LOL: I'm a bad prince in Demacia

Chapter 412 The man who became the pirate king

Chapter 412 The man who became the pirate king

There was no way, she was really short of money.

If there was no such thing, she would definitely have a drink with the two newbies in front of her today.

But now, for her revenge plan, everything she does requires money, and just thinking about it every day gives her a headache.

But just at this time, a master with "I am rich" written on his face appeared. How could Miss Fortune bear it and not teach him about the dangers of this world?

"I was born into a noble family in Demacia. However, during a cruel family struggle, I was expelled from the family and fled all the way here by boat."

Lu Qi's face was red at the moment, with a hint of drunkenness, and as if he was unhappy without vomiting, he slowly spoke out what was pressing on his mind.

His journey was so bumpy and difficult.

Miss Fortune was also very cooperative in complaining for Lu Qi, thinking silently in her heart.

It seems that this guy is a down-and-out nobleman who was expelled from his family, but he doesn't know how much money he brought with him.

There are not many people from Demacia, but the people there are very stubborn. To put it bluntly, they are stubborn and easy to fool.

After all, who would hold up a big sword and shout for Demacia every day?

After clinking glasses again, Miss Fortune drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp, and her delicate face became a little red. She said softly: "I really sympathize with your experience, but don't worry when you come to Blue Flame Island." Come on, just hang out with me, you’ll be fine.”

Lu Qi was quite moved, with warm eyes, and raised his glass: "I have always heard about Blue Flame Island, but I didn't expect to meet a good person like you on the first day here. To be honest, at first we I still don’t believe you, but now, you have my trust, friend.”

"I'm honored." Miss Fortune raised her glass again and drank another glass of wine. Her drinking capacity is quite good, and it's not an exaggeration to drink a thousand glasses without getting drunk. Then she added, "The crisis in this place on Blue Flame Island has nothing to do with it. Opportunities coexist, and one day you may have the capital to go back and fight against the family."

"You are right." Lu Qi's eyes burned with ambition and he said with confidence, "I want to make a comeback here and regain everything I lost!"

Then there may be one more thing you want to take back tonight.

Miss Fortune laughed in her heart, opened her red lips slightly, and said encouragingly: "You can definitely do it. I rarely misjudge people. You have the potential to achieve great things."

Lu Qi said sincerely again: "I rarely misjudge people. You are such a good person."

In a place like Bilgewater, such praise for a good person is an insult.

Miss Fortune was disdainful, she would rather be the worst person than the good person.

But he still raised his glass with a bright smile: "Cheers to our meeting today!"


A few more glasses of wine.

At this time, there were many empty wine bottles on the table.

"Why do I feel a little sleepy?"

At this moment, Lu Qi started to shake, his eyelids twitching constantly, as if he was extremely sleepy.

"If you feel sleepy, take a rest for a while."

Miss Fortune's lips curved into a smile.

She knew that Lu Qi was not sleepy after drinking too much, but that she added some spices to the wine when he wasn't paying attention.

With a "pop", Lu Qi lay on the table, while Yourna beside him was already asleep.

"Don't be afraid. I will keep this box open until tomorrow morning. No one will bother you during this period. I guarantee it with my title."

As Miss Fortune said this, she stood up, came to the two of them, reached out her hand to rummage through Lu Qi's pockets, and finally found two money bags.

One of them is Poloka's bounty, and the other is Lu Qi's own money.

After opening it, it was filled with golden coins. She liked the color very much.

Then she didn't even let go of Yourna beside her, rummaged through it again, and found another money bag.

"Although he is down and out, he does have a lot of money."

Miss Fortune looked at it, took out a few and put them on the table, "You will wake up in an hour at most. I hope you will cherish this lesson. I am not a good person."

The money was quite a lot, and she also saw two gems lying inside, and was quite satisfied with this harvest.

An hour later, when they woke up, they had disappeared without a trace.

Although this will lead to enmity, Miss Fortune feels that she has many enemies on Blue Flame Island.

Just when she was satisfied and ready to run away with the money, she suddenly felt dizzy and almost lost her footing.

"Drank too much?"

As soon as this idea emerged, she immediately rejected it. How could she only have this amount of alcohol?

As the scene in front of her became more and more blurry, she finally realized that something was wrong.

With support on the seat beside her, Miss Fortune almost fell down. Before she finally passed out, she saw Lu Qi sitting up with sober eyes and a smile.

"Looks like the drama ends here, Miss Fortune."

Miss Fortune's beautiful eyes flashed with disbelief, and finally she closed her eyes and passed out completely.

Lu Qi looked at the unconscious Miss Fortune and put away his smile.

How could he not know about this girl's tricks? He just wanted to finish the show and see her final expression.

From being confident of winning to overturning the car at the last second, his expressions were indeed wonderful.

Miss Fortune woke up with a start, and immediately found that her hands and feet were tied, completely restrained.

She felt her mind was in a mess for a moment, but she quickly came to and clarified the situation quickly.

She remembered that she wanted to drug those two people, but was later drugged by the reaction.

Lu Qi's face suddenly flashed in her mind, and Miss Fortune was shocked and confused. When did this guy tamper with her wine?

How could her misfortune be reversed on such a nobody?

After coming to her senses, Miss Fortune wanted to check her physical condition again, and then her heart relaxed inexplicably.

So far, there are no signs of manipulation on her body.

Although I have never experienced that kind of thing, how can I not see pigs running if I have never eaten pork?

As far as she knows, women feel special pain the first time.

There is no such feedback now, indicating that the situation is not too bad.

"It seems you already understand the situation."

At this moment, Lu Qi's voice came from the side.

Miss Fortune turned around and saw him sitting not far away with a smile on his face and looking at her teasingly.

The position she was tied in was also very embarrassing, with her face facing up and her hands tied to her abdomen. Then comes a position where the legs are lifted and the knees are bent.

In this way, the curve of her hips can be said to be perfectly presented to Lu Qi.

And for her, this kind of shameful posture has never happened before!

It is simply a lifelong shame!

"It's true that I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be different from what you appear to be."

Miss Fortune's tone was cold, less charming and flirtatious. "Do you know me very well? You are the one who is different on the surface, right?" Lu Qi smiled faintly, "If you don't use your mind, we don't have to talk like this now."

Miss Fortune remained silent, and the slightly twinkling eyes showed that she had not given up yet and was looking for a way out of the current predicament.

And Lu Qi was right, and she really couldn't refute it.

Lu Qi looked at Miss Fortune who seemed to be thinking, and didn't say anything, just waiting leisurely.

Miss Fortune soon learned that it was now almost impossible for her to escape on her own.

She gave up, sighed, and said, "Let me go, whatever conditions do you want."

"Are you so sure I will let you go?"

"There is a popular saying in Bilgewater that a dead person has no value. I agree with you that the boat has capsized. I don't think you need it. Just kill me, a thief, right?"

Miss Fortune blinked and seemed to regain her mood again, her charm returning to her beautiful eyes again.

"It's impossible to tell. After all, my temperament is unstable, and you are a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Whether you want to take action or not is only in my mind."

Lucci's threats had no effect. Miss Fortune didn't even blink and remained calm. So he said, "Why don't you tell me what conditions you are willing to give for me to let you go."

It is true that a money-hungry thief will not be punished until death, but naturally Lu Qi will not let this girl off so easily.

Miss Fortune thought for a moment and said, "I have money."

"Do you think I look like someone who is short of money?" Lu Qi chuckled and then said, "Since you have money, why do you want to have bad thoughts about other people's money?"

"Does anyone think there is a lot of money? Why don't you ask those people outside? Their greed is endless."

Miss Fortune said matter-of-factly, "And having money doesn't mean I'm not short of money."

Lu Qi said: "Then tell me the reason why you are short of money."

"Do you need a reason for lack of money?" Miss Fortune asked back. Seeing Lu Qi just sitting there with a smile on her face, she sighed again and said truthfully, "I have a large group of people under my command, and the expenses are not small. And many things require money. If you want to get along on Blue Flame Island, you must have two things, one is money and the other is strength."

"The speed at which this place is swallowing up money is like a huge whirlpool. It just goes in but not out."

She finished speaking in one breath, and because she had maintained this posture, she was breathing slightly at this time, and her plump breasts were rising and falling.

Lu Qi was indifferent to the seductive sight in front of him, and even took a leisurely sip of tea: "What do you want to do with a bunch of people?"

"Can you let me sit up first?"

Although Miss Fortune didn't have to care, she still didn't want to remain this ugly in front of a man.

Lu Qi gave Yu Erna a look.

Yourna stepped forward and helped Miss Fortune up. Although she was still tied up, she sat up and faced Lucci.

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at the two pistols on the table in front of Lu Qi. These two guns were the foundation for her ability to stand in this place.

Now she had to admit that she had indeed fallen into the hands of the guy in front of her.

She was so confident in herself that she didn't even notice how Lu Qi did it.

Until now, her body was still limp and she had no strength at all.

"In a place like Bilgewater, who doesn't have some ambition? Do you think I'm just willing to be a small bounty hunter?"

She took a breath, exhaled it, and then looked at Lu Qi with a pair of almond eyes, "So let me go now, and I will remember your kindness in the future."

"Do you think your words are still sincere?" Lu Qi took a sip of tea and said, "Besides, what I want to hear is the truth."

"The truth?" Miss Fortune was slightly startled, took a deep look at Lu Qi, and then said naturally, "I'm telling the truth. My dream has always been to become the Pirate King."

Lu Qi smiled: "To be honest, I am also a man who wants to be the Pirate King."

Miss Fortune didn't react at the first moment, but she couldn't be that innocent in a place like Bilgewater.

After being stunned for a moment, she reacted, and a hint of sullenness flashed in her eyes when she looked at Lu Qi.

She becomes the Pirate King, and he becomes the Pirate King's man, right?

She took a deep breath, calmed down, and said: "What do you want? My men know that I am in this tavern. If I don't walk out of here in another half hour, I think they will definitely Will be impulsive."

What she said was not a threat, but a fact.

In order to take revenge, she cultivated a group of loyal men. When it was learned that she had not left the Nine Rattles, someone would soon come to confirm her safety.

Lu Qi always said calmly: "I said, what I want to hear is the truth. Your real purpose, you came to us to meet Poloka tonight, is it not just for the bounty, right?"

Miss Fortune's pupils shrank slightly, her micro-expression changed uncontrollably, and she stared at Lu Qi.

If it hadn't been the first day this guy came, she would have even doubted whether he knew something.

For so many years, she has hidden her identity, never mentioned anything about what happened that year, and has never been exposed.

But is this guy so direct? It turned out that she had other plans.

Seeing that she was still hesitant.

Lu Qi took the initiative to guide: "Let's start with your name. What is your real name?"


After two seconds of silence, Miss Fortune chose to speak, and slowly read out the name she rarely mentioned.

None of Bilgewater, not even her trusted men, knew her true name.

Sooner or later this name will see the light of day, but not now.

Now, she just wants people to know her name is Doom.

But the guy in front of her had already overturned her impression. He acted like a smart man, but it was obviously all a disguise.

Miss Fortune, belatedly, finally realized that the guy in front of her was not simple.

After all, there is no one in all of Bilgewater who can undo her drug without saying a word and then drug her in return.

In this way, the bumpy experiences he mentioned may all be false.

Thinking about it this way, Miss Fortune felt that she was really blind, and she was really confused by his overly handsome face.

In fact, she is just pretending to be good-looking. Logically speaking, no matter how handsome a person is, she shouldn't let her be so careless.

But it is also true that the boat capsized in the gutter.

"As far as I can tell, those stories you made up are all false. Miss Fortune, why don't you tell me what big plan you are planning."

Lu Qi drank all the tea in the cup and said with a smile. Yourna beside him immediately gave him another cup.

Sarah looked at Lu Qi, struggled with her eyes, and finally said: "My real purpose is to kill Gangplank and overthrow his rule. I want him to die in shame in front of everyone's witness."

As she spoke, all her charm and tenderness disappeared, and only deep hatred emerged from that beautiful face and beautiful eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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