LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 402 I’m really angry

Chapter 402 I’m really angry

Memories flashed by one after another, turning into countless touchable light spots in the air. The emotions of the recaller, whether sadness, pain, happiness, or joy, all overflow from these light spots.

In a short period of time, everyone learned about a man's wonderful and tragic life, and they couldn't help but feel a little sad.

By the time the memories came to an end, Wei and Jinx, who were standing in the crowd, had already burst into tears.

They immediately rushed to Fandel's side. Even though he could no longer see what he was like before, they didn't care.


Tears kept overflowing from Wei's eyes, calling Fander's name with a mixture of sadness and joy.

Next to him, Jinx was also kneeling on the ground, looking at him with concern, tears constantly falling down her face.

They never thought that they would be able to see Fander again, let alone meet again in this way.

At this time, everyone realized that Fander's two daughters were Vi and Jinx, weren't they? !

The werewolf Fandel has also been awakened. He gradually remembered everything in the past and slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of exhaustion.

Perhaps the most fortunate thing for him was that when he opened his eyes, he immediately saw the two people he cared about the most.

Looking at Vi and Jinx who were crying, he raised his hand and wanted to caress their faces like before.

But after lifting it up and seeing the claw-like palm, he put it down anyway.

Wei hugged him without disdain, and tears fell on him: "Fander, I miss you so much."

"Me too."

Jinx hugged the two of them from the other side, her crystal tears telling her longing.

"Me too, I miss you very much."

Fandel spoke in a hoarse voice, raising his hands several times to hug his two daughters, but gave up.

He really couldn't imagine how he would embrace them in his current state.

"I'm sorry, Fander, I" Jinx sobbed and wanted to say something. At this moment, she was blaming herself.

She didn't know that Fandel was still alive. Everyone told her that Fandel died that night and was taken away by the fire.

But she didn't expect that Fandel had been enduring inhumane torture over the years, and she knew nothing about it.

If she had found out earlier, the outcome might not have turned out like this.

"The little girl has grown so big." Fandel looked at Jinx, his eyes as tender as before, "Don't cry, I have never blamed you. Seeing that you are all fine is what makes me most fortunate and happy. time."

Jinx kept wiping the tears from her eyes, but new tears always overflowed.

"Wei, you must be exhausted after so many years."

Fandel looked at Wei and said with some distress.

The tears that Wei had just stopped burst into her eyes again. She wiped away her tears: "Not tired, not tired at all. We have endured all the hardships, Fander. Let's go back to Zaun and start over. "

"Return to Zu'an"

Fandel's eyes were in a trance. At this moment, Singed's face flashed in his mind, and the familiar sharp pain came back again.

His medicine pump began to inject anger and hatred uncontrollably, and he couldn't help but scream, and he was on the verge of losing control.

Vi and Jinx next to him immediately looked at him worriedly.

Seraphine, who was not far away, saw this and analyzed: "Although we have helped him regain his memories, his body and brain have been transformed. In fact, it can be said that he is no longer the same person."

Wei couldn't accept it and asked: "Is there no other way?"

"I don't know either." Seraphine's ability was limited. At this time, she heard Sona's voice, so she added, "The key is that these transformations in him have become the things that dominate his emotions. If this problem is not solved, , I’m afraid I can’t bring him back to his original state.”

"Now he is filled with hatred for the person who made him like this. If he doesn't kill that person, he will always be like this."

After listening to Seraphine's words, Jinx suddenly thought of something and muttered to herself: "Singed"

"You know him?"

Vi immediately asked anxiously.

"I don't know much." Jinx shook her head and continued, "I only know that he is the alchemist next to Silko, and he made the shimmering potion."

"Damn it."

Wei couldn't help clenching her fists.

"I'm fine"

At this time, Fandel spoke breathlessly again.

With extraordinary willpower, he suppressed the signs of losing control.

At this moment, Lu Qi, who had been watching for a long time, suddenly felt an inexplicable restlessness in his body.

His expression changed slightly, and he began to feel it carefully. With this perception, he even frowned.

I saw that the world rune fragment that had been sleeping in his body seemed to be waking up at this moment, emitting inexplicable fluctuations.

This rune fragment killed Eldred and was accidentally absorbed into Lu Qi's body.

Since then, there has been no way to remove it, and it has not behaved strangely. It has been sleeping in Lu Qi's body.

At this moment, he suddenly woke up.

what's the situation?

Lu Qi was a little confused. He couldn't sing a lullaby or anything to keep him asleep.

If the World Rune, even if it was just a fragment, exploded suddenly, Lu Qi knew that his mortal body might not be able to withstand it.

Just when he was considering whether to call the all-powerful elf goddess, another subtle wave came from the other side.

He suddenly realized something, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

I think this is a kind of mutual reaction between world runes. If this is the case, then there is probably another world rune appearing on the other side of the wave.

He took a look and saw that that direction was Zu An.

"There's something wrong with Zu'an, we have to go back."

Lu Qi, who noticed the situation, spoke directly.

Lux couldn't help but ask: "What happened? Your expression just changed. What happened?"

She had noticed Lu Qi's change of expression early on, but now she knew how to be patient, so she asked now.

"I'm really angry!"

Suddenly, the angry voice of the Elf Goddess sounded in Lu Qi's mind.

"That guy actually attacked two of my most loyal believers! Go and help me teach him a lesson! I can't stand it any longer! It's the guy named Singed you are discussing now, and he also has a World Talisman in his hand Wen Fragments, be careful.”

The resting space at this moment was filled with violent winds, and Janna's hair was flying with anger.

If she hadn't interfered too much in the mortal world, she would have taken care of that guy herself!

You must know that each of her followers is extremely precious and hard-earned. Not to mention two, even one is very important.

After Lu Qi listened, he immediately understood the situation.

He looked at the crowd and said, "I have calculated Singed's location."

at the same time.

In a laboratory in Zaun.

Victor pushed open a door and walked towards the direction of the laboratory, wanting to say that this place was really remote, quiet and scary.

I didn't expect that senior to move here, but it does look much better than the cave.

"Buzz~buzz~" He heard a sound in front of him, which seemed to be the sound of an experiment, so he quickened his pace and wanted to find out.

He even wanted to know why the senior he hadn't contacted for a long time suddenly came to him.

When he opened the door of the laboratory, a green arc flashed in front of him, and Victor stayed at the door of the laboratory.

At this moment, green electric arcs were floating in the huge laboratory, forming a wonderful magnetic field like lightning.

It is full of mysterious energy, and the magical atmosphere is everywhere. The source is a pillar standing in the middle of the experiment, and there is a strange crystal that is emitting this brilliance.

Soon, everything returned to normal, and the crystal retracted the arc and became stable.

Then, Victor saw Singed's ecstatic expression, his sunken eye sockets overflowed with ecstasy, and his breathing became rapid.

"Victor, you came just in time."

Singed saw Victor standing at the door and said, "I really have no one to share my joy at this moment, so I came to you. Because I know that only you can understand me."

"What are you talking about?"

Victor stepped into the laboratory with some confusion, but his eyes still fell on the crystal, "This is it?"

Singed smiled and said: "The world rune fragments are a wonderful power full of infinite possibilities."

"I've seen it, it's really not bad."

Victor nodded slightly and asked curiously, "Is this why you called me here?"

"One of the reasons." Singed quickly controlled his emotions, and his face regained its calm calmness. He continued, "As you can see, my experiment has basically been successful. I invited you here because I want you to be my assistant. Because we still have a long way to go.”

"You are outstanding, Victor. I knew it from the first moment I saw you. Later in our conversation, you also inspired me a lot."

"So, I thought of you about this. With this, we will create history that no one can match. The history of Runeterra will be rewritten by us."

Singed said, feeling a little excited again. He rarely could not control his emotions like he did today.

But there was no way, his harvest was so ecstatic.

Victor listened with some confusion and couldn't help but ask: "Experiment? What experiment?"

He was now filled with questions, wondering what exactly Singed was talking about.

But he had a vague hunch that Singed was doing something that seemed very extraordinary.

At this time, he looked around and was stunned because he saw many experimental cabins, which are the kind of containers that can accommodate one person like alchemy jars.

Although there was no one inside, looking at the scattered dust, he thought of a possibility.

"Forgot to tell you."

Singed calmed down again and did not pay attention to Victor's discovery. He said slowly, "But I think you can understand. I have talked about this with you before."

"Being an ordinary person or a disabled person. If you want to gain more power or return to a normal body, is it possible to use magic?"

"Now I'm here to tell you, it works."

The words fell.

Victor glanced at his right leg. He was still using a cane.

Although his physical problems have improved, his right leg, which has been disabled since childhood, has never been cured.

Xinged added at this time: "Because we ignored a problem."

Victor was puzzled: "What's the problem?"

"Exchange of equal value."

Singed walked to the experimental table and used two experimental cups as a metaphor. He poured half a cup of water into each cup. "There is a law in Rune Land, and that is the law of conservation of all things."

"Nothing can appear out of thin air. And nothing can disappear without reason."

As he spoke, he poured water from one cup into another.

"This is equivalent exchange, or in other words, pseudo-equivalent exchange. Because among equal exchanges, there are also unequal exchanges."

"That is, if one cup wants to get more water, it must get the same amount of water from another cup. Even under certain circumstances, the other cup needs to pay more water."

"If a mage wants to use magic, he must pay for it with magic power. Without magic power, he has absolutely no possibility of using magic."

"Similarly, if a disabled person wants to return to normal. If a person without hands wants to grow new hands, he must find something of equal value in exchange."

"And in the process of exploring, I discovered another pattern."

Singed turned around and looked at Victor.

Victor couldn't help but ask: "What's the rule?"

“Human Priorities.”

Singed said word by word, "Human beings are at the forefront of the evolutionary sequence in Runeterra. This body has a higher priority than many creatures, so we are also restricted by this and are born with genetic shackles."

"This is also the reason why many people become stronger when they break the genetic shackles. For them, this is also called the shackles of the body, which means breaking through the limits."

"Human beings are inherently weaker than many creatures, but they have the potential to grow beyond these creatures."

"Therefore, humans have to pay more chips in exchanges of equal value."

"And those who are born weak, if they want to gain stronger power, they must ask for more chips. This is a pseudo-equivalent exchange."

Singed's tirade echoed in the quiet laboratory.

After hearing this, Victor couldn't help but said: "These theories of yours are a bit too much."

"Is it dangerous?"

Singed smiled lightly, knowing what he was going to say, so he continued, "Exploring these is the mission of us inventors. We are born to bear some burdens that ordinary people cannot understand."

"For the ultimate ideal of mankind, no matter how tortuous the process is, someone must do it."

"What matters is the result."

When Xingjid said this, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Victor found that Singed's mood today was indeed very abnormal.

In his impression, when he talked with Singed, the other party's mood was mostly calm, and it seemed that nothing could cause his mood to fluctuate.

He immediately remembered the scene when he had a disagreement with Singed.

For Singed, the process doesn't matter as long as the outcome is satisfying.

But in Victor's opinion, this idea is the most terrifying, especially in the hands of a capable inventor.

This means that this inventor can do anything for the result.

And he now discovered that Singed's speech was already dangerous.

Equivalent exchange, human priority

In order to gain greater power, humans need to pay more chips.

He could naturally understand the meaning of these words, and couldn't help but feel a little numb.

At this moment, these words came out of Singed's mouth, indicating that the corresponding terrible consequences may have already occurred.

If it was Singed, Victor had no doubt.

In order to achieve the desired result, he may have taken action against humans.

(End of this chapter)

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