LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 394 Do I need to explain to you?

Chapter 394 Do I need to explain to you?

They were a pair of faint red eyes, revealing bloodthirsty desire in the haze, as bright as blood.


At the same time, coming from the haze, there was also the sound of beast-like breathing.

At first, the yellow-haired man and the black-haired man just thought they were hallucinations caused by taking too much, and still didn't pay much attention to them.

Until, a huge claw poked out from the haze and made a sound.

The five fingers at the front of the claw were as sharp as steel, and the arm was connected to a weird arm guard, which contained three storage tanks filled with green liquid.

Now the two stopped and looked intently.

"What the hell is pretending to be a ghost?"

"Stop trying to scare people, get out of here! This is the territory of our Gray Nails gang!"

The two took out weapons from their bodies. Among them, the black-haired man held a revolver in his hand, which was filled with six bullets.

The next second, the figure emerged from the haze.

The two of them immediately froze on the spot, and a cold sweat broke out all over their bodies.

In front of them, there was a monster that looked human but not human!

He was the size of an ordinary person, with wild beast-like hair all over his body, and a mouth of sharp teeth on the wolf's head dripping saliva.

At this moment, he was lying on the ground, panting, like a beast ready to go.

The most important thing is that his body is covered with weird tubes, and he carries a huge liquid tank behind him like a mosaic, with green liquid flowing in it.

And being stared at by those scarlet eyes, a chilling feeling rose from the bottom of their hearts.

He seemed to be thinking about something and did not move for the time being.

"What kind of monster is this?"

The yellow-haired man was so frightened that he took a step back and couldn't help but let go of the girl's hand.

The girl was also frightened by this werewolf-like monster at this moment. She fell to the ground and did not dare to move.


A sudden gunshot was heard suddenly, and the bullet hit the werewolf's body directly, and then opened a bloody hole.

The pain in his body seemed to awaken the werewolf, and he finally raised his head, his scarlet eyes instantly covered with rage.


He let out a roar, and the green liquid in the pipe inserted into his body seemed to be activated, and seemed to be injecting into his body crazily.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The black-haired man's hand holding the gun trembled slightly, and he took two steps back in fear.

He fired three shots in a row and hit them all. However, he seemed to be indifferent to the monster, which only made him even more angry.

"No, run away!"

The yellow-haired man's eyes showed fear, and he turned around and ran away without looking back.

The black-haired man ran a step slower. He glanced around in panic, and then saw the girl who was so frightened that she fell to the ground.

So he directly grabbed the girl and threw her towards the werewolf. Then, he ran away without looking back.

The girl was thrown away and fell to the ground. The pain on her body was nothing compared to the fear and despair in her heart.


The beast's breathing approached, and the girl was so frightened that she held her breath, and tears kept flowing from her eyes.

This scene seemed to stimulate the werewolf. He growled twice, slowly approached the girl, and sniffed her body.

At this moment, the girl was extremely nervous, and she was so desperate that she could not speak. She just kept crying, waiting for death to come, and did not even dare to open her eyes.

However, after waiting for a while, I found that there was no movement or sound.

She mustered up the courage and opened her eyes, but was instantly startled again.

The werewolf-like monster was watching her from behind, and now he stood up like a human being.

She was so frightened that her legs were weak and she almost fainted.

"Get out of here."

Suddenly, suppressed whispers came out one after another, vague and mixed with the smell of pain and struggle.

The girl watched helplessly as the werewolf glanced at her one last time, then turned around and chased the black-haired man and the yellow-haired man in the direction where they were escaping.

He moved very quickly and disappeared into the haze like an afterimage.

It took a long time for the silence in the alley to recover, and the girl finally came to her senses. She quickly got up from the ground, wiped the tears from her face, and ran towards the outside of the gray alley.

She silently swore in her heart that she would never set foot in a gray alley again in her life.

What happened today was like a shadow to her.

In this comparison, the werewolf-like figure seemed less scary.

Why should he let himself go?

The girl is confused, but she will keep this question in her heart.

"Dak, are you sure you shot him?"

"Damn it, are you blind? Didn't you see the bullet hit him?"

"I saw it, but why does he seem to be fine?"

"Who the hell knows? I've never seen that kind of monster."

The black-haired man and the yellow-haired man ran for a long way. They realized that no one was catching up behind them, so they stopped and discussed the situation just now.

The black-haired man said after the disaster: "I pushed the woman over just now. The monster is probably attacking her now. I hope she can help us stop it for a while."

The yellow-haired man also nodded and said without any pity: "I feel like we can't stay here any longer. The monster will catch up to us at some point. Let's get out of here first and let's call more people."

"Yes, if this kind of monster appears in the territory, other people must be notified."

Both of them were panting slightly and planned to call for help.

No matter what, this kind of monster has come to the territory, and people must be informed about it.

The monster just crawling there gave people a chilling sense of danger, and they swore they never wanted to encounter him again.

At this moment, the yellow-haired man suddenly stopped and showed a horrified expression.

"What are you doing?" The black-haired man noticed something was wrong from his expression, and when he looked at him, he was stunned for a moment, and a great fear emerged from his heart.

The werewolf-like monster was standing in front of them now, standing like a human being. A pair of eyes were a little brighter red than before.

"Run, run!"

The yellow-haired man turned around and ran as fast as he could in his life.

In just a few breaths, a faster figure suddenly flashed past him, and a gasp came from his throat as if his patience had been exhausted.

He was so frightened that he fell to the ground. He just watched the werewolf open its bloody mouth and rush towards him.


Amid the screams, Dak was already covered in cold sweat. He hurriedly took out the bullet from his pocket and stuffed it into the magazine.

The panic made him turn around and run away, but when he turned around, he saw the werewolf had stood up from the yellow-haired man's body and was chasing him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Dak didn't hesitate and emptied the magazine.

In the Gray Nails gang, he was given a revolver because of his good marksmanship.

Normally, he was extremely confident in his marksmanship, but at this moment, Dak had self-doubt in his heart.

He swallowed hard, took out the pistol and fell to the ground.

At such a close distance, six bullets were fired in succession, but none of them hit.

The monster's burst of speed made him despair of even escaping.


Another scream came out.

The werewolf dragged the two corpses and disappeared into the gray alley.

Returning to his 'wolf den', an extremely ordinary cave, looking at the prey he had captured today, the werewolf had no idea of ​​eating.

It seems that hunting is just to satisfy his blood thirst, out of a beastly instinct, but eating is not.

Deep in his soul, he actually felt a little disgusted with this matter. Whenever this kind of self-tangled thought appears, it will often be accompanied by a headache.

He could smell the smell of blood in his nose, which aggravated the pain in his head, and in the pain, the memory of just now flashed through his mind inexplicably.

Then suddenly a girl's helpless scream echoed in his mind.

Head hurts.

In his life, there seemed to have been poor girls like that in the gray alley.

Gray Nail Gang, a very familiar name.

He seemed to remember knowing them.

At this moment, some more memory scenes flashed through, and his body began to hurt, as if it was being torn apart alive.

The pain was accompanied by a severe burning sensation, causing the werewolf to fall to the ground in pain, holding his head and roaring.

By the way, a laboratory. He escaped from a laboratory.

He has a name. What is his name?

"Bloodthirsty Experimental Subject No. 1, Warwick. The results of this experiment were not ideal. The experimental subject had a rejection reaction with the alchemical substance. The reason is unknown."

"It seems that the genes of humans and wolves are mutually exclusive, and the emergence of alchemical substances will only cause them to disintegrate faster."

In the scarlet vision, a man with sunken eye sockets and a bandage wrapped around his face was recording after the experiment. The bandage occasionally rose and fell as he spoke.

Warwick remembered that he was the one who turned himself into this monster that was neither human nor beast.

Suddenly, an incomparable hatred and anger emerged, once again awakening the drug pump connected to his nervous system.

The infinite liquid anger caused Warwick to ignore the pain on his body, and a howl resounded in the cave.

Tonight's hunting has just begun.

The next day.

Vi woke up in her room, sat up in bed, and fell into a trance for a while.

Her room is not big, it is where she lived when she was a child.

At that time, she and her sister slept on the bunk bed in the room and talked quietly until they fell asleep late every night.

When she found this room, no one had lived here for a long time, and the furnishings in the room had not changed much, but since that day, no one had taken care of it.

Now she has packed up again and lives here, leaving a bed for her sister.

Bao Bao has grown up, so naturally he can no longer be kept by his side every day.

She usually spent the night at the band's place, but occasionally she would come back for a night.

That's fine for Wei, she just wants to see her every day.

After briefly washing up, Wei set off towards Fulgen's Tavern.

The place is not far, we will arrive soon.

Fulgen's Tavern was once owned by Fandel, and now it is inherited by Vi. She plans to reopen the place in a better way.

She found the former clerk and tidied everything up as before.

However, every time she sat at the bar, she knew that too many things had changed without her realizing it.

Before I finished the cocktail, someone opened the door and walked in.

"Amway, what happened?"

Wei couldn't help but ask when she saw the man's serious expression.

Amway is from the Wildfire Gang and was sent by Ike to help her. He grew up in Zaun and can be trusted by people of his age group.

"I don't know what happened to the Gray Nails gang. Their gang leader is clamoring to see you."

Amway and Wei said.

"Grey Nails Gang?" Wei frowned slightly, "Didn't you go looking for them a few days ago?"

Amway shook his head and said: "I don't know what the situation is, but you should go there."

"Okay, wait for me."

Although Wei didn't know what the situation was, she also knew that she had to get through it.

So I made some preparations, put on the Hex gloves I got back from Jace, and set off towards the territory of the Gray Nails Gang.

Now everyone in Zaun knows that she is back and is ready to take over Fander's position.

After such a long time, many gangs have surrendered.

Regarding these gangs, Wei did not force them to integrate, but remained the same as before.

However, she requires these gangs to have a bottom line in their actions, otherwise she will come again.

Once she comes to visit again, it means that a gang will disappear.

This is not something that will happen in the future, but something that has already happened.

So now, Wei's status in Zaun has gradually increased, and many gangs are beginning to look at her face.

After arriving at the Gray Nail Gang's territory, Wei saw a middle-aged woman with a not so pretty face waiting for her with a cigarette in her mouth.

She is the leader of the Gray Nails Gang, Miranda.

She is also an old man who has been in Zaun for many years. When Fander was still there, she was already a member of the Gray Nail Gang.

"Call me over here, what's the matter?"

Wei approached and asked directly.

Miranda exhaled the smoke from her mouth, her face still ugly and said: "Two people in my gang are missing, they are near here. I suspect someone has touched them."

Wei heard this and asked first: "Missing? Is life or death uncertain?"

"He's probably dead. Come with me."

Miranda took another drag on her cigarette and led the way.

Wei followed, and soon they came to a gray alley.

I saw bloodstains everywhere.

"Here, we found Duck's pistol and six fired bullets. A few blocks over there, we also found three shell casings."

"The blood stains are only found here. Someone chased them here and then dragged them away from there until they disappeared."

Miranda said, looking at the scene to Wei, her face getting increasingly ugly.

She looked at Wei, who was lost in thought, and said unhappily: "I listened to you and stopped making trouble, but now someone comes to my territory and kills my people. Do you have to give me a reason for this?" Explain?"

"Explain? Do I need to give you an explanation?"

Wei raised her eyes from her thoughts and looked at Miranda calmly.

Miranda choked as she smoked, and she glanced at the Hex glove in Wei's hand with some fear.

I don't know where this guy comes from such advanced equipment, and now Zuan is not a small number of people who have been beaten by these fists.

And more and more people are surrendering to her.

She knew that the current Wei was indeed something she could not afford to offend.

She blew out the smoke from her mouth and controlled her emotions: "My man is dead, you have to understand my feelings."

"I understand." Wei nodded, and then changed the topic: "I also want to talk to you about some things. You know that my management has been very relaxed, because I think you must be conscious."

"It's just that in the past two days, I've learned that your men like to take drugs and cause trouble. They seem to be honest for a day or two."

Looking at Wei Jiongjiong's eyes.

Miranda felt a little guilty and said, "Can I still control their drug use?"

"I don't know if you can take care of it, but I know I can let someone else take care of it."

Wei took a step forward, exuding a great momentum, which made Miranda take a step back slightly weakly.

She repeatedly promised: "I know, I will strictly control them."

"Listen up, I can't control what you do to your own body, and it doesn't matter." Wei looked at her and emphasized every word, "But if they make trouble again and make people unhappy, I will ask you what .”

Miranda nodded again.

"I will help you investigate the disappearance of your men. After all, such a thing happened in Zaun."

Wei's attitude softened and she looked at the blood on the ground with a thoughtful expression.

Miranda didn't say anything anymore. She felt that Wei was indeed becoming more and more aura like a boss in the city, as if he was even more powerful than Fander back then.

(End of this chapter)

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