LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 408 Unparalleled in the World

Chapter 408 Unparalleled in the World

In the blink of an eye, another two months passed.

Unknowingly, the feeling of winter dissipates, the breath of spring revives all over the world, and green leaves climb new branches.

As the saying goes, good rain knows the season and moistens things silently. When the drizzle falls silently, the whole sky is enveloped in warmth. Sitting under the eaves and watching the falling rain, it feels quite relaxing and refreshing.

Luqi returned to his home in Demacia two months ago. With the Hex Flying Door, it is convenient to go back and forth, and it doesn't matter where he lives.

During this time, the relationship between Demacia and the Twin Cities has become much closer.

Because with the activation of the Flying Gate, people from both sides have closer and more frequent exchanges. Walking on their respective streets, it is no longer strange to see people from the Twin Cities or Demacia everywhere.

Coupled with trade exchanges, both parties have tasted a lot of sweetness.

At this moment, flying gates in other cities are also being built.

In Luqi Courtyard.

"Sign in."

Lu Qi lazily leaned on the chair under the eaves and muttered silently in his heart.

[Sign in successfully]

[It is detected that this sign-in is a monthly sign-in and will be automatically changed to a special sign-in]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the realm improvement card*1]

[Congratulations to the host for gaining high-level magic understanding]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the high-level skill - Wind Explosion]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the advanced skill upgrade card*2]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the intermediate skill upgrade card*2]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Qualification Breakthrough Pill*1]

[The sign-in reward has been stored in the system backpack, please check it yourself]

Several system voices sounded in his mind, and Lu Qi became a little more energetic.

Before I knew it, it was another monthly signing, and it seemed that the rewards this time were pretty good.

The first thing to bear the brunt is a realm upgrade card.

Lu Qi's strength has been stuck in the late stage of Shengbai for some time, and this realm upgrade card really comes at the right time.

So, he used this realm upgrade card without thinking.

[Successful use, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the early stage of glory]

As the system's voice fell, a huge force suddenly emerged, washing Lu Qi's body continuously. His body continued to become stronger, and his strength increased layer by layer. It was extremely smooth and refreshing.

After a while, the feeling slowly disappeared, and Lu Qi felt it carefully.

With this breakthrough, his strength has improved a lot. And, most importantly, this means that his body has also reached the edge of human limits.

In fact, the realm has always been divided according to the six types of knights in Demacia, from apprentice to glory, representing a knight's glorious honor and contribution.

Later it was also used to distinguish strength.

Lu Qi didn't know what the realm above glory was. But he knew that in the entire Rune Land, there were very few people who could reach the level of Glory in terms of physical strength.

Then, Lu Qi began to check the second reward, high-level magic comprehension, and directly chose to receive it.

Suddenly, an extremely strange feeling emerged, and Lu Qi's mind seemed to be pulled into another dimension. The aura of magic was floating everywhere, as if it was an ocean of magic, which made people extremely obsessed.

And Lu Qi is flying freely in this ocean.

After a while, he opened his eyes and realized that his understanding of magic had become a little deeper.

Although he doesn't have many magics at the moment, he can only use the fireball technique. But now learning magic is no longer difficult for him.

And he is more proficient in the use of magic. Now, if Lu Qi is willing to spend time learning magic.

Within a few months, he can surpass many ordinary mages.

But this is not as good as free prostitution, and Lu Qi is mainly about being happy-go-lucky.

It is impossible to learn unless you learn it once you learn it.

It is absolutely impossible for him to spend even a little more time.

Immediately, Lu Qi began to check the third reward, a high-level magic, and he directly chose to learn it.

[Learning is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining high-level skills - Wind Explosion LV3]

"Use the skill upgrade card."

[The skill upgrade card is used successfully, and the wind blast level is increased to LV7]

When the system tone fell, Lu Qi's mind immediately thought of many more methods and techniques for using the Wind Explosion skill.

Obviously, this is a magic skill that requires running magic power and casting spells at the same time.

Lu Qi already knew how to cast the spell. Out of curiosity, Lu Qi raised his hand and directly mobilized the magic power in his body.

As the magic power circulated, his hand also shone slightly with cyan light. I saw several strands of air being continuously compressed in the air in front of me, forming transparent balls hanging in the air, which were continuously compressed.

Then, as if overwhelmed, "Puff! Puff! Puff!" Several air explosions sounded instantly, and several blank areas suddenly appeared in the sky, and the powerful airflow in them failed to dissipate for a long time.

Not even rainwater can fall in.

"Huh? Not bad. Where did you learn this trick?"

At this time, Janna's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, seeming to be very interested in this scene.

"How do you understand it yourself?" Lu Qi communicated with her in his heart.

After such a long period of cultivation, the Elf Goddess also recovered. Although it took a lot of strength last time, it was a blessing in disguise.

Since then, the number of believers who respect her from the bottom of their hearts has increased day by day, as if the threshold has been exceeded.

And this guy usually follows Lu Qi around when he has nothing to do, as if he lives next to him.

"You don't do anything every day, so why do all the good things come to you?"

Janna was a little depressed now, even though she was a goddess of wind and wouldn't be jealous of Lu Qi. But after spending so long together, seeing him getting stronger every day just by lying down, it's still a bit sad.

As a god, it is not easy for her to become stronger.

How disgusting, this guy.

Lu Qi sighed softly: "I don't know, sometimes I feel helpless. Sometimes I really envy people like you who are down-to-earth and become stronger."

"Go to hell!" Janna spat, directly controlling the wind to make the rain fall towards Lu Qi.

Seeing that he was soaked in the rain, Janna also laughed with satisfaction. The smile on her beautiful face was very dazzling, showing a bit of happiness.

Fortunately, Lux, Fiona and other girls are not here at the moment, otherwise Lu Qi would probably get a lot of eye-rolls once he makes these outrageous remarks.

Lu Qi, who was soaked by the rain, naturally couldn't lie down leisurely. He got up and went back to the house to change clothes.

And he silently recorded this revenge in his heart. Sooner or later, he will take revenge!

This guy relies on himself to be a god. It can be said that he is doing whatever he wants and is becoming more and more lawless!

Sooner or later, she must experience what justice is.

There is no one in the living room at the moment, because Lux and the others are in Piltover at the moment. After the Hex Flying Gate, they often switch locations.

Still enjoying it so far.

After changing his clothes again, Lu Qi continued to check the rewards that he had not finished reading just now.

There are two high-level skill upgrade cards and two intermediate skill upgrade cards, the latter of which have been used to improve the skill of Wind Explosion.

I just tried it and the effect is pretty good. Although the sound of the explosion is not loud, the actual damage is probably not low.

After thinking for a while, Lu Qi said silently: "Use advanced skill cards to upgrade the continuous slash."

[Used successfully]    【Continuous slash level increased to LV9】

The skill of continuous slashing is still very practical and can increase Lu Qi's attack speed. After upgrading to LV9, Lu Qi's attack speed has also reached an astonishing level.

In one second, he can shoot at least ten swords.

"But it seems that there is still a long way to go before killing a thousand strikes."

Lu Qi muttered in his heart, inexplicably thinking of a certain sword master.

Continuous slashing can allow his sword swing speed to exceed the limit of his body, but it can only go so far.

If he wanted to make new breakthroughs, Lu Qi had to start from other aspects, such as acquiring new skills or learning new sword skills.

Lu Qi suddenly thought that he had understood the meaning of Wuji Sword for a long time, but the gap in Wuji Sword Technique had not been filled.

If there was a chance, he still wanted to learn about it.

Of course, we’ll talk about it when we have the chance.

Now Lu Qi was checking the last reward: "Qualification Breakthrough Pill?"

Lu Qi didn't even need to check the introduction of this thing. Without thinking too much, Lu Qi took it out and threw it into his mouth.

Like jelly beans, chew and swallow.

Lu Qi had almost forgotten about qualifications. After all, he usually mainly engaged in prostitution for free.

But every day I eat and drink well, I take a bath with rare treasures and precious medicines, and occasionally I can sign in and get even more precious ones.

Over time, his qualification points have reached 99, but since reaching the level of one out of 99, there has been no improvement.

Just a little more and you can break through to 100 - unparalleled in the world.

As the Breakthrough Pill entered his belly, a system prompt sounded in Lu Qi's mind.

[Congratulations to the host whose qualifications have exceeded 100—unparalleled in the world]

[Unparalleled effect: the difficulty of comprehending skills is greatly reduced]

After two simple prompts, there was nothing else, and Lu Qi didn't even have any strange feeling.

But looking at the unparalleled introduction, he became thoughtful.

This is greatly reduced. How much has it been reduced?

At this time, Lu Qi finally became interested. After all, he had a talent that was said to be unparalleled in the world. He wanted to see what happened.

By chance, Fiona walked by the living room at this time, seemingly ready to make a cup of tea.

Seeing this, Lu Qi said directly: "Girl, why don't you practice sword practice for a while?"

"Girl?" Fiona raised her eyebrows and looked at Lu Qi strangely, with a hint of suspicion in her cold eyes.

Putting aside the matter of calling her chick, what really made her wonder was, when did this guy take the initiative?

In the past, I couldn't even use coercion or inducement, but now I am so proactive, and everything is weird!

"What are you planning again?"

"How presumptuous."

Lu Qi twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at the suspicious eyes of Sword Girl, "I just want to move around, and by the way, I also want to learn your sword skills."

"Learn my swordsmanship?" Fiona looked at this guy again.

To be honest, it wasn't that she didn't want to teach before, the problem was that this guy didn't want to learn at all.

After thinking about it, she didn't refuse and said, "Okay, let's go to the backyard after the rain stops."

Soon, the light rain outside stopped, and the refreshing sunshine fell from the sky.

The two also came to the backyard.

Looking at Fiona, who was standing upright and holding a sword, Lu Qi smiled slightly and said, "Let's get started."

"Since you want to learn, then start from the most basic footwork."

Naturally, Fiona would not hide anything about Lu Qi, but she was not polite at all. She approached him, leaned against his body and started to guide him.

This was naturally Lu Qi's special treatment. Smelling the fragrance wafting from Miss Sword Girl's body, Lu Qi also started practicing his footwork.

Unparalleled swordsmanship was inspired by a dance step by Fiona's ancestors. Later generations of improvements were made to form the sharp and extraordinary swordsmanship today.

In Fiona's hands, it flourished and reached unprecedented heights.

Lu Qi learned very quickly, from footwork and movement to sword swing, movement, and timing. He soon no longer looked like a basic apprentice.

Fiona was not surprised at all by this, because she had seen this guy's monster-like talent a long time ago.

She even felt that if this guy was willing to learn and study hard for a certain period of time, he would have no problem surpassing her.

Following Fiona's careful guidance, Lu Qi also learned seriously. Not long after, system prompts came to his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for mastering the high-level skill - Unparalleled Swordsmanship]

[Unparalleled swordsmanship level breaks through to LV2]

[Unparalleled swordsmanship level breaks through to LV3]

[Unparalleled swordsmanship level breaks through to LV4]

[Unparalleled swordsmanship level breaks through to LV5]

Several system sounds sounded in succession, and Lu Qi's skill panel already had an additional LV5 unparalleled swordsmanship.

And only half an hour has passed since he started learning.

This immediately made Lu Qi understand the value of this unparalleled qualification.

You know, Wushuang swordsmanship is not a bad swordsmanship. Now Lu Qi has promoted it to LV5 in a blink of an eye. If Fiona finds out about this, I am afraid Lu Qi will not be able to save his kidneys at night.

For his own sake, Lu Qi thought about it and decided not to say it.

In fact, Lu Qi has been helping Fiona and the others improve their qualifications for so long.

He had systematic help, so when he improved, there were almost no bottlenecks, and he only got stuck at 99.

And their own qualifications are not low, but they don't know how far they are from being unparalleled in the world.

However, Lu Qi now understood the purpose of the Qualification Breakthrough Pill, which was used to break through the shackles of qualifications.

Some people are destined to reach the limit of their lives when they are born.

This is qualification, and qualification represents the limit. The higher the qualification, the higher the limit.

In fact, this stuff is quite important.

It's just that for Lu Qi, a free prostitute, it's a bit irrelevant.

Now it has become unparalleled in the world, and its usefulness has suddenly become apparent.

"You've almost learned it, and you can start practicing. You have a very high foundation, so you can skip a lot of steps."

Fiona walked to the opposite side at this time, raised the rapier in her hand, and prepared to lead Lu Qi into actual combat.

In fact, she rarely comes to compete with this guy anymore, mainly because she can feel his improvement every time they fight, which is very shocking.

So Fiona doesn't want to bring trouble on herself. Now her strength has reached new breakthroughs, and she is well-deserved as the number one swordsman in Demacia.

But she knew that even if she tried her best, she might still not be Lu Qi's opponent.

But that's fine, this guy keeps walking in front, and she will always have a goal to catch up.

Moreover, in this way, she will feel a special sense of accomplishment every time she rides on it.

"Come on." Of course Lu Qi didn't know what the cold-faced Miss Sword Girl was thinking about at this moment. He nodded and also raised the rapier in his hand.

I was also mentally prepared to hold back.

(End of this chapter)

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