LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 409 Meeting Gift in Bilgewater

Chapter 409 Meeting Gift in Bilgewater

Time passes slowly.

During the discussion, under Fiona's words and deeds, another reminder came to Lu Qi's mind.

[Unparalleled swordsmanship level increased to LV6]

Lu Qi found that his understanding of unparalleled swordsmanship was a little deeper, and he couldn't help but sigh again at how powerful his qualifications were when they were unparalleled in the world.

However, the higher the level, the higher the level will naturally not be as easy as in the early stage.

Of course, ease or not is not that important to Lu Qi.

After all, free prostitution is what it's all about.

After resting, Lu Qi moved a deck chair and lay down in the front yard.

For Fiona, today's training has just begun.

The sunshine after the rain looks very refreshing, there is a slight sense of moisture in the air, and the temperature in this season is very comfortable.

After lying down for a while, Lu Qi felt sleepy.

But soon, a burst of footsteps caused his newly closed eyes to slowly open.

"Your Highness, I have your letter." Quinn came quickly outside the courtyard gate, holding a white letter in his hand, and handed it to Lu Qi.

After Lu Qi took it, he looked around and recognized the symbol on the letter.

Sentinel of Light.

This surprised him a little, and he slowly opened the letter.

He didn't know many Sentinels of Light. Apart from Vayne, the only one was the guy with two guns.

At this time, Vayne is leading her demon hunting team, constantly hunting down the evil forces that cause trouble in the world, and has an excellent reputation among the people.

Of course, she did not give up chasing Evelin and was always on the way to find her.

As a demon who is good at concealment and disguise, it is naturally not that easy to find, if she really wants to hide all the time.

Even with her blood as a traction, Vayne's revenge still failed to succeed after so long.

In addition, she had the secret key, so there was no need to communicate with Lu Qi through letters.

So after thinking about it, there is only the latter.

After opening the letter, Lu Qi showed a faint smile as expected when he saw the signature of the letter writer - Lucian, and then checked the contents of the letter.

"Dear Your Highness, it seems that some time has passed since I last wrote to you. It also seems that a long time has passed since we last said goodbye.

For such a long time, I walked from the west coast of Shurima to the east, investigating all the clues about Soul Eater Night.

Now a horrifying discovery has been made.

Over the years, the influence of Soul Eater Night has expanded to the entire Runeterra. The Soul Eater Night seems to be extremely unstable in the past two years.

I have a hunch that Soul Eater Night seems to be giving birth to some kind of terrible revival. Recently, I have frequently woken up from my sleep.

After much thought, I decided to write this letter to you. Although we have been apart for such a long time, I have often heard about you.

I would like to congratulate Demacia on its alliance with the Twin Cities, and congratulate Demacia on finally facing Runeterra.

Going back to what I just said, I cannot allow the influence of Soul Eater Night to continue like this. Next, I will go to Bilgewater to investigate everything about Soul Eater Night more closely.

The purpose of writing this letter is also to hope that you will be prepared. If Soul Eater Night really loses control in time, I have a hunch that he will have an impact on the entire Runeterra.

Lucian. "

After reading the letter, Lu Qi slowly put it away, his eyes darkened slightly, and he began to think without saying a word.

The Soul-Eating Night spreads outward from a place called Shadow Island at a fixed time every year.

Since the troops were repulsed the year before last, the west coast of Demacia was no longer affected by Soul Eater Night last year.

However, this does not mean that Lu Qi has put down his guard against Soul Eater Night. After all, he knows that this is just foreplay, and the root cause of Soul Eater Night has not been solved at all.

That's why Lu Qi has never been able to stay in Demacia with peace of mind and lie down wherever he wants.

It's because of this.

As a progress announcer, Lucian is very competent.

If he had a premonition that something was wrong in Soul Eater Night, then it meant something was really wrong.

"Soul-Eating Night? What is that?"

At this time, Janna also asked curious questions. Of course, she also saw the content of the letter.

She didn't have much memory of Soul Devouring Night, maybe because she had been asleep for a long time.

"It's not a good thing anyway." Lu Qi replied in his heart, unable to lie down anymore, he stood up from the chair and sighed slightly.

"Yurna, pack up, we are going to Piltover."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Yurna's response came not far away.

Lu Qi walked to the backyard and briefly told Fiona about his preparations to leave.

Fiona was not surprised by this. She always felt that Lu Qi was a leisurely and busy person, as if he was burdened with something important.

But he often has a relaxed and casual face.

At this time, Miss Jian Ji looked at Lu Qi from a distance with her cold eyes, and said, "If there is really something, I hope you can tell it, and we will do it together."

"Don't worry, it's okay." Lu Qi stepped forward, held her hand, and kissed her gently on the lips, interrupting what she was about to say.

Saying some things will only create anxiety and panic and worry.

"Okay, contact me anytime."

Fiona said nothing more, tapped her toes, and kissed Lu Qi in return.

At this time, Yourna had almost packed her luggage. In fact, there is not much to prepare, just a few changes of clothes and some money.

Specifically, you can prepare it even if you go to Piltover.

Soon, the two passed through the Hex Flying Gate and teleported directly to Pi City.

This time Lucci planned to act quickly, and his destination was already clear, which was Bilgewater.

The famous pirate island, a lawless place.

There is a group of pirates who live on the loose, and it is also the area with the most black trade. Burning, killing and looting may just be a synonym for it.

Of course, I didn't think it was that dangerous. After all, just like Zu'an, there will be people to maintain order in helpless places.

But the premise of everything is that the fist is big enough.

Lucci only planned to leave with Yurna this time. Lux and the others have a band to start. Since Demacia has established ties with the Twin Cities, the concert cannot be held only in the Twin Cities.

Now Gaon Alem's name has spread in the royal capital, and Lux ​​and Sona are also very popular.

They were already very popular, and now with the addition of the band, their fame is unparalleled.

That afternoon, Lu Qi was already on the boat bound for Bilgewater.

The movements were so fast that even he felt a little violent.

But when I think about the journey on the sea for a while, there is nothing to worry about.

At this time, Lu Qi was lying on the rocking chair, enjoying the sea breeze leisurely and comfortably.

He directly bought the ship at his feet. It was not slow and he also hired a few people who were proficient in sailing. However, it was expected that it would take some time to reach Bilgewater.

Not far away, Yourna stood on the edge, seemingly looking at the sea. The sea breeze blew up, causing her hair to sway, inadvertently revealing her beautiful profile and enchanted eyes.

Lu Qi took a look, thought for a moment and said aloud: "By the way, Yourna. Have you always planned to be a maid by my side? Have you no other plans?"

Hearing this, Yourna raised her eyes and looked at Lu Qi. There was not much expression on her face, but there was a bit of doubt in her eyes: "What other plans are you referring to?"

"For example, if you don't become a maid, what do you want to do? Have you ever thought about opening a cake shop or something, or opening a tavern and working for yourself? It's better than following me around and taking risks now, right?"

Lu Qi said in a rather casual tone.

"Your Highness, are you testing me?" Yourna tilted her head slightly, not knowing what Lu Qi meant.

"Of course not, I really want to ask you." Lu Qi laughed and shook his head. Unknowingly, Yuerna seemed to have been with him for some time.

For so long, she has never made any request, and has always served him silently.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is the person who has been with him the longest.

Hearing this, Yourna said softly: "I don't have any plans at the moment, I think this is good."

Her eyes flickered slightly as she spoke, as moving as purple gems.

Lu Qi smiled and said: "Really, I would be troubled if you really had other plans. After all, it is not easy to find another maid as perfect as you." "His Highness's words just now are indeed testing me. "?" Yourna's focus was a bit novel, especially when she said these words, coupled with her expressionless and beautiful face, it had an inexplicable charm.

"Of course not." Lu Qi denied again, and continued, "If you really want to leave, I won't stop you. If it's just my selfish thoughts, I definitely hope to tie you up for life. The question just now is after repeated I brought it up after struggling with it.”

This is true. As a maid, Urna can be said to be extremely good.

She never disobeys orders and will implement any request from Lu Qi immediately. She is also very considerate. After getting along with her for a long time, she knows what Lu Qi needs even if she doesn't say anything.

If the expressions could be enriched occasionally, it would be perfect and impeccable.

However, the expressionless and cold maid also has another charm.

After hearing Lu Qi's words, Yourna seemed to think about it seriously and said again: "I have no plans. If there are no accidents, as long as His Highness does not drive me away, I will stay."

"Then we've made an agreement." Lu Qi heard this and smiled lightly, "I will definitely not drive you away, so you have to stay."

There was a bit of selfishness in Lu Qi's words, but after hearing this, Yourna nodded slightly: "Yes."

Does this count as some kind of agreement between them?

Lu Qi thought strangely, then lay down straight and looked at the blue sky.

Yourna's eyes turned to the sea again, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up inadvertently, and she smiled with a smile that was alluring, so beautiful.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

With the long sea voyage, Bilgewater is getting closer and closer.

Bilgewater, also known as the Blue Flame Islands, is located far away from the three continents and is a unique and special port city.

Sea snake hunters, dock gangs, and smugglers come from all over the known world to make their home here. Here, one can become rich and powerful or one's family can be destroyed in just the blink of an eye. For those fleeing trial, debt, and persecution, the city offered a new lease of life.

But again, Bilgewater has always been a place of blessings and misfortune.

"Your Highness, Bilgewater is almost here."

The soft voice of Urna came to my ears.

Lu Qi opened his eyes and saw it from a distance. A larger island stands on the sea. The outline of the island is hidden in the light blue mist, but the island itself is spectacular enough. From a distance, it looks like huge pythons entangled on the sea. .

The locals also call the Blue Flame Islands the Python Islands. Most people here believe in a god called Naga Kapoulos, who represents life, growth and eternal movement. People also call her the Snake Mother, the Great Sea Beast, or the Bearded Lady. Her usual symbol is a huge sea monster head with tentacles coiled around it.

"I can feel that the god here is a bit difficult to offend. If nothing happens, you'd better not provoke her."

At this time, Janna's voice sounded in Lu Qi's mind.

As if she had arrived at someone else's territory, her tone became more cautious.

"How difficult is it to mess with? Can he be better than you?"

Lu Qi immediately said with his heart.

The face-loving Elf Goddess naturally wouldn't give in. Upon hearing this, her tone suddenly hardened: "That's definitely not as good as me, and you don't even think about who I am."

Then she changed the topic, "But after all, we have come to someone else's territory. She has been here for a long time, so she still needs to be given some face."

This guy's tone was harsh and cowardly, which made Lu Qi want to laugh a little.

But what she said was right. Lu Qi really didn't want to provoke this person if he had nothing to do.

After all, where the opponent's personality is, he is still a god respected by countless people.

Of course, Lu Qi will not be too afraid, because he is sure that Naga Kapoulos is the same kind of god as Janna, and they are both born from countless beliefs.

Therefore, she cannot interfere too much in the mortal world.

If you are really in a hurry, then let the Elf Goddess step forward to support you.

At this time, Bilgewater's position was slowly approaching.

Affected by the weather, bursts of fog began to float on the sea, and Bilgewater was also looming in the fog, looking very mysterious.

As they continued sailing, a pirate ship quickly approached Lu Qi's ship in the mist. They seemed to have set up an ambush here.

In the blink of an eye, a parallel trend was formed.

Immediately afterwards, the pirates showed their heads one by one, their eyes locked on Lu Qi's side, and their eyes suddenly lit up like a mouse seeing oil.

"Brothers, here comes a ship I've never seen before!"

"New face, this guy is quite handsome."

"Look, this maid is so beautiful."

"Which aristocratic young master is here to go out to sea alone with his maid?"

"Whatever, it's an advantage for us anyway! There seem to be only a few people on this boat, so they just grabbed it and finished it. Please be careful and don't damage the boat! This boat looks good, and we can sell it for a good price later!"

"Let's talk first, that girl belongs to me! This kind of top quality is rare!"

"You just want good things!"

The pirates chatted excitedly and even started dividing the spoils in advance, seemingly not paying attention to Lu Qi at all.

The eyes he looked at them were like looking at two weak lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

It seems that in such a casual exchange, the fate of Lu Qi and others has been decided.

This is a lawless place. How can ordinary people with no strength get close to such a dangerous place.

After all, once you get close, you must be prepared to encounter such a situation.

Lu Qi saw that the pirate ship next door had thrown the rope over, glanced at it expressionlessly, and said coldly: "Yurna, do it."


Yourna was also expressionless, with murderous intent in her cold eyes. The next second she hurried out and jumped directly to the pirate ship next door.

When the pirates saw Yourna throwing herself into the trap, they each showed their weapons without any fear and became more and more excited.

They surrounded Urna and looked at the black dagger in her hand with disdain.

Yourna glanced around and immediately targeted one person, the pirate who had just clamored for her ownership.

She leaned over and rushed out, disappearing from the spot.

The next second, only a splash of blood was seen. The pirate was covering his neck in shock, and blood kept spraying out from there.

Soon he fell down, his eyes losing their luster.

"No, it's a tough fight, let's go together!"

Seeing this scene, the pirates broke out in cold sweat. Realizing that they had provoked a tough fight, they all swarmed forward.

Some people were directed at Yuerna, and some were directed at Lucci.

But the cries of death soon turned into cries for mercy. Even though the pirates were desperadoes, there were only a few who were not afraid of death.

Seeing their companions falling almost every second, the remaining pirates were frightened.

"Spare your life!"

"Please, we know we were wrong!"

"Please, I don't want to die yet!"

Facing Lu Qi and Yu Erna who showed great fighting power, the pirates had already lost the will to resist.

In response to their begging for mercy, Lu Qi didn't even blink and just swung his sword down.

The same was true for Yourna. In the blink of an eye, several more lives disappeared.

Sometimes, just because they know they're wrong doesn't mean they really know.

It's just that they know they're going to die.

Soon, of the more than twenty pirates, only the last few were killed.

After they tried ineffective resistance, one of them fell to the ground and stared at Lu Qi: "We are Poloka's men. If you kill us, he will not let you go!"

Lu Qi looked at him in surprise: "I didn't expect you to betray your boss when you were about to die. Don't worry, I will send him down to see you soon."

The pirate's pupils shrank, and the next second he felt a spinning sensation. It turned out that his head rolled to the ground.

After killing the last person, Lu Qi's mood did not waver at all.

He raised his eyes and looked at Bilgewater in the distance.

It seemed that this was Bilgewater's gift to him. It was really unique.

It's just that Lu Qi is not very satisfied. He is not a person who kills indiscriminately, so he hopes that there will be fewer such desperate pirates in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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