LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 368: Brother’s singing voice is still so perfect

Chapter 368: Brother’s singing voice is still so perfect
After a brief silence.

"That's the name!"

Lux was the first to agree, but then she thought about it and asked curiously: "Gaan Arem, why do you suddenly want to use this as the name of the band?"

"Of course it's according to your wishes."

Lu Qi smiled slightly and brought up Miss Crownguard's original theory, "Since we have come to Piltover and Zaun, we must have a good relationship with the gods here, so that we might be able to get her protection."

This statement satisfied the crown guard lady very much. She nodded: "Yes, yes, I decided to use this name."

The other girls also expressed no objections, and just like that, the band's name was confirmed.

Jian Aremu also has another meaning - guardian.

“The band is established, and then it’s time to figure out the instruments.”

Lu Qi stood up as he spoke, stretched his waist, and looked at Seraphine, "Let's go, take me to visit my uncle and aunt."

As he spoke, he suddenly remembered something and continued to add: "By the way, for the next period of time, I would like to ask you to teach Lux and Orianna how to use the guitar and bass. To make it more convenient, my suggestion is that you guys Let’s live together temporarily.”

"living together?"

Seraphine was stunned for a moment.

Lu Qi nodded: "Yes, this can also cultivate your tacit understanding. Of course, if you two mind, it is not necessary."

Living together is more convenient.

However, Piltover is not particularly big, nor is it too inconvenient.

The first thing Seraphine thought of at this time was that if they lived together, wouldn't it be possible to get closer to Sona?

Seraphine couldn't help but feel a little excited at the thought of living under the same roof as her idol.

And not just Sona, but everyone.

Although she had the urge to agree, Seraphine still resisted: "I'm afraid this must be approved by my parents."

Orianna also said: "Me too."

"It's easy, Orianna, you go back and ask first."

Lu Qi nodded slightly and then said, "I'm going to Seraphine's house with her and will come back later."


So, Lu Qi took Serafani out of the store.

After walking out of the door, he thought for a while and said, "I forgot to ask just now, where is your home?"

Seraphine timidly followed Lu Qi from the side, and replied in a low voice: "It's just two long streets away from here."

"That's not far, let's walk there."

Lu Qi calculated that it was only about half an hour away.


Seraphine nodded like a mosquito.

Lu Qi walked in front and looked back at her: "I'm not taking you to sell you, why are you so afraid of me?"

"No, no. It's just a feeling."

Seraphine waved her hands hurriedly, but couldn't say what she wanted to say, and her face quickly turned crimson.

It was better when there were a lot of people, but once there were fewer people and it was just her and Lu Qi, she didn't know what to do.

Perhaps because of Lu Qi's status as a prince, Seraphine was indeed a little unsure in front of him.

"Anyway, don't be so reserved. Just lead the way."

Lu Qi chuckled softly, resolving the current embarrassment.

"Okay." Serafani walked in front obediently, leading Lu Qi towards home.

Along the way, she stared straight ahead at the road, turning a deaf ear to the passers-by, sounds, and conversations on both sides of the street.

It seems like two worlds apart.

Seeing this, Lu Qi said, "Do you know why I asked you to be the lead singer of the band?"

Hearing this, Seraphine finally glanced at Lu Qi, with confusion in her blue eyes: "Why?"

To be honest, she really wanted to know the answer to this question.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Because you have such charm."

Hearing this, Seraphine was stunned for a moment, her eyes still confused.

So Lu Qi walked and said, "Some people are born with a special magnetic field, just like you."

"Lux and the others think you are special because you can hear Sona's voice. But I see your more special qualities. You are a kind-hearted girl. Sona told me that she likes you very much and can listen to the voices of other people's hearts. , this is where you shine.”

"The lead singer represents more than just a position. It represents the soul of a team, and it is indispensable. At the same time, this soul has the charm of sublimating the team and perfectly integrating the team members."

"You shine with this kind of brilliance. I believe that with you here, Jharn Alem will be able to set fire to Pi City and even Runeterra."

Lu Qi expressed his views in a gentle and casual tone.

But she didn't notice that Seraphine's face was already red. After hearing this, she even doubted herself: "Am I really like what His Highness said?"

So this is what I think of His Highness?
"You may not even believe in yourself now."

Lu Qi seemed to be able to hear Seraphine's heartfelt voice, "But believe me, Seraphine. Your future is bright, and you are born to bring strength to countless people."

"But I"

When Seraphine said this, she didn't know what to say anymore.

Lu Qi has said this, does she still want to belittle herself?

In fact, Lu Qi's bowl of chicken soup did have an effect. In short, Seraphine felt a little drunk.

Although she didn't think she was that great, she felt she had found her purpose.

She felt that what Lu Qi said, the soul of a team, was what she should work hard to achieve next.

He looked at the pink-haired girl who lowered her head, eyes twinkling.

Lu Qi asked: "Do you like singing?"

Hearing this, Seraphine raised her head and replied without thinking: "I like it. My favorite thing is singing."

Lu Qi asked again: "Then do you like singing to others?"

This question seemed a bit tricky, and Seraphine was stunned for a moment.

Do you like singing to others?

Like it?
If you think about it carefully, it seems that she rarely sings for others, so she can't tell whether she likes it or not.

But at this time, several memory scenes flashed through his mind.

That was when she was young. She thought of a melody and sang it to her parents excitedly.

Her parents listened happily and praised her profusely.

Since then, she has enjoyed singing to her parents.

Sometimes she made it up, sometimes she heard it from ear to ear, but without exception, every time her parents would be patient and look forward to listening to her finish singing.

From that moment on, she fell in love with singing.

Another picture flashed by.

She was lying by the window humming.

"Hey, what kind of song is this, little Fanny."

It was such a familiar voice. When the face looking up from downstairs gradually became clearer, she saw clearly that it was Aunt Aneta, the neighbor's fruit seller.

Seraphine was a little embarrassed to be heard and retracted her head into the window.

Aneta sighed again from downstairs: "Business has been sluggish recently."

She looked quite worried.

After hearing this, Seraphine poked her head out again and whispered: "The song I just sang was a song I made up."

Aneta raised her head again, looked at her and smiled: "Can you sing for me?"


After hesitating for a moment, Seraphine nodded.

She closed her eyes and started singing, her childish voice drifting out the window. The song lasted only a few dozen seconds because she had only thought of it so many times.

After singing, Seraphine opened her eyes and saw a cheerful smiling face.

"Singing is so beautiful. Thank you for your encouragement, little Fanny." Aneta suddenly summoned up her strength and cheered up: "Isn't it just some fruit! If you can't sell it, eat it yourself! I left your favorite food for you. Come down and eat some lychees later."


At that moment, Seraphine suddenly felt an unprecedented happiness.

She remembered what it felt like to sing to others.

Back to the present, she could hear the sounds of pedestrians, carriages and horses passing by. She looked at Lu Qi and said, "I like to sing to others."

Lu Qi asked deeply: "Why?"

Seraphine blushed slightly and seemed a little embarrassed, but she still said: "Because I like the smiles on everyone's faces when they hear my songs. I like that my singing can cheer everyone up and make them happy."

As soon as these words were spoken, Seraphine suddenly felt light all over.

It was as if something he had been holding in his heart for a long time was finally spoken out.

It's like opening some box and suddenly becoming enlightened.

After getting along with her for a few days, no one actually knew that Seraphine liked singing.

But today she told Lu Qi.

Hearing this, Lu Qi said with a smile on his face: "It seems that letting you be the lead singer is indeed the right decision." Seraphine suddenly returned to her timid look, and she hesitated to say: "Although...but"

"Although we have decided to let you be the lead singer, it is not acceptable for our lead singer to be so timid and cowardly."

Lu Qi took the words and looked at Seraphine: "As the soul of the team, if you continue like this, we will take jujube pills."

"Take jujube pills?"

"It means it will be over sooner or later."


Seraphine nodded and lowered her head.

Although she didn't want to be like this, it was too difficult for her to make changes all at once.

"So, I'm going to change my plans at short notice."

Lu Qi thought for a moment and made a decision: "In order for you to better adapt to your identity, let's start with street singing."

Seraphine suddenly had a bad premonition: "Singing on the street?"

"That's right, start now."

"Start now?!"

Seraphine almost fainted on the spot.

She didn't even make the slightest preparation.

Sure enough, Lux was right.

This His Highness really thinks of it as soon as it comes out!
At this moment, Seraphine suddenly had the idea of ​​running away.

But Lu Qi saw through the idea at a glance and grabbed him like a chicken.

"Escape will never solve the problem, Seraphine, if you take a step today and a step tomorrow, you will be a qualified lead singer in a short time."

"But. It's so sudden. I'm walking a little too hastily."

Seraphine looked at Lu Qi with a pitiful tone and eyes.

"There's no rush at all. I even regret not letting you move earlier."

Lu Qi carried her and walked to a square.

The square is not particularly big, and there is a fountain in the middle. There are not many people here, probably around a hundred or so.

There are casual old people sitting on chairs by the hot spring pool to relax, naughty children running around, and idle couples strolling arm in arm.

Not far away, there happened to be a person holding a harp, as if he was practicing, and there were several spectators beside him.

Lu Qi walked forward, and when he got close, he showed a kind smile and said, "Excuse me, my friend wants to sing an impromptu song. Can I borrow your harp?"

The person practicing the harp was a middle-aged woman. After hearing this, she readily agreed, handed over the harp and said, "Of course, I hope I can help you."

After taking the harp, Lu Qi looked at Seraphine: "Start when you're ready."

Seraphine is now like a small animal encountering a courier in the wild, rolling her eyes and trying to pretend to be comatose.

In fact, Lu Qi could see through her disguise at a glance: "It doesn't matter, since you're not ready yet, I'll go get some viewers for you."

With a "swish" sound, Seraphine suddenly opened her eyes and coughed awkwardly: "I'm ready."

They say they are ready, but in fact they are not prepared at all.

She didn't even know what to do next.

Looking at Seraphine, who was holding the harp and standing there helplessly, her eyes were confused, like a stupid roe deer.

Lu Qi sighed helplessly and took the harp from her hand: "Let's do this, I'll give you a sample."

Seeing that he seemed to be starting first, Seraphine asked curiously: "Can Your Highness still play the harp?"

"Of course, I learned a lot from Sona."

Lu Qi did spend some time learning to play the piano with Sona.

Therefore, there is still some experience and proficiency in the body.

If you simply play it, it's not too difficult.

He thought about it and decided to just copy a popular song that he remembered clearly. After all, it was to give this timid little pink hair a sample.

So, he casually sat on the chair, stretched out his hand to pluck the strings, and said, "I don't know how long I have been sleeping in the dark."

His voice condition is still good, but his singing cannot be said to be very good, it can only be at a normal level.

But in terms of appearance, it is at a level where people can ignore this flaw.

In addition, this song is not particularly difficult to sing. As soon as Lu Qi opened his mouth, Serafani paid extra attention.

The first time she heard it, she felt that the melody of this song was particularly good.

Even the woman who lent Lu Qi the harp listened with eyes lit up.

"I am this dazzling moment, the flash of flame across the sky."

As the tune got better and better, it also attracted some people around to listen.

Seraphine watched as more and more people gathered around her.

In fact, Lu Qi's playing skills are not very good, and he has to sing and play at the same time, which means he has to lower his head to check from time to time, which makes him look very clumsy.

It's not as easy as it looks at all.

Seeing this scene, Seraphine suddenly wanted to laugh, but when she looked at Lu Qi who was still singing, she suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

She suddenly understood that Lu Qi was obviously trying to cheer her up.

In her eyes, Lu Qi seemed to be glowing at this time.

While singing, Lu Qi looked towards Seraphine, and then showed a relaxed smile, his confident eyes seemed to say, in fact, it is not that difficult to start singing.

But the next second he played the wrong key, and the sound suddenly went wrong. He immediately lowered his head to make up for it.

This time, Seraphine finally burst out laughing, her blue eyes shining with a beautiful light.

The lyrics of this song are also very good.

I am a momentary flame in the sky, as short-lived as a thunderbolt, but as gorgeous as a summer flower.

Seraphine, she also wants to be this momentary flame.

In short, a song was played and sung completely, and Lu Qi breathed a sigh of relief with a sense of accomplishment.

My singing voice is still so perfect.

When a man sings, he is the most confident. If you want to find someone more confident than this.

That's when you sing in the shower.

Scattered applause rang out all around, all given by leisurely people in the square.

He handed the harp to Seraphine: "Now it's your turn."

Seraphine stretched out her hand, took the harp, and looked at the small audience around her.

Even after Lu Qi played and sang, there were only about a dozen people.

But these dozen people did not leave, because they also saw that after Luqi, it was Seraphine's turn to sing.

Compared to Lu Qi, they were looking forward to the singing voice of this cute-looking pink-haired girl.

But just looking at them, Seraphine's heart was already beating faster, and she could even hear her own heartbeat clearly.

Visible tension and timidity surged into her heart, and Seraphine felt as if she was about to mature.

Then, she took a deep breath and her eyes became serious.

These audiences were brought by His Highness for her. No matter what, she could not let Lu Qi down.

Finally, Seraphine overcame her timidity and reached out to play on the harp.

A melody spread out, and then continued continuously. Compared to Lu Qi's technique, she seemed too professional when playing it.

The next second, Seraphine closed her eyes, opened her red lips, and her sweet voice turned into a song and came out.

"I don't know how long I have been sleeping in the darkness."

As the girl's voice seemed to have been stabilized by an angel, she sang out the lyrics.

Eyes around him gradually lit up, and even the naughty children stopped and ran over to watch.

That's right, what Seraphine is singing now is exactly the song Lu Qi sang just now.

Life is like summer flowers.

Just after listening to it once, she had already memorized the lyrics and the melody.

And at this time, a version that was several times better than the one sung by Lu Qi was sung.

The speed of attracting audiences has also increased exponentially.

Just the first half of the song had already attracted twice as many Lu Qi’s audience.

The girl's singing voice is not loud, but it is very floating, with a wonderful feeling that can make people relax.It also has an inexplicable penetrating power and can be heard by more people.

And after everyone gathered around, they unconsciously became quiet and listened to her singing quietly.

With the climax, it is replaced by singing.

Seraphine closed her eyes at this moment, not knowing how many listeners she had. She only knew that she would sing with all her heart and live up to Lu Qi's expectations and her only audience.

She likes this song, life is as gorgeous as summer flowers.

She wants to light up everyone, she wants to light up the sky.

Isn't this the feeling she admired and loved when she was a child?

After growing up, Seraphine regained this feeling for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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