LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 410 Miss Fortune

Chapter 410 Miss Fortune

Yourna calmly began to deal with the corpses on the ship. After the battle, the maid uniform on her body was not even dirty, and her every move showed elegance.

Soon, Lucci's ship started moving again, approaching Bilgewater.

About half an hour later, the huge island of Bilgewater appeared in Lu Qi's eyes. It was surrounded by steep straits and towering cliffs, intertwined like a huge maze.

At a glance, you can see countless buildings clinging to the rock wall, forming a complex of buildings.

Comparing size, Bilgewater is even larger than Piltover.

The ships began to approach the pier, and boats of different shapes were parked beside the pier, as if they came from all over the world.

There are many people coming and going on the dock shore, and there are ships traveling or arriving from all directions. These scenes together make up this lively and vibrant island.

At least that's what it seems on the surface. No one cares about how many dark and heavy secrets are buried behind this island.

"This way, stop this way!"

As we were approaching the pier, a fat man on the pier began to shout and wave.

When the ship approached, the man showed a friendly smile and said, "Based on the size of your ship, a total of five Silver Snake coins will be charged for the docking fee."

"Docking fee?" Lu Qi frowned slightly when he heard this.

"Don't get me wrong." The man explained before Lu Qi had any misunderstanding, "Any ship that wants to dock at the pier here has to pay, even if it's just for a while. This is the rule."

He emphasized the word "rules".

Lu Qi nodded slightly and asked casually: "How do you calculate the silver snake coins?"

The man heard that Lu Qi must be new here, so he said: "One gold siren is equal to ten silver snake coins."

As soon as he finished speaking, a gold coin was bounced over.

"keep the change."

The man immediately caught it with quick eyes and hands, confirmed that it was correct, and recognized that it was a gold coin from Piltover, with a logo on it.

But that doesn't matter, as long as it's gold coins.

The best way to confirm the authenticity of gold coins is to bite them hard with your teeth. You can leave a mark but the bites won't stop. If you flick it with your hand again and it makes a "pop" sound instead of a "ding", then it is real.

Obviously, the one in my hand really cannot be real anymore.

"No problem, you can park here for about twenty-four hours, and I will come back tomorrow to collect the money. It doesn't matter if you leave and turn back during this period, you will have to pay again after twenty-four hours."

The man showed a familiar and enthusiastic smile and continued, "You can spend some more money to hire someone to help you maintain this ship. We will definitely take good care of it."

"no need."

Lu Qi shook his head lightly and immediately got off the boat.

This ship will return to Pi City soon, and Lu Qi will just buy another one when he wants to leave.

The most important thing for him is money, and the most important thing for Pigeon is a boat.

"Okay, let's go slowly." The man felt a little pity. Just by looking at Lu Qi's dress and lavishness, plus the fact that he brought a maid with him when he went out, he knew that he was 100% a financial backer.

Watching Lu Qi take the beautiful maid away, the man set his sights on his boat. Suddenly his eyes were stunned, and then he grinned.

"Isn't this Poroka's ship talisman? I think he must be interested in this."

His eyes were fixed on a piece of ship talisman hanging in an unnoticed place at the back of the ship, something like a wooden sign with patterns engraved on it.

This thing is a symbol used to identify people, and it is of little use.

But the two newcomers just now are definitely not Poloka's men. They can't even convert silver snake coins.

But now that this ship talisman has appeared on their ship, there must have been some story before.

The people in Piraeus are all extremely shrewd, and they will not miss anything that can make them a fortune.

at this time.

Luqi and Urna had already left the dock in Bilgewater and entered the city.

The buildings here are also divided from low to high, layer by layer, and these buildings do not have a unified style, they come in all styles, like a hodgepodge of Rune Land.

The lowest level is Bilgewater Bay. The winding river stretches out and connects to the sea. It is like the foundation of the city, supporting all the buildings above.

Walking on the streets on the ground floor, the streets here are not spacious. Countless houses and buildings squeeze people's living space.

The low wind blowing through the streets also brings a fishy sea smell, which is not particularly unpleasant, but certainly unpleasant.

You can occasionally see half-murlocs walking through the streets, which is not surprising here. These half-fish people are also old residents here and are also called locals.

Bilgewater is similar to Zaun. The rich and the poor are from low to high. The higher up the people are, the richer they are.

But this place is even more exaggerated than in Zaun, because everyone is trying to make money with only one purpose, to have fun.

People with a lot of money in their pockets will often visit the taverns in the upper city, drink fine wines and have fun - but in a few days, they will go down to the port area, bargain with the sea hunter team, and join the next life and death. An unexpected voyage.

Lu Qi kept looking around and followed Yuerna. Because he was wearing a cloak, he didn't attract much attention along the way.

Unconsciously, it was approaching dusk, and Beale Street Water was enveloped in the colors of the sunset.

Lu Qi and the other two have also arrived in the upper city area here. There are also many people in the upper city area, but the streets are wider and the scenery around them looks much more luxurious.

In the upper city area, there are pubs everywhere, large and small, and every one of them seems quite lively.

When Lu Qi came to Bilgewater, he first wanted to find Lucian and then make plans.

When he parted ways with Lucian, he gave Lu Qi a crystal of the Sentinel of Light.

This crystal can react when there are bright sentinels nearby, but at the moment there is no movement at all.

Obviously, Lucian is not here now.

Although I don't know where he went, I still want to find out about him. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have left Bilgewater so soon.

But since it's already here, there's no need to rush.

After enjoying the scenery of Bilgewater, it’s time to taste the food and wine here.

Pirates don't have a good time without wine, and the wine here is also quite high. Most of the food is seafood. After all, people here live on the sea. It is not an exaggeration to say that this sea feeds the entire Bilgewater.

After visiting several restaurants, Lu Qi finally chose one that was relatively clean and not too crowded and went in.

After sitting down at a table, someone immediately came up to greet me: "What do you two want to eat? Or drink? Our store has just received some fresh shrimps recently, and they are very delicious when steamed and grilled. Also There is a double-headed eel, which is also delicious.”

He recommended it enthusiastically.

Hearing this, Lu Qi nodded slightly: "Then these two, what do you want to drink?"

"Beer, rum, red wine, and the fine wines from Piltover and Noxus are all good wines. Besides that, there are other drinks."

"Two glasses of beer."

"Okay, wait a moment."

After ordering, the waiter immediately left.

After a while, several steaming shrimps and two-headed eels, bigger than a palm, were served.

The portion is quite generous, and you can already smell the aroma of charcoal grilling before you even get close to it.

The outer skin of the double-headed eel is slightly charred and very crispy, but the meat inside is extremely tender.

The sea shrimp is also quite tender. It has a hard shell, but after peeling it off, the white flesh is exposed. There is no fishy smell at all when you take a bite. It is very delicious.

The beer also tastes very delicious, and it is quite refreshing and thirst-quenching after one sip.

Lu Qi and Yourna tasted it slowly, and in the corner, a few people looked over.

"That's them, right?"

"That's right. The man and woman are so identifiable, and they happen to be two people."

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you're a man, but it's a pity if you're a woman."

"Who told them to offend the wrong person when they first arrived? Don't worry about it now."

"These two people are worth forty gold sirens. If we can catch them alive, we can make another fortune with their looks." "Indeed, both this pretty boy and this girl can be sold for a good price."

"When they leave the store, we'll look for an opportunity to take action."

During the low-pitched discussion, pairs of malicious eyes swept over the two of them.

At this time, Lu Qi calmly swallowed the last bite of shrimp meat, wiped his mouth gracefully, and waved to indicate the check.

"There are five silver snake coins in total."

The price is surprisingly affordable, five silver snake coins are just five silver coins.

Silver snake coins are the main currency in Bilgewater. They are the same as other places, but they are called differently by the locals.

With Lu Qi's worth, it was naturally impossible for him to carry silver coins with him, so he directly threw out another gold coin: "The rest is your service fee."

After saying that, he stood up and prepared to leave with Yourna.

The waiter behind him burst into tears of gratitude and kept thanking him.

Maybe it's because Lu Qi hasn't reached the real uptown area yet. After all, the cost here doesn't seem to be particularly high, let alone luxurious.

After leaving the store, Lu Qi walked to a place with few people.

Soon, the few desperate idiots following them could no longer hold back.

"Do it!"

With an order, everyone launched a sneak attack.

For these two people who had just destroyed a fleet of Poloka's fleet, they did not dare to be careless at all, and just took action with all their strength.

"Bang bang bang!"

First, a dense round of bullets was fired, but it avoided the vital points of Lu Qi and the two.

In Bilgewater, life is always worth more than death, and they are here for money, not for their lives.

From the moment the gun fired, Lu Qi had already started to move. He turned around and swung his sword, and the powerful sword energy intercepted all the bullets in mid-air.

The next second, he dodged out and disappeared from the spot, making the sneak attackers instantly alert.

Their strength is stronger than those of Poloka's men, but at best they are more powerful bastards.

For a moment, blood splattered everywhere, followed by frightened screams, causing people in the distance to run away in fear.

They are experienced and know that a few more lives may have been lost today.

After quickly getting rid of a few of the losers, Lu Qi left without looking back, his eyes never wavering from the beginning to the end.

It was already dark at this time, and the lights in Bilgewater were brightly lit. The atmosphere on the entire island had obviously increased a lot, as if the night had truly begun.

No one cared about the few lives lost in the alley.

After walking around the next corner, Lu Qi suddenly stopped and looked at a slender figure leaning against the wall not far ahead.

She wore a conspicuous black hat, with a waterfall of red hair under the hat. Her face was hidden under the shadow of the hat brim, but her fair and smooth neck could be seen.

As for her figure, she was even more enchanting, with perfect proportions. She wore a black leather jacket on her upper body, with some white lace exposed from her chest and slender arm sleeves.

The round bulge on her chest, even if covered by clothes, still looks very straight, and the size is even more impressive.

Further down, there is a waist as thin as a water snake, as if it can be held with one hand. Then there is a pair of slender legs, wearing smooth leather pants, outlining a perfect arc.

Under her feet, she wears a pair of long boots that almost reach her knees. This figure is simply extremely graceful.

I don’t know how many men in Pigang are obsessed with it.

"The men who dared to touch Poloka when they first arrived, indeed have two brushes."

The graceful woman spoke with a soft and soft voice, which was very nice to hear. As she spoke, she raised her hand and raised the brim of her hat with a delicate pistol in her hand, revealing a beautiful face under her red hair, with skin as white as snow, willow eyebrows and almond-shaped eyes, slightly curled red lips, and a pair of beautiful eyes like water. The light shines everywhere, gorgeous and moving.

"Just so you know, people call me Doom, I'm a bounty hunter."

Miss Fortune chuckled and spoke, her breathtaking eyes falling on Lu Qi, and she was also a little surprised.

I learned from the reward that this man had a very handsome face, but seeing it with my own eyes, it was still a bit beyond expectation.

In terms of appearance alone, looking at the entire Bilgewater, I'm afraid no one can compare with him.

When she thought about how such a handsome guy would be tortured in a place like Bilgewater that was so cannibalistic, she felt a little pity for him.

When Lu Qi heard this, his expression remained unchanged and he said calmly: "Bounty hunter, so you and the group just now have the same goal?"

"Yes, but no." Miss Fortune walked over with her graceful waist twisted, looked at Lu Qi and blinked, "I did come to find you, but my purpose is different from theirs."

Lu Qi ignored her eyes that seemed to be talking and continued calmly: "I suggest you keep your story short, otherwise don't blame me for drawing the sword too early."

"You should also be able to tell that I have no ill intentions toward you."

Miss Fortune couldn't tell whether what he said was true or false, because she couldn't tell the slightest bit of joking from that handsome face.

This guy doesn't know how to show mercy.

Muttering in her heart, she stopped, and then said, "To put it simply, there are two purposes."

"The first one is simply to see what it would be like for someone who directly destroyed a fleet of Poloka ships."

At this point, Miss Fortune chuckled, "After all, your characteristic on the bounty list is your outstanding appearance. To be honest, I am a good-looking person. Now that I see you, I suddenly feel that if you are allowed to be... A group of bad guys destroyed me, and it’s too late for me to regret it.”

While he was speaking, those beautiful eyes were staring straight into Lu Qi's eyes, showing a breathtaking charm, and showing no intention of getting out of the way.

Lu Qi frowned slightly: "Bounty list?"

"You are new here, so you probably don't know about it yet. The group of people just found out about you from the bounty list. Anyone who is on this list will be rewarded with a certain amount of money."

Miss Fortune explained to Lu Qi considerately, "The amount for you two is forty gold sirens. For newcomers, this is already a huge price. And as long as you complete the bounty requirements, anyone can get it. Corresponding amount of money.”

Lu Qi nodded slightly and asked, "Did the person named Poloka place the reward?"

"Of course it's him." Miss Fortune nodded and said with a smile in her beautiful eyes, "You destroyed one of his fleets, of course he will take revenge."

"Really?" Lu Qi nodded again.

He didn't expect that the news would spread so quickly, and it would be on the local bounty list in an instant.

Lu Qi was not very interested in how the news spread. He only knew that if others offered him a reward, he would naturally pay it back.

He looked thoughtful and asked, "How much does it cost to kill this guy named Poloka?"

Seeing him suddenly ask such a question, Miss Fortune was stunned for a moment, but looking at the seriousness on that handsome face, she chuckled and said: "Some guys will definitely die if they don't offer a reward, and the prerequisite is that someone has to accept it, right? Poloka has five or six fleets under his command, and he is also the self-proclaimed pirate king. Not many people are willing to provoke him."

"And you don't have to go to a lot of trouble, because there is a bounty for this guy on the bounty list, worth four hundred gold sirens. And his eldest brother is worth five thousand gold sirens."

After Lu Qi listened, he thought thoughtfully for a moment and said to himself: "It seems I can only do it myself."

The reason why he wanted to offer a reward was because he thought it would be too troublesome to do it himself.

But now it seems that this bounty list is not omnipotent.

He also knew who the pirate king Miss Fortune was talking about, because he had already heard more than one thing about him when he arrived today.

It is none other than Gangplank, the tyrannical ruler of Bilgewater today, the scourge of the ocean.

He is a notorious existence in Bilgewater, but he is also an overlord that countless people are afraid of and dare not provoke.

In this place, the mention of Planck is absolutely terrifying.

He is a powerful force and calls himself the Pirate King, ruling Bilgewater with intimidation, violence, and intrigue.

This guy is notorious and notorious, and many people dare not speak out under his rule.

Even the old captain who went to sea earlier than him had to avoid his edge.

 Thank you guys for your input. There is another update, which is being coded out as soon as possible.



(End of this chapter)

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