LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 404 The unique skill of keeping the bottom of the box

Chapter 404 The unique skill of keeping the bottom of the box

The beam of light doubled in size again, as hot as the sun, as if it could burn everything. The terrifying power directly broke through the protective magnetic field of the runes.

Singed's expression changed, and he immediately controlled the power of the runes to direct the blow elsewhere, while he took the opportunity to dodge.

I saw the beam of light shooting towards the wall, breaking through in an instant, leaving a huge hole, emitting high temperature.

As the light beam gradually disappeared, long traces appeared on the ground, which also emitted a high temperature.

"What a terrifying force."

Singed was secretly frightened. It was precisely because of this that he felt the weakness of human beings even more.

If he had not obtained the power of the runes, he would probably have been destroyed instantly in front of this powerful light magic.

At this time, Lu Qi came directly on the wind and slashed out from the side with his sword with all his strength.

A huge wave of air arose in the air, and the powerful sword energy went straight towards Xingid's head.

Xingid had just broken through the protective magnetic field of the rune, and faced Lu Qi's full attack, he did not intend to take it hard.

He released the energy of the runes with his backhand, and the energy gathered into a giant sword to meet Lu Qi's slash.

Lu Qi deflected the impact of the collision between the two forces, quickly used his body skills, appeared on the side of Xingid, and slashed out with several swords.

Each of his swords carried powerful sword intent, and with the strengthening of the continuous slashes, the speed of the slashes was terrifyingly fast. Afterimages of slashes appeared in the air, and the sharp sword intent continued to break the rune magnetic field.

Even Xingid kept retreating under this powerful attack.

"I'm coming too!" At the same time, Poppy also swung his hammer, and the holy hammer slammed down hard, sending Singed flying away.

Singed quickly straightened his body, turned around and was attacked by Lu Qi and Bobby again.

At the moment, he has not yet fully adapted to the power of the runes, but as time goes by, he becomes more and more comfortable in using them.

At this moment, Sona also took action.

She plucked the strings, and the notes turned around like air waves and hit Singed directly.

He felt his body sink, as if he was out of control. But soon, the rune energy in his body neutralized Sona's sonic attack.

"Look at the hammer!"

Poppy hit the hammer with all his strength, causing Singed to sink a bit downwards.

Lu Qi, on the other hand, found the right opportunity and struck down with his sword, just as Singed's attention fell on his slash.

He raised his left hand and pointed it at Singed, directly releasing the fireball technique.


The violent fire instantly engulfed Singed. Luqi and Poppy quickly exited from the fire and looked at Singed who was swallowed by the flames.

LV7's fireball technique is already a powerful magic move.

Lux took the opportunity to throw a few light balls into the fire, and then detonated them directly.

It can be said that Singed spent these few seconds in an explosion.

As the aftermath of the explosion gradually dissipated, a miserable Singed was revealed. He indeed had many wounds on his body and his body was deformed.

Even the rune energy that was so powerful just now has dimmed.

However, in the next second, the rune fragments lit up, and lines spread towards Singed's body, seeming to exude a healing power.

Let the wounds on his body heal in an instant.

"Isn't this guy too resistant to being beaten?"

Lux was a little surprised, realizing that this was the power of the World Rune.

Even other people were a little unbelievable when they saw this.

It was unimaginable that Singed could still be alive during the offensive just now.

"Hahaha, this is the most powerful power in the world, runes!"

Singed laughed wildly. At this moment, he was more skillful in using the power of runes. As time passed, he would only become more powerful.

This is still just a fragment. If he collects all the complete runes, he can't imagine how powerful he will become.

Lu Qi also felt that the situation was getting worse. He called the Elf Goddess with his spiritual consciousness and said: "Is there any way? I feel that he is going to get angry soon, so you might as well kill him directly."

"No." Janna was a little unprepared for this at this moment. She said in a solemn tone, "My current power has not been fully restored, and the world runes are incompatible with my attributes. Even if I take action, I can only control it at best. He takes a while. You have to find the right moment."

Lu Qi nodded, exhaled a breath, and concentrated on it.

At the same time, Janna also used her power.

I saw a strong wind blowing around, gathering in the direction of Singed.

Singed seemed to have noticed something, and instantly mobilized the power of the runes.

The strong wind began to rotate around Singed, spinning faster and faster, emitting a force full of oppression.

Singed's rune power became unstable, and he realized that a mysterious entity had taken action.

"I may not be afraid of you now!"

More runic energy erupted from his body, fighting against Janna's power.

"It's now!"

Janna used her spiritual consciousness to inform Lu Qi.

Lu Qi did not hesitate and directly awakened the two demonic forces that had been dormant for a long time in his body. His whole body was enveloped by a dark energy, exuding a cold and terrifying aura.

Even the surrounding temperature dropped, his hands turned into devil's claws, and his whole body seemed to be covered in devil's armor.

This scene made the surrounding women feel strange.

They had never seen Lucci in this form.

At this moment, the power of the Pain Demon and the Nightmare Demon brought Lu Qi's strength to its strongest moment. Coupled with a full layer of Conquerors, the aura exuding from his body was enough to make people feel suffocated.

The next second, Lu Qi rushed out, and his figure disappeared instantly, appearing near the huge tornado.

Seeing Singed releasing rune energy to fight against Janna's power, Lu Qi slashed out with all his strength.

Singed raised a hand, which exuded the power of runes, forming a powerful force that blocked Lu Qi's sword.

The forces of both sides seemed to be at a stalemate at this moment, but Lu Qi had to move forward a little more every moment.

The powerful sword energy spread all around, and sword marks appeared on the ground and walls. Even people in the distance felt a sharp feeling, as if countless sword energy was coming.

"I will never stop here!"

Singed opened his eyes wide, let out a hoarse roar, and the runic energy on his body burst out again.

Lu Qi's sword also cut through the barrier and collided with the burst of energy.


There was another violent explosion, and Lu Qi's figure flew out from it, and Janna's power also dissipated at this moment.

He landed on the ground, his expression becoming more solemn. Only he knew that the result of that sword strike was not ideal.

The power of the world runes is still too powerful. Even if it is just a fragment, it is one of the forces that almost destroyed Rune Land in the first place.

Even though he used the demonic power in his body, he failed to succeed.

At this moment, he felt the power absorbed from Xuejian.

Obviously this sword hit, but unfortunately it did not achieve the expected effect.

"No, we failed."

At this moment, Janna's solemn voice also sounded, "My power cannot interfere with him. I suggest you to retreat quickly."

Hearing this, Lu Qi couldn't help but smile helplessly: "Do you think this situation is easy to evacuate?"

If you come over and give someone a beating, and then if the situation goes bad and you want to run away, it depends on whether the person is happy or not.

"I understand, this is the real power of the runes." Xingid's excited voice came out. He used the energy of the runes to float in the air, and the energy surrounding him became more powerful and filled with a sense of oppression.

And the wounds on his body healed instantly.

He looked at everyone and said happily: "At this moment, I am invincible. You will be my first batch of experiments to obtain the power of runes. No one can leave alive tonight."

Looking at Singed, who seemed to be unkillable, everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of despair.

"I don't allow such awesome people to exist in Rune Land!"

Lux did not believe in evil, she raised her staff, her blond hair floated up, and her whole body was bathed in radiant light, as divine as a goddess.

The next second, with her soft drink, bright brilliance shot out from the sky, and a huge beam of light blasted towards Singed.

The ultimate flash of full power!

Singed didn't dare to take this move just now, but now, he raised his hands, released the rune energy, and directly confronted the ultimate flash.

Lux gritted her teeth and persisted. The magic power in her body was rapidly consumed. As she gradually felt that she was unable to do what she wanted, the light magic also gradually weakened.

But Singed didn't intend to end it like this. He directly started a counterattack. The runic energy overwhelmed the ultimate flash and shot towards Lux quickly.

Seeing this, Lu Qi dodged, holding Lux and running away.

The next second, the rune energy fell down, and with a violent "bang" explosion, a large pit appeared directly on the ground.

"Damn it." Lux was in Lu Qi's arms, not thinking too much, and gritted her teeth unwillingly.

Her ultimate move didn't work for once!

First time!

How could Lux ​​endure this?

No, she must remember today's lesson!

From now on, she should never feel this way again!

"Quinn, Urna, and Poppy, take them out first, don't forget Fandel over there. And Victor, you will follow." Lu Qi let go of his hand and motioned for everyone to evacuate first.

The power of the runes is too powerful. If Singed intends to attack them later, even Lu Qi will not be able to stop him in time.

"Can we withdraw?"

Lux did not lose her mind because of her anger at this moment. Looking at Singed, she was afraid that she would not let them withdraw so easily.

"Don't worry, I still have a unique skill to keep the bottom of the box."

Lu Qi smiled faintly and walked forward calmly.

"You have a unique skill that can keep you under control, and I'm still scared of you."

After Lux heard this, she didn't plan to leave and said, "I'll cheer you up."

In fact, she was just worried about Lu Qi and suspected that this guy was going to forcefully buy them time.

She now also has a mana crystal full of blue, which should be able to help him as well.

Quinn and Yourna followed Lu Qi's words and had already taken Seraphine and the others away.

They also knew that they would only be a burden if they stayed, so there was no ink mark.

Sona and Poppy stayed behind like Lux.

Now that things have come to this, Lu Qi is not ready: "Then just watch."

When Xingid saw this, he was not very curious about Lu Qi's unique skills. He directly raised his hand and powerful runic energy blasted towards him.

"Hit me!"

Without any hesitation, Poppy jumped out and held the holy hammer high. At this moment, the holy hammer emitted incomparable holy light and smashed down.

This hammer directly blocked the energy of these runes, but Poppy was also blasted away. He fell to the ground and rolled twice, but he seemed to be okay.

Lu Qi couldn't care about anything else at the moment. His perception sank into his body and he quickly found the sleeping orange-yellow rune fragment.

Ever since this rune fragment entered his body, he had never taken the initiative to look at it or talk to it.

There was no other reason than that the water in this thing was too deep and he felt he couldn't control it.

But now, there is no other way.

"After sleeping in my body for so long, it's time to pay some rent!"

Lu Qi no longer hesitated and directly awakened the power of this rune fragment.

In an instant, light shone out, as if sensing Lu Qi's call, the rune fragments suddenly activated, releasing a vast energy that surged like a flood that broke a bank.

Lu Qi instantly felt that his body was occupied by the powerful energy of the runes. This was an indescribable feeling that was getting stronger every second.

The power of runes can easily destroy a person's body. Countless people who wanted to possess the power of runes were also destroyed by the runes the moment they obtained the power of runes.

The most important thing is that the runes confuse the human mind. Even if you successfully obtain the power of the runes, you will eventually fall into the bottomless abyss.

In the end, he was mercilessly taken away by Zishu Tou.

Lu Qi didn't want to do this unless it was absolutely necessary.

Now he has LV7's Powerful Body Protection, LV7's Fortitude Barrier, LV9's Conqueror, and LV9's Solid Technique. These skills have greatly enhanced his physique. As well as the two demonic forces at this moment, plus the protection of the Goddess of Wind.

This gave Lu Qi enough confidence to take the initiative to provoke this sleeping rune!

However, when the power of the runes filled every corner of his body, Lu Qi seemed to have no other feeling except that he felt more powerful than ever before.

This discovery surprised him. He thought he would have to endure more.

But it seemed that after the rune was awakened, it was completely handed over to him to control.

Lux was very surprised at this moment, her mouth opened slightly, and she stared blankly at Lu Qi not far away.

His whole body was bathed in an orange energy field, and the demon armor he wore was also dyed a golden color. He was like a god coming to the world, full of inviolable majesty, and had an extremely powerful aura.

Seeing this scene, her CPU couldn't handle it anymore.

There is no doubt that this is also a world rune!

Moreover, if she remembered correctly, it was the one Eldred took out.

Why did you end up on this guy?

So this is what this guy has at the bottom of the box?

(End of this chapter)

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