Chapter 398 Werewolf

After listening to the girl's story, the two of them basically knew what happened that night.

"I believe he is not a bad person. If you catch him, I hope you can"

The girl's tone was soft and she didn't say anything more.

She knew that with her own status, she was not qualified to intercede.

"Don't worry, we will investigate whether he is good or bad." Wei heard what the girl meant and continued, "It's just that he has indeed affected the public order. We must confirm whether he has any intention of harming innocent people."

Soon, the two left the girl.

on the road.

Wei said aloud: "What do you think? Is the werewolf she described true?"

Caitlin thought for a while and said: "I don't think she has any reason to deceive us, let alone make up the image of a murderer. From what I heard, it doesn't seem like she is fake."

Wei nodded and said: "If you think about it carefully, no ordinary people have been killed in the past two days. Those who were attacked were all with unclean hands and feet."

Wei Ziran has done some research on the eight people who died in the past two days.

They are all some with not very good reviews, but in a place like Zaun, the definition between good and bad is blurred.

Many people who are involved in gangs have dirty blood on their hands.

"The descriptions of werewolves are all unilaterally made by girls. We have to find out for ourselves what is really going on."

Caitlin's tone was very calm.

After all, her judgment couldn't be influenced by just one person's description. After all, that werewolf was also the guy who killed eight people.

Hearing this, Wei nodded again: "I know, now let's go to the Gray Nail Gang's territory first."

Her eyes were slightly focused, with some anger boiling in them.

Soon, they returned to the Gray Nails gang's territory and found Miranda.

"Have you discovered anything?"

Miranda, who was still unaware, came forward.

As soon as she finished speaking, Wei rudely punched the wall, and a Hex Iron Fist hit the wall directly.

With a "boom", the gravel rolled down. Miranda was shocked to the point of numbness in her scalp, but she was also frightened.

Now she still doesn't understand why this little pepper was detonated again.

"We have basically understood the situation." Wei looked coldly and stared at Miranda, "Two of your men are worthy of death. Now, let me warn you one last time."

"I can't control them even if they are taking drugs, going crazy, or even using knives to harm themselves. However, if there is another bad thing from your hands that ruins the atmosphere and reputation of the entire Zaun, I guarantee that the Gray Nails will disappear from this world.”

Her words were so oppressive that Miranda, who was leaning against the wall, felt suffocated.

Although she didn't know the situation, she still nodded repeatedly: "I promise, this kind of thing will never happen again. There is no need for me to smuggle Shimmer."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

Wei withdrew her fist and slowly told what happened to the girl.

It’s not that she has a strong sense of justice, but that she is now the manager of Zaun and a child who grew up in Zaun.

She was furious when she saw that the place was ruined by moths and dirty garbage.

Because she knows that Zuan is not like this, and there are many beautiful things here.

However, because of some people, some people who are willing to degenerate and not seek to make progress, all the people of Zaun cannot hold their heads high in front of outsiders.

Rape, no matter where it is placed, is a stigma that cannot be erased in a short time.

This is what Wei is extremely angry about right now.

If there hadn't been the murderer that night, an innocent girl would have been tainted, and her body might even have been destroyed.

The consequences of this become more terrifying the more I think about it.

After Miranda listened, she realized why Wei was angry.

Although in her opinion, this was not a particularly big deal at all, she did not dare to touch Wei's bad luck at the moment.

She spoke again: "I promise you, this kind of thing will never happen again. Now that the two of them have paid the price for their actions, I think we should focus on the murderer."

"We'll try it tonight."

After Vi finished speaking, she discussed countermeasures with Caitlin.

After thinking about it, Caitlin said: "Judging from the logic of the murderer's behavior in the past two days, he likes to hang out in places with few people at night and attack one or two targets. I don't know if he has the awareness of counter-reconnaissance. , but tonight might be our best chance to catch him.”

After Wei heard this, he nodded: "Then we will take the initiative and lure him out."

Caitlin had no objection to this. After all, they couldn't possibly turn over the entire Zaan to find the murderer.

The only way is to follow the logic of the murderer's behavior, give him a chance to take action, and lure him into taking the bait.

"That's it, I'll inform Ike."

Vi made plans.

He immediately went to the Wildfire Gang and found Ike.

Ike naturally knew what happened to Wei in the past two days. He asked: "How is the investigation of the murderer going?"

Wei said: "Basically we have an idea, I need help from the Wildfire Gang now."

Ike nodded and said, "You tell me what to do."

"I plan to take the initiative to lure the murderer to take action at night. But the prerequisite is a bait. Then we will work in groups of three and wait for him to take the bait in a place with few people. Once he appears, we will call someone immediately."

Wei simply stated the plan.

After Ike thought about it for a while, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

So, before night came, Wei sent people to spread the news, warning people that it was best not to go to places with few people in groups of one or two at night.

Of course, the message was primarily a warning to those gang members.

Because normal ordinary people will basically not go near inaccessible places.

In addition to calling the Wildfire Gang for help, Vi also notified several gangs to take action.

After all, although there is only one murderer, he doesn't know where he will attack. It will be easier to find him if he has more people.

When everything is ready, just wait for the night to come.

Soon, night came, although to Zu An, he could not see the difference between night and day.

Wei and Caitlin formed a team and walked slowly in a deserted alley.

Vi asked, "What time is it?"

Caitlin predicted: "It will be almost eleven o'clock."

Wei nodded: "It's only a while before midnight arrives."

The two occasionally chatted, but they would also be vigilant about their surroundings to ensure that the murderer could be discovered as soon as possible.

However, some time has passed since they walked side by side, but the murderer has not yet taken action.

Now, as the night approaches, they know the critical moment is approaching.

Time passed by, and only the sound of footsteps sounded quietly around, and the temperature in the air also dropped little by little.

After all, it's a winter night, so the temperature won't get much higher.

Wei glanced at Caitlin next to her and said casually: "Are you cold?"

Caitlin shook her head: "It's not too cold."

"Yeah." Wei nodded slightly and said, "Do you think that girl's feeling is reliable?" Caitlin asked: "What does it feel like?"

Wei said: "That's that guy, he's not a bad person."

"Maybe. After all, we haven't seen it with our own eyes. It's too early to make a conclusion now."

Caitlin said.

Wei thought for a while and said: "If according to the girl's feeling, the murderer only attacks evil people, I hope this is true."

"I also hope it's true." Caitlin also had the same idea, and then she added, "But maybe it's just a coincidence. After all, the murderer doesn't care about good or bad when he kills, and how does he distinguish between good and bad?"


Wei felt that their hopes were a bit unrealistic. Although the people who died in the past two days were not good people, how did the murderer know whether they were good or bad?

Judging from the traces of his actions, it didn't look like he had conducted an investigation in advance, but more like he had done it randomly.

She exhaled heavily and calmed down her mood: "I hope the dust can settle tonight."

"I also hope that."

Caitlin nodded slightly.


Suddenly, a scream sounded from the street not far away, echoing in the air, breaking the current tranquility.

Vi and Caitlin looked at each other, without any hesitation, and rushed towards the direction where the screams came from at full speed.

When the two arrived at the place, they found that there was only one person lying there, surrounded by a large pool of blood.

"Not one of us?" Wei found that he was alone, his eyes wide open, full of fear, and there was a lot of bleeding from his neck.

She didn't know what this guy was doing. The people she called were all in groups of at least three, and she specifically warned them never to act alone.

She had informed the news before, but at this juncture there were still people who refused to listen and stayed alone, so she could only express her helplessness.

Caitlin stepped forward and checked the person lying down: "It's dead. The main artery was bitten off. It is probably the murderer we are looking for. It failed to take away the body. It may have sensed that we were coming."

"The blood stain points this way. He hasn't run far. Let's chase him quickly."

Wei observed the blood stains on the ground that the murderer took with him when he escaped, and immediately set out to chase him.

At this time, several flywheels came from a distance. Apparently they heard the screams and rushed over immediately.

"call out!"

At this time, a flare like a firework was launched into the sky, but it was already far away.

Wei couldn't help being stunned when she saw it: "So fast?"

It didn't take long from the time the murderer escaped to the time they arrived, but the other party had already escaped over there.

No matter what, we must chase him no matter how far away he is.

"Vi, there's a flywheel!"

At this time, a member of the Wildfire Gang threw a flywheel directly at Wei.

Wei took it. She had learned how to control the flywheel from the Wildfire Gang these days, so she started it skillfully and jumped on it.

Then, he turned around and stretched out his hand towards Caitlin who was chasing after her.

Caitlin immediately grabbed her Hex Glove, and Vi directly controlled the flywheel to accelerate, speeding away into the distance.

During the flight, she pulled Caitlin up with force and put her behind her.

Caitlin also stepped on the flywheel, holding Vi tightly with both hands.

To be honest, she is a little afraid of heights.

Maybe it's not that I'm afraid of heights, but that I'm afraid of flying so fast without any safety equipment.

In any case, with the speed of the flywheel, Wei and the others quickly arrived at the place where the signal flare was raised.

"call out!"

Another signal flare went up, indicating that the murderer had changed places.

The signal flare was prepared to summon everyone immediately, so without any hesitation, Wei immediately headed over there.

On the way, she met Ike who was also coming.

"It's right in front, let's split up and double-team."

When Ike saw Wei Hou, he said something and immediately controlled the flywheel to accelerate and fly towards the other side.

Vi controlled the flywheel to accelerate in the other direction, and soon, she and Caitlin saw the murderer.

I saw the opponent with four paws on the ground, galloping through the streets and alleys like a beast, as fast as an arrow, running from one street to another in the blink of an eye.

And he was exactly as the girl described, covered in hair and looking like a werewolf.

The opponent obviously realized that he was being rounded up, but he had no intention of fighting back and kept running away quickly, as fast as Flywheel.

Wei activated the flywheel under his feet to maximum power, and suddenly the flywheel surged forward, reaching its maximum speed.

At this speed, the energy consumption of the flywheel will double.

But he also managed to help Wei get close to the werewolf only ten meters away.

As if he sensed that someone was approaching, the werewolf also turned on the acceleration mode. He no longer went around in the alley, but jumped directly, and then he jumped up to a high place.

Stepping on the roof of the roof, he glanced left and right with scarlet eyes, as if he had confirmed the route, and then jumped straight away.

Even at high altitudes, his speed was always fast, as if he was flying over a wall. His agility was not like a wolf, but more like a monkey.

In the blink of an eye, Wei was thrown a long distance away.

At this moment, a rope was suddenly thrown from where the werewolf jumped, wrapped around his feet, and then tied tightly.

The werewolf lost his balance, and although he did not fall, he fell out and hit a pile of boxes on the roof, sending a pile of fluffy cotton all over the sky.

Ike flew out of the alley, jumped onto the roof, and skillfully put away the flywheel.

At this time, a group of Wildfire Gang members, as well as Wei and Caitlin, also arrived on flywheels. They surrounded the rooftops and were all ready.

Wei and Caitlin landed on the roof, and she said seriously: "Don't be careless."

At the moment, cotton is flying all over the roof, completely blocking people's sight.


Suddenly, a roar containing anger resounded, and the deafening roar directly shook the surrounding cotton.

Wei didn't hesitate, clenched the Hex glove, rushed forward quickly, and punched without saying a word.

And the werewolf's scarlet eyes locked onto her in an instant.

However, this glance made the werewolf freeze in place.

Looking at Wei's face, he felt as if his head was exploding, and countless pains emerged in an instant. His heart felt like it was being dug out alive, and it felt like it was being pinched hard. There was an indescribable suffocation that made him extremely uncomfortable.

So familiar.

But I can't remember, it hurts so much, my head hurts so much.

His nerves seemed to be torn apart, and he felt that this girl was extremely familiar, as if she had appeared in his life before. However, just when he was about to remember, everything was suddenly cut open.

He only saw endless darkness enveloping him.

The girl's face was getting closer and closer in her eyes, but all the werewolf felt was sadness and pain.

The next second, Wei's fist had fallen. It hit the werewolf hard, and the fist containing the power of Hex exploded with a huge force, directly flying the werewolf away, and slammed into the wall with a "boom".

(End of this chapter)

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