LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 367 If you don’t agree, you will regret it for the rest of your life!

Chapter 367 If you don’t agree, you will regret it for the rest of your life!

"As my biggest believer, I have something to tell you now."

With that said, Janna raised her head again, her eyes lit up, and the slight melancholy floating in the air disappeared in just an instant.

She pursed her lips slightly, looking quite reserved.

Hearing this, Lu Qi asked: "What's the matter?"

"I'm quite interested in the hot pot you had for lunch." Janna blinked, a glint of expectation flashing in her eyes.

Lu Qi suddenly realized for a moment and said: "It's not difficult to prepare, just wait a moment."

So, in order to satisfy the gluttonous goddess, Lu Qi prepared another hot pot meal in the middle of the night.

But at this point, he was a little more in the mood for a midnight snack.

It is estimated that he had a hot pot meal with Zuan's patron saint in the middle of the night. If this word spreads, no one will believe it.

As the steaming hot pot rolled and engulfed one ingredient after another, Janna sat on the chair and ate happily like an ordinary woman.

While eating, he commented with satisfaction: "It tastes just as I imagined. Is hot pot a popular way of eating in Demacia?"

Lu Qi replied: "It hasn't become popular yet, it's just a niche way of eating."


Janna nodded and continued eating.

Lu Qi looked at her dignified eating appearance and asked curiously: "So you can eat human food directly?"

"Of course you can, but I usually don't do that."

Janna answered casually.

As a wind elf, she actually doesn't need to eat.

But after some believers started offering food to her, she started tasting it out of curiosity.

Then it was out of control.

Later she discovered that there were still many delicious foods in the world.

Janna was still satisfied with the hot pot. After she was satisfied with the meal, she let out a long sigh of relief and then yawned: "I seem to be a little sleepy. I'll leave the rest to you. I'll catch up on some sleep." "

As he spoke, a gust of wind blew inexplicably, and in a flash before Lu Qi's eyes, Janna had disappeared.

Seeing that there were still a bunch of things left to clean up, Lu Qi sighed helplessly.

While cleaning up, he thought about how to solve the problem of Janna believers.

In addition to the wind affinity that the other party gives you, from various perspectives, it is also a very cost-effective deal to win over a patron saint-level ally.

At least after finding a way to restore Janna's reputation, Lu Qi also has someone to back him up.

In a blink of an eye, it was dawn.

The weather outside was sunny and sunny, and Lu Qi was lying on his chair, lost in thought like an old man.

This made Lux notice something was wrong at a glance. She leaned over and looked at him: "Why are you so dazed so early in the morning?"

Lu Qi came back to his senses and said, "I was thinking about something."

Lux was quite curious and asked: "What's going on?"

"You'll find out later."

Lucci looked at Jinx and asked, "In Zaun, do many people know about Janna?"

Hearing this, Jinx tilted her head and thought for a moment, then said: "Not much, most people in Zaun have no time to believe in illusory gods."

Having grown up in Zaun, she knows that place very well.

They are desperate to make money. Everyone is either doing this every day or on the way to do it. This is a place where profit comes first.

Under such circumstances, who would be willing to spend extra time and waste things to worship a god that may not exist.

Lu Qi nodded slightly.

Janna's reputation in Zaun was like this, so there was no need to consider Piltover. Obviously, very few people in Piltover knew about her.

Because the number of followers of Janna dropped sharply from the day Piltover was founded.

The birth of technological power itself was a blow to the old culture.

Lu Qi knew this well because he had witnessed similar things.

When technology takes over people's new world, in the eyes of most people, no one believes in it except the God of Wealth.

In other words, if we want to make Janna's situation better again, we must first increase her popularity.

How can people easily believe in a god they have never understood.

If you think about it this way, it would not be difficult for Lu Qi.

Judging from the current situation, many things can be done by throwing money.

Unfortunately, what he lacks most is money.

The first step is to use the form of novels and comics to bring Janna into the public eye.

However, it is unrealistic to expect her reputation to grow rapidly just by relying on this. After all, there will definitely be people who are not interested.

What is really important is the second step.

After coming back from his contemplation, Lu Qi said, "I recently had the idea of ​​preparing a band."

His words immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the room, and the girls all looked at him.

"A band? A large ensemble like that?"

Lux blinked, looking interested.

"That's not the case." Lu Qi thought for a while and explained, "It's probably a music team composed of four to five or six people, including a lead singer, guitarist, bassist, drummer, etc. Each person has a different division of labor. , to complete a performance.”

This explanation is not difficult to understand. After all, it is equivalent to reducing a large-scale orchestra into a small group.

"After careful consideration, I decided to let you be the lead singer."

Lu Qi said, looking at Seraphine who was listening.

When Seraphine heard this, she froze on the spot, pointed her finger at herself and said blankly: "Me?"

"Yes, it's you."

Lu Qi nodded in affirmation.

"I, I, I can't do it."

Seraphine suddenly panicked, her head almost shaking like a rattle.

"How will you know you're not good if you don't try." After Lu Qi finished speaking, he paused and added, "By the way, Sona will also be in the band as an accompanist. If you don't want to be the lead singer, then I will have to find someone else. ”

There was a bit more pity in his tone.

It's as if there is another layer of meaning behind the words.

If you refuse, you may lose the only opportunity in your life to cooperate with Sona.

This made Seraphine freeze on the spot, and she couldn't help but look at Sona.

Sona smiled gently at her.

Just with this smile, Seraphine suddenly became excited and looked at Lu Qi: "Okay! The lead singer will be the lead singer!"

If you agree, you may regret it for a while.

But if you don’t agree, you will regret it for the rest of your life!
"Very good, very motivated."

Lu Qi smiled: "There will be other members next, let's choose them from us."

Lux raised her hands actively, like a primary school student asking for roll call in class: "Me, me, me."

"You" Lu Qi looked at her with hesitation.

Miss Crown Guard suddenly felt unhappy and said: "What's wrong with me? My music cells are also very sensitive, right?"

Lu Qi said it first: "I agree to this, but I can't give up for a while."

Lux immediately said: "When have I ever given up easily?"

Seeing her fighting spirit, Lu Qi thought for a moment and said, "How about you be the guitarist?"

"Guitar? You can, but I haven't learned it."

Lux looked confused.

"As for the guitar, I remember it was an instrument that was just released a while ago. Yes, the bass was also released at the same time. Didn't you expect His Highness to know about it so quickly?

I happened to be at a press conference and saw these two instruments.But not many people seem to be optimistic about them. "

Caitlin seemed to remember something at this time and fell into memories. She frowned slightly: "The publisher seems to be a person named Potter."

After the words fell, everyone nodded in surprise.

"Salafini, what's wrong with you?"

Orianna noticed that there was something wrong with Seraphine's expression standing beside her, and she couldn't help but asked with concern.

People looked at her.

Seraphine said weakly: "Potter is my father."

Even she suddenly noticed at this moment that the instruments Lu Qi mentioned just now included guitar and bass.

In Piltover, the person who brought guitar and bass to the public eye at a music festival press conference a while ago was none other than her father, Porter.

Her father and mother co-founded a music workshop to help people repair various musical instruments.But he is also a musician, relying on his superb craftsmanship to often tinker with some novel instruments.

She has always felt that guitar and bass are two very good musical instruments, but those at the conference did not appreciate them.

But I didn't expect to be mentioned by Lu Qi here.

"That's just right."

Lu Qi also had some minor surprises. In his memory, he saw a guitar appearing in Pi City, and thought it had already been there.

"Since my uncle made the guitar, you should also be able to talk about it, right?"

"So I'll be the guitarist and Lux ​​will be the vocalist?"

Seraphine's eyes lit up when she heard this.

She was terrified at the thought of being the lead singer.For her, who is afraid of society, being the lead singer is simply scarier than dreaming about ghosts.

But now there happens to be an opportunity to continue working with Sona without being the lead singer!
Lu Qi said firmly: "No, you will teach Lux how to play the guitar next. No one can shake your lead vocal position."

Seraphine: "."

She couldn't understand why His Highness must let her be the lead singer.

Lux patted her chest and promised, "Don't worry, I'm very talented and I won't trouble you."

As the jewel in the eye of a top aristocratic family, Miss Crown Guard has also learned musical instruments. Although it has not been long, she also has a certain knowledge of music theory.

Seraphine made a sad face. Naturally, this was not the issue she was worried about.

"Now that three positions have been confirmed, we still need a drummer and a bassist."

Lu Qi looked around and said, "Is there anyone who takes the initiative to sign up like Miss Crown Guard?"

Caitlin shook her head slightly: "It's okay if I sit in as an observer, but forget it if I play in person."

She can definitely be a qualified audience member, but she will never be a qualified performer.

Besides, her hobbies are not here either.

The same is true for Bobby and Quinn, not to mention Yourna, and Annie is too young.

After such a screening, it seems that there are not many candidates.

Jinx was thoughtful for a moment and asked curiously: "Does the drummer play a big drum like those bands?"

There is a kind of big drum in her memory, which beats "dong dong dong" heavily.

Or the kind where you hold it in front of your belly and tap it with two small sticks.

Lu Qi shook his head and said: "It's not that kind of thing, it's a new drum set. Let me draw it for you."

There is no drum set here in Pi City, but Lu Qi still has some understanding of it, so it is not difficult to draw it.

Taking out a pen and paper, he quickly sketched out the appearance of a drum set in a few strokes.

Jinx looked closer and her eyes lit up: "It looks pretty cool."

It was clear she was interested.

Lu Qi smiled and said: "The drum set probably consists of bass drum, hi-hat, snare drum, tom, and cymbals. It's best to make a ready-made one."

Hearing this, Seraphine raised her little hand and said, "My parents should be able to help with this."

Lu Qi looked towards her, smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I'll go with you to see your uncle and aunt in a while."

"Okay." Seraphine blushed, feeling strange after seeing what her parents said.

"The last choice for bassist."

Lu Qi said, looking at Orianna.

Orianna figured it out at this time, and she was the only one left. She hesitated and said: "I haven't learned much about musical instruments. If I want to be a bassist, I have to learn it from scratch."

Lu Qi nodded and said: "It doesn't matter, Seraphine will teach you."

Seraphine suddenly felt that her task was very important, but she was actually very interested in the band that was about to be formed, and then she said seriously with a small face: "Trust me!"


Orianna also nodded and agreed.

In this way, a five-piece band was born.

Lu Qi had the idea of ​​forming a band for Sona, and now it was time to start implementing it.

And looking at Sona, she was also very interested at the moment.

Lu Qi continued at this time: "Now the prototype of the band has been formed, but there is still a name left. Jian Alem, what do you think?"

Lux asked strangely: "Why do you get a name that looks so similar to a person's name?"

Jinx next to her glanced at her: "Idiot, because that's a name."

"You're cowardly, aren't you! Who are you calling stupid?"

Lux directly grabbed her little face and used force to suppress the poor little blue fur.

Even so, Jinx was quite dissatisfied and said loudly: "You don't even know the names of the gods you worship every day, but you still have the nerve to ask others to protect you."

Hearing this, Lux let go of her hand and said in surprise: "How can I say this?"

Jinx raised her head, hummed, and talked eloquently: "Jan'arem, in the ancient Shurima language, means 'guardian'. Later, the name was gradually simplified to Janna. "

Lux suddenly said, looking at the blue bird statue: "That is the goddess of wind."

A proud smile appeared on Jinx's lips: "That's right! Do you understand now?"

Seraphine looked at her and said in a somewhat admiring tone: "Jinx is so awesome, do you still understand Ancient Shurima?"

Jinx's eyes returned to clarity in a second: "I don't understand, I saw it while reading a book out of boredom."


(End of this chapter)

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