LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 403 The rune water is too deep, you can’t grasp it

Chapter 403 The rune water is too deep, you can’t grasp it

Victor suddenly thought of the meaning of those gray powders, and his pupils shrank. He looked at Singed, feeling that this person was so strange for the first time.

Singed also looked at Victor at this time and extended the invitation again: "Victor, we can create a new era together."

Victor took a half step back and shook his head: "You are taking the wrong path. I cannot agree with these theories of yours."

"There is no right or wrong in the road." Singed heard Victor's rejection, but he was not angry. He just said calmly, "As long as this road can help us reach the end, then it is The right path.

"Not as a human being, but as a researcher. We should have a bottom line that we must never cross."

Victor shook his head again and said bluntly, "We may have to part ways here. I shouldn't be here tonight."

Xingid showed disappointment in his eyes and sighed softly: "I understand that you still have lofty illusions about the world. You have never experienced the pain of your skin, you have not realized the insignificance of human beings in the vast universe, and you have not realized the importance of life. How fragile.”

"The day you figure it out is the day you wake up."

"And I can make your day come earlier."

The words fell.

Victor's mood became serious and he looked at Singed cautiously.

Singed had no idea of ​​taking action against him. He just turned around and said, "You will understand after reading the results of my experiment."

He walked slowly to a button and pressed it.

Suddenly, some kind of mechanism was activated, and the true face of the laboratory in Lushan was revealed to Victor.

As the walls fell down, dozens of experimental cabins were revealed, which were connected to devices holding rune fragments in the middle. On the other side, there is an independent experimental cabin.

And in the experimental cabins on the left, there is a person imprisoned, all of them are in a coma.

When Victor saw this scene, his eyes widened and he was extremely shocked.

He had a premonition of what was going to happen next and couldn't help but take a step back.

"Life is small and fragile. But when these lives are intertwined, they become extremely powerful."

Singed looked at the results of his experiment and said slowly: "The runes of the world contain powerful energy. If a mortal wants to control it and use its power to accomplish something, the final result will only be swallowed by the runes. "

"In my opinion, this is because there are not enough chips. If humans want to suddenly gain power beyond themselves, they must meet the standard of pseudo-equivalent exchange."

"In an exchange of equal value, no creature is more suitable to be used as a bargaining chip than humans themselves. But humans themselves are too fragile, so I thought of using a blinding method."

Singed said this and slowly took out a tube of purple potion.

"Glimmer, it is one of the most outstanding works in my life. This potion can maximize the potential in the human body and gain power beyond itself in a short period of time."

"With it, a person will not be like a weak flame that will go out as soon as he blows it."

At this moment, the harsh alarm sound of "buzz", "buzz", "buzz" sounded, and the entire laboratory flashed red lights.

Singed stopped and looked back in the direction of the entrance, his eyes still unperturbed.

"It seems there isn't much time left."

He murmured to himself and looked at Victor: "Tonight I will take the last step of the experiment. Whether it succeeds or not depends on this. You will witness this moment."

"No matter what, I have no way out."

As he spoke, he pressed another switch.

Victor had a premonition of something and wanted to step forward to stop him: "No!"

The next second, purple mist sprayed out from the dozens of experimental cabins, filling the entire cabin in an instant.

Dozens of people who had consumed Shimmer all regained consciousness. They slapped the cabin door hard and made loud noises, but to no avail.

At the same time, the rune device in the middle also started to operate, and energy like electric sparks surged from the rune fragments.

The real electric flowers also flickered, and the device was running at full strength. As the power of the runes spread, they were all connected to those experimental cabins.


In an instant, the light exploded, and the dazzling bright light lit up like an explosion, spreading out the powerful runic magnetic field, and the entire laboratory was filled with this energy.

Victor was thrown away and fell to the ground.

He saw Singed take off the bandage on his face, revealing a face full of burn marks, and then he injected a dose of shimmer into himself with an expressionless expression.

As purple cracks spread throughout his body, Singed stepped into the experimental cabin in front of him without hesitation.

As the hatch closed, the energy overflowing from the runes seemed to be pulling, diverted from the direction of the dozens of people, gathered, and concentrated together, all heading in the direction of Singed.

At this moment, the laboratory was completely enveloped by the light of the world's rune fragments, and powerful magical energy surged everywhere, boiling like boiling water.

"Boom" sound.

Lu Qi forced open the door of the laboratory and came. He had no time to pay attention to Victor in the corner, but frowned and looked at the radiant place.

It's still a step late!

After learning the situation from Janna's mouth, he took the lead and rushed here at full speed.

But looking at the current situation, it’s still not too late.

However, Lu Qi did not hesitate at that moment, and directly concentrated the wind, and then turned on the mana burning state, and the magic power in his body burned quickly and turned into new power.

Then he directly stepped forward and slashed out. The wind lingering around the sword set off a shocking wave of air. In an instant, the wind roared, and the wind-controlling sword intention spread to the whole place. In an instant, a huge tornado rushed towards the experimental cabin. rushed in the direction.

Soon, the huge tornado collided with the energy emitted by the rune fragments.


The next second, there was an explosion, and then a chain reaction occurred repeatedly. The explosions caused the entire laboratory to be surrounded by smoke and dust.

The air wave lifted Lu Qi up on the spot, and he landed firmly on the ground. His expression became more cautious, and he had a bad feeling.

No matter how good his eyesight is, he can't see clearly what's going on over there through the smoke. He can only see that no matter how much smoke and dust he has, he can't block the light of the rune fragment.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out and held the rune fragment firmly in his hand.

"Successful! Finally successful! I'm willing to risk my life just for this moment!"

With a burst of ecstatic sound, the smoke dissipated, and green cracks appeared on Singed's hand holding the rune.

But it was as if he couldn't feel the pain. The cracks quickly spread throughout his body, and each crack seemed to contain powerful runic power.

The next second, there was another burst of light, and more energy burst out from Singed's body. He was surrounded by terrifying runic energy, like arcs of electricity, forming a terrifying field. "Is this the power of the World Rune? It's wonderful."

Singed's voice was a bit hoarse, but his words were full of joy.

Seeing this, Lu Qi couldn't help but sigh: "The rune water is too deep, you can't grasp it."

Singed looked at him without taking it seriously, and smiled lightly: "I have found a way to master the runes of the world. As long as I find all the runes in the world, I will be invincible at that time."

Lu Qi, who had already seen through everything, laughed and said, "Just leave it here to brag."

If nothing else, if this guy really has such dangerous ideas, it won't be long before a purple potato head comes to visit.

Seemingly seeing the disdain in Lu Qi's eyes, Singed said calmly: "Prince of Demacia, I didn't want to be your enemy. But at this time, it seems that you are the only one who allows me to experiment with the power of the runes. "

As he spoke, he raised his hand and immediately released a powerful stream of rune magic, blasting towards Lu Qi like lightning.

Lu Qi dodged directly and said to Janna with his mind: "This guy seems a bit difficult to deal with."

Janna in the resting space heard this and immediately cheered him up: "Don't be afraid, I'm protecting you. You've been strengthened, come on!"

As he finished speaking, a wind barrier suddenly appeared on Lu Qi's body, and at the same time, he also felt a surge of power.

So he tapped the ground with his toes and instantly turned into an afterimage and rushed out. The Xuejian Blade in his hand condensed a powerful sword intent and slashed towards Xingid.


The wind and waves were tied to the sword, making a sound of breaking through the air and falling like a flash of light.

In response, Singed just raised his hand, released the power of the rune, and lightly blocked the blow.

The rune energy seemed to form a barrier magnetic field around his body. The energy spread alone was enough to block Lucci's blow.

It has to be said that Singed developed the power of runes better than Eldred.

Lu Qi saw this, but did not give up. He held his breath and concentrated, and slashed out several swords in the blink of an eye. Each sword was full force, and the sword intent that spread out even destroyed the surrounding buildings.

And among these swords, the level of conquerors is also rising rapidly!

In the blink of an eye, the layers were piled up.

Even Xingid's expression changed slightly and he looked at the prince in front of him again.

He could clearly feel that the prince's power was rising at a terrifying speed.

Even the barrier formed by the runic energy seemed to be somewhat unstoppable.

His face grew colder, and when he raised his hand, a powerful force was released. With a "boom" explosion, Lu Qi noticed it in advance and stepped away, then distanced himself.

At this time, Lux and others also rushed over, and they took a look at the scene.

Then he looked at Lu Qi and saw a solemn expression on his face.

From the perspective of Vi, Seraphine, Jinx, Orianna and others, this is the first time they have seen Lucci show such an expression.

I immediately realized the seriousness of the problem!


At this time, an extremely angry roar came out, and Fandel rushed towards Singid crazily, his whole body overflowing with murderous intent!

Singed raised his eyes lightly, and just raised his hand, a runic energy was released, freezing Fandel in mid-air.

"To me, you are just a failed experiment. But I still want to thank you for helping me delay for two days."

As Singed said this, he flicked it casually, and Fandel flew directly backwards, smashed into the wall, and was buried under rubble.

If the werewolf hadn't attracted attention in the past two days, he wouldn't have been able to find so many experimental subjects for experiments.

Seeing this, Jinx directly raised her machine gun and pulled the trigger without hesitation. Bullets were fired out like raindrops.

Singed did not dodge, but raised his hand to intercept the bullets in mid-air. Then he spread his fingers and all the bullets flew backwards.

Lux waved her staff and immediately formed a barrier, blocking all bullets. At the same time, she said, "If I read correctly, what is in that guy's hand is a world rune?"

She was very impressed by this, because Eldred, who was causing trouble in the royal capital, took out the same rune.

Lu Qi nodded and said: "This is the situation. The power of the World Rune is very dangerous. Please pay more attention. His power is still rising at the moment."

He could sense that Singed's aura was getting stronger.

At first, he was not able to fully absorb the power of the runes, or in other words, as time passed, he was gradually adapting.

If he were allowed to fully control the power of the rune fragments, his strength would probably double again at this moment.

After Lu Qi finished speaking, Wei and others immediately realized that this was a battle that they could not intervene in.

The world's runes, something only in legends, appeared before their eyes.

Seeing Singed being wrapped in rune energy and exuding a strong sense of oppression, they already realized what a terrifying power it was.

Victor, who climbed up from the corner, also realized this when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that Singed would sacrifice more than a dozen living human lives, which showed that he might have crossed the bottom line long ago.

"Victor, some bottom lines are ridiculous and foolish. As long as you cross them, you can discover a new world."

Singed glanced at Victor in the corner and said calmly.

"Don't listen to his farts!"

Lux spat softly, her eyes were extremely serious, the magic power in her body was running, and then she waved her staff politely.

Suddenly, a dazzling beam of light shot out from the front of the staff and quickly headed in the direction of Singed.

Singed raised his hand and caught the ray, but this was just the beginning.

Lux increased the magic power, and her blond hair began to flow. The light beam doubled in thickness, and powerful light magic emitted bright light, enveloping the laboratory.

From both sides of the light pillar, air waves surged up.

Singed was taken a step back by the powerful power of light magic, with a look of surprise in his calm eyes. He felt the rune energy around him fluctuate.

All because of this terrifying light magic!

He didn't believe that Lux's magic was unlimited, so he also concentrated the rune energy.

However, the next second, Lux's eyes radiated golden light, and her whole body was wrapped in full magic power, like a little golden man, adjusting the magic power output to the maximum.

(End of this chapter)

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