Chapter 391 So be it

Time flies, three days later.

Garn Alem performed in Zaun for the first time. The venue was chosen in the Dance Corridor, and the performance was free.

The Dance Corridor is very large, and as it is located on the uppermost level of Zaun, it can accommodate quite a few people.

And this is also a performance of great significance, not only inviting people from Zaun, but also people from Piltover.

As the concert was about to begin, people from the Twin Cities gathered in such large numbers in the dance corridor for the first time.

The fall of the underground master of the lower city did not affect the functioning of the city. For most people, these things were too far away.

The atmosphere in the dance corridor was surprisingly harmonious at the moment, and no conflict broke out among the Shuangcheng people who were jealous when they met in the past.

In order to have a better experience at the concert, people on both sides exercised restraint.

And this time, it is also a brand new attempt for them.

Most people in the upper city have never been to the lower city. For them, everything is a novelty at this moment.

The two cities are obviously closely connected, but there are many differences, and they don't seem to be as different as imagined.

In order not to lose face in front of these people from the upper city, the people of Zaan also tried their best to show their good side.

There are humanistic snacks everywhere. The products in the store are 10% off, and there are many things full of Zaun characteristics.

The two cities had good exchanges for the first time.

After contact, they discovered that the other party was not as bad as they thought.

They have always known each other from various reviews and rumors, and what they have received is naturally some bad aspects.

As others say, one person can influence a group of people, and a group of people can influence more people. Contagious like the plague of faith.

But there are many things that you will never be able to see the other side of without personal contact and understanding.

We are all human beings, and we are all people who have always lived in the same land. The development of humanities is affected by each other.

So how can the differences between people be so big?

As the time approaches, the show is about to begin.

The lights gathered on the stage, and the stage was surrounded by people. Amid the cheers of the people, the five-member band came on stage.

Suddenly, the cheers became even louder, and a warm atmosphere enveloped the entire venue.

Influenced by the many enthusiastic uptowners, most downtown people who have never heard of the performance are also looking forward to it.

On the stage, the five girls were all ready.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

As Jinx took the lead in beating the drum kit, a few beats later, all the instruments sounded in unison.

As the prelude ended, Seraphine's singing voice came out melodiously.

She looked at the audience with her eyes and sang the song of the two cities that she had been preparing for a long time.

She hopes that the two cities can truly reconcile and everyone can live in harmony. And she could clearly feel that everyone from the Shuang Cities was present, and the songs in their hearts could be played together flawlessly.

The people of Zaun who saw the band perform for the first time felt spiritually shocked. As the performance progressed, they were completely integrated into the atmosphere.

The cheers and cheers were endless. At this moment, all differences seemed to disappear, and everyone was immersed in the joy of the moment from the bottom of their hearts.

Time passed slowly, and gradually, the concert was coming to an end.

Jinx sweated heartily on the stage, conveying all her emotions through the drum set. As she struck, a doll hanging on the side of the drum set occasionally swayed and undulated.

The doll hung where her eyes could see it at any time.

Until the last beat fell, the music on the stage stopped, but the enthusiasm of the audience still continued and lasted for a long time.

Jinx raised her head and looked at the audience. She felt that at this moment, there was a place in her heart, as if something was missing.


She finally returned to Zaun to perform, but there was no one she wanted to surprise.

It would be nice if Hilko could be here.

She couldn't help but think.

After that day, she never heard from Hilko again, and he seemed to have disappeared from the world.

Occasionally, Jinx would still think of him and every detail of her life over the years.

She couldn't forget it so easily.

For a certain period of time, Hilko was indeed her spiritual support and played a father-like role in her mind.

During that time, she seemed to be abandoned by the world, standing in endless darkness.

The person who reached out to her from the light was Hilko.

But she also remembered that it was Hilko who allowed the darkness to surround her.

So it was very complicated. Jinx felt that before that night, there seemed to be two souls living in her body.

One is called Blast and the other is Jinx. Many times she can't tell who they are.

And from the moment she chose Vi, Jinx's soul dissipated, leaving only scattered fragments, hiding deep in her heart, somewhere she didn't want to touch.

The audience cheered continuously, but Jinx was in a daze.

She thought she was affected by the debris.

Inexplicable loss swept through his body like a tide, and the gap in his heart widened further.

Maybe this will be something she will regret for the rest of her life. Hilko has come to her performances many times, but she has never discovered it.

Of course this is not enough.

She hoped that when she brought 'Jinx Shock' to Zaun, Hilko could also come and see it. This would make sense.

However, it can no longer be seen.

"Let's go, Jinx."

Seraphine and the others were about to step off the stage. Seeing Jinx still sitting there, they couldn't help but call out.

Jinx came to her senses, nodded, and stood up. At the last moment when she was about to turn around, a silhouette of her back suddenly flashed in her peripheral vision.

Her eyes were fixed on a figure she was very familiar with, wearing a coat, and standing beside him was a woman who was taller than him.

The two walked side by side, left through another exit, and turned into an alley.

"What are you looking at?"

Lux gave her a strange look.

"Nothing." Jinx came to her senses and followed them off the stage.

But he quickly found an excuse and left first.

She came to that alley, and her appearance caused a stir among the people in the alley. Naturally, they were no strangers to the blue-haired girl who shined on the stage just now.


"You are the pride of our city!"

"You look so cool playing the drums!"

"I will always support you!"

The people of Zuan spoke enthusiastically.

Jinx's eyes were fixed on the wall at this moment, where an unsigned sentence was written.

"Come on, this is the best show. I wish you a bright future and may you be happy forever."

"Who wrote this?" she couldn't help but ask.

"It seems like a strange uncle just wrote it."

"I remember he had scars on his face, like he had been burned by fire."

"I always feel it looks familiar, but I can't remember it."

"No matter who he is, he must be your biggest fan. There is no Zaunian now who is not your biggest fan."

People around him pieced together a few words. Many Zaun people were not familiar with the former owner of the lower city.

Looking at that paragraph, Jinx suddenly smiled, turned around, and walked out.

Life is not an arranged performance, there will always be goodbyes without preparation.

so be it.

"Goodbye." As the voice fell softly, the last obsession in the girl's heart dissipated.

She was no longer stuck in place and was about to move forward in stride.


The ship bound for Shurima continent slowly started to move with a buzzing sound.

Passengers were walking around on the ship, and some were sitting somewhere to rest and chat.

At the stern of the ship, Seweka stood behind the guardrail, watching the twin cities gradually getting smaller and smaller in her eyes, watching Zaun gradually disappearing away.

She said to the man next to her: "Are you going to leave like this? Why don't you say goodbye to that girl formally."

Hearing this, Hilko turned his head and looked in the direction of Zu An, and smiled calmly: "No, that's fine."

Sevika looked at Silko and sighed softly: "Sometimes I really don't understand you. I care so much about you, but I don't even want to see you for the last time."

"Because once we meet, I will be reluctant to leave." Hilko smiled calmly, his eyes twinkling slightly, "I sometimes can't understand myself. I always feel that I am a person who cannot tolerate sand in my eyes."

"But that day I took her in by some strange combination of circumstances. Perhaps I saw in her my past self, who was also abandoned."

"She has many Zaunian advantages. She is smart and confident, but she also likes to fool around. I think I can influence her, and I will carefully train her to become a person like me. However, unknowingly, But she was influenced by her.”

When he said this, Hilko's eyes became a little softer and relieved.

"We seem to be the same kind of people. The world is full of love, but we are all abandoned by love. Until that day, I found that she was still loved by the world."

"I suddenly felt lucky in my heart. Lucky that she didn't become someone like me. Lucky that we led her to depravity. Lucky that she could become beautiful and bloom like a beautiful flower."

"So I know that I can no longer appear in her world. I am born to be incompatible with beauty. Someone can continue to love her for me, and that is enough."

Hilko finished speaking calmly.

Sevika smiled: "Since you think so, don't regret it in the future. This may be the last time we meet her."

"Maybe you will regret it." Hilko looked aside and asked, "Do you regret following me?"

Seveka paused and asked, "Do you want to listen to the truth?"

Hilko nodded: "Yes."

"To be honest, I have no regrets, even now." Sevika said casually with a smile on her face, "Although I'm a little angry to be driven out of Zuan in such a mess, who made me decide to follow you in the first place? ?Now that you’ve decided, there’s nothing to regret.”

Hilko said: "Do you know what I want to say now?"

"If it's disgusting, just forget about it."

Sevika laughed.

Hilko smiled and asked: "Are you confident that you can accompany me to make a comeback?"

"Of course." Sevika replied.

Hilko turned around and looked forward.

As a result, there was nothing left for Zu An to miss.

Everyone should look forward. He has people he absolutely cannot let down. It seems he needs to think about how they can get along in Shurima.

An unknown cave located in Zaun.

Victor walked slowly. He hadn't been here for a while, and recently he had an inexplicable desire to visit again.

Maybe that person is still here.

A person who once guided Victor when he was confused about the future.

He remembered that the man was called Singed.

He used to come occasionally, and I was always inspired by my interactions with him. Then Victor remembered the reason why he hadn't been here for a long time.

Because in constant communication, he found that he and this senior had many similarities, but they had different views on some key points.

That senior believed that the process leading to the same goal and result is often not important, as long as the result is the same.

Victor has the opposite view. He believes that the process is equally important, and the process cannot be ignored just because of the results.

He saw with his own eyes that seniors who adhered to this concept could wield a knife towards an innocent animal without any mercy.

It can be seen that he has many wonderful ideas, but those ideas are dangerous and bold.

He respects this senior very much, but rarely comes back.

The sound of water flowing outside kept making a sound. This location was extremely remote and quiet.

Entering the cave, there was light inside, and he saw the senior.

His body was thin, his face seemed to be bandaged due to some accident, and all his hair was shaved off.

But the pace and back give people a sense of calmness.

This is the senior's laboratory. You can usually see a lot of experimental equipment, as well as an alchemy jar containing some kind of strange creature.

But at this moment, it looked like a mess. Experimental drawings were scattered all over the floor. The equipment on the desk and cabinet was staggered. The alchemy jars had also been opened, and the contents inside had disappeared.

And he was standing in it, calmly cleaning up the mess.

"What's going on here?"

Seeing this, Victor couldn't help but ask questions.

Hearing this, Singed turned his head and saw Victor. He was not surprised by his arrival. He just said "Oh" and replied: "Nothing, because I am leaving here, so it seems a little messy."

Victor was stunned for a moment and said unexpectedly: "Are you leaving here?"

"That's right." Xingjid nodded slightly, "I thought we would never have the chance to meet. I'm surprised that you came. It's just a pity that I don't have much time to talk to you."

"It's okay." Victor said, "Do you need my help?"

"Your complexion has improved a lot. Did you receive any treatment?" Xingid noticed that Victor was in good condition and asked curiously.

"Yes, there was a very powerful person who gave me some prescriptions." Victor answered truthfully.

"Then this is indeed a good thing." Xingjid smiled, "Every time I see you, you always look pale. You haven't been here for a while, I thought you..."

Victor was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say: "I always don't have much time."

"I understand." Xingid actually knew the reason and continued to smile, "Anyway, I'm very happy to see you again."

"Me too." Victor said, and then couldn't help but ask more: "Where are you going? Why are you leaving?"

"Because something happened."

Singed thought for a while and replied vaguely: "You know, experiments require financial support. And the person who provided me with financial support had an accident some time ago. I think in the next period of time, we will need financial support." It’s up to me. As for where to go, the world is so big, there is always a place for me.”

"Really, what a pity."

Victor felt sorry for this and continued, "I hope we can meet again in the future."

"Of course you can." Singed said calmly.

"I hope so." Victor said.

With a few salutes, Singed was about to leave. Before leaving, he looked at Victor as if to say goodbye: "You are an inventor with outstanding talent. I hope you can cherish your talent. Maybe we will be able to work together soon." goodbye."

Victor nodded: "I will. You have helped me a lot during this period and solved many confusions for me. Thank you."

"Actually, you also solved a lot of confusion for me."

Singed said, "Many people we meet in life may be our teachers. Our fate will not end here. Let's meet again when we are destined."


Victor nodded.

He watched Singed go away. This senior had been worried about his health, so after his body gradually recovered, he wanted to tell him the good news.

But I didn't expect that seeing each other again would be such a farewell.

But just like Singed said, they might see each other again one day.

Singed had already left the cave at this moment, and he set off in one direction with a clear purpose.

In fact, his laboratory is not the only one.

It's just that Hilko's downfall did have an impact on him to a certain extent.

For this reason, he is going to scrap some laboratories.

At the same time, there was a mysterious man named "C" who wanted to meet him. He thought that he had no reason not to meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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