LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 390 I won’t let you down

Chapter 390 I won’t let you down

"Is this the shimmering potion?"

At this time, Lu Qi and others had withdrawn from Carroll's base.

In Lu Qi's hand, he was holding a tube of low-light syringe. He looked at the purple liquid in it with his eyes full of thought.

This is also something that he is more interested in, and he has heard about the low-light potion.

Squeezing a little bit of light onto his fingers, Lu Qi sniffed it and then put it in his mouth.

Just this little bit will basically have no effect.

But Lu Qi's purpose was not that, he just wanted to know the ingredients of the shimmering potion.

"The wormwood, rice leaves, and devil's ear flowers are all irritating and addictive plants."

Lu Qi thought to himself, the remaining ingredients cannot be tasted with just the tongue.

However, he felt that it would not be difficult to decipher the formula of the shimmering potion. After all, Lu Qi was not only proficient in medical skills, but also had a deputy position of LV6 pharmacist.

To put it bluntly, it is more or less a professional counterpart.

Glimmer potion can enhance a person's physique in all aspects, but the side effect is that it is highly addictive and puts a considerable burden on the body.

It is a potion that sacrifices the body's essence to gain strength.

Of course, the addiction is greater, and part of the reason is that Hilko wants to control more people.

Lu Qi thinks this is of great research value. If we can find a way to minimize its side effects, then the shimmering potion can play a role at critical moments.

Just like an epinephrine syringe.

It's just that there is no need for the current version to appear, because it is too harmful.

"After you return, you notify the Piltover law enforcement officers and begin to combat the remaining influence of Silko, especially related to the Glimmer Potion."

Lu Qi came back from his thoughts and spoke to Caitlin beside him.

Upon hearing this, Caitlin immediately responded: "Yes."

After thinking for a while, Lu Qi added: "Also, let's get rid of some of the worse gangs."

Now that he wants to intervene between the two cities, Hilko's resignation is inevitable.

Because he has great ambitions and dominates the lower city with one hand, if this continues, he will only hinder Lu Qi in the end.

Even if there was no Carroll today, it was only a matter of time before Lucci took action.

The first thing to be cracked down on right now is Hilko's Glimmer Factory and the remaining forces. In addition, Zaun's gang also needs to be sorted out.

Of course, Lu Qi would not let the law enforcement officials intervene excessively, but would only take appropriate action.

A city like Zaun actually does not need too much intervention. Allowing it to develop freely is the best way. After the fall of Silko, the nature of the people here will be completely released.

It will then be the time for a hundred flowers to bloom.

As a city at the center of the world, Zaun maintains order amidst chaos, and its barbaric growth is the characteristic of Zaun.

Excessive interference will only suppress this nature.

Wei and Ike, who were not far away, both heard Lu Qi's words. Neither of them spoke, and they were somewhat silent.

They knew that Lu Qi did have such a right, and they felt a little lucky and worried that Lu Qi directly took action to clean up the remaining forces of Hilko.

Fortunately, this way, they don't have to work hard to solve the remaining troubles.

The worry is that if Lu Qi intends to use this to control Zaun, they seem to have no choice.

What will Zaun look like in the future?

Where should they go?

At this time, Lu Qi looked at them and said, "You should owe me a lot of favor this time. If you have a chance in the future, find a way to repay it."

Hearing this, Ike and Wei raised their heads, knowing that they indeed owed His Highness a large favor.

It's not an exaggeration to say it was a life-saving favor.

Because if it wasn't Lucci today, they probably wouldn't be Carroll's opponents.

By then, the situation will only develop in a worse direction. If you think about it this way, it seems to be better if the upper city or the prince controls the lower city.

Then, Lu Qi continued: "But now, I think you need to think about how to shoulder the responsibility of the leader of Zaun in the future."

Listening to Lu Qi's words, both Ike and Wei looked puzzled, unable to understand what he meant.

"Since ancient times, dynasties have changed. The old king fell and the new king ascended the throne. Even in cities, this principle is the same."

Lu Qi walked forward and said slowly, "As far as I know, Hilko was the underground master of the lower city before this. Now that you have overthrown him, they will naturally take over the situation after his fall."

Wei seemed to understand what Lu Qi meant, and couldn't help but said: "Aren't we going to send law enforcement officers to the city next?"

"I asked law enforcement officers to be sent to the upper city just to help you solve all this quickly. There were a lot of casualties tonight, so there is no need to continue."

Lu Qi looked at the two of them with calm eyes, "As far as I know, the relationship between the upper and lower cities seems to have always been at odds, and there is some kind of disagreement between the people on both sides, which is getting worse."

"And my idea is to eliminate these differences and resolve the grievances between the two cities. Zaun is your Zaun, and I think you must also hope that this place will become better."

As his words fell.

Ike gradually understood what he meant. It was obvious that the prince wanted to act as a middleman to promote the relationship between the two cities.

I have to say that this prince is indeed very idle, but he is also really good.

Over the years, he has watched the contradictions between the two cities become more and more serious, but the people in charge of the two cities have never thought of properly resolving these contradictions.

They look down on each other and curse each other secretly, and naturally the grudges will become bigger and bigger.

Now, people from outside the Twin Cities have come forward to resolve these grievances.

This made Ike feel a little ridiculous and a little self-deprecating, and he felt like he was being laughed at by outsiders.

After listening to Lu Qi's words, Wei also fell into thinking.

When she was young, she matured much earlier than her peers, and she had already noticed this problem at that time.

The feud between the two cities is actually both at fault.

Ben is a neighbor who lives next door, and we can’t see each other when we look up. However, after living together for so many years, it got to the point where they would slander and curse each other whenever they met.

This cannot be caused by one party's fault.

However, the accumulated complaints made both parties ignore this point, and the relationship became increasingly discordant over time.

She remembered that Fandel once wanted to change this situation. He tried many methods, but ultimately failed.

"I heard that you are the daughter of Fandel, the former boss of Lower City. Now Lower City needs a new leader. I think there is no one more suitable than you."

Lu Qi looked at Wei who was thinking and said directly and clearly.

Wei was stunned for a moment, unable to react for a moment: "Me?"

"Yes, I admire your tenacity very much. I think you are someone who can achieve great things."

Lu Qi said with a smile, "People like you will not give up on responsibilities easily."


Wei opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

She wanted to refuse, but just like Lu Qi said, she also wanted to shoulder this responsibility.

She grew up in the lower city, and her affection for this place is as high as heaven. She hopes to see her hometown become better and better.

You know, what Wei once longed for most was to become someone like Fander when she grew up.

He manages the lower city calmly and calmly without losing any panic.     “I think it’s appropriate.”

At this time, Ike suddenly spoke.

"I support it too." Jinx, who had been feeling a little depressed, also raised her little hand and expressed her opinion.

She feels that Wei will definitely become an excellent leader, and when the time comes, she will be able to be majestic and majestic just behind Wei.

Wei couldn't help but smile bitterly: "That's easy to say."

Ike smiled and said: "We used to follow you, and it's the same now, Wei, you can definitely do it."

Lu Qi said at this time: "There is still a lot of time, don't be in a hurry, just think about it carefully."

There is still a lot of time, but it is getting late. Everything that needs to be done has been done and what needs to be explained has been done. He just wants to rest now.

The Miss Crown Guard next to me yawned countless times along the way and was so sleepy that she couldn't even speak.

If you give her a bed now, she can lie down on it and keep it and sleep in seconds.

Seraphine and Orianna were not much better. They were both the type to go to bed on time. Once they stayed up late and spent a lot of effort, they would naturally start to feel sleepy when they relaxed.

So Lu Qi prepared to wait until tomorrow to talk about the rest.

He left simply.

But the legislators and law enforcement officers who were woken up in the middle of the night were confused.

What's going on?

Soon, after the congressmen learned what happened in the lower city, they had no temper. They are all smart people and know what the prince wants to express this time.

So without any ink, he quickly started making arrangements and dispatched law enforcement officers.

Several congressmen knew Hilko, after all, he was the head of the lower city.

On the surface, he is an industrialist, but in fact, he has the final say in everything in the lower city. Some of the congressmen here have even received money from him.

It's just that for such a character, with the intervention of the prince, everything will disappear overnight.

Fortunately, the prince did not cross the line too much. Knowing this, he asked Shangcheng to take action instead of sending Demacia's army.

This kind of just right proportion made the congressmen quite fond of it.

They also learned from reports from their subordinates that the prince was semi-passively implicated in this incident.

There is nothing left to say in this case.

For a person like Hilko, it doesn’t matter whether the MPs have him or not.

From beginning to end, what they need is someone who can make the decision for Xiacheng, no matter who they are.

Be it Fandel or Silko.

Just take good care of the one-third of an acre in the lower city.

To be honest, they didn't really want to interfere in that messy place.

But now, judging from the prince's intentions, he seems to be planning to mediate.

Under the night, Piltover's law enforcement officers began to take action, with the goal of attacking Hilko's Shimmer Factory and the remaining forces.

He set up the shimmer factory in several hidden places, but now that he is gone, these places can no longer be hidden.

Only then did the congressmen know that Hilko had secretly developed such a potion, which was quite dangerous.

Even this kind of potion has appeared on the streets of Zuan for a long time.

It is enough to show how indifferent they are to the lower city.

They found that Hilko seemed to be preparing to use this potion when a dispute between the two cities broke out in the future, and he had been preparing for this.

This made several congressmen suddenly feel shuddering.

If it weren't for chance, they probably wouldn't have discovered this until now.

In some interactions with Shangcheng, Hilko showed a tougher attitude than the previous head, Fandel, but they did not expect him to be so bold.

The effects of the shimmering potion were beyond their expectations.

If a conflict does break out in the future, they are likely to be in serious trouble.

And this was obviously an illegal medicine. Even without Lu Qi's explanation, the congressmen immediately started to ban the shimmer medicine.

If you treat it as contraband, you will face severe penalties if you trade, sell, or produce it privately.

In this way, the whole night, until dawn, the law enforcement officers calmed down the incident.

They arrested many people that night, some of whom could not be seen in the upper city. There was no need to pursue the others.

And those forces that once followed Silko have already gone into hiding, waiting for the limelight to pass, probably to establish their own business.

As for those shimmer factories, they have been turned into ruins.

Vi and Ike witnessed everything throughout the night.

Even they never thought that things would end so quickly.

The two of them were sitting on a rooftop, overlooking the scenery of Zaun. Ike asked, "What are you going to do next?"

After a night of careful consideration, Wei had already figured out what she wanted to do, with determination in her eyes: "There were many people following Fandel at the beginning, and after Silko came to power, they hid and hid. I’m going to call them back and reopen Forgan’s Tavern.”

Hearing her words, Ike knew that she was ready to take on this responsibility, so he raised his fist and said, "As long as you remember, I will support you no matter what."

Hearing this, Wei smiled, raised his fist and touched Ike's fist: "Thank you, little one."

"I told you, don't call me little one!"

Ike finished speaking angrily and threw the flywheel away.

The flywheel flashed with green light and stood in mid-air. Ike stood up and jumped on it. He turned around and said: "The Wildfire Gang no longer has to hide its head and tail. I will go back and inform everyone of the news. By then, we will jointly safeguard the new Zaun."


Wei nodded seriously and watched Ike step on the flywheel and fly away.

She looked towards the familiar city of Zu'an, a city that seemed to have not changed much, and looked at the people coming and going.

From this moment on, it seemed like a huge mission was upon us.

She also left the rooftop and walked on the streets of Zu'an.

Finally, without realizing it, we stopped in front of a statue of Fandel.

Silko didn't seem to let the people in the lower city forget him. There were many names engraved on this statue, as if they were people who inherited Fandel's will.

"We haven't seen you for so many years, and you don't seem to have changed at all."

Wei sat slowly next to the statue, feeling that she had a lot to say, but she didn't know where to start.

After a while, she asked: "Do you think I can do it well?"

No one responded, but a gust of wind blew gently, blowing Wei's hair.

She raised her head, looked at Fandel's hearty smile, and started laughing.

"I just know that I won't let you down. See you later, Lao Fan."

Wei stood up, put her hands in her pockets, and walked away.

This man once protected Zu An and them with his broad arms, and now she will carry his will and go on unswervingly.

The next period of time will be very busy. She has to meet many old friends.

(End of this chapter)

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