LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 393 I analyzed it myself, there is something wrong!

Chapter 393 I analyzed it myself, there is something wrong!

Leaving Jace's weapon workshop, Lu Qi and Wei said goodbye for a while.

Immediately set foot on the road to Pi City's scientific research building.

After arriving at the place, someone quickly came out to greet him, and then Lu Qi arrived all the way to Navis's laboratory.

Since he arranged her to this experimental building more than half a month ago, Lu Qi has not paid much attention to the matters here.

The main reason is because Navis is trustworthy and she will definitely get things done.

"Your Highness."

After Navis saw Lu Qi, she came up to him.

Lu Qi nodded slightly and asked, "How is the development of the secret key going?"

"So far, there has been a breakthrough." Navis brought Lu Qi to a place and picked up the mithril-colored substance. "We have discovered a mineral, although it does not have the function of a magic stone. But But it can carry magical energy very well."

"Currently, this is our main research direction."

"Did you encounter any trouble?" Lu Qi asked.

"Not really." Navis shook her head.

"That's good." Lu Qi found that the laboratory had separated the Mengwang base station from the same glass. He thought about it and asked, "How long do you expect it to take?"

Navis thought for a while and replied: "If you want to make the secret key ready for mass production, I estimate it will take at least a month."

Lu Qi nodded.

One month is just a starting point, how long it really takes depends on the situation.

But this is not urgent.

After briefly asking about the situation and confirming that Navis encountered no problems, Lu Qi said goodbye and left.

He walked slowly on the streets of Pi City, looking at the harmonious scene on the streets, and realized that it had been more than a month since he arrived in Pi City.

If you think about it carefully this month, a lot of things have happened.

Thinking that there were still a lot of things to do next, Lu Qi couldn't help but raise his waist, let out a long breath, and began to walk back slowly.

After returning to the training base, I happened to see Miss Crown Guard taking out the photos she had prepared for a long time in the secret key for everyone to enjoy.

There are pictures of Jinx crying.

"Look, these crying pear blossoms are like rain."

"My nose is red from crying."

"My heart aches when I see it."

She showed a photo in front of everyone and made a tsk-tsk sound.

But everyone was still watching curiously.

At this moment, Jinx has reached the edge of breaking her defense, her face is red, her eyes are filled with anger, and her whole body is shaking with anger.

She knew that this little golden retriever had no good intentions!

Damn it!

It happened that at the most helpless moment, I was captured with the darkest photo!

"Delete them!"

Finally, Jinx couldn't bear it any longer and pounced towards Lux like a tiger.

Lux's figure flashed, and she dodged away nimbly, and said: "It would be a pity to delete such a good photo. You'd better not act rashly, be careful if I shake my hand and send it directly to the group."

She slowly stopped.

Jinx froze on the spot as if she had been stabbed, staring at her angrily and angrily.

Lux curled her lips and said meaningfully: "Xiao Jin, you don't want everyone to know about the photo, right?"

Jinx was silent.

She now felt that if she said one more word, it might be wrong.

Most importantly, her heart felt cold at this moment.

Based on her understanding of the little golden retriever in front of her, she is definitely the kind of person who would print out the photos and post them all over Zu'an City!

How abominable!

I don’t know who I learned such a mean character from!

"I often suffer from backache and backache, and I still need someone to serve me tea and water. It would be great if someone could do these things for me for free and only takes three days."

Lux turned off the secret key with a swipe and sat down on the sofa casually.

Hearing these words, Jinx's delicate body trembled slightly. She came to the sofa without saying a word, stretched out her little hand and squeezed Lux's body.

Judging from the expression on her face as she bit her lower lip and endured the humiliation, Lu Qi predicted that there would be a bloody storm in three days.

It's just that it's none of my business, just hang it up high.

There was absolutely no need for him to intervene in this dispute. It was not yet dinner time, so he was too lazy to do anything.

So I lay on the rocking chair, found a book, and started reading leisurely.

After dinner, Lu Qi ran to the rooftop to watch the night view for a while, until a gust of cold wind blew him back into the house.

As it got dark, everyone yawned and went to bed.

As if there was nothing busy, the day passed like this.

In the blink of an eye, another half month passed.

It's almost mid-December, and the weather is indeed getting colder.

Even in a place like Piltover, people on the streets wear thicker clothes.

After three consecutive concerts of Jian Aremu were held in Zaun, the pace also completely slowed down.

In the future, it will be changed to one performance every half month to more than a month, but even so, the band's popularity has not diminished at all.

They are still a hot topic of discussion in the Twin Cities and a good medicine for promoting the relationship between the Twin Cities.

At least in the past half month, the differences between the two cities have become less obvious.

Although the grudge still exists, it is inevitable. After all, the two cities have been at loggerheads for too long, and now it takes time to slowly resolve it.

It is worth mentioning that due to the influence of Gaon Arem, there are more and more bands in the Twin Cities.

Many people with musical dreams formed bands and started street tours.

It seems that the wind stirred up by Garn Alem will continue to blow.

At Lu Qi's house.

The sun is good today, so he is lying on a chair on the rooftop, basking in the sun.

The secret key in his hand sent a message. After taking a look, he replied with a few words, then turned off the message and lay down peacefully.

The person who sent the message was Jarvan IV.

He said he had successfully met with people from Piltover.

Today, the team sent by Piltover to Demacia more than a month ago has successfully arrived at the royal capital of Demacia.

This is indeed good news, because there has been new progress in the alliance between the two parties.

Next, we will start building the Hex Flying Gate base station in Demacia.

Now that the base station in Pi City has been completed, all that is left is some follow-up work, which is not troublesome.

As long as the base station in Demacia is completed, the Hex Flying Gate can be officially launched.


At this time, a gentle sigh sounded from Lu Qi's side.

The elf goddess sat next to her with a somewhat unhappy expression. She picked up the snacks that Lu Qi placed on the table and ate them without any courtesy.

Lu Qi opened his eyes, took a look, and said, "Where does this 'Alas' come from?"


Janna didn't reply and sighed again, her pointed ears drooping a little.

"You don't want me to guess by myself, do you?" Lu Qi yawned and thought for a while, "I guess you must have something on your mind."

"Isn't this nonsense?" Janna glanced at him, otherwise, why do you think I am sighing here?

Seeing that this guy looked confused and had no intention of guessing, she took the initiative to speak.

"Recently, the number of believers has not increased much. It seems to have reached a threshold." When she said this, she looked sad.

After listening to this, Lu Qi couldn't help but said: "Is there a threshold for this thing?"

"Of course." Janna nodded and said, "There are also three, six or nine levels of gods. Some gods spend their entire lives with only a few followers. In the end, until the believers die, they themselves also disappear."

Lu Qi heard this and asked curiously: "Have you ever seen such a god?"

Janna shook her head and said, "I've never seen it before."

Lu Qi said: "Then where does your logic come from?"

Janna glanced at him: "I analyzed it myself. Is there something wrong with it?"

"No problem." Lu Qi gave her a "continue" look and remained quiet.

"In short, that's what it means. But after all, I am different from those little gods. How can I encounter this kind of problem?"

Janna said worriedly.

Lu Qi thought for a while and asked, "Is it possible that the people in Pi City's Zu'an are full?"

"This is not possible." Janna said, "Although I have indeed gained a lot of fans and believers during this period, if nothing else, I am still a little behind Wazuan back then."

This guy sounded like he regarded believers as fans, but Lu Qi didn't bother with this detail.

He thought for a while and said: "Maybe it's not that you have reached a threshold, but that the band's method of marketing is no longer effective."

Jahn Alem has indeed become popular in Piltover and Zaun, and the band’s name is Janna’s former name.

But after all, this is not Janna's body, but a band composed of five girls.

Naturally, most of the fans came for the band, even though they learned that there was such a god through the band's marketing.

But compared to the band, they are obviously more likely to ignore the latter.


Speaking of this, Janna sighed again and ate snacks with a depressed expression.

Although she looked not in a good mood, her snacking speed did not slow down at all.

Lu Qi said: "I think you should be content. After all, you have a certain number of fans now, so I won't let you disappear where you are."

Janna emphasized: "It's a believer."

"You almost blurted out "fans" yourself just now."


Janna couldn't refute, but she didn't expect this guy to hear her. She said, "I'm not dissatisfied. You're right. The band has solved my dilemma. At least I don't have to worry about not seeing the sun tomorrow after sleeping."

She cheered up a little, and her pointed ears stood up, as if she had regained her energy.

As a result, the eating speed will be faster.

Potato chips, biscuits, melon seeds, nuts, no matter what, just open your little mouth and throw it in, eating it happily.

Lu Qi was already used to this foodie elf coming here to get some snacks from time to time.

It was almost dusk now, and the sun was not as bright as in the afternoon.

So he simply turned over, facing the other side, yawned and closed his eyes, planning to take a nap.

A gust of cool breeze blew, Janna waved her hand casually, and the cool breeze turned a corner and went elsewhere.

She was still eating snacks by herself, seeming to enjoy this leisurely moment.

late at night.


The gray alleys located in the lower city, compared to the bustle of the dance corridor, these alleys in the city seem very quiet.

It's fine during the day, but at night, there aren't many people walking into these alleys.

For some unknown reason, it is usually foggy here, and it becomes even more foggy at night, making it difficult to distinguish the road sometimes.

The people of Zaun turned this fog into haze, and they had long been accustomed to it.

Different from usual times, a young girl stepped onto this alley at this moment.

She was holding something in her arms, walking hurriedly, looking left and right, cautiously, and every move she made seemed extremely nervous.

She kept saying words to embolden herself in her heart, and at the same time prayed not to meet someone she shouldn't meet.

However, things often backfire.

Not long after entering the alley, two figures suddenly came out of the haze.

They stopped in front of the girl, who was so frightened that she stopped in her tracks.

These were obviously two gang members. They looked like they had just smoked something. Their expressions were happy and enjoyable, and their pace was extremely frivolous.

Apparently, they were on some drugs.

"Oh my, look what we encountered in the gray alley?"

One of the men with dyed yellow hair raised the dagger in his hand as he spoke and approached the girl.

The girl was so frightened that she stepped back until she had no way out and leaned against the wall.

"New face, she looks like a girl from a good family." The yellow-haired man looked at the girl, raised the dagger, and slowly slid it from her shoulder to her chest, "What treasure are you holding in your arms? Do you mind letting me see it?"

With that said, he didn't wait for the girl's consent and directly opened the bag in her hand. He saw several bottles of purple potion inside and showed a dangerous look.


After hearing these two words, the black-haired companion also walked up.

The yellow-haired man smiled happily, but quickly put away his smile: "Don't you know that Shimmer is now a banned item? If it is sold secretly, there will be a high price."

Tears overflowed from the girl's eyes and she sobbed: "I don't know. Someone asked me to deliver this bag to a place so that I can have some money. I really don't know this is Shimmer. Please let me go." Get over me."

"It's easy to let you go, we are not bad people." A smile appeared on the yellow-haired man's face again, and he took Glimmer from the girl's hand, "It's just that we have to leave this to us."

The girl didn't dare to resist at all, and nodded weakly, with two lines of tears hanging on her weak face.

This delicate and charming appearance made the black-haired man on the side look straight in his eyes.

He poked his companion next to him and said with a lewd smile: "Normally, people don't come into this place like this. It would be a pity to let him go like this."

"Are you crazy? You still want to cause trouble?" The yellow-haired man frowned. Although he had taken too much, he was still conscious.

But the black-haired man couldn't hold it anymore, and he said again: "How long has it been since you had meat? This is Gray Alley, let's find a hidden place where no one knows. This time, buddy, I'll let you enjoy it first."

Hearing this, the yellow-haired man hesitated. His eyes fell on the girl's face again. He looked at her frightened and frightened eyes, like a deer, and felt that his lower body was beginning to move.

Then, his eyes gradually became dangerous.

"Little darling, your problem of smuggling Shimmer is not a small one. You made such a big mistake, and we took care of it for you. For this, there is no problem if you simply repay us, right?"

He reached out and grabbed the girl's arm, regardless of her resistance.

"Grey Alley is not a place you can come to. After today, I hope you can understand this truth."

He subdued the girl ruthlessly, and he and his black-haired companion were about to take her away.

The girl's eyes were full of despair at this moment, and tears kept flowing from her eyes.

If she had known this, she shouldn't have taken this risk for her mother's medical expenses.

She had absolutely no room for resistance in front of the two men.

Being dragged step by step towards the abyss of despair.

"As promised, I'll feel better later."

"Don't worry, I'll go look out for you. When you're done, we'll swap."

"Okay, she resisted so fiercely, do you want to give her some medicine?"

"It's not impossible. No one usually goes to the alley in front, so let's just go there."

The yellow-haired man and the black-haired man were already communicating expectantly.

Just now.

In the haze, a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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