events in his heart.

"As the saying goes, once you start, you must persevere. If you relax for one day, all your previous efforts will be wasted."

Lu Qi gave one final warning.

When I left the box with Victor, the dusk outside was coming to an end, and it was a sign of the coming of night.

The sky and the earth were shrouded in haze.

Jace was waiting outside while watching Lux and the others play Monopoly, and found it quite interesting.

When he saw the two people coming out, he came up to them and said, "If you disturb Your Highness today, we will leave first."

"Well, take your time and don't send it away." Lu Qi smiled, looked at Victor and said, "I will send someone to deliver something to you later."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Victor bowed slightly again.

The two quickly left the store and sat on the carriage. Jace glanced at Victor and said with a smile: "I feel like you are looking much better recently. Is the medicine His Highness gave you effective?"

"Yes." Victor nodded: "It's very effective. I prescribed the follow-up medicine today, and it will be easier in the future."

"That's good." Jace breathed a sigh of relief.

He vaguely felt that something was wrong with Victor's condition, and he had already looked for a solution in private.

Now that the problem seems to be solved, I feel relieved.

For this best friend who is like a confidant, Jace really doesn't want to see anything happen to him.In the store.

In the new round of Monopoly, Seraphine won the richest spot, and her punishment was to perform the monkey dance for the last one.

The unlucky Jinx was the last one. After dancing as a monkey with a dissatisfied look on her face, she looked at the suppressed laughter expressions of others and heard Lux ​​laughing loudly in her ears, and her face suddenly turned red.

Seraphine covered her mouth and snickered. She looked outside and suddenly realized that it was getting dark.

"Is it already so late?"

She felt like time passed so quickly.

"It's not too late, let's play another game!"

Jinx looked dissatisfied and planned to regain her strength.

Others also looked at Seraphine.

"Okay, I'm going home." Seraphine subconsciously wanted to agree, but her parents' faces suddenly flashed in her mind.

Suddenly I remembered that I had been away from home for a day, and my parents might be worried now.


Lux hadn't had enough fun yet, and her tone was inevitably a bit regretful. She said, "We'll still be here tomorrow. Remember to come early and let's continue."

Seraphine nodded her head vigorously: "Yeah."

I feel inexplicably happy in my heart. This feeling is like making an appointment with my friends to see you tomorrow when I was a child.

With this kind of mood blessing, Seraphine was jumping and jumping on her way home, very briskly.

On the streets in the evening, many Piltover people saw a cute pink-haired girl, who was filled with youthful aura.

Returning to a familiar neighborhood, I heard a greeting.

"How come I can see you so late, Seraphine, you seem to be in a good mood today."

"Yeah, good evening, Aunt Anetta."

Seraphine smiled brightly at Aneta.

However, Aneta was stunned for a moment, and she laughed half-heartedly and said, "This kid, what happened today."

She had watched Seraphine grow up, and she had always felt sorry for the little girl when she encountered some unfortunate things in her childhood.

When we meet occasionally, the little girl is also very polite, but she always sounds like a mosquito.

Today she looked full of energy, and she felt inexplicably happy for her.

Seraphine had arrived in front of her store now. After opening the store door, she immediately saw the two faces of her parents.

They originally had worried expressions on their faces, but when they saw her, they immediately showed thankful smiles and gathered around her.

"You girl ran away without saying a word."

"Your father and I have searched around the area. If you come back later, we will consider going to the law enforcement officer."

"It can't be like this next time."

Even when they were making accusations, both of them showed gentleness.

Seraphine felt warm in her heart and showed an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry, I didn't know I could come back so late. Something happened today."

"It seems to be a good thing."

Bria, who knew her well, smiled.

"Yes, today I found the music master and made many interesting friends. They also treated me to a special lunch called hot pot, which is a hot pot with a lot of delicious food cooked in it."

Seraphine didn't even know where to start sharing her journey today. Her words were very messy with her small mouth.

But Potter and Bria listened patiently with gentle smiles on their faces, and at the same time they felt like they were crying.

My social-phobic daughter finally made a new friend.

When she was a child, she was very lively and good at making friends.

But ever since that incident happened, I have been keeping myself at home, with few outsiders coming in contact with me.

"They invited me to go over there tomorrow, is that okay?"

Having said this, Seraphine looked at her parents cautiously.

"Of course." Bria stepped forward, touched her hair gently, and said with some emotion, "In a blink of an eye, you are taller than me."

"You are already an adult, and you can make your own decisions on many things." Potter was also behind, smiling, "We are all very happy that you are willing to contact the outside world."

With her parents' permission, Seraphine was even happier.

She returned to her room upstairs. After turning on the light, the first thing she did was to carefully paste the precious signature she got today on a conspicuous place on her desk.

Make sure you see it first at all times.

After everything was done, Seraphine wiped the sweat from her forehead, breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down slowly.

Her arm rested on the window, supporting her chin. The corners of her mouth unconsciously raised into a silly smile.

I feel like today is an extremely fulfilling and special day.

At this moment, she remembered something and reached out to touch the suppressor on her ear.

Those clear eyes were shining slightly, looking at the passing crowd outside the window, feeling a little lost.

On the other side, Heimerdinger's workshop.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

"Coming soon."

As the door was knocked, there were hurried footsteps, and then the door opened.

Heimerdinger's small stature was revealed. He was wearing work clothes and goggles, as if he was working on some invention.

Looking at Jace standing at the door, a smile appeared on his face and he gave way: "Come in."

Jace followed Heimerdinger into the house, and then respectfully found a place to sit down.

"Relax, this is not a formal occasion."

Seeing his slightly reserved look, Heimerdinger smiled, put on his goggles, walked to the workbench, jumped on the tailor-made chair, and continued to work on the work.

But he continued, "It seems like you have made a decision."

"Yes, Professor."

Jess took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, and said, "I just want to ask for your opinion before making the final decision."

Heimerdinger stopped what he was doing and turned to look at him: "If one day in the future I am no longer here, will you insist on finding me and asking me when you are faced with a choice?"

Jace was stunned for a moment.

Heimerdinger smiled and said: "You never need other people's opinions in your life. You are the shining sun yourself, so why do you need to borrow the light of the moon. Don't underestimate yourself too much, Jace, you are very important. Important. By now the council must also consider you. Now that you have made a decision in your heart, no matter what it is, go ahead and implement it."

Jace listened silently and took another deep breath: "I understand, Professor. I want to support the alliance between Piltover and Demacia."

"Really." Heimerdinger nodded, "This is a completely new direction for Piltover. But just like science, we might as well give it a try."

As night comes.

In Lu Qi's shop.

Everyone was also ready to pack up and go home.

The distance between the two sides is not very far, so it is more convenient to go back and forth.

Before leaving, Lux prepared some 'tributes', which were some of her favorite snacks.

Soft candies, cakes, biscuits... There was a kind of everything, placed in front of the blue bird statue she brought back that day.

Then he clasped his hands together and muttered in his mouth: "I hope you like these tributes. Please protect me from killing Monopoly tomorrow."

After praying seriously, she called it a day with satisfaction: "Let's go!"

Since she took the lead, others naturally followed suit and prayed in front of the statue.

When everything was over and the store door closed, Olympia turned the corner to her home, and the others got on the carriage and returned home soon.

(End of this chapter)

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