LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 370 He can fool you in this chapter

Chapter 370 He can fool you just by saying this.

Lu Qi, who had eaten hot pot for two days in a row, decided to change the taste. He had a whole recipe book in his mind, so there was no need to stick to one recipe.

Even if you eat something different every day, you can still change it for a long time.

Before cooking, he also solicited the opinions of the girls in a humane manner and selected them according to their preferences.

For example, Lux likes meatballs very much. The fried meatballs have a crispy outer shell. The meat is full of flavor after one bite. It is fragrant but not greasy. It has a high praise rate.

Another example is the crab soup dumplings, which are also delicious and you won’t get tired of eating them.Moreover, the crabs near the seaside of Pi City are famous for their meat crabs, and their quality is quite high, not much worse than those in Demacia.

As sumptuous lunches were served to the table, the beasts in the girls' hearts were completely awakened.

Lu Qi was slowly tasting it when a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"What is this? It looks delicious. Leave one for me."

The voice is ethereal, with a bit of laziness and laxity as if just waking up from sleep.

There is no doubt that she is the Elf Goddess.

"Oh, by the way, you can communicate with me directly using your thoughts. Just pay attention."

Janna's voice sounded like she was remembering something.

"Ideas? Is that so?"

"Yes, you react very quickly."

"what about now?"

Lu Qi asked again, but received no response, and then became slightly enlightened.

As long as he concentrates on communicating with Janna, he can convey his thoughts.

But on the other hand, if he does not want to do this, the idea will not be conveyed.

Maybe this is the special thing about being the number one believer.

After thinking for a while, Lu Qi asked again with his mind: "Aren't you asleep?"

"Just catching up on some sleep, it doesn't take long."

Janna's voice gradually became more energetic, and then she noticed something again, "Save some of those meatballs for me, they look so delicious."

Lu Qi nodded slightly: "Okay."

"And that, you should just leave some of each of the round pastries for me."

Janna felt that ordering one dish after another was a bit too much trouble, so she planned to taste them all.

Because every dish looks delicious.

Lu Qi listened to the voice of the elf goddess ordering food in his mind, and he knew that the other party was also a foodie.

"You might as well show up and let's all eat together."

"That's not okay. As a goddess, how can I show my face in front of mortals casually?"

Janna said rather reservedly and proudly.

In fact, she really can't do this casually, because she must maintain a sense of distance from mortals, otherwise when this sense of distance is blurred, everything will be difficult to define.

Lu Qi had no choice but to set aside a separate portion of each dish.

But such suspicious behavior was quickly noticed.

Lux looked at him strangely: "You took so many, why don't you eat them?"

Lu Qi said calmly: "Leave it for others."

"Others? Who?"

Lux asked even more strangely.



Lux subconsciously looked at the blue bird statue over there, not believing it, "Is it possible that she still entrusted you with a dream?"

"Not bad." Lu Qi nodded and said, "Just last night, Janna entrusted me with a dream. Now I have a good relationship with the local god."

The girls couldn't help but have a question mark on their heads when they heard this.

So casual?

Just established a good relationship?

So Lux didn't believe it, but she didn't continue to pay attention.

Because Jinx has almost finished her meatballs, if she doesn't do it, she will regret it later.

So she focused her attention back on the fight with the little blue fur, and Lux ​​turned around and forgot about what happened just now.

The other girls didn't ask any more questions and concentrated on eating.

In their opinion, it was not strange that Lu Qi was a man of some mysterious nature and usually did not play his cards according to normal routines.

Thinking about it carefully, Lu Qi has indeed been very interested in Janna recently, offering sacrifices to the blue bird statue and giving the band a similar name.

It doesn't seem to be a big deal to prepare new sacrifices for others at the moment.

Janna, on the other hand, didn't mind Lu Qi telling the matter so straightforwardly. After all, she only needed to not show up.

Lu Qi can say whatever she wants about the rest. What she really cares about now is the sumptuous food.

After lunch time, in order not to keep the hungry elf goddess waiting for a long time, and also to prevent the food from getting cold.

Lu Qi brought the food to a rest room on the second floor.

Here, Janna appeared directly, just like what she saw last night, wearing a pure white dress, as holy as a fairy.

However, whenever her eyes sparkle when she looks at the food, her aloof and untouchable temperament will always be much simpler.

"Anyway, I'm going to have a meal first and talk later."

Janna waved her little hand, and the food prepared by Lu Qi miraculously disappeared in an instant.

"Don't be nervous. This is only possible through the specific relationship between you and me. As my devout believer, I can take away the sacrifice you offer directly."

Janna's voice explained. The person had already arrived in his secret space, and after conjuring up a dining table, he was ready to enjoy it slowly.

Lu Qi was not nervous. He yawned and lay down on the sofa, planning to rest for a while.

People get tired easily after eating and drinking enough. This kind of tiredness is not physical fatigue, but spiritual emptiness.

He closed his eyes and rested for about half an hour.

"I'm done eating."

Janna's satisfied voice sounded, and it seemed that this delicious meal was quite to her liking.

Lu Qi slowly opened his eyes and sat up from the sofa: "So what other instructions are there? Goddess."

"It's like I've been calling you around."

Janna's slightly dissatisfied voice sounded, and then she said, "Have you thought of anything about what I said last night?"

"For now, I can think of two ways."

So Lu Qi then roughly described his thoughts.

After Jana thought for a moment, she said, "It seems to be a good idea. You can give it a try. If it doesn't work, think of other options."

It had been silent for too long, and she had no hope of any solution.

I don’t know if the method Lu Qi mentioned is feasible.

The days passed like this.

In the blink of an eye, five days flew by.

In the morning, Porter and Bria transported the carefully crafted drum set to Lu Qi's training camp.

The training camp was a place found so as not to disturb the people around them. The purpose was to give Lux and the others a better environment to learn and discuss music.

"After our debugging, there is no problem with the sound of this drum set. Your Highness can use it with confidence."

Porter introduced him next to Lu Qi at this time.

Speaking of which, this was the first time they had come to see their daughter in these days, and they were completely relieved when they saw her talking and laughing with her friends.

At this time, Lu Qi was looking at the drum set, which was more than one meter high in front of him. It was bright metal in appearance, and the gears were interlocked in some places, giving it a mechanical feel.

At the same time, the bass drum, hi-hat, snare drum, tom, and cymbals have all been placed in ideal positions, looking quite coordinated.From the appearance point of view, it is still very handsome.

The girls gathered around to watch, each of them looking very curious.

The most excited one has to be Jinx.

It can be said that she has been looking forward to it for a long time these days, and she was finally satisfied when she saw the finished product.

"so cool!"

She immediately sat down in her own seat and saw two slender knocking sticks, which she immediately took in her hands.

I knocked a few times based on my feeling, and it sounded like "dong dong clang clang", which was quite rhythmic.

And every time she knocked, the moment the sound sounded, Jinx felt something in her heart was released.

It was extremely refreshing, and there was no doubt that she loved this instrument.

It was simply tailor-made for her.

Seeing how much she couldn't put it down, Lu Qi smiled unexpectedly.

The drum itself is an instrument made to release emotions.

Naturally, it was suitable for Little Lanmao, who had been feeling depressed for a long time, otherwise he wouldn't have said the words that suited her in the first place.

So Lu Qi looked at the couple and said, "Uncle and aunt, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard." Potter smiled and said, "There is also the sound that His Highness mentioned. We already have preliminary ideas."

Two days later, Lu Qi found them again and proposed a loudspeaker called a speaker.

After being connected to the speaker through a line, the sound of the musical instrument can be received and then amplified and spread through the speaker.

I have to say that this His Highness is indeed a thoughtful person.

Even after they heard such an idea, they felt enlightened.They had never thought of such a novel setting before.

Therefore, when the couple is building a drum set these days, they have not forgotten the sound.

Now there are comprehensive ideas.

"I have to worry about this matter for my uncle and aunt."

Lu Qi heard this.

When it comes to music-related props, he trusts Porter and Bria. They are both well-deserved geniuses.

In this way, the band's basic preparations are considered to be in place.

Potter and Bria visited their daughter for a while, then left without disturbing her.

In the training room, the girls are still looking at the grand-looking drum set.

Jinx is a person who holds grudges. As the owner of the drum set, she looked at the curious Lux with a wary expression: "Except for you, no one can touch it!"

Unfortunately, her revenge came at the wrong time.

Lux raised her eyebrows and sneered: "If you don't fight for a few days, I think you can't tell the difference between the big and small kings!"

Having said that, Miss Crown Guard went straight to the task and gave the little blue hair a harsh lesson.

Under her resentful eyes, he sat on the drum seat and touched his left and right hands.

Seeing this scene, Jinx felt as if she was being confronted by a tauren, her heart was sour, and she was so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe.

She couldn't help but silently clenched her fists, and tears flashed from her eyes.

One day sooner or later!
She wants this little golden retriever to pay the price!
However, Lux didn't go too far. She just touched it and looked at it, then stood up and returned the position to Jinx again.

This drum set has a domineering appearance, a large size, and is quite handsome.

It's just that she can't say she likes it very much. In contrast, she still prefers the guitar she has gradually practiced these days.

Jinx sat down again and looked at her drum set with some distress: "Even if you are tainted by a guy like that, I will not dislike you."

She vowed that she would love 'Explosion No. [-]' for the rest of her life.

By the way, Explosive One is Jinx’s new name for her beloved drum kit.

These words fell into the ears of Lux who had not gone far, causing her to twitch the corner of her mouth, then turned back and knocked the guy on the forehead.

"I just touched it, how could it be defiled?"

"Having been touched by you, Bang Bang No. [-] is no longer clean! If you can, let me touch your guitar!"

"I do not want it."

Lux refused.

Jinx snorted coldly and raised her head: "Actually, I took advantage of you when you weren't paying attention and took advantage of it!"

When Lux heard this, she became furious and reached out to pinch Jinx's provocative little face: "What did you say?!"

In the end, the incident ended with both sides of Jinx's face being pinched and turned red. She sat there, still looking unconvinced.

Lux, on the other hand, looked angrily, holding her guitar and wiping it again and again.

In fact, they don't dislike each other in their hearts.

It's just that the two people have been so noisy for a day or two. Anyway, the first thing they do when they wake up every day is to look at each other and dislike each other.

Everyone has long been accustomed to it.

"Okay, type again the part you typed just now."

Only then did Lu Qi look at Jinx and speak out.

Hearing this, Jinx picked up the stick and swung it, and the rhythmic sound of "dong dong, clang, clang" came out again.

"Not bad. It seems you are very talented. The drum set also has a unique position in the team. Its unique timbre can often make the accompaniment more outstanding."

Lu Qi said with a smile.

Jinx couldn't help but boast, and she suddenly became proud: "It doesn't matter whose instrument it is!"

"As if the guitar and the bass weren't both unique."

Lux laughed at the ignorant little blue hair, "His words can fool you."

When Jinx heard this, she bared her teeth and glared at her again.

The two immediately glared at each other again.

Lu Qi ignored the two of them and looked at Seraphine, Sona and Orianna: "Anyway, practice hard in the next few days and don't make a fool of yourself when people perform."

All three girls nodded.

These days Seraphine has begun to teach Lux and Orianna to learn guitar and bass. Both of them are very talented and learn quickly.

And Sona was there to help.

At the same time, Jinx, who has been waiting for her own instrument, learned while watching, and also expanded a lot of music knowledge.

So now I play the drums to have a certain sense of rhythm.

Lu Qi was not lying, her talent was indeed not bad.

The next few days will focus on making Lux and Orianna more proficient in guitar and bass, and letting Jinx learn the drums thoroughly.

"It looks impressive."

At this time, Janna's voice suddenly sounded in Lu Qi's mind.

As soon as she appeared, Lu Qi knew that it was almost time for dinner, so he turned around silently, left the lounge, and walked towards the kitchen.

The voice of the Elf Goddess caught up and said, "What are we going to eat today? I want to eat twice-cooked pork, is that okay?"


Lu Qi nodded slightly.

"Can we add braised pork?"


Lu Qi was getting used to listening to the Elf Goddess ordering food.

The frequency of this person's recent appearance is once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening. He comes in time for lunch, which can be said to be quite punctual.

And I was a little embarrassed about ordering food at first, but now I can say that I am getting more and more proficient.

(End of this chapter)

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