Chapter 399 Strike

"it's over?"

Looking at the countless smoke and dust splashing around the wall, Caitlin couldn't help but ask.

Wei didn't know how to answer. She looked at her Hex gloves strangely, feeling a little surprised.

She could feel that the werewolf could obviously avoid it, but the other party forcefully resisted her punch.

"Gudong, Gudong~"

At this moment, a strange sound of liquid injection sounded, as if a large bottle filled with water was being poured out continuously.

The next second, the heavy breathing sounded again, as if containing endless anger.

"Something's wrong."

Wei instantly became cautious and moved closer to the front.

Suddenly, a figure burst out of the smoke, as fast as lightning, and appeared in front of Wei in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, he waved his claws mercilessly.

Wei's reaction was also very fast, and she immediately raised the Hex gloves to block, but she felt a huge force burst out and took a few steps back.

In front of him was the werewolf. At this moment, his eyes were as red as blood, filled with irrational anger, and his face was extremely ferocious.


The next second, the werewolf roared. The roar was deafening, and the powerful sense of oppression radiated made everyone present feel their hearts sink.

Then, he suddenly rushed towards Wei.

Wei didn't hesitate and punched out, making a sound of punching through the air. But the werewolf dodged it at an extremely fast speed, and swung a sharp claw at him.

"So fast!"

Wei was shocked. Although she had expected that the werewolf was very fast, she didn't expect it to be so fast.

She quickly raised her other hand, narrowly blocking the blow, and then fell into the werewolf's crazy offensive.

A pair of tough Hex gloves already had claw marks on them.


At this time, Ike knew that he couldn't just watch, so he gave the order and rushed directly with the members of the Wildfire Gang.

A fierce battle was imminent, and Caitlin took her weapon in hand and took aim at the werewolf. But the opponent's speed was too fast, and she was completely unable to aim at the moment. She could only wait for the opportunity.

Ike had already rushed forward at this time, and he directly put a hook lock on the werewolf's leg with a sliding shovel.

At the same time, several other members of the Wildfire Gang also threw out their hook locks, directly hitting various parts of the werewolf.

Then they immediately started the flywheel and flew towards a certain place.

The flywheel burst out with considerable pulling force, directly pulling the werewolf backwards. His whole body flew up out of thin air. He tried to use his claws to pull off the hook locks, but found that the hook locks were embedded in his body, making it difficult to pull them off. Down.

With a "boom", he hit a wall and was dragged and restrained.


The werewolf roared and dug his claws into the wall, clinging to the wall like a reptile. The power burst out from his body actually started to fight against several flywheels.

As his anger continued to rise, the medicine pump behind him injected the collected emotions into his body again.

"What a strength!"

Ike sensed something was wrong. He watched the werewolf drag them directly to the ground. The burst of force also caused their balance to lose control, and they fell off the flywheel like a horse.

At the same time, hook locks came out one after another, and the werewolf directly pulled these hook locks out of his body. The extra blood on his body made him look even more violent.

Ike landed on the ground and directly became the werewolf's new target, staring at him with those scarlet eyes.

The next second, the werewolf rushed directly towards him.

At the critical moment, Wei rushed out from the side and punched the werewolf from the side, sending him flying again.

But this time the werewolf didn't even fall to the ground. After landing, he jumped directly and launched a violent attack like a storm.

Claw marks appeared on the wall, and Wei reluctantly fought with the werewolf. She landed a few punches, but she seemed to be indifferent to the werewolf.

This is true even if the energy of the Hex Gem in the glove is exploded.

This made her heart sink. Such a powerful creature appeared in Zaun, and it was still unclear whether it was good or bad. If she didn't try her best to subdue it tonight, I'm afraid it would be difficult to find opportunities in the future!

While thinking, she charged up another punch and punched out. A wave of air erupted from the front of her fist, hitting the werewolf directly and knocking him away dozens of meters.

Taking this opportunity, Ike once again joined hands with the Wildfire Gang to attack.

They threw tear gas smoke at the werewolf, and in the blink of an eye the werewolf was enveloped in the smoke, but this didn't seem to have any effect.

The werewolf burst out of the smoke, his eyes red, which only made him madder.

But Ike was ready. He threw a pocket watch and wrapped it around the werewolf's neck accurately.

Just when the werewolf reached out to pull off the pocket watch, there was a "buzz" sound, and the pocket watch suddenly burst out with violent electric current, and the blue electric current filled the werewolf's body like sparks.

His body trembled violently, and the electric current lasted for a full five seconds before disappearing.

Five seconds later, the werewolf fell heavily to the ground, the hair on his body continued to smoke, and the blood red in his eyes dimmed.

"What invention is this?"

Weidu was stunned.

Ike observed the werewolf: "The electric meter I newly developed can burst out a strong current in a short period of time."

"Awesome." Wei admired Ike's mind very much and gave a thumbs up. "Either I'll tell you what you can do, little one."

Ike's face darkened and he was about to speak when he suddenly saw the medicine pump behind the werewolf shaking twice again.

With a new round of emotional injection, the werewolf's eyes turned blood red again, and anger surged in them, shattering his sanity.

The next second, he exploded on the spot and rushed towards the nearest Ike.

The speed was even faster, and the nearest Ike had no time to dodge.

Wei Ye's expression changed drastically, and he rushed forward with all his strength.


At the critical moment, a gunshot was heard, and a bullet was fired at a faster speed, accurately hitting the werewolf.

The special bullet opened a large bloody hole directly on the werewolf's shoulder, interrupting his offensive and only causing Ike to be thrown away.

Caitlin was in the distance, holding a special sniper rifle, still aiming at the werewolf, and then pulled the trigger again.


There was another gunshot, and the werewolf seemed to be keenly aware of it, and a blood hole appeared again on his right shoulder as he dodged.

Caitlin kept breathing evenly.

Then the bullet was loaded and aimed. Just when the third bullet was about to be fired, the werewolf discovered it.

Those eyes instantly locked onto Caitlin in the distance.

"Bang!" The third bullet was fired, but it was dodged.

At this time, Wei had already stepped forward and punched the werewolf directly, followed by a set of flowing punches, which hit the target.

A pair of Hex gloves were also covered in blood.

However, the next second, the werewolf suddenly opened his bloody mouth and bit her fist directly.

The powerful bite force instantly caused a burst of electricity to burst out of the glove, causing it to become unresponsive as if it had been scrapped.

Wei felt her arm sink, she gritted her teeth, raised her other fist and waved it out.

However, she still underestimated the werewolf at this moment. The injured werewolf became more and more courageous and stronger than before.

In just an instant, she was blown away and hit the wall hard. She spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound, and several bones were instantly broken.

The next second, the werewolf turned his head, locked his eyes on Caitlin in the distance, and flew away.

"Caitlin, run."

Wei spat out another mouthful of blood and fell from the wall, unable to get up no matter how hard she tried.

At this time, Ike and a group of Wildfire Gang members stepped forward. However, their obstruction was nothing to the werewolf, and several people were blown away with a raised hand. It seemed that no one could stop this irrational monster at this moment.

Caitlin looked calm and did not run away. She knew that competing with the werewolf for speed at this time would be courting death.

She adjusted her breathing, anticipated the werewolf's location, and pulled the trigger.


Bullets were fired.

But when the werewolf noticed it, it just flew past the body, leaving a shallow wound.

Caitlin breathed out, loaded the gun, took aim, and fired again.


The fourth gunshot was fired, this time the werewolf quickly dodged it.

The distance between the two sides was less than ten meters.

Caitlin felt it was too late, but she had to make a last ditch effort to load the bullet.

At the same time, the werewolf also jumped high and rushed towards Caitlin, its sharp claws about to swing down.

"Do not!!"

Wei yelled desperately from behind, she had sworn that this would never happen again. She wants to use her gloves to protect everyone who matters.

However, when the cruel reality once again happened before his eyes, Wei truly realized his own weakness, as well as the powerlessness and despair like drowning.

Her desperate cry rang through the streets like a bell ringing at midnight.

The werewolf felt a stab of pain in his head, and the claws he raised did not fall down, which also prevented Caitlin, who was close at hand, from firing.

She captured the pain and struggle in the werewolf's eyes in an instant.

The werewolf landed on the ground, and no one stopped him this time. He left quickly and disappeared into the haze in the blink of an eye.

Caitlin watched the figure disappear, but suddenly felt an indescribable feeling.

She had never seen such pain in his eyes.

At this time, the street was in a mess, all the members of the Wildfire Gang were injured, and several of Wei's bones were directly broken.

Ike was not seriously injured, but he was shocked by the werewolf's terrifying strength.

Caitlin landed on the street and ran towards Vi: "Are you okay?"

"You can't die." Seeing that she was fine, Wei's heart dropped, and then she smiled bitterly, "We prepared so many people, but he escaped so easily."

"He exceeded our expectations. No one expected that our opponent would be such a monster."

Caitlin carefully helped her up. The werewolf was like a weakling who couldn't be killed.

First, she withstood Wei's full punch, and then she and the Wildfire Gang took turns attacking, and they were able to explode with such terrifying strength.

In the end, he was hit by three of her special bullets, and he felt like nothing happened.

Encountering a monster of this strength was beyond everyone's expectations.

"I made a miscalculation and almost put you in danger."

Wei felt very guilty at this time, although she didn't understand why the werewolf escaped.

But if he didn't leave, Caitlin might be in serious danger.

"We made a miscalculation. Don't talk about it at this time. Healing is important."

Caitlin looked at Wei with concerned eyes, and she supported her carefully, her rapid heartbeat unable to calm down.

Indeed, if the werewolf hadn't suddenly stopped his hand just now, she might have gone cold.

"Little one, are you guys okay?"

Wei still cared about others at this time.

Ike's response came not far away. He was taking care of the wounded members of the Wildfire Gang. "Fortunately, everyone is not seriously injured."

"Feel sorry."

Wei sighed, still blaming herself.

"There is nothing to apologize for. What happened today made me realize that we are not strong enough now."

Ike stepped forward, his fists clenched slightly, and unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

It's that he's too weak. If his inventions were more useful, this wouldn't be the case.

Perhaps it was Hilko's downfall that made him too undisciplined and made him feel that the world was peaceful.

In fact, this is not the case. There are endless dangers in this world.

At this moment, Ike's eyes became more determined.

After returning, he must work more seriously on inventions, at least at this time, he will not be so helpless.

In short, what happened today was a blow to many people.

No one thought that they had such a huge advantage, but were easily defeated by a werewolf.

"What happened just now?"

Being supported by Caitlin, Wei recalled the scene at that time, a scene that almost made her regret for the rest of her life.

Caitlin knew what she was talking about and shook her head: "I don't know either. He suddenly stopped and left quickly."

This puzzled everyone. According to the madness and violence shown by the werewolf, it was obvious that he should not have stopped suddenly at that time.

This seems to have become an unsolved mystery, which has been lingering in everyone's chest, and they are puzzled to solve it.

But no matter what, it was true that the werewolf spared their lives.

"Is what that girl said true?"

At this time, Wei suddenly remembered what the girl said.

She thinks werewolves are not actually bad people.

Caitlin shook her head again and sighed softly: "I don't know now. But I still remember seeing his eyes, which were full of pain. It seemed like my own heart was stung at that time."

Just from one look, she saw boundless pain, and it was hard to imagine what the werewolf was enduring.

In a cave near the sea.

Warwick fell heavily and blood continued to flow from his body, but compared to the pain on his body, the pain in his heart and head was more unbearable.

"No! No! No!"

He kept wailing and roaring, as if this could drive away the pain.

The girl's desperate cry seemed to be echoing in his ears, and every blow was like a knife cutting into his heart.

Why is this scene so familiar?

Why does he always feel like he has seen this scene somewhere before?

The same girl, the same desperate cry.

At this time, a skinny face with sunken eyes flashed across his face again.


Warwick roared and waved his claws vigorously, instantly crushing a boulder.

He knew there was a culprit in all of this.

That's Singed!

He must find this guy, sooner or later, he must find him!

It was him who caused him to become like this!

Those ruthless and cold words will never be forgotten by him!

The endless anger once again injected the collected emotions through the medicine pump, which made Warwick's pain slow down a lot.

And the wounds on his body were also healing at an alarming speed.

(End of this chapter)

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