Chapter 401 Fandel

After finishing a late night snack.

Everyone immediately tidied up and then set off directly.

Although Wei was seriously injured before, she still insisted on following along.

Lu Qi did not refuse.

But what happened was that when everyone was taking the elevator to the lower city, they met Victor.

He stood alone in the corner of the elevator, and was slightly startled when he noticed Lu Qi and others.

"Your Highness the Prince."

"Isn't this Victor?"

When Lu Qi saw Victor, he smiled and said hello, "You look much better, but why don't you sleep late at night? I remember telling you to stay up less late."

"It's true that I don't stay up late that much. But a friend invited me over tonight, so I thought about going and taking a look." Victor explained.

"Oh." Lu Qi nodded and said, "It's okay to stay up late occasionally. Anyway, you should pay more attention."

"I know, thank you for your concern, Your Highness," Victor said.

At this time, the elevator arrived at the station. As the iron door opened, everyone walked out and came to the entrance of the dance corridor.

Lu Qi was the first to speak: "Since you are going to see a friend, then you should leave first."

"Well, your highness takes your leave."

Victor said goodbye, turned around and walked in one direction.

Lu Qi and others did not stay. According to the address given by Janna, they went to the other side, close to the mountains and the sea.

As the distance got closer, Wei also noticed the clues. She couldn't help but said: "Does that guy usually hide at the beach?"

Lu Qi nodded and said, "Not bad."

Wei felt that if the other party was willing to keep hiding in such a place, it would be difficult for her to find him.

Thinking about it this way, she felt more and more that Lu Qi was very powerful. He could find the location of the werewolf just by counting with his fingers.

The sea breeze was blowing at night, and everyone had now reached the outside world of Zu'an, on the edge of the cliff near the sea.

The waves crashed against the cliff, and the bright moonlight shone, giving it a somewhat desolate feel.

The cave near the sea is not difficult to find. Even though Janna didn't say where it was, Lu Qi had basically locked the location at a glance.

In order not to alert others, everyone lowered their steps and began to approach the cave quietly.

The cave is dimly lit and dark, and those with keen hearing can already pick up the sound of breathing inside.

Very even, like some kind of sleeping beast.

The next second, the sound of breathing suddenly disappeared, and the cave fell into an eerie silence.


Lux's eyes flashed, and she immediately became alert. She raised her hand and a dazzling light shot out, illuminating the entire cave in an instant.

I saw a werewolf creature crawling on the ground, grinning, and its scarlet eyes were filled with a bit of awakened annoyance.

His sense of smell was so sensitive that he had already noticed it the moment everyone stepped into the cave.

However, he was a little more fearful at this moment. The beast could rely on the magnetic field of living things to sense the strength, and among the group of people opposite him, there was someone he was afraid of!

However, Warwick ignored this in an instant. The medicine pump behind him injected anger into his body, and the violent aura spread throughout the cave.

"Go away!"

He roared, like a ghost crying or a wolf howling, the sound was deafening.

The next second, he suddenly rose up and rushed towards the crowd.

Facing the menacing Warwick, Lux's expression did not change. There was already a staff in her hand. There was a magic power lingering at the front of the staff, and light magic was released instantly.

A solid barrier was formed, directly blocking Warwick.

Warwick quickly swung his claws, and his claws as sharp as swords fell on the barrier, causing the barrier to collapse.

Naturally, Lux would not give him a chance to break through the barrier. In the blink of an eye, another light magic was fired, and the shining beam of light blew Warwick away on the spot.

Then she raised her staff, and the light formed a shower of arrows in the air, which fell like raindrops.


Warwick roared in pain, and wounds appeared all over his body in the blink of an eye.

But as the number of wounds increased, his anger level also continued to increase, and his healing speed also accelerated.

Seeing this, Caitlin immediately reminded: "His recovery ability is very strong. The more serious the injury, the faster he recovers, and he will become stronger."

In other words, the battle with it cannot be delayed for too long, otherwise the werewolf will only get stronger and stronger.

The corner of Lux's mouth curved with a hint of confidence: "Don't be afraid, I'm just taking a little action!"

The arrow rain came to an end, and when Warwick got used to the offensive and struggled to get up, he suddenly discovered that there were floating balls of light all around.

He swung out his claw, and a ball of light exploded instantly, and then detonated the surrounding light balls.

In the blink of an eye, Warwick was engulfed in dazzling light, and the entire cave was as bright as day.

Lu Qi was observing from behind and found that Miss Crown Guard's light magic tricks had increased a lot.

This guy can develop so many tricks on his own without any teacher, his talent is really terrifying.

Even Jinx was a little dumbfounded when she saw this scene.

Although I know that this little golden retriever is a mage, is this too powerful?

Damn it, if this continues, when will I be able to counterattack?

She showed serious thinking in her eyes, and suddenly felt that she still had a long way to go.

Lux still underestimated Warwick's ability to withstand beatings. He suddenly jumped out of the light screen, his body covered in blood, but his anger was even more terrifying.

However, Lux remained calm about this. She waved her staff and shot out another ball of light.

But the difference is that this ball of light is more transparent and seems to be surrounded by a magnetic field.

Being illuminated by the transparent light ball, Warwick suddenly felt pulled by a magical energy, slowing down his speed.

"That's it!"

Lux's blond hair was floating, and she raised her hand with rays of light. A magic ball shot at Warwick's body, instantly forming a cage-like restraint barrier.

Shackles formed by light gradually appeared on Warwick's feet and hands. It was filled with light magic runes and weighed as much as a thousand pounds, causing Warwick to kneel on the ground.

No matter how hard he struggled, it was to no avail.

Lux put away her staff, turned around and said easily: "Done."

"That's awesome Lux."

"so hot."

Seraphine and Orianna applauded with stars in their eyes, and their gazes immediately satisfied Lux's vanity.

The blonde girl looked like a master and enjoyed the admiration and shock of the girls.

Caitlin and Wei were both a little shocked, although they saw Miss Crownguard using magic the last time they fought against Carol and his gang.

But this time they were truly stunning.

Is this magic?

The rare magician in Runeterra is so powerful.

Their helpless werewolf was subdued so easily.

"I have helped you subdue him, what are you going to do next? Kill him?"

Lux looked at Vi and asked.

Kill him?

At this time, Wei looked at the werewolf bound by light magic and couldn't make this decision for a while.

Although there are no corpses in the cave at this moment, judging from the blood stains everywhere, it is basically certain that the werewolf is the murderer who killed eight people in the past two days.

Wei thought again that he could have killed more people tonight, but instead of doing so, he chose to escape.

She wanted to know why.

The same goes for Caitlin.

After a brief hesitation, Wei said: "Anyway, let's capture him back to Zuan first and find a way to investigate his origins."

At this time, Seraphine looked at the werewolf that kept growling, and suddenly said: "Maybe I have a way."

Everyone immediately looked at her, and Lux ​​asked: "Are you talking about this werewolf?"


Seraphine nodded slightly, her eyes falling on the werewolf, "I can hear the singing in his heart. He is as kind and simple as most Zaun people."

Wei couldn't help but said: "You mean, he is from Zaun?"

"I think so." Seraphine nodded, "Although I don't know why he became like this. But his heart is full of pain and sadness now, and his consciousness is in a state of confusion. , which kept him awake most of the time.”

She learned a lot from Sona, and her inner observation also improved a lot. So I can feel the pain and struggle in the werewolf's heart. He was once a kind person.

After observing it twice, Lux said, "Do these tubes and the can on his body have anything to do with it?"

"I think so, these things are more like an emotional catalyst. Any sensitive emotions will push him to the edge of losing control."

Seraphine nodded.

At this time, Lu Qi suddenly said: "In that case, why don't you try to stabilize his consciousness."

Everyone's eyes fell on Seraphine. Seraphine nodded after hearing this and took a deep breath: "I'll give it a try."

She slowly approached the werewolf, a little scared at first, but gradually calmed down.


The werewolf let out an angry roar when he saw her approaching.

Seraphine did not step back, she felt the werewolf's heart carefully, and then opened her red lips lightly.

A melody was hummed and transformed into wonderful magic in the air, surrounding the surroundings like flying elves.

The ethereal humming made Warwick startled. He suddenly felt that his brain was not so roaring, and the pain in his heart was also weakening.

While humming, Seraphine slowly approached, looking at the werewolf who was gradually letting down his guard. She raised her hand and stopped close to the werewolf's forehead.

Then, a soft light emitted from her hand.

Warwick felt the extremely beautiful singing voice ringing in his mind. His heart gradually fell into peace, and his violent consciousness gradually calmed down.

At this moment, a lightning-like pain flashed through, interrupting the singing in his head, and the pain and screams endured in countless experiments rang out again.

Warwick's consciousness collapsed again.

Seraphine frowned, feeling that the werewolf was inexplicably out of control, because his subconscious was implanted with a program that would never rest.

The person who did this seemed to be doing it to make him a madman forever, for some evil reason.

But Seraphine was a little powerless, and she found that she could not suppress the werewolf's loss of control.


At this moment, a beautiful melody sounded.

Seeing that Seraphine was about to lose control of the situation, Sona took action.

She played the music with her bare hands, echoing Seraphine's humming, and the two melodies played together, creating an even more wonderful effect.

With Sona's help, Seraphine gradually regained control of the situation.

She knew that in order for the werewolf to regain consciousness, he had to erase the out-of-control program in his subconscious.

And if you want to erase this, you must awaken the 'humanity' deep in his heart.

She could feel that the werewolf was in chaos inside, as if a person's life was suddenly cut off and everything in the past was gone.

Only by finding these lost things can his 'humanity' be awakened.

Seraphine knew she had to try, and Sona's help strengthened her confidence.

Therefore, under her initiative, a wonderful effect between the two also appeared.

Warwick's emotions had stabilized, and he was completely pulled into his memories. The memories buried deep in his heart began to emerge like spring buds.

Warwick's inner melody was hummed by Seraphine and fell on everyone's ears, causing them to see everything.

Memories flashed by.

He was born in Zaun in an era of chaos. The newly established Leather City was at its peak, the Gate of the Sun was established, and all eyes were on the City of Progress.

Zaun is like an abandoned city, no one cares about it.

This caused the people living here to gradually go down a bad path, and soon Zaun became a lawless, chaotic, and dirty city.

Everyone was consuming Zaun's resources without restraint. It was definitely a crazy era.

And Warwick, maybe he has another name, Fander.

Fandel has grown up in Zaun in this environment since he was a child. Fighting and guarding day after day, he also has powerful abilities, and he can punch all over Zaun with a pair of fists.

Gradually, his fame grew, and he suddenly understood the fundamental reason why Zu An became what it is today.

That is the increasing oppression from the upper city. The upper city absorbs Zaun's nutrients like a vampire, causing Zaun to fall into degradation day by day.

As a result, he formed a gang with a group of like-minded people and began to stabilize Zaun's situation while beginning to resist the oppression of the upper city.

The battle between the two cities thus began.

The upper city has sophisticated equipment, and the people in the lower city are no match at first.

But one thing about Zuan is that they thrive even in the face of adversity.

Soon, Fandel and his group gained a reputation, but because of this, the conflict between the two cities continued to expand.

In the end, it almost turned into a confrontational war.

In order to completely push the oppression of the upper city, Fandel led many Zaans and began the Battle of the Final Bridge.

On the bridge connecting Piltover and Zaun, the people of the twin cities fought a bloody battle. That night, the flames of war ignited the edges of the two cities.

Countless people died that night, and Fandel saw his relatives and friends fall down with his own eyes.

And just when the battle was about to intensify, Shangcheng sent someone to find him and put forward a 'truce proposal'.

The content is that the upper city reduces the oppression on the lower city. Although it is still under the jurisdiction of the upper city, the lower city can have the right to develop independently.

For this reason, Fandel must stop this battle with heavy casualties, otherwise Shangcheng will use all its force to fight to the end.

And Fandel, who had witnessed countless sacrifices, also realized that Za'an could not compete with the city at the moment.

He agreed to a truce and retreated with his men.

It was also at this time that he picked up two little girls in the fire.

Their families were affected by the war and fell under the house forever. Out of inner remorse and guilt, Fandel took the two girls back.

He vowed to raise them well, and at the same time, he also took on the responsibility of safeguarding the entire Zaun.

Since then, his life has been occupied by Zu An and the two girls, although he is very tired most of the time.

But whenever I get home, I can see two cute little girls coming out to greet me. At that moment, he felt like everything was worth it.

During that time, he felt the warmth of home and the happiness of having two daughters.

As time passed, the two daughters grew up and began to run around and cause trouble. He also began to have the troubles of being a father. I feel worried for them and miss them often.

But he is still happy.

At the same time, under his governance, Zuan gradually restored peace and stability.

Until one day, his two daughters got into trouble. They went uptown and stole important things from an inventor's house.

At the same time, another faction’s voice also appeared in Zaun.

The people who went up to the city asked him to hand over the person who stole the things. Only in this way can the situation be calmed down.

But he had never thought of doing so, not even for a moment.

However, if you do something wrong, someone must take responsibility.

As a father and a city manager, he knows that this responsibility is only his.

So Fandel decided to hand himself over to the upper city for disposal.

At this time, more surprises came, and forces that had been dormant for a long time began to take action secretly.

Assassination, framing, kidnapping, coercion and inducement.

Until his two daughters came running to save him with their friends.

In the end, the situation evolved into an irreversible situation. Hilko pressed forward step by step, and with a violent explosion, everything seemed to be destroyed.

The fire was blazing.

For the safety of his two daughters, Fandel desperately tried to stop Silko, but in the end he fell helplessly in the fire.

At that moment, he only felt deep self-blame and regret in his heart. He regretted that he was too weak and blamed himself for not being able to protect his two daughters.

At the last moment of his life, a figure appeared in his blurred vision.


A crazy alchemist who will do anything to achieve his experiments.

Fandel was secretly brought back to the laboratory by him. At first, he still retained his memory. He watched his body undergo inhumane experiments one after another.

He was forced to endure everything, every cut of the alchemist's scalpel. Being poured into a spicy, pungent, unbearable alchemical potion. Every bone in the body was broken alive, unknown liquid was injected, flesh and blood was dug out, and liquid medicine pumps and pipes were inserted.

These are all from mild to severe. At first, he could still rely on his faith in his daughter to support himself.

Sometimes he also thinks that maybe everything he encounters now is punishment for the mistakes he made when he was young.

Although the alchemical substance strengthened his body's self-healing ability, allowing him to withstand most physical trauma, his spirit still collapsed under the endless pain.

He was completely defeated. He forgot everything in the past, even his own name. Maybe this would make him suffer less pain.

Since then, there has been nothing but nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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