LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 392 Weapon Workshop

Chapter 392 Weapon Workshop

In the laboratory.

Singed placed the packed luggage randomly, making the laboratory a little more cluttered.

He poured himself a cup of hot water using an experimental glass, and then pulled off the bandage around his mouth, revealing a slightly ferocious face covered in burn marks.

He found a chair and sat down, drinking water quietly.

Until there was a sound of footsteps outside, and a figure slowly appeared at the door.

Singed raised his head and looked over calmly: "Please come in."

So the latter walked in, wearing a cloak, and his face under the cloak was also covered by a white mask.

Then, his voice came through the mask: "It's not easy to find you, Singed. The developer of the shimmering potion, I have long wanted to meet you."

Xingid's expression was as calm as a pool of stagnant water: "I don't really like the feeling of being well-informed, and I don't really like communicating with people who hide their stuff. I think you should explain your purpose."

"I don't mean any harm. On the contrary, I brought something that you are definitely interested in." The man's expression behind the mask was unknown, and he seemed to chuckle, "And what I know about you is limited to your unparalleled Talent.”

Singed didn't reply, but waited patiently for the man's next words.

Seeing him like this, the man did not ask for any boring chat: "After the fall of Hilko, I think your source of funds to maintain the operation of the laboratory has also been cut off. Of course, if you want to make money, there are countless ways .”

"But instead of wasting this time, why not just come and negotiate a deal with me."

He finished his words and waited for Singed's response.

"I'm not very interested in a one-shot deal right now." Singed replied calmly, "There was once a Noxian warlord like you who found me. They wanted me to provide a large-scale destructive weapon. Weapons, I gave them the answer. But they couldn't control them, and in the end they blamed me for the fault."

"Since then, I don't really like dealing with people who think they are smart."

"That's their loss. But I think you shouldn't say it too early. Trust me, you will definitely be interested in this."

The man said, and slowly took out a mithril box from under his cloak.

Upon closer inspection, he had his whole body wrapped tightly.

Singed only knew that this person called himself the symbol "C", and he happened to know something about the kidnapping case that made a lot of noise many years ago.

A high-ranking Piltover official and a famous inventor were kidnapped and tortured, and it was this mysterious "C" who did all this.

Although both of them were rescued in the end, this "C" also seemed to have disappeared from the world.

That's why I had some interest.

At this time, he watched the man place the mysterious silver box on the experimental table, and then pressed an unknown button, and the sound of gears turning came from the silver box.

Then a few cracks appeared, then opened up in all directions.

The moment it opened, a strange green light also spread out from it.

"This is?"

This immediately aroused Singed's interest. He stood up and looked at the things that were floating quietly in the middle of the silver box, shining like gems.

The light emanating from it exuded an indescribable feeling, or maybe it was just like that.

Walking closer, Singed stretched out his hand curiously, wanting to touch this strange stone.

But he was stopped in mid-air. The man put his hand on his arm and reminded: "Believe me, if you don't want to be swallowed by it, then don't touch it."

"Is this a world rune?"

Singed expressed his guess. Before the man could respond, he confirmed it and said in a subtle mood, "I thought it was just a legend before."

"Now as you can see, a genuine world rune fragment is placed in front of you."

The man seemed to smile and asked, "How's it going? Are you interested in our deal now?"

"I'm very interested." Xingjid nodded slightly, and his stagnant face also showed fluctuations. His eyes flickered and he said, "Tell me the contents of the transaction."

"I got this world rune fragment by chance. As you know, this kind of thing usually contains powerful energy, but it also contains countless possibilities."

"Because its energy is too huge, I made this kind of mithril box to isolate it. Now, I can give it to you directly."

The man's words were quite casual, and he immediately stated his purpose, "However, no matter what you study from it, I will share the results. You are one of the very few scientists with this kind of ability, so I came to you. "

"So that's it." Singed was no longer surprised now. He didn't take his eyes away from the rune fragments. After thinking for a few seconds, he said, "I think I have no reason to refuse this deal and leave it here." , and then leave a means of contacting you."

"No need, when I want to come to you, I will come naturally. Even if you take it and hide in the corners of the world, I can still find it, trust me."

The man left without saying any goodbyes.

And Singed didn't care about the faint threat revealed in his words.

People like him are walking on the edge of a knife, so why should they be afraid of threats of this level?

In contrast, he was indeed very interested in the rune fragment in front of him.

Just by looking at it, he saw countless possibilities from it.

Soon, Singed was the only one left in the laboratory.

The rune fragment was suspended there, shining brightly.

Singed's eyes had shifted away from it. He slowly came to another thick iron door and opened it.

There is nothing behind this door except a constantly running alchemy pot.

And in the liquid of the alchemy jar, a thin girl sleeps here.

Looking at her, Singed's eyes finally showed some fluctuations. He stretched out his hand to re-wrap the bandage, and then closed the door.

"Wait a moment, Angelie, it's almost over."


"Huh, I didn't expect the effect to be so shocking."

Wei and a group of people were walking on the street, as if they were still immersed in the performance not long ago.

Although she knew in advance that her sister was an awesome band member, she didn't expect to be so awesome.

The scene of tens of thousands of people partying together is truly unforgettable.

I have to say that Wei is really proud from the bottom of her heart.

Watching Jinx and other girls walking and thinking in front of them, with smiles on their faces, the scene was very warm.

Her eyes were a little softer, and she couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

She was really lucky to meet such a group of people after she was released from prison.

Walking at the end of the team, Lu Qi asked aloud: "How have you been busy with your affairs in Zaun recently?"

Hearing this, Wei sighed softly: "Just so-so, Zu'an's gang is more chaotic now than it was a few years ago. They don't obey anyone. Although I settled two of them, there is still no change. But the good news is that at the beginning, Many people who followed Fandel came back.”

In Zaun, there is actually a very simple rule.

If you have a hard fist, you can convince the crowd.

Back then, Fander led a group of Zauns to start a conflict with Piltover, and the Junction Bridge was on fire when they were killed.

After that battle, no one had any objection that he was the boss of Zuan.

Now, Vandel fell, and so did Hilko.

Those gangs that were still alive naturally saw new opportunities.

And they obviously weren't convinced by Wei who inherited Fandel's will. After all, Wei has disappeared for so many years, and now she comes back and wants to take charge of the overall situation. How can such a good thing happen?

Although he has the support of the Wildfire Gang and his own strong fists, Wei, who is still relatively young, does encounter some difficulties when facing these old and cunning people who have been entrenched for so many years.

Listening to Wei slowly complaining, Lu Qi probably understood what was going on.

"To put it simply, the fist is not strong enough."

he commented.

Wei sighed helplessly: "Two fists are no match for four hands. Sometimes I feel like I wish I had a perpetual motion machine, so that I could keep punching."

Her helplessness is not unreasonable, because compared to many years ago, the Zaun people's technology has improved a lot.

Guns were not very common in the past, but now they are easy to see.

"Although a perpetual motion machine is difficult to solve, I think you should really keep up with the times."

Lu Qi smiled at this time and said, "You will go somewhere with me later."

Wei nodded. Although he had no objection, he still asked curiously: "Where? What are you going to do?"

Lu Qi smiled slightly: "Go to an inventor's workshop, and I will give you some equipment support."

This made Wei a little curious.

So after Lu Qi, Lux and the others said something, they took Wei and walked to another street.

Half an hour later, they stopped in front of a weapons workshop.

The door was open, and at a glance you could see a larger furnace running inside, with raging fire burning inside.

On both sides of the furnace, there were various instruments, and several pieces of equipment that seemed to be under development.

"Your Highness."

At this time, Jace walked slowly from the right, his forehead was covered with sweat and he was breathing slightly.

Lu Qi looked at him and asked with a smile: "Are you busy?"

"Just got some rest," Jace replied.

"This is Wei, the friend I mentioned when I was looking for you a few days ago."

Lu Qi briefly introduced Wei next to him, and then said, "Take out those two gloves and show them to her."

"it is good."

Jace nodded, turned and left.

Wei looked at the weapons workshop with some curiosity and said, "Is this the famous congressman?"

The news that Jace became a councilor has not gone out of the limelight even now. He is still a hot topic among people, and even many people in Zaun know about it.

After all, he is the famous developer of Hex Technology.

"Yes." Lu Qi nodded slightly, "When I came to see him a few days ago, he was developing a new piece of equipment, and the experiment was in the advanced stages. I thought this equipment might be suitable for you, so I mentioned it. A mouthful."

After hearing his words, Wei said sincerely: "Thank you so much for your continued care, Your Highness."

Lu Qi had indeed helped her too much, and now he even thought of her first for such things, which made her somewhat touched.

No matter what, his kindness will be kept in mind and he will repay it in the future if he has the opportunity.

Jess came back soon, and this time he pushed back a small car. On the small car stood two mechanical gloves that looked a bit wide and heavy.

Wei took one look and couldn't look away.

"This is the Hex Power Glove." Jess spoke up at this time and slowly introduced, "This glove was originally designed for mining, but during the design process, I lacked some requirements for the wearer. consideration."

"Although it can produce strong power, it is also a considerable burden on the carrier. Ordinary people cannot control it at all. Generally speaking, the pros and cons are equal."

"But I heard from His Highness that it suits you very well. You can give it a try."

Jace said as he laid the glove flat. This glove alone was as big as half of his body, and it looked heavy when he moved it.

After the glove was laid flat, there was a loud sound.

Wei stepped forward, and Jess introduced: "In order to prevent it from falling off easily, there is an automatic fitting device inside the glove. You only need to extend your arm into it. There will be a button at the thumb position. , press to bind. I think it won’t hurt very much.”

Wei didn't hesitate, raised her hands directly, and inserted one on each side into the gloves.

As she reached deeper, she pressed the button on her thumb as Jace said.

Immediately, every mechanical part of the glove began to operate, and the Hex gem in the palm of the hand began to continuously transmit energy, and the backside lit up.

The next second, a puff of smoke erupted from both sides, and the inside of the glove automatically fit into Wei's arm.

Wei raised her arm and shook it twice.

Jess asked: "How do you feel? Each glove weighs sixty-five kilograms. I hope you don't show off, otherwise the damage to your arms will be huge."

"It's indeed a bit heavy, but I think it's acceptable." Wei gradually began to adapt, and the range of movements began to increase.

She tried to pump her fist, and her fist whirred, looking very powerful.

It could be seen from her bright eyes that she was simply not too satisfied.

Obviously, these two mechanical fists directly poked her heart.

"If you find it acceptable, then it's fine."

Jess looked at Vi's free swing and felt that she didn't seem forced.

He had a good idea when designing this thing. In order to allow ordinary people to mine better, Hex Gloves can provide a lot of help.

But he forgot that ordinary people couldn't bear this kind of weight.

Lu Qi happened to find him a few days ago. After a chat, he decided to let Wei come and take a look.

After looking at it this way, I found that it really suited her.

Lu Qi wondered if it would be suitable. After all, this thing was destined to be made for Wei from the moment Jace decided to build it.

Jess said: "Next, let me briefly introduce to you the functions of this glove."

Vi stopped and nodded, ready to listen.

"The most important thing is the charging mode. The activation button is on your index finger. It will speed up the energy consumption of the Hex Gem and accumulate energy at the same time."

"This energy can be used as a shield mode. When activated, it can form a short-lasting Hex magnetic field around your body to resist attacks."

"It can also be released to form an attack with greater impact."

"At the same time, it also has certain automatic operation procedures and corresponding activation keys."

Jace explained sentence by sentence.

"I have to say, your design is really amazing."

Wei was feeling a little excited at the moment, maybe because this glove fit her so well.

The most important thing is that with this equipment, the problems in the lower city will no longer bother her.

Maybe she should give those who are not convinced by her a taste of fist.

(End of this chapter)

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