LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 366 Want to get stuck with a bug

Chapter 366 Want to catch a bug
Janna subconsciously took the cake from Lu Qi, but then she realized something was wrong.

She looked at the cake in her hand that she had taken a bite of, and felt that at this moment, she had lost her dignity as a goddess!
"Do you think I'm fooling you?"

She raised her eyebrows, and there was a hint of displeasure in her ethereal voice.

Lu Qi shook his head and said, "No."

Janna looked at him, a breeze lingering around her: "Then can you be more serious?"

Lu Qi said innocently: "I'm already very serious. Is it possible that you just want me to pay my respects?"

Janna waved her hand: "That's not necessary, I personally don't like this very much."

I saw that she looked quite dignified and reserved.

Lu Qi cleared his throat and said in a different tone: "Such a great wrath of the storm, Goddess Janna. You appeared in my little house not just for this bite of cake, right?"

Janna was floating in the air, and her whole body suddenly froze. She looked away with a guilty conscience, raised her head and said coldly: "Of course not! This time, there is naturally something to do."

Of course she couldn't admit that she was guessed by this guy, otherwise where would she put her face?

So Lu Qi followed these words and asked: "I wonder what the great wrath of the storm, Goddess Jana, wants to say?"

Hearing this guy's strange tone, Janna couldn't help but said: "You should be normal, there is no need to use so many prefixes every time."

Lu Qi nodded: "Okay, please tell me."

Hearing this, Janna sighed softly: "Actually, it's a long story. I'll tell you the short story."

Lu Qi nodded again, poured himself a glass of wine, and prepared some snacks, as if he was eating melon.

Janna didn't say anything when she saw this.

Just by hooking her fingers, a cup was lifted up by the wind, and then a wine bottle was lifted as well. When the glass of wine was poured, she held it in her hand.

He also unceremoniously shared some snacks from Lu Qi, and seemed to be planning to eat and talk at the same time.

"I am known as the patron saint of Zaun. But a long time ago, there was no Leather City here, and when Zaun was still called Oshrava Zuan, I had no name. I probably have always been there. In deep sleep.”

"Until one day, a sailor went to sea and prayed to the wind for good weather. I opened my eyes."

"Gradually, on the coast and on the sea, more and more travelers, sailors or others are placing all kinds of prayers and hopes on the roaring wind and turbulence. Affected by this, many inexplicable senses of mission begin. Join me. I begin to have a form, I begin to have perceptions, and I begin to guide the lost.”

"Later, I got my first name, Jahn-Alem, which means guardian in an ancient language. I clarified my mission, and later, people called me Janna for short."

"This is also the period when I have the most devout followers. My statues and shrines can be seen everywhere on the coast, in the harbor, and on the islands."

When she said this, Janna had already finished two glasses of wine, but she didn't look drunk at all.But in those eyes, recalling the past, there was a bit more loneliness.

Immediately afterwards, it was replaced by a kind of indignation, and his white hair floated in the wind, and he said angrily: "Until one day! That damn Shuriman Dog Emperor issued an order to ban all 'false worship', especially me! I watched helplessly as my statues and shrines were torn down, and my followers were whipped, but there was nothing they could do!”

"He is just jealous of me! He encourages people to worship those so-called warriors of the gods!"

"But my followers would not be easily defeated, and they began to use smaller, more subtle symbols to represent me."

"Oshravazuan is where most of my followers gather."

"I have not given up on them, and I still help those weak people who ask for help from me. However, no one can withstand the ravages of time."

When she said this, her eyes became a little more lonely, and her ethereal voice sounded without any emotion.

"Even the powerful empire has ushered in destruction. The Dog Emperor is dead. But those god warriors who were once worshiped by countless people are destroying this land wantonly. In the turmoil and disputes, I can only protect Wazuan survived those years with great difficulty."

"Even so, after a hundred years, even those powerful warriors of the gods will be forgotten, let alone me."

"Over the past hundred years, the name of Vazuan has been simplified to Zaun. I watched the residents here begin to have more lofty ambitions and ideals, and they also began to be distracted by other things. Gradually, I began to accept The prayers that arrived began to decrease. The city was undergoing new changes every day. The digging of canals brought prosperity and development to Zaun, and my strength began to gradually weaken."

"But excessive excavation also made one side of the canal unstable. So that day, the entire city on the Pilt River sank below the sea level on the west side. Amidst the landslide and tsunami, I used my few strength Stabilized the situation. As a result, he fell into a deep sleep."

"Later, I woke up occasionally. On the other side of the sunken city, a new city was built on the land. Many inventors who believed in technology came here, and the attention of most people in Zaun was also distracted. They only had eyes for each other, and gradually I was forgotten."

Janna raised her head, drank all the wine in the cup, and threw it on the table in depression: "Now, there are only a few poor believers left. When I lose even these believers, I'm afraid I will also disappear. It's time."

After Lu Qi listened, he also roughly understood how Picheng and Zaun came to be.

He thought for a while and said: "Since you can show up, why not show up directly and win over believers?"

"If I could, I would have done it!"

Janna admitted that she had indeed had this thought, and she said helplessly: "There is a power that restricts me. As a 'god', I cannot directly interfere in the human world. When I want to show up to win over believers, In one moment, the faith I received was no longer pious.”

Lu Qi suddenly thought: "I see, then why can you show up in front of me?"

"I feel weird talking about this."

Janna was also looking at Lu Qi at this time, "Your understanding of the wind element is much deeper than that golden-haired girl. Now you should be able to control the wind to a small extent, so you can see me directly. I think this is reason."

"Actually, not everyone can see my current posture."

She was floating in the air, her skirt fluttering slightly, and she looked a little complacent.

Lu Qi suddenly thought for a moment that it might be the wind-controlling swordsmanship.

His wind-controlling swordsmanship has now reached LV9, which is already at full level.

If you want to learn wind-controlling swordsmanship, you need to know how to understand the wind's will from the very beginning. Now with LV9's wind-controlling swordsmanship, the understanding of wind's will is naturally returned to nature.

In other words, if Lu Qi had the talent for wind magic, it might not be difficult to learn it now.

Lu Qi looked at Janna in front of him and nodded: "That's why you showed up here."

As he spoke, he pointed to his lips.

Janna looked puzzled when she saw this.


Lu Qi said two words briefly.

Only then did Janna understand. Her pink lips were stained with white cream. When she thought that she had always appeared in Lu Qi's eyes like this, her face finally became rosy.

Why didn't this guy tell me earlier?
Quickly licking the cream on her lips with her tongue, Janna cleared her throat and said as if nothing happened: "Yes, that's why I came to you!"

Lu Qi thought for a while and said: "It seems that I can't help with such a big matter. After all, my faith alone doesn't seem to be enough."

"You can!" Janna floated closer and looked at him seriously: "Of course your faith alone is not enough, but what if you find a way to help me get more believers?" Lu Qi thought for a moment, He said: "But doesn't this count as your interference? After all, winning over believers through me seems to be equivalent to your intervention."

"Who am I interfering with? I just chatted with you normally, and you suddenly had an enlightenment, worshiped me from the bottom of your heart, and wanted to help me expand the size of my followers. Is there any problem?"

Janna floated up and said matter-of-factly.

"Besides, I'm going to die from this world. Can't I still find a way to survive?"

She leaned back slightly, as if sitting down, and her two small jade feet were gently raised, exuding a pale white and delicate luster.

Lu Qi said thoughtfully: "There seems to be nothing wrong with it."

He could see that the wind elf wanted to block a wave of bugs.

"Right! You think there's nothing wrong with it too!"

Janna seemed to have met a close friend, her eyes lit up slightly, and she looked at Lu Qi expectantly: "It depends on what you mean now. After all, you are the only person I can contact in reality."

It was because of his special wind affinity that she appeared here to communicate with him.

Otherwise, Janna really doesn't know what to do.

It feels really uncomfortable to see the number of your followers dwindling day by day.

Lu Qi thought for a while and said, "I can help, but what will I gain by doing this?"

Janna also thought about it and said proudly: "You can become my number one disciple, and I can also bring you an increase in luck!"

"It's okay for you to fool the little golden retriever in the second half of the sentence. I have become the number one believer. Apart from an extra label on my head, there seems to be nothing more to it, right?"

Lu Qi chuckled.

Janna seemed to feel that she was being a little too deceptive. She floated in the air, turning left and right, as if she was trying hard to think of an answer that would satisfy Lu Qi.

"Have it!"

After a while, her eyes suddenly brightened slightly, and she looked at Lu Qi: "As my number one believer, I will give you a special affinity with the wind! After possessing the affinity with the wind, you will be able to control the wind. The control will be advanced directly! How about this, isn’t this awesome?”

After hearing this, Lu Qi thought for a moment and thought it seemed pretty good. He nodded: "Okay, let's do it."

Janna asked in confusion: "What's coming?"

"Aren't you going to give me the affinity of the wind? Come on, I'm ready!"

Lu Qi spread his hands and said, "As a goddess, you can't just draw pictures, right? It's very difficult to let the number one believer work hard without any benefits of implementation."

This guy's uninterested look made Janna grind her teeth. She raised her hand, and a special wave of energy spread out and penetrated Lu Qi's body.

"Give it to you!"

She said angrily, and then explained: "The affinity of the wind can also be understood as the affinity of the wind element. There are various elements in Runeterra, and being affinity to one of them means that you can There is a unique insight into this element.”

"Although you were gifted by nature, you also have a special perception of the wind element. With the affinity of wind, your perception can be advanced."

She actually had no need to explain.

Because at this moment, Lu Qi fell into a wonderful realization. From this moment on, he seemed to have a more thorough understanding of the wind and control it more easily.

A whirlwind surrounded him, spinning continuously.

Wind affinity, to put it bluntly, is a magical reaction.

People who are born with a special reaction to the wind element will generally be able to master wind magic with ease.

At this moment, through the improvement of wind affinity, Lu Qi's already maxed-out wind-controlling swordsmanship has directly reached a new level.

It can be said that it has been upgraded from LV9 to LV9.5.

An improvement of just 0.5 is already huge.

After Lu Qi opened his eyes, the wind gradually calmed down, and Janna said: "How is it? Can you feel it?"

"I feel it, it's amazing."

Lu Qi nodded slightly and told the truth.

As long as he thinks about it now, it can be said that the wind is at his fingertips, and it is far faster, more solid, and more powerful than before.

He can even summon the wind by activating the magic in his body.

It is a kind of wind magic formed by the affinity and simplicity of wind.

I have to say that this benefit Janna gave me is still great.

Obviously in order to return to the top, she worked hard.

"You got it, you have to do something, right?" Janna glanced at him and said, "If I find out that you are dishonest, I will take it back at any time."

She doesn't look like she's trying to scare people.

Lu Qi felt that as the Daughter of the Storm, it would not be difficult for her to do such a thing.

"Don't worry, I will help you find a way."

After receiving the benefits, Lu Qi will naturally contribute, and he will not let Janna do it.

However, it is actually not easy to help her win over a new group of believers.

After all, faith doesn't just happen.

Even if they come, most of them are dishonest.

"I won't force you. If there is nothing you can do at that time, forget it."

Janna sighed softly, knowing that this matter was not simple, and the emotions flashing in her eyes were complicated.

But she really had no choice but to the point of being helpless.

She didn't know what would happen when there was really no more believers.

But I was really afraid of that feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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