LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 369 A little girl group shock

Chapter 369 A little girl group shock
Wait until the last line of lyrics falls.

Seraphine only felt light-hearted. She slowly opened her eyes and immediately saw faces all around her.

There were at least a hundred people, almost the entire square gathered here.

The next second, applause sounded like raindrops, accompanied by comments.

"This little girl sings so beautifully."

"Yeah, it makes my blood boil."

"One more song!"

"Yes! Let's sing another song!"

"It sounds great, I love it!"

Passers-by praised him heartily.

Seraphine's heart was overflowing with joy, but after she regained her composure, she almost couldn't bear it anymore.

His little face turned red due to nervousness, and his heart was beating hard and never stopped.

And when the audience asked for an encore, she didn't know how to respond.

"Okay, everyone. This is an impromptu performance we came up with on a whim, and that's it for now."

Lu Qi stood up, said with a smile and a calm tone.

He naturally exuded the aura of a superior person, so after saying this, the audience dispersed in awe.

Lu Qi took the harp from Seraphine and gave it back to the middle-aged woman: "Thank you very much."

The middle-aged woman took it with a bright smile: "No need to thank you, I also want to thank you for letting me hear such a beautiful singing voice."

"You'll have another chance to listen to it later."

Lu Qi smiled and looked at Seraphine who was in a daze: "Let's go."


Seraphine came back to her senses and saw him walking out, so she quickly followed him.

Walking side by side on the road, Lu Qi asked aloud: "How do you feel?"

"A little excited." Serafani touched her heated face. It was still cold outside at the moment, but her excitement still couldn't be dampened.

"anything else?"

"I'm a little happy. It's recognized by everyone."

Seraphine looked at the ground and whispered.

"Yes, indeed I saw the wrong person."

Lu Qi smiled and said, "You definitely have the qualifications to be the lead singer. I was impressed just now. If your throat has been kissed by an angel, then I'm afraid mine has been gnawed by a dog."

This metaphor instantly made Seraphine burst into laughter. She quickly put away her laughter and looked at Lu Qi: "Actually, His Highness sings very nicely."

Then she thought of the words Lu Qi used to describe her singing.

A throat kissed by an angel
Just thinking about it, Seraphine's face, which had just calmed down, became a lot more rosy.

I always feel a bit embarrassed to be praised like this by Lu Qi in front of his face.

Lu Qi smiled and said: "In short, this time you can open your voice and sing, which is a great success. I will continue to do so in the future."

Seraphine couldn't help but be startled: "Are you coming again?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Lu Qi glanced at her, "You don't think that singing once will be the end. In order to practice your courage, in the next period of time, you will have to go to random places in Pi City from time to time. Sing.”

Just listening to it made Seraphine feel like she was about to burst.

She had mustered up a lot of courage to be able to sing like this today.When she thought about what was going on, her legs immediately became weak.

However, the feeling of being able to sing loudly is really comfortable.

Especially when I see smiling faces and compliments from people afterwards, I feel an inexplicable sense of fulfillment.

"Hey, Seraphine, why are you back so early today? Did you bring your friends?"

At this time, a familiar voice sounded. Anetta stood behind her fruit stand and looked at Seraphine with a smile.

"Aunt Anetta."

Seraphine looked up, she mustered up the courage to step forward, opened her hands and gave Aneta a hug.

"Thank you."

"You kid, what's wrong?"

Aneta didn't understand the situation yet, and was a little at a loss and surprised.

"It's okay, I just wanted to say thank you to Auntie for taking this long."

Seraphine smiled sweetly.

Because Anetta was the first listener besides her parents.

He is also the first person to praise her and bring her joy and happiness.

If it hadn't been for Aneta, she probably wouldn't have remembered her love for singing today.

During those dark years, she once hated all sounds, even singing.

If you think about it carefully, even during those few years, Aneta continued to show care.

"See you later, Aunt Anetta."

Without a few words of conversation, Seraphine left with Lu Qi.

Aneta looked at her retreating back and smiled. She always felt that this girl had changed a lot recently.

But being hugged like this made her feel particularly good all day today.

"Today's fruits are all [-]% off!"

Yohe sound.

Seraphine and Lu Qi have also arrived at the door of her music workshop.

"Jingle Bell."

After opening the door, with the sound of a clear bell, the man who was repairing an instrument looked up.

"Welcome. This is Seraphine. Why are you back so early today?"

Potter said hello, and then looked at Lu Qi, who came back with Seraphine, and felt familiar at first.

Seraphine immediately introduced: "This is His Highness the Prince of Demacia."

After the words fell, Potter quickly stood up and saluted: "See you, Your Highness."

Hearing the sound, the hostess Bria also opened the door curtain and walked out. She also saluted and said: "See His Royal Highness."

The two of them were very respectful.

"Uncle and aunt, there is no need to be so polite. Seraphine and I are friends, and you two can be considered my elders."

Lu Qi said upon seeing this.

Bria stood up and said: "I hope this girl has not caused any trouble to His Highness these days. I also want to thank you for taking care of her."

Although Lu Qi said it lightly, his identity was there after all.

Moreover, Bria and Potter were originally from Zaun. Although they were talented, their status was actually not high after they moved to the upper city after all their efforts.

It can only be regarded as an ordinary person.

In the past few days, Seraphine would tell them interesting things when she came back. Naturally, she also told them about the distinguished guests from Demacia.

That's why they weren't so surprised when Lu Qi came to visit them at this time.

"There is no care between friends."

Lu Qi smiled and said, "I came here this time to ask my uncle and aunt for two things."

Potter said: "Your Highness, please speak."

"I plan to form a band, and I want Seraphine to be the lead singer of the band. After a period of training, I will probably live with the other members." Lu Qi got straight to the point.

After listening to this, Porter and Bria looked at each other. Porter said a little strangely: "We don't have any objections to this matter. Can this girl be the lead singer?"

The other party is a big shot in Demacia, so naturally he will not harm Seraphine.

There is nothing to hesitate in this matter. Besides, even if they live together, Pi City is such a big place, so you can go and see them anytime you want.

What they care about is, can their daughter be the lead singer with her personality?
Lu Qi nodded and said: "This is absolutely no problem."

"Well, in the next period of time, please take good care of this girl."

Potter opened his mouth and said that as a father, he was still a little worried.

But thinking that this would allow Seraphine to get out of the room and come into contact with the larger world, she felt that it was still acceptable.

As for the lead singer, since His Highness thinks so, they can't stop it, can they?

Bria continued to ask: "Is there anything else?"

"I also hope to buy a bass and guitar." Lu Qi continued, "At the same time, I want to ask my uncle and aunt to build a drum set."


"That's the instrument."

Lu Qi took out the drawing he drew and said, "There are also more detailed drawings. I can draw them in a while."

Bria took the drawing from his hand, and her eyes suddenly lit up. As a senior musical instrument repairer, she could see the novelty of this drum set at a glance.

"This is an innovative improvement that combines multiple types of drums and cymbals, so that one person can produce multiple sound effects at the same time."

She was watching and analyzing, and next to her, Potter was also observing curiously.

"It's not difficult to make. Your Highness, please feel free to leave it to us."

After observing for a while, the two gave Lu Qi a reply.

"As for the bass and guitar, let's give them to His Highness as gifts." Porter opened a large wooden box and took out two piano cases. After opening, there was a bass and a guitar.

Judging from the appearance, it is very expensive and it seems to have been well maintained.

It's exactly the same as Lu Qi's impression.

"Those people commented that our bass and guitar were not excellent instruments. To be honest, this was a bit of a blow to us as a couple. I didn't expect His Highness to be willing to use them."

Potter closed the box again, then looked at Lucci with a smile, "I hope His Highness will be satisfied."

"Don't worry, bass and guitar won't remain unknown."

Lu Qi said with certainty.

Next, he drew the structure of the drum set for Porter and Bria based on his impressions.

There were some parts that he couldn't remember clearly, but the two of them could complete them directly.

They actually already know the drum set in their mind.

So Lu Qi simply handed it over to them with confidence.

Then, they left with Seraphine, who acted like a passerby throughout the whole process and didn't say a word.

I also brought my bass and guitar.

After returning to the store.

Orianna has also finished asking Colin's opinion.

After hearing this, Colin readily agreed, although he always looked after his daughter very closely, because this was his only relative.

But in this matter, there is nothing to worry about.

At this time in the store, Lu Qi handed over the guitar and bass cases to Lux and Orianna respectively.

After taking it, Lux opened the guitar case immediately, and then saw the smooth-looking guitar, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"I like the look."

She suddenly picked up the guitar from the case, then held it in her arms without any instruction, and reached out to strum the strings.

A burst of simple notes came out, and the sound quality was excellent.

After a few simple attempts, she nodded and affirmed: "No problem, I like this instrument."

Orianna also nodded: "Me too."

They felt there was no objection, so it was basically settled.

Lux looked at the bass in Orianna's arms, which looked similar to a guitar, and asked curiously: "They look the same, why are they called separately? Isn't this a musical instrument?"

Hearing this, Seraphine shook her head and said, "Although they look very similar, they are not the same instrument. Because the two instruments have different ranges, if you play the same notes, you will find that the guitar's tone is higher. , and the bass is on the low side. They focus on different areas.”


Lux suddenly understood and asked curiously: "Then if I learn the guitar, does that mean I also learned the bass?"

Seraphine nodded: "This is understandable."

"Show me."

Jinx moved closer to Lux, looking at the guitar curiously with her eyes, and stretched out her little hand as if she wanted to touch it too.

But for Lux, who had just found a treasure, she would never allow this little blue hair to be tainted at the moment, so she immediately hid.

"Oh, you stingy guy. When I get a drum kit, don't even think about touching it."

Jinx immediately curled her lips and turned her head away proudly.

He turned around and approached Orianna again, and "fooled" Bass from her.Then he hung it on his body and started playing randomly.

The sound of the bass is very deep, and coupled with the random playing, it can be said to be like thunder, rumbling.

The shock makes people's heads hurt.

To be honest, this girl is trying to make some noise.

So Lu Qi reached out and knocked on her forehead: "Be calm."

Lux said happily at the side: "If you knock it well, you should knock it!"

Jinx glanced at Lu Qi with a resentful look, but she calmed down and seemed to feel that her playing was not very good, so she gave it back to Orianna.

"Seraphine, if you can, why not play us a piece of music first?"

Lux thought of this at this time, so she handed the guitar to Seraphine with a very curious look in her eyes.


After Seraphine took it, she started playing it naturally and skillfully.

Suddenly, a brisk melody came from the guitar.

Everyone calmed down and listened quietly.

When it comes to playing the piano, Sona is naturally the best, but she is also admiring Seraphine's playing at the moment.

It can be seen that Seraphine still has a very deep foundation.

The howl of ghosts and wolves that pops up from Jinx is just like heaven and earth.

At this time, it was actually the first time that everyone saw a new shining point in Seraphine after getting to know her.

Lux looked at Seraphine playing the piano and pretended that she was playing the same way, and she suddenly felt very cool.

No matter what, she must learn the guitar!

Lu Qi looked at Seraphine who had integrated into the big guys, smiled, and lay down on his chair, planning to rest for a while.

Thinking about the future band formation scene.

Seraphine's singing voice, coupled with Sona's playing, and the performance of various instruments.

It’s time to give Piltover and Zaun a little girl group shock.

(End of this chapter)

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